#49 Ez maximalisan igy van, de ebbol a videobol ezek nem derulnek ki :) -
#48 háttő a legtöbb mmo szerintem a hiányos és kevés tartalmon bukik meg elsősorban aztán jön a többi mint ez is. -
#47 Nekem nagyon bejon, zsenialis ez a megjelenites. Combat fluidity, responsiveness es az animaciok is hibatlanok (amiken a legtobb nagy remenyu wowkiller kemenyen elhasal...). -
foxxi #46 Elég gagyi hatása van. De ha jó a story és a karakterek története/vezetése, egy próbát majd megér. -
#45 nem tetszik... -
gamebreaker - wildstar gameplay part1
#43 pár weapon model -
#42 ten ton hammer E3 review -
#41 nos ha nem menne akkor nyugodtan vágd hozzám a meghívódat :D -
#40 hehe
"Apparently Caydiem is posting over on the beta forums for Wildstar.
Shes over at Carbine." -
#39 Keress rá cb fórumon a problémára, valószínűleg nem csak nálad fordul elő. -
#38 behivtak a kovetkezo cbre is, amin megint nem tudok majd reszt venni, megy egyszeruen kihal a kliens letoltes kozben es megall, ez csak nalam ilyen fincsi? -
#37 joystick E3 beszámoló -
#36 -
#35 Most egy ideje EVE megy , Exp. Hordából is jöttek oda páran.
Meg War Thunderben tolok néha pár kört.
Nagyjából ennyi. -
#34 Te mivel tolod mostanság? Mmo-t keresek, amivel legalább a wildstar bétáig kihúzom :) -
#33 hát igen a wow aztán ennél sokkal de sokkal jobb...
ööö wait...
#32 Ez egy szubjektív vélemény, mint az enyém, akinek pl. az ilyen stílus a kedvence :) Szóval keep cool :) Ízlésről felesleges vitatkozni. -
HyperMonkey #31 Nem (csak) a rajzfilmes grafikával van a baj, hanem a nyuszimókuslánnyal és a 4 méteres kardjával, meg az idétlenül szánalmas macsó zsoldossal és a szivarjával. -
#30 És igen, legyen inkább rajzfilmes,szinesebb grafikájú mmo end game tartalommal ,mint csili vili elérem a max szintet és semmit nem tudok kezdeni mmo, mint amik megjelentek wow óta folyamatosan -
#29 Nem tudom miért fáj,hogy más mivel akar játszani vagy egyáltalán mi közöd van hozzá, hogy én mivel töltöm el a szabadidőm ?Attól,hogy én játszok vele neked ebből hátrányod származik ? -
#28 Mint tudjuk, sokkal jobbak az ilyen valósághű grafikás mmok, hiszen azok amik óriási játékosbázissal rendelkeznek.
Ja nem. -
HyperMonkey #27 "Nekem a nyuszifülű bige skilljei nagyon bejönnek, ilyennek kéne lenni minden mmo-nak... "
Ilyennek kéne lenni minden MMO-nak?!?!? Inkább az ég óvjon ettől az igénytelen koreai beütésű szarhalomtól. Remélem megbukik minél előbb. Azért korcsosulnak el az MMO-k mert egy ilyen hulladék szarra van igény. -
#26 Abban azért nagyban közre játszik az is, hogy a lootok nem jobbak a 25 fős raid instában, így nincs motiváció, ezt pl. a mai napig nem értem, hogy a blizz miért gondolta, hogy jó lesz. -
#25 igen, akkor nekem is tetszett,de most már annyi alternatíva van,hogy 40 főt összehozni , és ugye ahogy olvastam azt írták,hogy a hc gamereknek akarnak kedvezni,hogy nehezek lesznek, 40 főt összehozni ilyenre eléggé nehézkes lesz. Pl wow top guildek is szinte 10 főst tolják és elég kevés a 25ös guild -
#24 Mindkettőnek megvan a jó / rossz oldala, spec én jobban élveztem a 40 főset. Ma már viszont nem vállalnám be, mert időigényes, így marad az 5 fős dungeon és egyéb core pve content, plusz a pvp mindig is jobban érdekelt, így inkább abba fektetem az időt és energiát. -
#23 Ti mit szoltok ehez a 40 fős raideléshez? Nekem eléggé vegyes véleményem van róla, vanilla wow alatt jó volt, de már azóta annyira casual játékos van, hogy nehéz olyan 40 főt találni aki tud is járni. -
#22 wildstar - a guide to what we know -
#21 updated skill list -
#20 medic, engineer??? -
#19 Class skillek, path skillek, milestones. -
Nephin #18 Az egyik klántársam ma kapott kulcsot, tehát magyaroknak is küldenek. -
#17 kurva ígéretes, régóta figyelem és várom. cb meghívó cseszik jönni :( -
#16 Na, akkor beköltözünk ide is.
There is the possibility for tab targetting for less skilled players BUT they will never be as effective as a free form targetting.
Tab targetting does NOT guaruntee the ability will hit the targetted player. Tab targetting essentially aims you at the target
Telegraphs can be any shape and size. You can even have inverse telegraphs.
The combat system is not based entirely on telegraphs
You cannot cast mid-jump for most spells, but there are some where you can
Abilities are usually resource based/restricted(mana) but are sometimes cooldown based
There is a "basic-attack" mapped to right-click. This basic attack does trigger the global cooldown
Some classes have up to 90% telegraphed abilities. Some closer to 50%
To avoid overwhelming raids, they currently only show your own telegraphs and the enemy creature's telegraphs. I'm assuming they are talking about offensive telegraphs, not heals and buff bubbles. May just have the options to turn it on and off.
Beyond telegraphs, there is the possibility of a character to evade attacks automatically. Likely RNG and stat driven. We have seen this on media demos.
Listening to player feedback to get rid of standard rotations
Trying to avoid "number inflation" to keep damage numbers low
GCD duration (observed from demo) -- ~1.5s (give or take my reaction speed borking it up)
Health does not regenerate while in combat
Tech Shields regenerate a set amount of time after you are last hit (even if still in combat)
There are abilities which specifically target and heal tech shields
There are abilities which ignore tech shields
There are also absorption shields which are "treated differently" than tech shields. Said "magical" so I'm guessing they are cast by a spell/healer class.
Tech Shields are itemized. You will pick up better tech shields as you play.
No current diminishing return on CC, but not ruling it out.
CC's are more powerful in PvE than in PvP. Because of the "breakout system" they can weaken/strengthen CC in PvP without effecting PvE
Always give a player a goal or activity when they are in a form of CC to help them escape (retrieving a sword that was knocked out of the player's hand, player can extend the CC by blocking you from getting the weapon!!)
Interrupt Armor is something that can be cast or applied to you. For example if you want to cast a channeled spell you could cast Interrupt Armor on yourself first.
You can apply interrupt armor on teammates
Interrupt Armor can prevent ALL hard forms of CC(implied not things like slows). The Interrupt Armor is a bar that can decrement down to zero and then you are able to be CC'd.
Telegraph time for abilities are tuned to NEVER be lower than standard latency meaning you should always have the chance to dodge... assuming no delay in reaction time such as 0 people in the world.
Perhaps a bow and arrow class. Little bit of laughter, so give it a small chance of being true.
One of the unannounced classes can spec healing
No healer is definitively better than another. Any benefits of one over another is purely situational.
Stalkers will be less likely to actually be hit when tanking. They are experimenting with giving them a higher chance to "evade" autoattacks.
"Might have pets. Might not have pets. This is redacted" When asked about a pet class
Definitely strong trinity system (unlike GW2)
Currently swapping specs is easy. Player feedback is making them second-guess this.
Tanks and healers still have to worry about positioning and aiming
Dedicated tanks will have a role in PvP
Tank taunts reduce damage of player that has been taunted unless the taunted player is attacking the tank
Tanks are great for holding/assaulting objectives in PvP
Tanks are useful in arenas because they rarely die
Tanks have strong support abilities to further their usefulness in PvP.
One specific tank ability allows him to form a bubble and all allies in the bubble take reduced damage
Healers will not be able to heal indefinitely, will have to be strategic
Healers will add significant survivability in PvP
Hybrid builds are possible. Devs liked to go mostly DPS with a few "pocket heals" on their ability slots for Arenas
Some healing classes are substantially more dependant on telegraphs than others
Mobility differs between classes. Some classes will have no channels. Some abilities simply slow a character while casting.
It is possible to adjust your ability set such that you will have no channels/slows while casting, despite your class.
Abilities on bar should be active -- not buffs. Trying to avoid having abilities with long durations.
WildStar is programmed to allow people to use shields and life as resources (like mana) but they are not currently doing so. It "may or may not" happen.
Potential class ability that lets you swap places with a target. They are "trying out" the ability to see its implications.
Stress test is likely to suck for players, so don't get antsy.
Trying to ramp up amount of beta players quickly
Current beta players are not having their beta names reserved. Reserved names during beta will likely only happen very soon before release
New waves of beta invites will be coming out every couple of weeks
Currently they are NOT showing telegraphs to players in PvP(!!!!). It will benefit you to know what the telegraph for another class' abilities looks like. This is still subject to change.
Can level up character in PvP
Paths will unlock abilities for use in PvP (arenas, battlegrounds, world)
XP/time ratio of PvP should be roughly the same as PvE. Want you to be able to level up with just PvP.
PvP currency is present. Can be used to buy and repair stuff(Warplots)
There are randomized chances to win loot
It's possible for a really skilled player to win a 1v3, 1v4 with similar gear. It is possible for a PvP player to be consistently, overwhelmingly dominant
Will have a "tutorial experience"
eSports a possibility if the community wants it -- Arenas and Warplots.
In PvP classes take a rock-paper-scissors approach to countering each other based on ability skillset chosen
PvP is more strategy focused than burst focused. Currently averages 20s to kill 1v1 assuming no dodging and toe-to-toe. Still VERY much in flux.
No plans to allow custom matches where players can set parameters
Using the same plug-in systems used in housing the devs can add randomized and new content to existing battlegrounds to keep play from getting stale. This probably won't be done until post-launch.
Very likely. Lead PvP designer mentioned it as one of the systems she is involved in
Circuitboard system
Devs are being careful with path abilities. DO NOT want you to feel it's advantageous to re-roll the same char with a different path simply because the abilities may be better.
Raids may have the best loot but not all good gear for PvP will be locked behind top tier raids
They are working on balance such that players can gradually build up their PvP gear
Gear will give a definite advantage in PvP, but skill can overcome gear gaps.
PvP gear progression scheme where good gear is from battlegrounds, great gear is arena, and best of PvP rewards are from Warplots
Warplot gear will give you a decided advantage in arenas
Stats on gear will have diminishing returns!
Everytime there is a new tier of PvE gear released, a new tier of PvP gear will be released
There are two PvP specific stats for gear, limiting the ability for PvP gear to be better than PvE gear. PvP Offense and PvP Defense. You will have a base amount to start and can supplement with gear. These two stats will mostly come from "chips" made from circuitboard crafting.
PvP Offense increases damage against player targets
PvP Defense mitigates damage from other players
Will near definitely have an equipment "loadout" system where you can switch gear sets quickly.
Assault power helps DPS
Support power helps healing
Damage bonuses on gear will be generic +dmg... not anything like +fire dmg
Addons mods will be coded in LUA
API is still in flux but is very robust. "Anything [Carbine] can do with the UI, [a modder] could do with the UI"
Code for the Carbine UI is provided so people can mess with it
Macros will likely be allowed, but nothing gamebreaking
Existing add-ons include a player-made chat mod which allows a player to receive whispers which show up in a window, they can answer the question and it will show up in zone chat (devs were using). Group frames. Friends lists. Gambling.
Two different types sizes of battlegrounds 10v10(10-15 minutes, current average is 11) and 15v15(little longer than 10v10). A 30v30 one is being tested
Unranked battlegrounds are not matchmade by skill or gear level
You will have an ELO rating for your skill in ranked battlegrounds. You will be matched with people of similar skill level
Rallying system boosts everyone to top level character for battleground in stats
No persistent battlegrounds that last for days on end (like Alterac Valley) and they have zero interest in making one
Capture the flag is a current BG type
Next BG rollout to beta will be an attack/defense like TF2 carts and SWTOR Void Star with "their own little twists"
Currently prototyping a domination-style (capture-hold) with an interesting addition at the end
PuG's and premades are possible, but the ELO system allows adjustment for the increased ability
You can have premade groups in battlegrounds
World PvP
PvE server players can flag themselves as PvP
Not any major objectives to do in world PvP "yet"
Open world PvP has no level restrictions (and the planned PvP population plummets ;) ). High level players will not get experience for killing low level players, however.
Implied you get XP AND PvP currency for open-world kills
There are diminishing returns for killing the same player
On PvP servers you are safe in zones controlled by your faction. If you go into a shared zone or an enemy zone, you will be flagged for PvP
Arena PvP
Current sizes are 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5
Arena is not a standard elimination match. They have "team respawn lives" -- each team can have 6 lives and when you die you use up a life
Potential to have game-types, eventually, that are single elimination (no extra lives)
Arena is capped at 30 minutes
Damage taken to warplots is persistent. You will have to repair/rebuild/maintain after battles!
Paths will have influence on Warplot play, more specific than just standard PvP abilities
Warplots is intended for large raids (MAX is 40v40, implying there can be smaller ones)
Presumably more info to come as a dev said she is limited in what she can currently say. Dev seems very excited for the information that is not yet released
Warplot PvP expected to last closer to 45-60 minutes
Players cannot attack/steal items from another player's house
There will be ways for you to "interact" with your friends in your home. "Rainbow deer marriage" :)
Access to your bank from your house
House can offer useful character buffs
Can be "a hub" (possibly portal to various areas?)
House isn't intended for player to "hang out" there permanently
Movement/travel abilities for each class allowing you to get from point to point quicker
Falling damage exists, but is very lenient currently. Affected by gravity
In-game flight still not decided. "We have some cool stuff happening which will effect that decision"
Sprint-double-jump is very important for explorers
Open world bosses that can take up to 20+ players
Possible to make double-jump a factor in raids ONLY if it is obvious
Group Finder
Group Finder tool for Warplots, Battlegrounds, dungeons and "some things we haven't talked about" but NOT Raids. Able to choose if you want to queue only with people on your server. Even in cross-realm the group-finder has an affinity for grouping people on the same server.
Group finder attempts to gather a standard group: 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 DPS.... dungeons are likely 5mans then.
Group finder will teleport you to the dungeon entrance
Will have a "looking for group" channel
Still haven't decided whether they will allow cross-faction communication. Currently disabled.
They are considering limited forms of communication between factions
They are not currently working on a mobile app but they are interested and would like to in the future. This includes interaction with auction house, guild and more
Unable to discuss whether there is a "home base" for guilds -- yet!
Game General
The ability to morph into a deer that farts rainbows will debut at PAX. They were likely not joking ;)
Currently no gambling in the game (betting on PvP). They have considered it but haven't implemented anything else.
Use of game controllers is not officially supported but gameplay is well-suited for controllers
Authenticator being considered as a possibility for account protection
Servers in EU(Frankfurt) and US(Dallas) at launch -- maybe in more locations but they aren't ready to discuss any further.
Mentioned wanting a good gaming experience in Australia -- possible servers in Australia?
Big reveals to come at E3
These guys say "there has been no official announcement of payment model. Even if you think you know something or have heard something."
Will have holiday events
Implication is, thus far, anti-bot measures are limited to the fact that content is dynamic (have to dodge telegraphs, nodes of crafting materials will run away from you). This was coming from the PvP team so there is a good chance their knowledge is limited
maistroni #15 Érdekes lehet a játék attól még, mondjuk ha havidíjas lesz akkor kb 10-15 dollár intervallumig állnám, de ha ftp lesz és a butított változatát próbálgathatom, akkor nem kéne a játék. Mindegy milyen banda menedzseli a játékot, mert mindegyik pénzből él és manapság az emberek lesüllyedtek fizetőgép szintre, szóval ne várjunk többet tőlük se. -
#14 Havidíjas lesz? -
#13 A hivatalos oldalra felkerült egy-két újjabb videò a frakciòkkal, illetve a játékmenettel kapcsolatan. Még bétàt nem kaptam, de a képi világ alapján eddig ígéretes számomra.
#12 -
#11 Upcoming WildStar's Beta Stress Test
Csokis #10