Stubbs The Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
#68 jah, nemsokára lent is van -
#67 Fizetősőn fenntvan már az oldalt mindenki ismeri W... -
#66 Egyenlőre sehol semmi torrenten. -
#65 nemazt irja hogy azt kell használni hanem ha kell és másképp nemmegy neked -
már egy ÉVE VÁÁROM! :D
nah, dejó, mai nap meglepetése :)
nademost én csak egyet nem tudok....ennek mi a szar a védelme???
SecuROM 7-re tippelek...de ez valahogy neccesnek tűnik, de WTF????
3) Use Starfucker (included) and click on either primary or
secondary all_cd_agressive.' A message will pop up
"nur dann ok anclicken, wenn zu ende gespielt!" That translates to,
click 'ok' when u have finished playing. So, Don't click OK if you want to play. ????????????????????????????
Starfucker???? minek??? nem jó úgy mint pl az eddigi Sec7-eseknél, (FEAR, Crime life) hogy le van húzva a meghajtó, és DAEMON 4? csak ezt nem értem hogy starfuck minek, na mind1 ti okosok vagytok, tuti tudjátok ^_^ -
Newfronter #63 Ezt sem gondoltam volna hogy én rakom be elsőnek a release-t. :P
Na most már kíváncsi vagyok a játékra. :) -
Newfronter #62 How it all began...
In 1933, Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield was just another traveling salesman
trying to get by during the Great Depression. His lifelong losing streak
reached its logical conclusion when he was brutally murdered and
ignominiously buried in a remote Pennsylvania field
It's a sad day today. Securom has introduced Starforce-like technology
and new blacklstings against DTool4, Alcohol, Starforce Nightmare, SRStop,
Anti-Blaxx, and so on.
To get this release to work, you will need to do the following:
Method 1)
0) Install the game.
1) Mount image in DTool4.
2) Make sure you only have 1 Virtual CD device. If you have an Alcohol virtual
device, e.g., disable it. If you have 2 Daemon Tool drives. Set it only to 1.
3) Use Starfucker (included) and click on either primary or
secondary all_cd_agressive.' A message will pop up
"nur dann ok anclicken, wenn zu ende gespielt!" That translates to,
click 'ok' when u have finished playing. So, Don't click OK if you want to play.
3.5) Some of you will need to unplug your IDE drives.
4) Click on desktop icon and play.
btw, if u get the msg "required security module can not be activated"
you might need to reboot.
Method 2)
You can also convert the .mds file to a .bwa file, create a Blindwrite
image, and burn it. You will need to unplug your IDE drives and use an
USB drive. We've tested this and it works.
Further Notes:
Some groups, (recently formed, one might add ;)), have been trying to claim
that Blindwrite is better than Alcohol, and have been producing propers
on this basis. It is worth mentioning that this debate started and was
settled long ago, long before the group in question was formed, back when
Securom 4.8 was introduced. So, Alcohol or Blindwrite? The million dollar
question. The Answer: We prefer Alcohol, but it doesn't matter. Both have
advantages and disadvantages. Here is why.
Quote from a discussion long ago:
"Blindwrite's Twinpeaks feature uses the information stored in the .bwa-files
(which, as we remember, tells how long it takes to read a sector on the
disc). Now it uses a trick to "fake" this reading delay - the same sector
is burned twice onto the disc, with exactly the same information including
the sector number. This is a violation of the CDR-standard (the so-called
orange-book), but as most CD-drives read both sectors but only deliver one,
the delay of reading the second sector suffices to trick SecuROM
into recognizing the disc as valid. However some drives, e.g. some Plextors,
report errors if the same sector is stored twice on the disc. As this is a
violation of the standards, this is nothing negative, in fact this only
happens with drives who strictly obey the standards.
The drawback of this method is that today's copyprotections (i.e. SecuROM)
can easily be altered to check for these manipulations, too. So this ability
to copy SecuROM will most certainly not last very long, and if you're unlucky,
your copy will become invalid with the next patch for the game because the
patch will also update the copy protection (like No One Lives Forever 2 v1.2,
Anno 1503 v1.02, Neverwinter Nights 1.21...)"
So what does this mean? It means that
1) Blindwrite clones might not work if companies patch it in the future,
whereas Alcohol would continue to work.
2) As Blindwrite is not a true clone, it may not work on some drives.
3) Blindwrite mounted has the same disadvantages as Alcohol, namely that it
is subject to blacklisting.
Here are some further reasons in favour of Alcohol. If you are really keen
on having a Blindwrite image, you can EASILY use an .mds to .bwa converter
(e.g. dpmv.exe) and create a .bwa file to burn as Blindwrite. This means that
an Alcohol clone has everything you need to get a Blindwrite image if you choose to.
If you only had a Blindwrite image, then you couldn't convert back if 1) or 2)
obtained. In those cases, if you have Blindwrite, you are out of luck! Moreover,
an .mds made by Alcohol using high precision dpm is in fact better than the .bwa
created by Blindwrite. So even if you like Blindwrite, you should use Alcohol to create
the .bwa file.
So why not just Alcohol?
Well, Alcohol requires mounting which can be blacklisted. In those cases,
it might be better to convert the .mds to .bwa so that the end user doesn't have
to do it. But to make sure that you will be future-compatible, one should always
include the .mds in case you want to mount it in the future after a patch has been
Upshot: Alcohol or Blindwrite? We prefer Alcohol, but we think it doesn't matter.
Both have advantages and disadvantages. But from now on, unless there are serious
changes to existing technologies, PROPER of formats will be seriously nuked.
Other lame things not to do or put in the nfo:
1. With the advent of DTool4, one can easily make mini-images of DVDs. Therefore,
clonecds are not superior to clonedvds. Please, newbie group, do your homework before
making unsubstantiated claims.
2. We don't think m0 compression should be propered unless you are racing, as that is just
wasting bandwidth.
3. 'Use serials from other source' is seriously lame. Make your own serials or don't
4. SFclones are not 'true 1:1 copies.' Otherwise, they would work on burners as well
as regular non-burner cdroms just like the original would.
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Newfronter #61 PC Game ISOs Stubbs The Zombie In Rebel Without a Pulse (c) Aspyr *READ NFO* *AlcoholClone* NOGRP 153x15 MB -
#60 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000BHCUW8/aspyrmedia-20/002-9082314-8634453
hm...vagy mégiscsak lesz DVD-s is? :)
najó..mostmár télleg ti is írjatok majd!!! :) -
#59 az biztos, hogy CD-s lesz..nade hány CD-s? :D
én 3-4-re tippelek...de akkor ezzel az erővel jöhetne DVD-n is, na mind1, ők tudják :D -
#58 nah, gyerekek találtam gépigényt a játékról:
System Requirements:
# Operating System: Windows 2000/Xp
# CPU : AMD or Intel 1.2 GHz (2 GHz recommended)
# Memory: 256 MB or higher (512 MB recommended)
# Hard Disk Space: 4.0 GB free disk space
# Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compliant, SoundBlaster(R) (X-Fi™ series card recommended)
# Video Card: 64 MB DirectX 9.0c video card
# Media Required: 4X CD-ROM drive required to install and play
Supported Video cards*: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200, 5300, 5500, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 5950, 6200, 6500, 6600, 6800, 7800 - ATI Radeon 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800, X300, X600, X700, X800, X850 *Intel Extreme Graphics and SiS chipsets not supported -
áááá nézzétek meg a VIDEO-kat :DDD
nagyon durvák, aszittem bepisálok a nevetéstől :DDD
ez akkora, hogy a saját testedet használod fegyvernek, pl :
-a kezeddel tudsz menni és rátapadni az ember fejére, ilyen possession
-ki tudsz a testedből belet szedni, és azzal dobálni ami robban :D
-tudsz fingani, amitpl sebsédnek és ellökődnek az emberek :DDD
meg tudsz verdákat majd vezetni, trakeszt, kombájnt, azzal el lehet majd ütni meg fernyársalni az embereket!!!!
ez akkkkkora játék lesz hogy csak na :DDD
úúúúgy szeretnék vele játszani, el nem bírom mondani!! -
#56 Htx! Úgy legyen! -
#55 hm....sztem nem vagy nagy védelem, de tök8, DAEMON tools 4 van úgyis, szal akár lehet StarForce is felőlem :DD
de én securom 7-re adom a voksomat :)
csak jönnnnnneee máááááá máá akarom nyomni nagyon :( -
#54 Tudja valaki, milyen védelme lesz? -
#53 csodálkozol? tudod hogy hogy várjuk már? :(
de remélem holnap már töljük is... -
#52 Azt hittem lesz végre valami tartalmas hozzászólás:(
Ehelyett hisztizéseket kell olvasnom. -
#51 énis...de nagyon nagyon!!!!!!!! -
#50 Jó game lesz:)Várom már. -
#49 Holvanmá???? -
#48 áááá jajajaja -
#47 sztem dvd legalábbis itt egy dvd kép van:
jöhetne má -
#46 áááá semmi? báz...jönne máááár a sztábbbbsz -
#45 énis remélem...csak jönne már ki ááááááááá sztábbszozni akarok!!!!
amúgy valyon mekkora lesz a game? DVD? vagy sztetek hány giga? -
#44 Passz ,de ha az lesz remélem faszára sikerül. -
#43 átirat lesz nem?:) -
#42 jee, 6600-am van -
#41 Idézet a Hardwiredről:
"A készítők főként a GeForce utolsó két generációján fejlesztette a játékot, így remek effektusokra és texturákra számíthatunk"
Erre nagyon kiáncsi leszek. -
#40 lol télleg? :DD ezt nem is tudtam :) -
#39 Onnan hogy a halo engne-je döbörög alatta.
Annak amúgy inkább vidkari kellett, proci elég volt neki 1 Ghz-is -
#38 a halo az hogy jön ide?
amúgy sztem nem kell olyan hiper gép... -
#37 Gépigényről lehet valamit tudni? A halonak mekkora gép kellett? -
#36 jahoks :) -
Gabe18 #35 Jó hát nem szentirás amit beraktam.Én a gamefaqs.com-ot szoktam nézni megjelenésekben,ott ez volt.Aztán lehet elcsúsztatták jól. -
#34 télleg??? ÁÁÁÁ !!!AZTÖKJÓÓÓÓ!!!! és ez mi akkor?
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse Aspyr 11/15/05 US
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse THQ February 2006 EU?
#33 jövő héten jelenik meg PCre. -
#32 naaaaaaaaaneeeeeemááááááá -
Gabe18 #30 Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse Aspyr 11/15/05 US
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse THQ February 2006 EU
Még kicsit odébb van... -
#29 jókis halottak napja lett volna :o