Brink - FPS a Bethesda Softworks közreműködésében
  • elitehun
    Látom rákattantál a steamre rendesen :D
  • Prince23
    No és STEAm supporttal

    ennek örülök a legjobban :D
  • grebber
    Recommedet nem értem én sem.Kinézet alapján semmi nem indokolja.
  • lolSL
    hova fajult a geforce 3 erejének bemutatására íródott engine :D
  • Csokis
    Hivatalos gépigény!

    Minimum system requirements:

    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
    2GB RAM
    NVIDIA 8800GS / AMD Radeon HD 2900 Pro
    Windows XP (SP3)/Vista/Windows 7
    8GB free HDD space

    Recommended system requirements:

    Intel Quad Core i5
    3GB RAM
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5850
    Windows XP (SP3)/Vista/Windows 7
    8GB free HDD space
  • Muttley
    ha igaz a hír,
    akkor keményen bekakiltak az eredeti dátumkor párhuzamosan érkező
    L.A. Noire-tól és a Witcher 2-től
    de legalább ők nem elhalasztják, hanem előrehozzák [thumbs up]
  • Smithwarden
  • lolSL
    előrehozták a megjelenést!
    Bethesda said today that Brink will release a week early in both the US and Europe. The Splash Damage shooter will now hit on on May 10 in the US and on May 13 in the EU.
  • Munszu
    Én azt is olvastam hogy dedikált szerverek lesznek.
    Amúgy nekem 8, legyen változatos, hosszú,és jó multi meccsek! :D
    Amúgy elő is rendeltem már,a jó multi meccsek reményében. :)
  • lolSL
    hát 2 éves hírben ezt írták a single playerről:

    “It’s massive!,” Wedgewood said about the single-player campaign in a recent interview. “This is a game that has been built from the outset as a heavily narrative-driven story by full-time writers. We’re making use of techniques like performance capturing – so we get really good physical performances from actors along with their facial expressions and voices and their interaction with other actors – to build a game that has a really strong narrative component that isn’t just a highly replayable shooter.”

    To consider what they’re doing a success, Wedgewood says, the single-player experience should be “as compelling as any other triple-A shooter.”

    aztán lehet az lett a vége hogy botokkal lehet tolni a multit, majd kiderül :)
  • elitehun
    Ez szerintem régebb óta készül mint a Bulletstorm :P
    Viccet félretéve szerintem egyáltalán nem hasonlít rá. Itt a karaktereknek graffitis vagy karikatúrás beütésük van.
  • Muttley
    ugye, az egész játék full-multira van kihegyezve?
    lesz egyáltalán single campaign?
    jól látom, h a látványvilág Bulletstorm-os?
  • lolSL
  • lolSL
    hát igen, ők is elfelejtették honnan jöttek :(

    enemy territory fortress
  • Fpocok
    Call of Fortress
  • lolSL

  • elitehun
    Áhh már alig várom, végre gy multi fps ami eltér Cod-tól :D
    Kicsit emlékeztet a Team Fortress 2-re (mármint a régire amikor még jó volt) mert azt imádtam régebb
  • grebber
    Karakter Trailer
  • Terrorcigano
    Szerintem nagyon állat lesz. Végre valami eredetibb fps jön ki...Ezek a Parkour elemek nagyon tetszenek.
  • lolSL
    nagyon konzolos gagyinak néz ki :(
  • lolSL
  • lolSL
  • Prince23
    Kaptam is figyelmeztetést YT-n. Hát nem értem az egészet :(
  • Prince23
    Nekem lejátssza még XD, itt a beágyazott videót :S LOL
  • Muttley
    gyorsan le is szedték :(
  • Fpocok
    Borderlands meets Team Fortress2.
    A fegyver hangok viszont kimondottan szarok.
  • Prince23
    Közbe új videó is befutott a GDC előestéjén (magyar idő szerint term. )

  • grebber
    Hivatalos magyar oldal!
  • elitehun
    Kösz az infókat
  • lolSL
  • lolSL
    - SMART is completely optional. Everything that you can do with smart, can also be done manually using standard run, jump, and crouch buttons.

    - The level designer’s didn’t set up specific spots for players to use mantles, vaults and slides - the system simply pre-calculates where they’re possible.


    - The SMART button is actually a very simple concept. You hold it down, and that means you’re signaling to the game that you don’t want to get stuck on anything. If something gets in your way, you will climb over it, slide under it, or smash through it (in the case of enemy players).

    = (hopefully) no getting gayed by autoclimb. Hopefully the damage models follow the animation properly when using SMART (and don't get distorted or lag behind the player).

    Some SMART possibilities:

  • lolSL
    - .cfg files on PC, will be customizable, and in the words of a dev, they will be, "the most open out of all their games".

    - You can create up to 16 characters.

    - # -All players waiting to respawn, will respawn at the same time – when the timer hits zero. (traditional wave respawning)

    - Each character will have a Security and Resistance setup, with separate customization options for each. When you are editing your character, you can press a button to switch to the opposing faction (Security or Resistance)

    - If you create multiple characters, you can transfer XP from one character to another; so if your first character has a lot of extra XP and you want to level up a 2nd character really fast, just give him some XP from your first character.

    - Recoil on guns is not ridiculous, like in some games. Based on feedback from a forum member who played Brink at QuakeCon, recoil doesn’t seem to kick in until after about 6-7 shots. He said it seemed most effective to shoot in double bursts. Of course, based on the stats of the weapon, conditions could be different.

    - SD has chosen to give players an unlimited amount of grenades, with about a 20-30 second cooldown between throwing each one.
    - Grenades will have a devoted button; you don't equip them as a separate item, like in previous SD titles. You will also be able to 'cook' grenades like in previous SD titles, meaning if a nade has a 5 sec. timer, you can hold it for 4 secs, and throw it at the last minute so it will explode right when it reaches the enemy.

    - Based off feedback from someone who played Brink, it appears there are 3 damage locators - headshots do the most damage, followed by body shots, and shooting in the legs do the least. (thank god it isn't like any of the recent CoDs where a toe shot does as much damage as an upper torso/neck shot. Hopefully the time to kill will fall in line with et or qw).

    - Head bob can be turned on/off on both PC and console

    - A Heavy body type can have up to a Heavy weapon as a primary weapon and up to a Medium weapon for a secondary.

    - A Medium body type can have up to a Medium weapon as a primary weapon and up to a Light weapon for a secondary.

    - A Light body type can have up to a Light weapon as a primary weapon and a pistol as a secondary.
  • Prince23
    Weapons gameplay
  • elitehun
    Pont szülinapom után 1 nappal :)
  • Maak
  • Muttley
    elvileg 2011 április 12-én jön
  • Maak
    előrendelői extrák

  • Csillagf3nyke
    Brink előzetes!
  • elitehun
    Még mindig semmi hir? El is feledkeztem erről a játékról csak megláttam a fav-ban és gondoltam megnézem hátha
  • FSpofon