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PvE Szerver: Zaviel, Blightweald, Gelidra
PvP Szerver: Bloodiron
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#5875 Ez most GoS nerf, vagy boost nemtom eldonteni... -
sanyiiiii #5874 "PTS 1.2 ADDITION 1
As a part of the Looking for Group release, there have been a number of updates to instances and item rewards – See below for details!
* You can now use the new Looking for Group tool to queue for Dungeons, Rifts, or group quests with other players on your server!
* The Looking for Group icon has been added to the main menu tray in the lower left corner of the screen, and can also be opened with the default shortcut key 'I'.
* Select from the group roles available to you based on the roles you currently have saved on your character.
* Queue for specific dungeon or expert dungeon groups, or join the random dungeon queue. Once a group is formed, members will be teleported to the chosen dungeon zone.
* Rift and quest groups formed through the Looking for Group tool are not automatically teleported.
* Queue for group quests currently in your or your party members' quest journals from anywhere in the world and find others also looking to complete these quests!
* Additional rewards are granted for completing a random dungeon through the Looking For Group tool - these can be gained up to seven times per week but are not restricted in number per day, so you can do as many or as few as you like each day of the week up to the weekly cap. Save them all up for one day or spread them out; your choice!
* Additional restrictions based on gear also apply to forming groups for tier 1 and 2 Expert Dungeons through this tool.
* Expert Dungeon Plaque of Achievement items have all received a power upgrade. If you already have these items, they will be boosted as well!
* Expert Dungeon final bosses are now guaranteed to drop an Epic item. No more finishing the dungeon and getting nothing but Rare items for the whole run. Epic items still have a chance to drop from the rest of the bosses in the zone.
* Some items have been weeded out of the Expert Dungeon drop tables that were very similar to others so you are more likely to see a wide variety of drops. Additionally, some items now drop from different bosses in order to spread out the range of drops available per fight.
* Your instance and raid lockouts are now displayed on a new Instances tab in the Character window.
* These updates were released in a previous update to the Test Shard. Here is a recap of what has been adjusted and released to Test already. Please let us know your feedback on the Tier1 and Tier2 Expert bosses! We’re continuing to make adjustments to these.
* The health of general population mobs in Expert Dungeons has been reduced.
* Kaler Andrenos: Kaler's Ice Geyser now deals Water damage.
* Expert: Calyx now resets if pulled off of his platform. A blocking wall is also activated at the start of the encounter.
* Expert: Renthar should be less likely to chain high damage abilities on a single target.
* Gronik: Slightly reduced the amount of power Gronik gains over time.
* Cyclorax now uses mana.
* Expert: Adjusted the encounter space around Ryka Dharvos so the lasers can't be so easily avoided.
* Expert: Glubmuk's Poison Bolt should not hit characters fewer than 6 meters from him.
* Expert: Scarn's Wind Buffet no longer ignites smoldering bones.
* Scarn's Smoldering Bones stay on fire longer.
* Incinerator Gerbik now uses mana.
* Non-boss NPCs in Darkening Deeps no longer count toward quests requiring dungeon boss kills.
* Kaleida: Reduced the radius of her crystals' AoEs substantially.
* Oludare: Fixed the targeting method used by Oludare so he won't turn to face a new target while cleaving or rear-kicking (in the face).
* Expert: Sparkwing learns to use his ranged abilities. It's super-effective.
* A number of new Relic quality weapons have been added to Greenscale.
* Prince Hylas: Slightly reduced the absorption amount of Spiritual Barrier.
* Prince Hylas: Modified the amount of damage increased by Avenging Wrath.
* Expert: Players immune to knockback will no longer be immune to Totek's Ancient Fury.
* Expert: Bonelord Fetlorn's Boiling Marrow no longer affects pets.
* Guardians now respawn next to the Messenger of the Vigil.
* Expert: General mob populations have been reduced by a few pulls.
* Expert: Immunity to knockback no longer prevents damage from Konstantin's spikes.
* Expert: Konstantin's Cleaving Strike now has a proper effect radius.
* Expert: Konstantin's Mathosian Fury displays an on-screen warning before use.
* Expert: Players within 3.5 meters of Konstantin receive a 20% damage bonus.
* Expert: General mob populations have been reduced by a few pulls.
* Chillblains: Fixed the targeting on the Elemental spawn, which was not working reliably.
* Luddoghan: Made some adjustments to prevent his ground goo from targeting the tank.
* Rictus: Adjusted how Rictus uses his abilities and reduced some of the associated stuns and stun durations.
* Expert: There is now a text warning when Eliam gains Dark Fury.
* A wardrobe set's icon can be dragged onto ability bars to create a shortcut for quickly changing your character's outfit (similar to Role icons on ability bars).
* Zone and Colossus Events are now easier to find. Zones that have active zone events now have a special icon next to the zone name on the main map. Mousing over the icon will display a tooltip showing the current progress of the event.
* Expert and Raid Rifts now have Achievements!
* Fixed pets losing effects that were on them when teleporting or entering/leaving an instance.
* Toggling auto-attack no longer triggers certain cases of reactive abilities.
* Crag Hammer: Increased the damage of Rank 6.
* PTS BUG FIX: Ward of the Ancestors: The blocker preventing recasting on the same target can no longer be removed by removing the buff.
* Word of Hope: Fixed tooltip to match the new functionality.
* PTS BUG FIX: Healer's Covenant: The blocker preventing recasting on the same target can no longer be removed by removing the buff.
* Steelweave: Now correctly reduces only Physical damage received from players instead of all damage.
* Nature's Touch: Updated ability description to clarify how this works with Lifegiving Veil.
* Lifegiving Veil: Fixed an issue with heals from Livegiving Veil receiving a bonus from Spell Power twice.
* Fixed an issue preventing Corrosion from triggering healing from Livegiving Veil.
* Ground of Strength: Now increases all magical resistances by 125, armor by 70%, makes the mage immune to crowd control abilities, and reduces damage dealt by the mage by 10%. This ability no longer has a chance to proc a stun.
* Static Discharge: Fixed an issue causing the damage portion to retain the effect of buffs that were active when the ability was cast but no longer active when the damage portion triggered. Damage is now attributed to the person triggering the damage instead of the caster of the buff. Static Discharge now triggers off of damaging spells and abilities and no longer triggers off of auto-attacks.
* Slip Away: Should now work more consistently against NPCs.
* Anthem of Fervor: Will no longer be overwritten by lesser buffs.
* ALPHA BUG FIX: Marksman's Pedestal, Sniper's Pedestal: Fixed a tooltip bug where the increased damage with ranged weapons was not displayed correctly.
* Flashback: Can no longer be used when carrying the Fang of Regulos in Black Garden.
* Spike Charge: The Bleed effect from Spike Charge should now trigger Blood Rage on your pet if you have soul points spent in Ranger's Blood Rage.
* Tip the Balance: Slightly reduced the internal cooldown on Tip the Balance.
* Shroud of Entropy: Now shares a stacking group with other damage reduction abilities to keep them from being stacked to unintended levels. It now stacks with Power from the Masses and Imbued Armor.
* Avatar of the Rift: Fixed a bug causing this to increase the damage of Avatar of the Rift's damage shield, Burning Blood, and Elemental Touch by more than was intended.
* Fiery Burst: The damage-over-time component from Fiery Burst will no longer overwrite the same components applied by other Riftblades.
* Burst abilities in general: The debuff component on Burst abilities no longer overwrites debuff components applied by other Riftblades.
* Stand Off: Now properly roots the Warrior in place.
* Phalanx: Duration reduced to 10 seconds, max range reduced to 10 meters. Now applies a debuff that prevents the target from being affected by Phalanx for 60 seconds.
* Forced Recon, Furious Blades: Now only trigger against players.
* Fusion of Flesh: Fixed a bug causing this to trigger off of the Void Knight's own abilities.
* Fixed a bug with Reckless Strike, Rift Tap, and Furious Rage, where they were not generating enough threat.
* Fixed a confusing error in the tooltip for Call to Entrench.
* Ancient Wardstone quests in Droughtlands now with 100% more actual rewards!
* Dabbling in the Forbidden: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the Ritual Altar to not be usable.
* Expert Dailies have been moved to Epoch Plaza and are now given out by Lord Olangdon.
* Whispering to the Winds: Fixed the second objective for this quest so it can be completed.
* Past is Prologue: Simplified how this quest is available - now offered by Donal Sumptor immediately after completing 'Rise and Fall'.
* Black Garden: Riftstalkers' Flashback can no longer be used while carrying the Fang of Regulos.
* The Battle for Port Scion: The stacking buff Sourcestone Empowerment, granted from turning in Sourcestone, no longer reduces damage taken.
* Reduced the favor cost of Cultist's Focus to 8550 Favor. It was previously priced as a 2-handed item.
* A number of new recipes have been added to the Artisan Stores.
* Blazing Resistance Runes are now Epic quality. Sharp Runes and Accurate Runes are now Rare quality. These recipes have had their ingredient cost adjusted to reflect the updated rarities.
* Minor Catalysts now only drop from Elite or dungeon mobs.
* You can now click on the Loom in Lantern Hook to open the crafting window.
* The Artifact pane of the Character window now has a built-in search – search for the artifacts you’re missing, or search for the collections themselves!
* You can now click on an artifact or empty artifact slot in the Artifact pane while viewing the Auction House to search for that item.
* Bandwidth optimizations." -
#5873 -
#5872 off: Amikor valahol akciósan adják ott még meggyötrik az eladót, hogy nagy mennyiségben olcsóbban adja nekik. Így a nagy mennyiségű vásárlásnál már ki tudnak sakkozni olyan árelőnyt ami azt eredményezi, hogy olcsóbban tudják eladni. Aztán a már említett nem hivatalos/szürke források. Nem minden kulcs legális úton jut hozzájuk, bár erre semmi bizonyíték. Volt olyan időszak amikor néhány steam-es kulcsot letiltottak utólag, de akkor csak azért tették, mert területi előnyt szereztek vele (egyes régiókban akciósan sokkal olcsóbb volt az adott játék és azt nem lehetett volna más régiók számára értékesíteni, de ebben a steam volt a hunyó, mert nem tiltották más régiókból a kulcs beregisztrálását). A G2Play természetesen cserélte a kulcsot és kárpótolt mindenkit extra játékkal! (Adtak egy teljesen más játékhoz is eredeti kulcsot, hogy így kárpótolják a vásárlóikat a kellemetlenségekért) Nem csalók én már többször is vásároltam tőlük. Az nyer aki olcsóbban adja ez van ebben a csúnya világban. -
#5869 koszi a valaszokat. -
sanyiiiii #5868 Warriornál mindössze annyi a korlátozás hogy az ütések nagy része egyátalán nem veszi figyelembe a második fegyver dpsét.... Néhány paragon attack igen, amikhez kell a dual wield, dual strike, path of the raptor (de ez így is nagyjából egy szinten van a rising waterfallal 2 t2 fegyverrel, fegyver upgrade után további tesztelésre szorul, de legalább elég tisztes ranged attack), path of the tempest (ezt legfeljebb akkor akarod használni ha lövöldözöl és sli meg sb is cd-n van, még a punishing blow is többet sebez), path of the hurricane (ez jó) , paired strike (ez is jó), és flurry (szintén nem lenne rossz, de az 1 perc cd és a sok pont miatt nem igazán éri meg).
Az összes többi ütésnél az offhand csak stat-stick. -
#5867 Dual wieldnél nagyobb az esélye annak hogy nem talál az ütésed, de azt nem tudom hány % ez. Talán egy fegyvernél 5%, két fegyverrel meg 10% vagy valami ilyesmi :) Más korlátozás nincs. Main handben meg minél nagyobb dps legyen, az hogy mettől meddig sebez semmit nem számít, csakis a dps. -
#5866 igen, de olyasmire gondoltam, hogy ebben a jatekban van-e barmifele korlatozas az offhandben levo fegyverre? Pl: ha offhandbe teszed akkor a megadott DPS-nek csak a 75%-at szamolja, mig main handben 100%-ot; vagy mint Aionban az offhandben levo fegyver p.crit erteket nem szamolja a jatek. itt van valami hasonlo? -
#5865 bizonyos infók szerint nem feltétlen legális a forrás.
legalábbis volt már rá precedens. -
#5864 hogy tudják ilyen olcsón adni ezeket ha még első kézből is drágábbak? -
#5863 :O -
#5862 Hmmm... :)
killerkocka #5861 Statok állandók maradnak, max a te dps-ed javulhat, ha mainhandben erősebb van, mivel abilitykkel ütsz alapban, azok meg instantok. Ha lövöldözős rugó, akkor meg édesmind1 kb. -
#5860 Hello,
Tudja vki esetleg, hogy a fegyver dps-e, illetve a statjai modosulnak-e, ha nem mainhandbe, hanem offhanbe van rakva? -
Gyogyito #5859 Hosszas munka után elkészült a kasztok soul-jainak fordítását tartalmazó sorozatunk első része, amely a Warrior soul-okkal foglalkozik.
Erre tessék!
A kitűnő fordításért köszönet Jandra-nak! -
#5858 Nem tudom leszedni az OST-t, mert mindig megáll Flac-ben :( Pedig abban lenne az igazi. -
#5857 6592 Huf a Rift a G2play-en, ha valakit érdekel, ez ugye eredeti és 30 napot tartalmaz. (gondoltam, ha valaki meg akarja venni annak jól jön ez az infó) -
#5856 -
Rifthungary #5855 Sziasztok
Felkerült az oldalra Nyuszi jóvoltából (stílusosan) pár raid teljes leírása, reméljük segít minden csapatnak.Dobjatok egy lájkot Facebook oldalunkra a nyuszinak köszönetképpen.
Elég részletesre sikerült, (képeket még igénylünk hozzá..) és alapos munka.
Üdv: Cyan
Rift Hungary Raid Guide-ok 10 és 20 fős raidek. -
#5854 Pull után 2-3 cp-nél felrakni a riftguardot, aztán phantom blowból 3, guarded steel, ezután planar strike és phantom blow, ha épp lejönne a mobról. és mehet 5 pontos riftguard és guarded steel végig. Több mobnál CD-n kell nyomni a rift disturbance-t, shadow blitz-t és planar attraction-t. Harc milyenségétől függően meg rá kell érezni a planar refuge és a scatter the shadows használatára, de ezek inkább pluszt adnak, nem kötelező.
Ha ranger helyett egy blade dancert raknál akkor false blade finisher is szóba jönne, amit guarded steel után 5 pontosan lehet felrakni. 5% dodge plusz 5%dodge a false blade-ből lehet jobb mint néhány attack power meg 5% hp.
A pull meg mindig szituáció függő, több mobnál shadow blitz+rift disturbance, esetleg egy cadence után és akkor meg is van a 3 cp a riftguardhoz. Egy mobnál is lehet cadence-el húzni. Vagy planar switch és cadence. Planar switch hasznos az elején főleg de harc közben is használható akár cd-n.
#5853 valaki erre a buildre leírna egy jó tankolós rotát mert még csak ma kóstoltam bele? -
#5852 ost remélem nem szegek meg vele semmilyen forumszabályzatot. -
DragonKnight #5851 Engem érdekelne. -
#5850 Ha valakit esetleg érdekel sikerült megtalálnom a játék hivatalos OST-t. -
DragonKnight #5849 Én mint hardcore casual játékos. (Még mindig csak 43-as vagyok az első karin), csak örülök annak ha lesznek daily dungeon questek. Hiszen amúgy csak a masszív szólózás maradt. Raid-re és egyéb csoportos content-re már régóta egyre kevesebb az esély, a szerver populáció 80%-a a két utolsó zónát farmolja, a csoportos dungeonokba pedig expert PUG nem nagyon létezik.
Szóval nagyon kell a daily quest amit szólózni is lehet. -
#5848 On Looking for Group Tools
One of the biggest improvements with the update is the addition of a Looking for Group tool. This was something everyone wanted, Hartsman said, but the team refused to rush it out the door in poor shape. It does what you would probably expect: Players can queue up for an instance by role (the system recognizes which builds you have and offers options for tank, healer, support and DPS) and then wait as the tool assembles the group for a cooperative adventure. Once a group is formed, the system thenn throws them into the maelstrom automatically. The LFG tool isn’t just for dungeons, either; it’s designed to help players get together for world quest content like epic or arena quests.
The LFG tool will come in handy in conjunction with 1.2′s improved daily dungeon system. Trion’s tweaking the daily dungeon quests so that you can either do one per day or let them pile up so you can knock out a bunch at once. Hartsman said that this caters to the “weekend warriors” who want all of the special rewards of daily dungeons but can only make time for them once a week. The game will store up to seven daily dungeon quests for you at a time.
On the Wardrobe System and Cosmetic Gear:
Another huge addition with this update is an appearance system. Now players who are dissatisfied with how their characters look can slot good-looking cosmetic and armor pieces into outfit sets that will override their current armor. As a result, Hartsman said that we should see a rise in the amount of cosmetic gear seen in the game. The team is working on creating cosmetic theme sets for zones; for instance, Iron Pine Peak could have a snow ninja set while Shimmersand might feature a desert warrior outfit.
10-Man Dungeons:
As a good portion of the playerbase is at max level, something Hartsman and the team planned on for this point in the game’s lifespan, the team is slaving away at plenty of new endgame content. One of the new types of level 50 challenges coming in this update is the addition of “slivers,” 10-man raids that can only be seen in the world if you’ve used an Ascended Power that reveals them. The first sliver is called “Gilded Prophecy” and will have you fighting Golden Maw cultists from another reality amid a huge sandstorm.
Tower Defense and Other Zone Events and Activities:
In the past Trion has said that it’s only just started to scratch the potential of the dynamic event system, and with 1.2 Hartsman says we’ll finally go deeper. The team’s created three additional types of zone-wide events for high levels, including a “tower defense” event where you have to control strategic locates, an “escort” event to protect moving resources, and an event in which players can summon their own Colossus to defeat the Colossus of the enemy.
Mind lájkolós dolgok. Massziv patch. Az a jó, hogy itt az első fél/1 év nem a bugfixekkel megy el :D -
#5847 Új skinek berakására lesz nem tudom miért írta lent azt, hogy gear setupra lesz... -
#5846 cserélnék rift accot.
sagespire 50 cleric-et (defiant), steampike guardian 50-re. class mind1 :) -
sanyiiiii #5845 Another huge addition with this update is an appearance system. Now players who are dissatisfied with how their characters look can slot good-looking cosmetic and armor pieces into outfit sets that will override their current armor.
Jimbo #5844 Rift acc eladó, érdeklődni SG belső üzin. -
maniac001 #5843 Ha a wardrobe csak a gear setup tárolására lesz jó, akkor minek kapunk új skineket gearekre? Nem értem. Kár hogy így van, jó lett volna ha skint is tartja. -
#5842 Tele szaftos kis 1.2es infókkal. Nagyon jó patchnek néz ki. -
#5841 "The most exciting part of the interview came as Hartsman opened up about the upcoming Update 1.2, currently scheduled for May 4th"
Itt a teljes interjú -
Gyogyito #5840 Új guild alakult a Steampike shard Defiant oldalán. Itt olvashatsz róluk:
In Aeternum
Sok sikert! -
#5839 és ma meglett :)
#5838 Szóval slot a gearnek és a skinnek. :P Mert azoknak cseréjére (mentésre és töltésre) eddig is volt gyors és egyszerű makroja... csak nem volt hozzá külön fenntartott hely, ami nem az zsákban van... Mondjuk azt is írják hogy kapunk új divatos (skin) cuccokat áruló npcket. De a lényeg tényleg kb annyi hogy lesz még több szabad hely. :)
És a dps/support/healer váltás nekem eddig is egy gomb volt ;P -
#5837 nem azért de wardrobe nem a kinézetet tartja, hanem gear setup-okat tudsz menteni és könnyen váltani (tankoláshoz és dpseléshez pl). le is van írva, csak senki nem olvasta el szerintem a pöcsnótot :D -
DragonKnight #5836 [URL=http://rift.variance.hu/2011/04/22/hotfix-20-patch-note/]HOTFIX #20 PATCH NOTES[/URL]