Outlaws of the old west
  • Ironman2
    Én most vettem meg,tök olcsó most steamen a nyári vásár alatt.Érdekesnek tünik,de ehhez sok emberke is kéne hogy jöjjön online.
  • Ainz
    Contentet már úgy fest ebbe se raknak, kár értem mert megvettem volna.
  • Alanw
    Patch 1.3.2 is live! This build includes a number of fixes for now while other aspects of the game are continuing to be worked on. Thank you everyone for your patience!

    Please see the changelog below:

    Fixed decay timer config not working properly
    Fixed nearby structures being destroyed when support is turned off
    Added always show chat option
    Made world the default tab in chat
    Fixed furnace having an invisible chimney that was allowing it to be accessed from above
    Added the ability to set multiple markers on the map, right click on a marker to change the name, color, set it as the active marker on your compass or delete it
    Removed ability to attach items to mail in PVP
    Added bridge train track piece
    Made explosions spawn on other clients (so they're visible)
    Fixed more rock issues
    Fixed several of map seams
    Fixed dynamite now showing up after throwing the first one in a stack
    Adjusted cost of track pieces
  • Alanw
    Added Battleye anti-cheat system
    Removed prefab buildings (except train station). These will return at a later date as a beginner town on the map like we originally intended.
    Added no clip mode for Admins
    Added ini config option to disable support check when building (currently not working in single player)
    Adjusted collision on larger rocks
    fixed distance rocks that were showing up as ghost rocks
    Adjusted horse slope animations to better follow the capsule
    Re-enabled mesh collision when animals or players die (to prevent clipping issues)
    Removed reference to branches (an unused resource)
    Adjusted position of brick steps so they line up better with other building kits
    Removed (bugged) chicken coop from traveling vendor
    Fixed collision on furnace
    Fixed brick stairs being able to build past stack limit
    Removed extra bigfoot spawns
    Limited mail message attachment slots to 1
    fixed bottles on Target Practice Tier 1 from not showing up after game restart
    Fixed admin ban commands
    Lowered player supply shop storage size
    Made player supply shop destructible
    Limited the number of guards each player can hire
    Added a limit to the number of train stations each person can purchase (to prevent spamming)
    Fixed crafting taking in cue when there's a full space
    Added a name check when creating a character (so players can't make a character with the same name as someone who's already on the server)
    Adjusted gather rates on Hackberry trees
    Potential fix for decorative items disappearing
    Added destroy radial on train stations
    Added owner name to train stations
  • Alanw
    mindjárt megirom a szervernevet csak most 4 féle gamét frissit a Steam :-D
  • vonKurz
    Alanw, te játszol valahol ? egyébként a multkor kerestem a helyet, hol tudnák felmenni egy sziklára, és beleugrottam a kozepebe. egy az egyben, nem mertem letenni oda bázist, hátna tényleg mukodik az anticheat :D de korábban tudom, hogy sok bázis volt "undermap" lényegében mindenkié, egyet láttam is anno, székkel kellett bemenni, de itt nem volt ilyesmi, simán csak keresztulugrottam a falon
  • vonKurz
    hát, kedvencnek nem mondanám, de most az Eu5-n vagyok, az Eu1-l az a baj, hogy népszerű, papíron 100 slot van rajta, de a remek kis anticheat patch óta 18-20 ember felett kibannol, illetve nem enged be... mármint egyszerre ennyien lehetnek, az egész játéknak egyébként az a gondja, hogy kevesen vannak, és csinálni se nagyon lehet semmit, a survival része egy óra, aztán xp farm megy aminek a mellékterméke TNT. többezer TNT, ezt valahova használni kell, szóval poénból szetrobbantanak minden házat az alapokig, aki nincs fent a szikla tetején. innentől pár veterán uldogéll a szikla tetején, 2-3 kezdő meg ha odatéved hamar megunja. namost az Eu1-n sokan elkezdtek játszani, tul sokan, elso nap beengedett, aztán 3 napig nem... alapjaiban van elhibázva a gazdaság amugy, a loszer árát fel kellene emelni 10*re, és akkor mukodne, de igy egyszeruen nem erdemes banyaszni. se...
  • Alanw
    Today is patch day! Thanks for all of your patience! Due to circumstances, we are pushing the patch live right now. As noted, all Official Servers have been wiped in order to successfully implement BattlEye. We apologize for the late patch notes, as the team was working on making sure the changes were good to go until the very end.

    With the patch and introduction of BattlEye, we are also putting Outlaws of the Old West on Sale for 50% off for a limited time! This is our biggest discount yet, so now is definitely the time to move out West if you haven't yet!

    Hope everyone is staying safe during these times!

    View the changelog here:

    Added Battleye anti-cheat system
    Removed prefab buildings (except train station). These will return at a later date as a beginner town on the map like we originally intended.
    Added no clip mode for Admins
    Added ini config option to disable support check when building (currently not working in single player)
    Adjusted collision on larger rocks
    fixed distance rocks that were showing up as ghost rocks
    Adjusted horse slope animations to better follow the capsule
    Re-enabled mesh collision when animals or players die (to prevent clipping issues)
    Removed reference to branches (an unused resource)
    Adjusted position of brick steps so they line up better with other building kits
    Removed (bugged) chicken coop from traveling vendor
    Fixed collision on furnace
    Fixed brick stairs being able to build past stack limit
    Removed extra bigfoot spawns
    Limited mail message attachment slots to 1
    fixed bottles on Target Practice Tier 1 from not showing up after game restart
    Fixed admin ban commands
    Lowered player supply shop storage size
    Made player supply shop destructible
    Limited the number of guards each player can hire
    Added a limit to the number of train stations each person can purchase (to prevent spamming)
    Fixed crafting taking in cue when there's a full space
    Added a name check when creating a character (so players can't make a character with the same name as someone who's already on the server)
    Adjusted gather rates on Hackberry trees
    Potential fix for decorative items disappearing
    Added destroy radial on train stations
    Added owner name to train stations

    Note: The command for disabling building support is: DisableBuildSupport=1 by default it's 0, but setting it to 1 will disable the support requirement for building. This is currently not working in single player, we're digging deeper to find out why but we didn't want to delay this update for that. A fix will be on the way.
  • Alanw
    Van valami kedvenc official szervered hogy akkor aki akar oda menjen magyarként?
  • Alanw
    Today is patch day! Thanks for all of your patience! Due to circumstances, we are pushing the patch live right now. As noted, all Official Servers have been wiped in order to successfully implement BattlEye. We apologize for the late patch notes, as the team was working on making sure the changes were good to go until the very end.

    With the patch and introduction of BattlEye, we are also putting Outlaws of the Old West on Sale for 50% off until the end of the month! This is our biggest discount yet, so now is definitely the time to move out West if you haven't yet!

    Hope everyone is staying safe during these times!

    View the changelog here:

    Added Battleye anti-cheat system
    Removed prefab buildings (except train station). These will return at a later date as a beginner town on the map like we originally intended.
    Added no clip mode for Admins
    Added ini config option to disable support check when building (currently not working in single player)
    Adjusted collision on larger rocks
    fixed distance rocks that were showing up as ghost rocks
    Adjusted horse slope animations to better follow the capsule
    Re-enabled mesh collision when animals or players die (to prevent clipping issues)
    Removed reference to branches (an unused resource)
    Adjusted position of brick steps so they line up better with other building kits
    Removed (bugged) chicken coop from traveling vendor
    Fixed collision on furnace
    Fixed brick stairs being able to build past stack limit
    Removed extra bigfoot spawns
    Limited mail message attachment slots to 1
    fixed bottles on Target Practice Tier 1 from not showing up after game restart
    Fixed admin ban commands
    Lowered player supply shop storage size
    Made player supply shop destructible
    Limited the number of guards each player can hire
    Added a limit to the number of train stations each person can purchase (to prevent spamming)
    Fixed crafting taking in cue when there's a full space
    Added a name check when creating a character (so players can't make a character with the same name as someone who's already on the server)
    Adjusted gather rates on Hackberry trees
    Potential fix for decorative items disappearing
    Added destroy radial on train stations
    Added owner name to train stations

    Note: The command for disabling building support is: DisableBuildSupport=1 by default it's 0, but setting it to 1 will disable the support requirement for building. This is currently not working in single player, we're digging deeper to find out why but we didn't want to delay this update for that. A fix will be on the way.
  • vonKurz
    hali, en játszogatom, az Eu1 szervert néztem, de az teljesen dög, talán tul régi, és sokezer deputy van meg ilyesmi, ja, és földalatti bázisok dögivel, ott az állatok se mozognak, meg ugy általában semmi, másrészt viszont van pár játékos legalább
    pvp-hez lenne kedvem kimondottan, de nemtom igazabol lesz-e ebbol valami még
  • Vesporigo
    Kíváncsi vagyok, játszik-e még valaki ezzel a játékkal. :) Pár hét pihenő után beléptem, a szerverek eléggé kihaltak, single playerben meg nem túl izgalmas. (A teheneket pedig még mindig nem tudtam megetetni... :D )
    Van esetleg valakinek kedve közös játékhoz?
  • Alanw
    Changelog 02/04/2020
    Client Update: 5:00 PM PST
    Estimated Downtime: 1 hour

    Updated Italian, Spanish, Russian and Portugues localization
    Fixed large rocks so players cannot glitch inside
    Massive rewrite to build mesh system that fixes several issues including items floating if a wall was destroyed or items showing that they can be placed but refusing to place
    Fixed collision issue with river rocks in 16.18
    Fixed bigfoot spawning in the wrong area
    Made block list save
    Made wells interactable by anyone
    Added the ability to pick up build actors such as crafting benches and decorations
    Fixed being able to interact with traveling merchants if you found their spawning point
    Added invisibility admin option
    Removed second like of text from signs/building pieces that didn't need a second line
    Changed text "Shot and Hung" to "Shot and Hanged"
    Fixed not being able to sit on a chair on specific floors
    Fixed animalstaminaregenmultiplier ini config option also makes their stamina drain really fast
    Fixed doors dropping down when damaged
    Made guards not shoot merchants
    Doubled Ice spoilage time
    Made crafting multiplier ini option only effect resource items (fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to place items that were crafted)
    Added cost and sale price multiplier
    Made changes to how decay removes abandoned structures to improve server performance
  • Alanw
    Changelog 01/03/2020

    Client Update: 5:00 PM PST
    Estimated Downtime: 1 hour

    Ended Bigfoot Hunt Event...but rumor has it a lonely bigfoot may still be wandering deep in the mountains.
    Made sure on begin play to set target practice bottle back to visible for targets
    Change target multicast to a delay
    Fixed barber sign
    Fixed horse double-spending attribute points
    Increased vertical test when placing building pieces near other structures.
    Adjusted brick forge so it can be placed closer to walls
    Fixed crash when deleting horse as admin
    Fixed AI character attacking while dead
    Traps no longer affect tamed animals
    Made sure a name for horse appear on the server
    Made horse name appear on highlight
    Fixed table and cabinet not being able to place close to walls
    Refresh mail on interact
    Fixed split switching with equipped weapon
    Prevent dynamite exploit
    Remove system message after an hour
    Made resource fully regenerate in an hour instead of 2 minutes for livestock
    Prevent destroy from decay if multiplier is less or equip to zero
    Took out loot bag collision
    Feedback link on the main menu now links to the Discord server
    regenerated collision for tile 8-14
    Adjusted build item health bar
    Disable livestock movement mode change if far away
  • Alanw
    Patch Notes

    Changelog 12/03/19
    Client Update: 5:00 PM PST
    Estimated Downtime: 1 hour

    Adjusted how safes are moved
    Fixed foliage spawning particle on zero size
    Made part health visible on build structures
    Safe can now be damaged properly
    Made safe go to ground on damage and highlight
    Safe will not be destroyed with foundation
    dropping items now make a loot bag appear
    Right click can now transfer seeds to farming beds
    Fix fishing on third person for single player
    Adjusted XP gain for all animals and NPCs
    Admin can delete ali characters
    Fix gmbuff for Single player
    Fix player coordinate when in party
    Added ability to block players in chat
    Fixed names on inventory windows for several benches
    Stairs and Steps are now placeable on triangle foundations and ceilings
    Made train track work
    Lowered train track pieces
    Made listen server save on delete
    Prevent shooting in orbit mode
    Fixed coffee grinder not being movable
    Fixed train track not having collision on server
    Made train relevant on listen server
    Fixed not being able to buy cargo train car
    Fixed triangle ceiling attachment to walled windows and some integrity checks for windowed walls
    Lowered building cost of train track pieces
    Lowered dynamite stack size to 10
    Slightly increased gunpowder requirements for crafting dynamite
    Increased paper crafting cost to 2 wood
    Enabled XP on grinder (1 point per crafted item)
    Increased cost for sand, coal dust, sulfur dust, and salt dust to 2 raw material per crafted item
    Increased grinding time for and to 8 seconds (from 5)
    Tablesaw now gives xp (at a lower rate than originally, 1 point per crafted item)
    Made furnace craft with steel instead of iron bars
    Made Washing Machine craft with Steel instead of Iron Bars
    Made Ceiling lamp (in Metal bench) craft with Bronze instead of Iron Bars
    Made Street Lamp 2 craft with Bronze instead of Iron Bars
    Added bronze to pistol and rifle ammo recipe
    Set double barrel shotguns base damage to 10
    Lowered double barrel shotguns shot count to 8 pellets
    Set winchester base damage to 40
    Set blunderbuss base damage to 7 and pellets per shot to 8
    Set bootleg base damage to 10, ammo capacity to 6
    Increased M1855 base damage to 35
    Set Evans base damage to 25 and capacity to 28
    Set Henry base damage to 35
    Map Fixes
    Fixing missing foliage from tiles
    Enable collision on some objects
  • Alanw
    Changelog 10/28/19
    Items in bold are new changes since the patch was previewed on 10/25
    Bigfoot Hunt event
    Tons of map fixes across the entire playable area and beyond
    Fixed recipes referencing the wrong sugarcane
    Added beam to log building kit
    Added Brazilian Portuguese localization
    Added Korean localization (not 100% complete yet though)
    Removed rocks from peninsula on big lake (x11.y17)
    Fixed issue by lake shore in upper left corner of 11.17
    Fixed incorrect apple blueprint being used
    Added Ice to general store merchant
    Fixed crops not having a chance to give seeds
    Adjusted interaction box of General Store clerk so it is smaller and won't block other nearby items
    Fixed small campfires not cooking meat properly
    Fixed recipes referencing the wrong sugarcane
    Fix save
    Fixed build mesh actor save
    Assigned icons to meals in the stove
    Fixed bottles not showing up in Tier 1 Target Practice
    Setup Furnace so it can 'melt down' the gold pickaxe
    Added new icons for meat variations
    Added icons for the different fish meats
    Fixed spelling of Chili
    Fixed foliage spawner landscape rotation
    MASSIVE server performance increase
    Removed collision on wall torch/candles/lanterns
    Added plant fiber to plants grown in farm beds (Blackberry, Blueberry, Buffalo Berry, Cotton, Hemp, Raspberry and Thimbleberry)
    Fixed farm plot water config
    Fixed Crafting Cost Multiplier
    Fixed durability when sending items via mailbox
    Changed oxygen implementation to prevent sudden health decrease bug
    Fixed Prospector character having a backpack instead of the pickaxe
    Took our radial force from Landmines
    Mailbox now only saves 100 messages (oldest ones will be deleted if new ones come in)
    Added decay timer multiplier to ini configs
    Added Ban by SteamID to admin tools
    Fixed door and window decay
    Increased decay timer to 14 days
    Made train tracks update decay timer on all connected track pieces
    Lowered sfx volume on gun shop vendor's idle animations
    Added global server message to admiin tools
    Fixed fireplace chimney size changing on load in single player
    Fixed female underwear color
    Fixed wagons so they can now ride on bridges
    Fixed radial menu on furnace
    Fixed wall attach so players can no longer place torches or other items on non guild member structures
    Adjusted checks so players can no longer build ceiling or other items near non guild member structures, even if the initial foundation is outside the 'no-build' zone
    Fixed health being displayed incorrectly in single player
  • Alanw

    Changelog 10/1/19
    Client Update: 5:00 PM PDT
    Estimated Downtime: 30 Minutes

    Fixed donkey animation on mine detach
    Fixed Table_02 so it places on the ground/floor correctly
    Made horse detect ground
    Change train stop calculation
    Fixed gold setting stack to what is on split when moved
    Fixed leveling up stat not updating correctly
    Fixed loot percentage
    Fixed cooked fish so it no longer gives health
    Fixed railings on staircases improving the look and collision
    Fixed collision on half steps so you no longer have to jump at the top of the steps
    Fixed building grid setup for half pillars
    Removed dedicated server checks from various assets to fix in single player
    Fixed floating rock in x14y13
    Fixed selling price of sharps rifles
    Adjusted displayed selling price for gold/silver (so it matches what the gold exchange actually gives)
    Added Decay system
    Setup ini configuration
    Added Admin Tools
    Made landmines not trigger on guild members
    Fixed mailbox dupe on server kick
    Fixed hot bar loosing items when auto sort is used
    Fixed exit notification
    Fixed Train stopping calculations so they stop properly at stations
    Fixed gold exchange split stack stealing your gold
    Fixed losing control of your character when using a gamepad and opening a menu
    Fixed single player stats calculations so they don't fluctuate when loading in

    Slightly increased damage on dynamite
    Changed max stat progression to 100
    Added a 20% chance to get tin and copper from iron nodes
    Lowered stone received from iron nodes
    Adjusted drop rate formula
    Made drop chance random
    Made accuracy divide damage on amount of bullet shot
    Increased ammo count for LeMat pistol to 9 rounds
    Increased purchase price of seeds to $0.05
    Lowered selling prices for clothing
    Adjusted purchase price of rawhide and pelt to $0.10 each
    increased purchase price of ammo by $.02 each
    Made healing items percentage based, Aloe restores 2%, Bandages 10%, alcohol bandages 18%, medicine restores 25%, and Snakeoil gives 15% health
    Lowered experience given from tanning rack
    Increased health of bounty hunter's companion bear
    Increased damage dealt by tomahawks
    Increased damage that the bounty hunter with a bear deals
    Increased health of bounty hunters
    Limited all stats to 100 skill points
    Weapon accuracy is now divided by the number of bullets fired so shotguns will get an accurate stat increase

    VFX & Assets:
    Added furnace to metal working bench for deconstructing items just like the Blacksmith
    Added check for calling virtual cursor
    Added Wash Tub and Washing Machine to carpentry bench for future dye making
    Setup stoves so they can now craft the first wave of advanced recipes
    Added variations for recipes in stoves so some of the meals could be made with the different types of meat.
    Added Wine Press (crafted in carpentry bench)
    Added White sugar and Flour to grinder recipes
    Added Onion to general store merchant
    Added 2 new flags to carpentry bench
    Added Mortar & Pestle to carpentry bench
    Added bronze and steel to forges
    Added tar to brick forge
    Added clay resource to stone nodes
    Enabled crosshair when aiming down sights in first person
    Added Adobe to the forges (refined clay)
    Added charcoal as a fuel source to items like campfires and forges
    Setup new meat types and changed the meat given by each animal. Different meat types have different stat values.
    Added phys materials to barn pieces so they play sounds/fx when interacted with
    Updated landscapes with build soil
  • Alanw
    Landmines will no longer trigger on owners.
    Medicine bottles have cooldown now.
    Horse dismount can no longer be used to teleport into rocks.
    Fixed item duplication when two players quickly dequeue crafting.
    Removed xp gain from grinders and table saws.
    Disabled logging on clients to prevent large txt files from long play sessions.
    Fixed random client crash when playing audio.
    Fixed 3D fish missing sometimes when fishing.
    Added destroy to fishtrap and snare.
    Fixed raiding on PVE servers.
    Made standup from chair smoother.
    Added the ability to reset spent points and redistribute them on your character.
    Fixed swaping item duplication.
    Added takeall to fishtrap.
    Changed US flag texture to 34 star flag from 1861-1863

    For full Patch Notes, please refer back to https://steamcommunity.com/games/840800/announcements/detail/1610521070465904495
  • Alanw
    Changelog 8/27

    Removed background server when running single player. All systems updated to work without a dedicated server.
    Fix server memory leak caused by constantly increasing respawn list.
    Fixed 6 different server crashes.
    Fixed livestock houses blocking navigation and not allowing animals to leave/enter even if lassoed.
    Fixed items being repaired when dropped into cooking windows.
    Removed the ability to breakdown ammo as this was being exploited.
    Removed health auto regeneration.
    Added horse auto recovery system, if a horse falls through the ground for any reason it will be teleported back above ground.
    Improved bed respawn tests to prevent spawning into items if the bed is too close.
    Stopped chimneys from being lootable.

    Changed name of Butter Mixer to Butter Churn (so it's more in line with historic naming)
    Adjusted prices of all the items in game to be more in line with costs in the late 1800s
    Changed horse shoe order in Horse Breeder's purchase menu so they're arranged by quality
    Added Mineshafts to mailbox
    Lowered cost of building with plank and barn kits
    lowered spoil timer on berries
    Changed gunpowder required to craft camera from 20 to 5
    Made hunger and thirst decrease at 50% of the current rate
    Reduced cost of rope to 3 plant fiber (from 5)
    Reduced cost of glass mold by 50%
    Set rock resources (stone, iron, coat etc) to respawn in 3 hours instead of 6
    Removed timed dynamite from chemistry bench
    Lowered damage on all dynamite
    Added new occupation labels
  • Alanw
    Javul,rendszeresen patchelik...
  • Gilmoor
    Hol tart ez az early access? Mennyire játszható?
  • Alanw
    ChangeLog 7/2/19

    Mineshaft entrances can now be moved when not active.
    Chicken Coops, Troughs, Beehives and oil pumps can now be moved.
    Made it so you can destroy actors even if their structure id is bad.
    Fixed moving items related to water surfaces.
    Prevented moving items that don't belong on the water to the water.
    Beehive no longer continuously shows green after being moved.
    Fixed issue with vivox leaving voice channels after joining a server when it took too long to load. This was breaking VOIP for a lot of people in towns.
    Fixed placement/loading of wall snap decorations like the bank top.
    Added coffee buff ability.
    Update hotbar number on equipment slot when hotbar item is changed.
    Implemented venom, anti venom and poison purchasable from snake oil salesman.
    Added traveling merchants, Snake Oil Salesmen that wonder the map and sell special items to players.

    VFX & Assets:
    Added color variations to Bull.
    Fixed Cash Machine showing wrong name in Blueprints radial menu.
    Slightly lowered the crazed miner health.
    Made supply shop big enough so players can stand inside.
    Coffee grinder now craftable in carpentry bench.
  • Alanw
    Szerintem bug...lesz még dolga a fejlesztőnek...
  • Tramdriver100
    Sziasztok. Tud valaki arra okosságot, miért nem működik single player-ben a játékom, illetve miért nem tudok nyelvet választani?
  • Alanw
    Changelog 6/25/19

    Added prefab NPCs as individually placable items, available from mailbox.
    Changed mailbox contracts panel to a grid so it's easier to read.
    Fixed guards not being interactable if initially placed on a foundation.
    Added player shop which allows players to place items for sale at a price they would like, and others can purchase from this shop. Players will receive 80% of the profits.
    Added cheat prevention for transferring money to merchants.
    Fixed naming storages not saving.
    Added the zoomed out camera to moving large buildings.
    Fixed crash on single player start or leave.
    Fixed horses using the wrong slot index on their storage, breaking auto eating and drinking.
    Fixed bad server performance after the previous update.

    VFX & Assets:
    Added a new tool (Blueprints) - this tool allows players to build many of the pieces originally found in the prefabs.
    Fixed snake mount not showing up in taxidermist menu.
    Made saloon easier to place.
    Adjusted recipes and crafting time for all clothing items in the sewing bench.
    Fixed clothing selling price.
    Fixed gun clipping on main menu.
    Changed Garden bed to require water every 4 hours.
    Increased health of crazed miners.
    Fixed destroying stairs from breaking foundations.
  • Alanw
  • Vándorr
    Lassan jöhetne olyan update, ami kicsit több életet hoz a játékba :) Jó a sok épület, de lehetne több (változatosabb AI), városlakó esetleg.
    Jó lenne tudni mik a távolabbi tervek, mit akarnak megvalósítani
  • Alanw
    Client Update 5:00 PM Pacific
    Estimated Downtime 30 Minutes

    Change log 6/17/19

    Updated the engine to latest for improved performance and replication/render stability on both clients and server.
    Added saloon building where drinks are purchasable.
    Added drinking alcohol ability which makes characters exhibit drunk behavior.
    Updated Game Translations (Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Dutch).
    Fixed death animation not playing for female characters.
    Fixed door health, they should now have the proper amount of health based on their tier. All old save data doors will be updated as well.
    Fixed tailor UI prices.
    Lowered Miner dynamite damage to be more manageable for players.
    Changed number of hotbar slots to 8.
    Made ice melt 10 time slower when in fridge.
    Added physics material to mine floor blocker to ensure footsteps are heard in mines everywhere.
    Added additional rotation ability to tailor UI.
    Fixed selling calculations.
    Sorted clothing colors to be more intuitive.
    Made clothing saleable to tailor.
    Increased the health of all building pieces.
    Added snake mount to Taxidermist.
    Added hotbar bindings to options.
    Tooltip UI will show correct sale and purchase prices.
    Horses can now be released into the wild through radial options.
    Horse ownership can now be transferred through radial menu.
    Fixed potential crash on hiding UI.
    Fixed rare crash on death.
    Added storage to covered wagon and force net update on interaction.
    Can now sell horses to stable.
    Added notification for selling mounts.
    Fixed auction currency withdrawal and deposit to prevent abuse.
    Fixed fences blocking build objects (like troughs) from being built near them.
    Fixed network issue that caused players to get sent into the void.
    Fixed glitch where entire stack of crafting items can be lost when queued while crafting table is full.
    Fixed crash on placing fences.
    Added the ability to sell guns to the gunshop.
    Fixed beard color issue.
    Fixed clothing color reset when sending through mailbox.
    Added XP gain on harvest from farm plots.

    VFX & Assets:
    Fixed first person movement animations when holding a bucket.
    Removed ability to damage trains.
    Adjusted dry time for all plants to need water every 24 hours (except rice which needs water every hour but grows fast).
    Adjusted grow times for all plants.
    Made rum drinkable like whiskey.
    Adjusted crafting recipes for items in distillery.
    Made Whiskey and Rum purchasable at the Saloon.
    Set selling prices for all the guns.
    Increased water duration in farm plot.
    Adjusted placement height of farm plot.
  • Rocco27
    Ahogy látom, jöttek helyette újabb idióta bugok. Új cucc kraftolása 0 durabilityvel. Fasza. Ablakjaim eltüntek, a szénám tulajdonjogát átvette valaki más. A bug thread izzik a fórumban.
  • Rocco27
    Jaja, több általam is tapasztalt hibát orvosoltak. Valszeg most már jobb lesz játszani, mint ez előtt, de csak 30 percet toltam munka előtt, majd este folytatom. :)
  • Vándorr
    és jó lett? :)
  • Rocco27
    Egész este vártam a patchet, hogy normálisabban játszhassak, erre éjszaka érkezett meg ide.
    Changelog: June 4th - Patch 1.2.1
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Rocco27, 2019.06.05. 08:00:02
  • Rocco27
    Nos igen, guild esetén fontos a tagság, mivel idegenek nem építkezhetnek egymáshoz közel. :)

    Ma patch jön, nagyon várom mert az elmúlt 4 napom sorozatos szenvedéssel telt a rengeteg bug és brutál laggok miatt. Megszámolni se tudom mennyi mindent vesztettem el miattuk.

    Néhány bad story:
    - Megöltem véletlen a magas szintű lovamat. Bontottam a házam és vertem Sledgehammerrel a padlót. 2 fémes hang után sikított a lovam, majd meghalt a következő ütésemre. Csak lestem wtf, mert az kb. 10 méterre állt tőlem.
    - Meghalt egy lovam szomjúságban amit épp tárolónak használtam. Tele volt értékes loottal, valami jelet azért adhatna ha halldoklik, de nem is ez a nagyobbik gond, hanem az, hogy a halott ló testéből nem lehet kivenni semmit sem.
    - Meghaltam bugban, mert nem mutatta az idegen bázisát, belefutva belebuggoltam és beragadtam a levegőbe. Mozdulatlan voltam, nyomtam egy suicideot. Tartalék lóval odafele vágtatva menet közben beestem egy sziklába. Csak úgy tudtam kijönni onnan, hogy a felszínhez közel leszállva kidobott a felszínre. RIP a tartalék lónak is. Odafutva a hullámhoz nem mutatta a játék a testemet, de a lovsmat sem. Vérnyomás felugrott maxra, mert farmolós túráról jöttem épp vissza, ezért csurig voltam mindennel, főleg fémmel és pénz+arannyal, ami kellett a T2 bányához. Sokadik próbálkozásomra végre előtüntek, mire megnyugodtam. :)
    - Brutál szerver laggok miatt a drága építkezésemnél rengeteg nyersanyagot elpocsékoltam, mert összevissza pakolt sok mindent. Mivel a föld alá is került, gyakorlatilag az épület alja bugos lett, mindent le kellett rombolnom és máshol újra felhúznom azokat.
    - Bár csak bountyt vesztettem (nem tudom mit okoz még), de volt olyan is, hogy szerverre való belépésemre kiírta a játék, hogy éhenhalltam. WTF? Nem lépek ki éhezve...

    "Röviden" kb. ennyi, lehet mások is voltak, de most ennyi jutott eszembe. ;)
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Rocco27, 2019.06.04. 13:01:55
  • Zs0olt
    Megoldódott a probléma, Guildbe kellett bevenniük :)
  • Zs0olt
    Sziasztok, mi tegnap kezdtünk el játszani... van egy olyan problémám hogy semmit, de semmit nem enged nekem letenni, mindenki más le tud rakni falakat, akármit. :( Ha van valakinek bármi ötlete szívesen várom, Köszi! :)
  • Rocco27
    Ja ja a játékvilág nagyon bejövős itt is mind a hármunknak. A bugok természetesek egy EA játékban, viszont az nagyon furcsa, hogy rengeteg játéktörő, vesztést okozó vagy furcsa hiányosságok és értelmetlen kraft/alapanyag/balansz rendszer van a játékban és nem tesznek semmit, vagyis de, pár hetente jön egy folt, ami kb. egy-egy új dolgot tartalmaz (pl új épület, esetleg valami tárgy/fegyver is), több kisebb bug javítása, meg persze a szokásos duplikálási exploit javítása, amihez kell vagy kellene egy azonnali WIPE is. Ezalatt pedig a játék szó szerint kihal. Várom, hogy mikor változik a fejlesztők hozzáállását.

    Háziállatokkal nagyjából semmit nem lehet tenni, amelyeket magad fogtad be a természetből. Pl. a tehén nem termel tejet, berakni a saját óljába pedig nem lehet, mert oda spawnol automatikusan, valszeg ez a többivel is így van (csak feltételezem, mert most építem a farmomat, ahol még csak Cow Pen van, a többi később jön). A bárányt viszont meg lehet nyírni, szóval a bárányszőrt tudod gyűjteni. Viszont mind despawnolnak egy idő után, vagy csak éhenhalnak, mivel ezeket etetni egyáltalán nem lehet, max itatni.
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Rocco27, 2019.06.02. 10:16:33
  • Vesporigo
    Megvettem én is pár napja a játékot. Eddig nagyon tetszik, eddig még csak single playerben tolom. Van pár bug, de hát early access. :)

    Befogtam 2 tehenet, de nem tudom, hogy lehet őket megetetni. A lovaknál működik az etetés, itatás, teheneknél csak az itatás van. Pedig van az etetőben mindenféle bogyó, meg méz, azt olvastam, ugyanazt eszik, mint a lovak. Nálatok megy a tehenek etetése?
  • Rocco27
    Bocsi 25% kedvezmény van és nem 20, rosszul emlékeztem. :)
  • Rocco27
    Aki jönne PvE-re és esetleg magyar társaságot keresne, az jöjjön az Official #12-re.
    Tudja valaki mi a különbség PvE és RP között, miben különbözik pontosan?

    Amúgy meg 20%-al akciós a játék most, azoknak akik tervezik megvenni.
  • Alanw
    Sorry a kisbetus hibaert,ahogy lehetoseg lesz a boritokepet is felteszem.