color=#ff0000 size=4>WiiHUN.Reloaded <---- KATT IDE

color=#ff0000 size=3>Wii Hungary <---- KATT IDE

WAREZ = azonnali BAN!

  • Petyus_
    Ja.. egyébként sem rossz név szerintem, legalább mindenki felkapja rá a fejét. =)
    Jaja, s vegulis a "nep" valasztotta , aggatta ra a DS vegeleges nevet.

    Szerintem ez lesz a Revolutionnal is, mar mindenki fejeben ez van benne, most minek marketingolni egy uj markanevet?:D
    Ezek meg E3 pletykak, mindenkivel kapcsolatban (fokent Revo+Sony).

    PS3 is going to feature support with Apple and the Ipod.

    PS3 will feature Itunes support.

    PS3 is going to feature an in-house developed fps at launch.

    The Revolution will have Smash Bros. with online at launch.

    Square Enix is planning on making an MMORPG for the Rev at launch.

    Halo 3 will come out next fall with games featuring 50 players and above in single matches.

    Sony is going to snatch up Bioware at this E3.

    MS is going to snatch up Rockstar.

    Nintendo is going to snatch up Square Enix and Konam

    The Revolution will indeed feature 3-D glasses.

    The Revolution will feature HD support.

    The Revolution will recieve the next Zelda in 2008.

    Zelda will have online support.

    The Revolution will give every game online support, much like the 360.

    The Revolution will surpass 360 in features.

    Sony’s PS3 online features will be extremely similar to Revolution’s.

    Nah hagytam feluletet csamcsogni. :) Majd pipaljuk illetve Xeljuk oket, attol fuggoen hogy mi tortenik meg az E3on, s mi nem.
  • Petyus_
    Mondjuk a DS-ből kiindulva könnyen lehet. =) Elvileg az is csak "kódnév" volt.
  • Petyus_
    Passz. Lehet igaz meg full kamu is. =) (szvsz kamu)
    Revolutionnal kapcsolatos nyilatkozat morzsak:

    Looking to the future and Revolution, it's still too early to discuss specific strategies, but I can tell you that we have learned much from the launch of the Nintendo GameCube. We realize that things such as having a strong software line-up at launch is critical to the success of Revolution. We understand what kinds of technologies and experiences the market is asking for. You are certainly correct that our financial and creative resources are vast, and we intend to fully flex this muscle more than ever in the coming years.
    GEorge Harrison vmi amcsi NOA fejes:)

    We have a lot of experience in online as I'm sure you're aware. We think very positively about the possibilities. We've done a lot of online experiments in the past. But until these hurdles are met and these problems are solved, I don't think that we should just jump into online because people think there's strength there right now. We're not negative toward the idea of going online. We're just practical."
    - Satoru Iwata Elnök úr.
    he controllers are pressure sensitive
    - the controllers feature gyroscopes
    - the controllers will not feature any form of touch control
    - the controllers are going to be wireless
    - the controllers contain regular action buttons and triggers, though a D-pad is not certain yet
    - the Revolution features very advanced voice recognition technology
    - the Revolution will be more powerful than the Xbox 360
    - the Revolution will feature a very advanced online service. Probably the best and most interesting of the three
    - the Revolution wont support any form of stereoscopic imaging. At least not out of the box
    - Square-Enix is developing an exclusive game for Revolution, further details are currently unkown
    - Retro is working on a non-Metroid based FPS for the console’s launch which will be very mature themed
    - Hal Labs is developing a brand new Smash Bros game, which will be available around launch as well
    - A new Mario game is in the works which will show off all the console’s features right from launch
    - NST is busy developing a new Wave Race game. It seems that it features the most lifelike water ever seen both graphically and physically and comes really close to real life
    - Some completely new franchises are still at the works at Nintendo which will be featured on DS as well. Most of them are more mature-themed than we are used to with Nintendo
    - Capcom, Namco, EA, Activision, Midway, Konami, Majesco and most probably some other companies, are currently developing Revolution software and seem to be quite enthusiastic about the machine

    Ezeket lehetett hallani a Revorol amik inkabb valodibbak mint a kis agyunk:P
    "As for specs, since you seem to be really privy on them, the Revolution will indeed support both 720p as well as 1080i. The GPU of the console packs quite a punch. It’s actually two cores linked together with ATi’s alternative on nVidia’s SLI. Though no releasedate has probably been determined yet by Nintendo (current releasedate looks to be around March next year in Japan), this could mean that Revolution will be the first device to support this ATi technology. Even before they introduce it to the PC market.

    Now the cores themselves are completely custom-made by a different team than the core for the Xbox 360. It’s known as the RN520, where the N actually stands for Nintendo. One core in itself, isn’t as fast as the R500-ish core of the Xbox 360, but together they are quite a bit more powerful. The CPU consists of four cores each running at 2,5 GHz and is based on the G5 architecture. Each core has it’s own 128KB L1 cachememory, and they all share a L2 cache of 512KB. Next to this, the CPU and GPU share 512MB of memory, just like the Xbox 360 does. Also, the GPU has it’s own on-die memory for quick tasks which amounts to 16MB of eDRAM.

    There’s also a seperate processor for sound, which is quite advanced and takes a lot of workload off the CPU. Last but not least, the Revolution features a PPU for complex physics, which utilizes it’s own 32MB of memory. So all in all, it’s quite the complex machine with many different processors. Still, it’s rather easy to develop for because of the excellent development tools which Nintendo delivered. These are all GameCube based with a lot of completely new features built-in"

    ?????? Vajon vajon?:)
    Szerintem ez lesz a neve slusszpassz:)

  • Petyus_
    Ehh szemét! Így elhappolni a témanyitást, amikor még nem is végleges a név!



    Fake or not Fake?:)
    Nah nyissunk ilyet is, most hogy kozeleg az E3:)