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PvE Szerver: Zaviel, Blightweald, Gelidra
PvP Szerver: Bloodiron
Megkérek mindenkit, hogy normális hangnemben fórumozzon,
trollkodásért, fórumképtelen magatartásért büntipont / szélsőséges esetben kitiltás jár!
eXequtoR #5995 Ejj aranyos Ranger buff :) Ezzel a shadow fire buffal hasznalni lehet majd az 50 epic tokenes spec planart is (100 ap) -
Tindalos #5994 Mindenki? Ez azért nagy túlzás... (Soha nem lesz olyan játék ami mindenkinek kivétel nélkül megfelel.) -
whisper #5993 Nem értem mért hagyja abba mindenki. egy kár hónapos játék . esélyt nem adnak neki. kár pedig sz.tem jó játék! -
#5992 Eladó digitális account 50-es cleric 31-es mage (Defiant) -
EU - Blightweald szerón: 5 ropi. Írj ha érdekel. -
DragonKnight #5991 Köszi, látom már fixálták is a patch note-ban :D
sanyiiiii #5990 PTS 1.2 Patch Notes - 5/4/11 - Addition #3
* Corrected party pet portraits displaying incorrectly when zoning in or out of Dungeons or Slivers.
* You can now use social emotes, even with a partial name match, to display your emote at another player in target range regardless of whether you actually have that player targeted. (ex: /wave Joe to wave at Joebob, even if you have Mary targeted.)
* Mana and Health potion drop rates from mobs have been reduced. They can still be purchased from your friendly local Apothecary friend or Auction House!
* You must wait 10 minutes after your LFG tool party forms before being able to vote-kick a member.
* Reduced the amount of Planarite awarded by individual Invasions and Footholds during zonewide events. Slightly increased the amount of Planarite awarded in general from Rift content of levels 10-14 to keep it in line with the 15-19 range.
* Increased Planarite cap from 30,000 to 60,000.
* You may now purchase Expert and Raid Rift Lures if you have the required Planar Notoriety of the appropriate type - or purchase husks which no longer have a Notoriety requirement to obtain.
* Anti-Planar Augmentation and Holy Champion now properly self-cast even when the auto self-cast option is turned off.
* Call of the Ascended: Now properly costs 3 Planar Charges. Will no longer prompt living people with a resurrection window.
* Decreased the PvP movement/control effect immunity timer to 24 seconds, down from 30, for additional testing.
* Queued abilities will now be cleared when casting another ability, even if you cast one off of global cooldown. This will stop queued damaging abilities from doing things like breaking stealth if Slip Away is used in combat.
* Channeled abilities will no longer interrupt themselves, or be interrupted by attempts to use another ability that fail. If queuing is enabled, they will be queued for next cast. Otherwise, the second use while the channel is under way will be ignored. This is a server-side queue and not impacted by client lag.
* Reactive abilities whose target has moved out of viewable range will no longer leave a sad, orphaned reactive ability icon on screen.
* Reduced the Dodge bonus for the Insubstantial ability used by Ifrit and Djinali NPCs.
* Increased the base values of AoE damage reduction abilities on pets. They each now reduce AoE damage by 65% + 1% per point spent in that soul. Affected abilities are:
- Summon Greater Primal Companion [Beastmaster], Forest Blessing [Druid], Greater Elemental Affinity [Elementalist], Ancient Tomb [Necromancer], King of the Jungle [Ranger].
* PTS Fix: Corrected a typo in the new tooltip for Ethereal Shell.
* PTS Fix: Blessing of the Martyr: Now lists the correct 5 second internal cooldown on the description.
* Impale: Now gains additional damage bonuses from Attack Power.
* Physical Trauma: Now increases your Final Blow damage by 4-8% on targets affected by Impale.
* Verse of Rebirth - New Ability: Brings the fallen ally back to life and restores 20% of their health and mana. This ability cannot be used while in combat. Available with 36 points spent in Bard.
* Not actually renamed to Bladddancer.
* Due to the below changes, characters with Soul Points spent in Bladedancer will be given a free soul respec.
* Blade Finesse and Combat Expertise: Traded positions within the soul tree.
* Blade Finesse: Now increases the Attack Power bonus for Deadly Strike by 50-250%.
* Deadly Dance: Bonus increased to 7-21% and can occur up to 3 times.
* Against All Odds: Now also triggers from Silence effects.
* Master Archer: Now scales up in damage with the number of points spent in Marksman.
* Sniper Training: Now gives a 7-21% bonus.
* Deaden - New Ability: Blasts the enemy, interrupting casting and silencing them for 5 seconds with a successful interrupt. Not affected by global cooldown. Available with 24 points spent in Marksman.
* Pedestals: Leaving a pedestal now applies a 15 second buff of the Pedestal's bonus, which will wear off unless you re-enter.
* Shadow Fire: Now increases the damage of Ranger attacks by 35%.
* PTS Fix: For reals - ALL traps will no longer follow you when zoning into an instance or using a porticulum. Sneaky traps.
* Shield of the Hero: Will now properly be removed by abilities that remove buffs.
* Power from the Masses: Corrected a bug that caused this to trigger on auto attacks.
* Avatar of the Rift: Fixed a bug causing this to modify Attack Power contribution by too little.
* Insatiable Hunger: Fixed an issue where this wasn't being triggered.
* Ravenous Strength, Ravenous Defense: No longer incorrectly last through death.
* Rift: Jakub's Second Battalion: Fixed an issue causing the Aurarch to hulk out and be pretty much un-killable. He's not quite so angry anymore.
* The power level of tier 2 Expert Dungeon items and Raid items have been upgraded. This should more clearly differentiate later Expert Dungeon gear from early Expert gear, as well as Raid items from Expert Dungeon items.
* Majolic: Blood Crystal health slightly reduced.
* Majolic: Blood Contagion can no longer affect pets.
* Standard: Corpse Eaters no longer provide experience or drop loot.
* Expert: Tegenar Deepfang: Cocoon health slightly reduced.
* Expert: Scarn: Searing Heat damage slightly reduced.
* Expert: Ereetu: Firestorm damage slightly reduced.
* Expert: Konstantin: Spike Trap damage slightly reduced.
* Expert: Fae Lord Twyll: Fae Chill damage reduced.
* Decreased the PvP movement/control effect immunity timer to 24 seconds, down from 30, for additional testing.
* Rare Sourceshard planar currency can now be traded for Planarite at Rare Planar Goods vendors.
* All relic weapons out of Greenscale's Blight and River of Souls now require level 50 to equip.
* Illusion: Ethian Monk and Illusion: Mathosian Vanguard now have a 60 second use cooldown.
* The loot window now closes upon the first click of 'Take All' while Runebreaking and Salvaging.
* Looting items individually from Runebreaking and Salvaging will no longer play the sound effect for each item.
* Added a more appropriate error message to the crafting item drop quests to indicate if you have already completed the quest.
* Crafting an item no longer displays a loot message to party members.
* Corrected the description for the Augment, 'Sobek Eye', that incorrectly said Parry.
* Fixed quest text for 'A Peerless Leather' that referred to the wrong items.
* Workorder: Titanium Sabatons: Now states the turn-in location of the quest, which is Chancel of Labors.
* Raidframes no longer show players as 'dead' when they zone.
* The client no longer crashes when running Avast antivirus! -
sanyiiiii #5989 Igen ez itt a vicc helye, és a Riftbladd typo-ra utalás (amikor az elso soulos questet kapod ott van így.
#5988 mire gondolsz? -
#5987 lol tényleg most nézem :D -
DragonKnight #5986 "Soul renamed to Bladddancer"
Ez itt a vicc helye?
#5985 Hey all,
Just wanted to give you a quick look at the upcoming Rogue changes, these should go to TEST with the next patch either today or tomorrow. Please try them out and give us your feedback.
-- Master Archer now scales with Points in Soul
-- Sniper Training now gives a 7/14/21% bonus
-- Added a new ability at 24 points Deaden: Blasts the enemy interrupting spellcasting and silencing them for 5 seconds on a successful interrupt. This ability is not affected by global cooldown.
-- Leaving a Pedestal will now apply a 15s buff with the Pedestals damage bonuses
-- Shadow Fire now increases the damage of Ranger attacks by 35%
-- Impale now gains additional bonuses from attack power
-- Physical Trauma now increases your Final Blow damage by 4/8% to targets affected by your Impale
-- Soul renamed to Bladddancer
-- Bladd Finesse now increases the Attack Power bonus for Deadly Strike by 50/100/150/200/250%
-- Deadly Dance bonus increased to 7/14/21% and can occur up to 3 times
-- Bladd Finesse and Combat Expertise swapped positions in the Soul Tree
-- Due to changes to the Bladddancer a free respec has been give
-- Added a new ability at 36 points Verse of Rebirth: Brings the fallen ally back to life and restores 20% of their health and mana. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Pedastel végre úgy ahogy használható lesz, MM sebzésnövelés, interrupt skill, bard res. Mi kell még! :D -
DragonKnight #5984 Kivételek mindig vannak.
#5983 márakinek... -
DragonKnight #5982 Elérhető a patch note és hajnal 2-kor kapjuk meg.
#5981 Press Release - RIFT™ 1.2 “THE SPOILS OF WAR” COMING MAY 10TH
Latest Update Adds Facebook Integration, New Raid Content, and More!
Trion Worlds announced today the second major update to its popular MMORPG Rift™ hits servers on Tuesday, May 10th. In Rift 1.2 “The Spoils of War,” Trion adds Facebook integration, a new type of instanced content called a “Sliver,” additional zone events, and several in-game features, including a Looking-for-Group system, an additional role, and a Wardrobe.
With Facebook integration, players can open a rift from the Plane of Bragging Rights by updating their profiles with screenshots, YouTube video links, and Achievements directly from in-game. The update also introduces “Slivers,” 10-person raids that put players in alternate realities where invaders from the planes have “won” and Ascended must fight to set things right.
In advance of Rift 1.2, Trion is kicking things off today with the Spoils of War prelude. Earth and Fire rifts are opening unexpectedly all across Telara, spilling forth mysterious fragments of golden dragon eggs along with the usual monstrosities. Daily quests in Meridian and Sanctum offer special rewards to those Ascended who attempt to solve this planar conundrum.
Full list of Rift 1.2 Features:
Facebook Integration – Post updates, screenshots, or Achievements from Telara directly to your Facebook profile!
Looking for Group– Automatically form groups for dungeons, rifts, and group quests. Complete random expert dungeons for additional bonuses, both for the daily player and the weekend warrior!
Wardrobe – Players can configure up to five outfit slots to choose between - look however you want, and break out those costume items.
New Ascended Powers – Omen Sight (Guardian) and Quantum Sight (Defiant) reveal openings to Slivers and even more in the future.
Additional Role – By popular demand, players can purchase a 5th role for even more class flexibility.
Many UI Improvements –Auction House, Crafting, and Artifacts all receive useful new refinements.
New Content in Rift 1.2:
Gilded Prophecy Sliver – Rift extends its support of 10-player raids to this new type of instance! Fight against Golden Maw cultists from another reality to prevent them from gaining relics of vast power.
New Dynamic Content – Two new raid rifts, one new expert group rift, rifts specifically designed around rewarding crafters, and easier access to expert group rifts.
New Zone Events:
Planar Chill – Control strategic locations in Iron Pine Peak against planar onslaught
Scourge of the Sands – Defend precious resources as they are moved to critical locations in Shimmersand Desert, then launch a counter attack
An Eye for an Eye– Guardians and Defiants summon their respective champions in order to defeat the Colossi in this end-game brawl.
***Download new Gilded Prophecy Sliver screenshots here: http://trion.gamespress.com/default.asp?p=1&i=859 -
eXequtoR #5980 Esetleg test shardon próbálta vki a 10es raidet? Már, ha elérhető volt. -
#5979 Juj de izgi. :)
#5978 Eventet patchelik be -
DragonKnight #5977 De az USA shardok már most kapnak valami update-et.
"* Incoming NA Region Update - 1.12 - 8:00am PDT 5/4/11 **
Good evening!
The NA shards will be coming down to receive the 1.12 update at 8:00am PDT tomorrow, 5/4/11. The estimated downtime is ** 30 minutes **.
Patch notes will be updated on the game patcher and here on the forums.
I'll be back in the morning with status updates during the downtime!
" -
DragonKnight #5976 Ja, de várjuk meg mire az usákoknál is jól benne leszünk a napba. Szerintem mi a patchet - ha jön - csak valamikor hajnalban fogjuk megkapni mint rendesen.
maniac001 #5975 Ma 4-e van de semmilyen patch vagy event nincs. -
DragonKnight #5974 Amúgy úgy tűnik befoldozták azt a rést, hogy UK ország megadásával lehetett magyar bankkártyával fizetni, angol árakon. Nekem meg még egy pár embernek, akinek az első még sikerült annó, a második már valószínűleg nem fog.
Úgyhogy még jobb hogy októberig "akciósan" elő van fizetve.
DragonKnight #5973 http://rift.variance.hu/2011/05/04/rift-1-2-spoils-of-war-prelude/
Nem szarral gurigáznak a fiúk. Nehogy már ne érje meg megint előfizetni :D -
Laroa #5972 Akkor elbúcsúzhatsz a founder's price-odtól ha volt -
Laroa #5971 Szerintem majd én eldöntöm, hogy a mi a jó nekem. Ha szükségem lesz a tanácsaidra, akkor majd alkalmazlak mint életviteli tanácsadóm jó pénzért. -
#5970 Elvileg azt írták, hogy már jó... -
#5969 Nekem ugye emiatt nem volt aktív, tehát cancellezni se tudtam. :) -
#5968 en nyomtam egy cancel subscription-t, majd utana ugyanazzal a kartyaval megujitottam az elofizetest. egybol jo lett.
#5967 Nekem is ugyanez volt tegnap. Próbáltam az account oldalon, ott se fogadta el. Úgyhogy amíg nem csinálják meg, nem logolok és nem fizetek, ennyi. Hirtelen felindulásból vettem egy 8 slotos bankládát a Fallen Earthbe, érdekes módon ott elfogadták a kártyámat. :)
Ennyi. :)
#5966 Ez bünti volt azoknak akik nem bíztak eléggé a fejlesztőkben :D "Teccettek" volna fél évre befizetni már az elején :) 10880 Huf nem egy nagy összeg, és mint látható sok problémától megóvja az embert :D -
#5965 bocs, de szerintem senki nem hal bele ha nem kockul pár napig még jót is tesz:). kibannolták wow accomat 2 hónapja kb 5 év játék után (archeology botozásért, pff az a prof hányás) és nagyon jól elvagyok nem is gondolná az ember amíg rá nem kényszerül a "szünetre". -
DragonKnight #5964 Szóval aki most vett GTC-t mert nem tudták a kártyáját terhelni az legrosszabb esetben most még fizet egy kis extrát.
#5963 "Hi everyone,
This morning we discovered a billing error which has caused some subscriptions to not properly renew during our routine billing cycle and receive Error #2009 when attempting to log in or received an email stating there was a problem with their subscription. We have resolved this issue so no further players are impacted.
Currently, we are working to resolve the issue for those whose subscriptions were not properly renewed and affected by this bug. At this time no action is needed on your part if the billing information provided to us is correct.
Thank you for your patience - we will provide any necessary updates here as the investigation continues."
forrás -
DragonKnight #5962 Felült a trion a szopófára
http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?181363-Account-Billing-to-Invalid-card -
DragonKnight #5961 "Spoke to Trion. They are having serious billing issues and are currently working on it. They didnt have an ETA. Just said to keep trying every thirty minutes or so. Dont try to sub back to back becasue after three attempts it will lock your card in thier system. Thats what I was told. " -
DragonKnight #5960 csak érdekel hogy ti is véletlenül angliában érzitek magatokat otthon?
#5959 Nekem se akarta levenni a pénzt... gamecardot meg nem veszek. Következménye: abbahagytam a játékot. :D -
#5958 Nekem fél éve cserélték szal erre nem lehet ráfogni egy darabig még jó :D -
Laroa #5957 Az a mókás hogy állításuk szerint azért nem tudják levonni a pénzt a bankártyámról mert lejárt. kár hogy csak 2 és fél múlva jár le... -
#5956 Tényleg 6104 a 60 napos kártya :( Na remélem 10-én meg tudnak birkózni a mastercard-al, ha nem akkor csak sikerült paypalról, ha arról sem akkor bizonytalan ideig szüneteltetem.