Armored Warfare
#57 azt mondták béta Q3-ban lesz CBT -
Nazarov77 #56 Újabb adag Question and Answer
Remélem az elkövetkező 1-2 hónapban elindul a closed beta, eléggé kíváncsi lettem a játékra, ahhoz képest, hogy a modern tankokat annyira nem szeretem mivel ugyanúgy néz ki az összes, nincs meg az egyediség hanem egy jól bevált sémára készülnek :P
Legutóbbi videó alapján sok érdekes dolog lesz benne pl a lezuhanó szállító repülő,ha jól láttam akkor egy Black Hawk repült 0:33nál stb.
Egy szóval ide vele :D -
#55 -
#54 Én dolgoztam, és most is dolgozok egy játékstúdiónál, mindkettőnél cryengine-t használtunk/használunk, azt kell hogy mondjam, hogy a legjobban optimalizált játékmotor, és ha leveszed a grafikát, akkor sem eltűnnek dolgok (pl effektek, vagy növényzet), csak dinamikusan a felbontását csökkenti a motor.
Van benne automatikus LOD, és textúra készítő, ami a közelben lévő HD modellekből és textúrákból csinál kisebbet.
Ha valakinek van egy 2 magos procija, 2-4 giga ramja, meg egy SM 3.0-s videókártyája 512 vrammal, akkor futni fog a játék. -
Lokker #53 nyilván minimumon sok gépen elfog döcögni élvezhetően -
Dagohun74 #52 A kérdés még csak az hogy mekkora erőmű kell hozzá? -
Malarki #51 Hát ez azért nem lesz olyan könnyű. De ez a modern tankos irány szerintem nagyon jó döntés volt. A világháborús tankokból már telítve van a piac a két játékkal, de ilyen modern tankos játékot én nem nagyon ismerek. -
#50 Can I enter battles with friends in Armored Warfare?
Absolutely! Armored Warfare will have a guild/clan system, and you will have the option of battling individually or in a group -
#49 Ha az biztos akkor nagyon várom -
#48 akkor jó hír:
azon kívül, hogy mmorpg, lesznek benn single, és coop kampányok, küldetések, a hagyományos WoT-os meg WT-s csaták mellett. -
#47 Bárcsak egyszer csinálna valaki valami hasonlóan jó de SINGLE tankos cuccot -
TomDantes #46 Az biztos, a videó alapján a látvány oda basz mind a két tankos MMo-nak. Nagy poén lenne, ha ez a játék lazán lenyomná a másik kettőt.A Wot jobb nem a WT a jobb nem is..de is...bööö..hip hopp Armored Warfare, a másik kettő meg ,megy a sunyiba. Hát ez persze nem valószínű, de érdekes helyzet volna -
Malarki #45 Új trailer: Armored warfare - Shattered World Trailer
Pár perce rakták ki Facebookra. -
#44 én ezt most nem értem :D
minek belőle orosz verzió?
#43 szép volt, most olvastam el a kép alatti részt :DDD -
#42 ezt nézhetjük hivatalosnak? -
nem hivatalos orosz tech-tree terv -
#40 a For the Record-on olvastam, bogy egy Uralvagonzavod nevű tőkés cég Oroszországban, befektetett az Armored Warfareba. Az UVZ meg fogja csinálni az orosz verziót, és a hangokkal, meg az orosz tankokkal (T-72, T-90) fog foglalkozni.
Forrás: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/27/uralvagonzavod-russian-tank-company-to-promote-armored-warfare/#more-12234 -
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#38 pár háttérkép -
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#26 Lefordítottam a FAQ-t de a hülye SG kiléptetett mielőtt elküldtem az üzenetet. Nincs türelmem megint leírni:
What is Armored Warfare?
Armored Warfare is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online tactical military video game that puts you in control of modern tanks, armored vehicles and more! Armored Warfare features stunning next-gen visuals, dynamic destructible environments, customizable vehicles and intense team-based gameplay where players work to crush each other with the power of modern combat vehicles in a free-to-compete experience. Sign up to participate in the beta now at ArmoredWarfare.com!
Who is developing Armored Warfare?
Armored Warfare is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment, one of the world's premiere role-playing game development studios, located in sunny Irvine, California. For more information about Obsidian, please visit http://www.obsidian.net/
When will the Armored Warfare Beta begin?
We have not yet announced any details regarding the start of the Armored Warfare beta. Once we have information to share, we will post it on the Website and on other channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the Forums.
How do I sign up for the Armored Warfare Beta?
You can sign up to participate in the beta on the Armored Warfare website. On the homepage page, click on the "Sign up For Beta" button, and follow the instructions.
What is my goal in Armored Warfare?
Your goal in Armored Warfare is to build the most powerful private military the world has ever seen! As you gain more combat experience and fight through more battles and scenarios you'll meet new characters and suppliers who will give you access to newer and even more powerful destructive machines, improved ammunition and other resources.
Will I be able to customize the Tanks & Armored Vehicles?
Armored Warfare isn’t just about putting you in charge of operating tanks & armored vehicles, you’ll also be responsible for upgrading and maintaining these vehicles. We’re reveal more about how you’ll be able to upgrade your vehicles in the coming weeks and months!
What engine is Armored Warfare built on?
Armored Warfare is built on the Cry Engine. With this engine you can expect true-to-life visuals and destructible environments that adds a new layer of strategy and complexity across every map and scenario where the face of a battlefield could change at a moment’s notice. The terrain is all-important for combat strategy, and it’s up to you to use it to its fullest potential. But beware, not all cover is permanent. Destructible environments mean you can’t hide behind a building forever!
What are the minimum system requirements for Armored Warfare?
We have not announced the minimum system requirements for Armored Warfare. However, we can say that Obsidian Entertainment is developing the game in such a way that it should run on everything from high end PC's to everyday laptops.
What frame rate will Armored Warfare run at?
The frame rate is not locked in Armored Warfare; it will run as fast as your computer can run it. The better your PC the higher the frame rate.
Will Armored Warfare have health bars?
Currently we are working with a hybrid system where tanks have health bars, but can also be disabled in other ways (e.g. destroying a tread). Obsidian Entertainment is aiming to maintain realism while also give players the ability to make informed battlefield decisions.
What kind of Tanks & Armored Vehicles will be available in Armored Warfare?
Armored Warfare is a modern “tanktical” shooter, and will feature tanks and armored vehicles from the 1950’s up to the present day.
What locations are available for battle in Armored Warfare?
Obsidian Entertainment will continue to add new locations for battle as the game gets closer to Beta and while it is active. The goal is to include many different kinds of environments and locations, each with their own unique look-and-feel and challenges. Stay tuned!
What kind of controls are available for Armored Warfare?
We haven't announced a complete list of supported controllers for Armored Warfare, but currently we are using keyboard and mouse. However, our engine natively supports gamepads as well.
How realistic will the tanks and armored vehicles in Armored Warfare be?
Realism and historic accuracy is something we are extremely passionate about, and it's important to us to do these incredible machines justice. Obsidian Entertainment is working incredibly hard to be as accurate as possible with its renditions of vehicles, both in terms of external appearance and functionality.
Can I enter battles with friends in Armored Warfare?
Absolutely! Armored Warfare will have a guild/clan system, and you will have the option of battling individually or in a group.
What languages will Armored Warfare support?
Currently, Armored Warfare is available in English. If/when we add additional language support, we will announce it to the community.
Will Armored Warfare have PvE (Player vs. Environment) battles?
Yes! Armored Warfare features Player vs. Player (PvP) battles, as well as cooperative PvE battles suitable for both solo players and small or large groups.
Will Armored Warfare require a subscription or purchase?
No, Armored Warfare will be free-to-play.
Will Armored Warfare be available on Mac/Xbox One/Playstation 4?
Currently we are aiming for a PC release. If we decide to launch on other platforms, we will announce it for the community.
We will continue to update this FAQ as more questions (and answers!) come up!
With Armored Warfare, Obsidian Takes Aim at World of Tanks -
#22 ott körül mert láttam már t-62 képet valahol -
#21 és valamit lehet tudni, hogy mégis mettől a kortól lesz?
tehát pl mik lesznek a kezdő tankok? T54 vagy T62 esetleg T72? -
#20 fejlesztgetik majd Q2-ben ígérnek betát -
#19 tudunk esetleg valami új hírt a játékról? -
#18 Iranyitott raketa: esetled cod rendszerben killek utan vagy valami feladt teljesitese utan aktivalhato
NV: siman meg lehet oldani este meg fun is
TV: szintugy nem egy jatekban lattunk mar thermos cuccot
Kodveto: siman meg lehet oldani és hatekony is lehet
Halalpontos tuzerseg: ne a wotos artyzasra gondolj hanem mondjuk szogpercenkenti allitasra a realisztikusabb ut fele aztan mar is nehezebb lesz eltalani hiaba oda lo ahova mondod.