• Breki33
    ki van játszva
  • Breki33
  • Breki33
    biztos temp-ből jön
  • CattiBrie
    akármi.jpg/... olyan nincs
    a .jpg az már a megjelenített fájl neve
  • mohus
    sztem mindkettő okes...nem?

    nekem legalábbis mindkettő bejön
    Internet Explorer 6-om van...
  • mohus
    a tied


    az enyém

  • CattiBrie
    Elcsúnyáztad a linket!
    A helyes:
  • mohus
    na ezt a képet én látom:)
  • CattiBrie

  • mohus

    ez aztán a konzolos pofon a PC-nek:)
  • mohus

    ez a legutolsó kép linkje

    probáljátok már ki lécci...

  • Breki33
    kaptam emilt:

    "Dear Breki,

    Well, it has been a long time since I have sent out an update by e-mail, but I thought this was too good for anybody to miss! If you have not been on PESInsight.com in a while, it's reasonable to assume you will not of heard some of the best news PES fans could have asked for! Pro Evolution Soccer 4 is going to be ONLINE! Before Playstation 2 owners get too excited though, the online mode will only be on XBox LIVE. The news comes from various sources, but was confirmed at Gamestars Live event in London where the game was being shown.

    If you are yet to own an XBox, but are wanting to get online with PES. Below is a list of what you will need:

    - Broadband Internet
    - XBox Console
    - XBox Live Starter Kit
    - Pro Evolution Soccer 4

    Once you have your broadband sorted, you can order everything else you need, from us, for less than £160.

    XBox Console with One Pad - £96.98 - http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005RHQT/pes2com-21
    XBox Live Starter Kit - £29.99 - http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DZ5D3/pes2com-21
    Pro Evolution Soccer 4 - £29.99 - http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002LIFG8/pes2com-21

    Delivery times are already becoming stretched, so order now to avoid disapointment of not being able to get online with PES4 as soon as it is released! (Which, by the way, will be November 2004)

    For Playstation 2 owners, you can still purchase Pro Evolution Soccer 4 for the low price of £29.99 including FREE Delivery.


    PESInsight is launching it's own XBox LIVE based service. For more details you can visit:


    The LIVE tournaments at PESInsight will feature big prizes, so get signed up today!"

  • Breki33
    nekem se
  • Steve16
    nekem egyik kép sem jön be!!
  • mohus
    Egy lelkes videójátékrajongó a londoni GameStars Live-ról

    "Anyway, Pro Evo 4 that I played on the X-Box was bloody great (they had a big PS2 stand section too with a competition going for it) - Fifa 2005 I didn't feel improved on 2004 too much - although it was only 75% complete or something."

  • mohus
    A mi fiaink...de nem a mi mezünkben..... még :)
  • mohus
    Ezek szerint nagy öröm a magyaroknak gólt lőni...
  • mohus
    Köcsö.öm Szépen!
  • mohus
    Ez kérem mehet a mosodába...
  • mohus
    Forza Juve...
  • mohus
    na mi van b.zik?kell Kóla?
  • mohus
    Winning Eleven 8...PS2
  • mohus
    minek iszik az, aki nem bírja?!
  • mohus
    "especially in the speed of the game which seems faster"

    remélem ez azt is jelenti ,hogy nem akad már a PES4...szögletnél sem

    "All Konami have to do now is confirm online play for Xbox Live"

    ez meg azt, hogy Xboxon online lesz:)
  • mohus

    The postman was kind yesterday. In amongst the bills and offers of loans was a jiffy bag containing preview code of Pro Evolution Soccer 4 for PS2. Pro Evo is the best footy game around, far eclipsing the glossy FIFA series. After 3 hrs solid play it is clear that this is not going to change. PES4 is superb.

    With every iteration, Pro Evo gets further refined. 4 picks up where 3 left off, especially in the speed of the game which seems faster. Combined with this is even greater control over the players and a real feeling that they are doing what you want them to do rather than the PS2 deciding. A classic example was when playing as Saints - yes, the mighty reds are included, plus most of the other premiership teams. A long ball up to Crouch was flicked on to Phillips. Shaka Hislop was favourite to get it but a swift tap of the x button saw Phillips lunge with the boot and hook it over the keeper. The point is that it felt right, looked realistic and was incredibly satisfying - far more so than the 30yard screamers routinely knocked in when playing FIFA.

    This was only preview code so hopefully Konami will iron out the niggles, which are mainly presentational. The menu and option screens seem to have finally been edited by someone who speaks English, but they still look amateurish. The licenses are still lacking for English teams - so expect Soton, North East London etc - but this may change before release. Also the on-pitch ref - a first for the series - doesn't seem to add very much.

    Overall though, PES 4 looks incredibly promising. You'll be able to play if you are going to Game Stars Live, otherwise release is due late October. All Konami have to do now is confirm online play for Xbox Live.

  • Steve16
    ezért szeretem a pes-t!! na meg a fantasztikus gameplay-ért!! ez tényleg nagyon király!!
  • The Hedgehog
    a nyugottság mellszobra rólam készül. nem tudtad?

    mohus szted lesz multi (online mód) a PC-s PES4-ben mert Breki azt mondja szte lesz de én nagyon kétlem! Te álláspontod?!
  • mohus
    csak ironikus voltam...nyugi:)
  • The Hedgehog
    akkor meg nem értem minek itt vitázni?! ha valakinek jobban fekszik egy PC a focihoz akkor azon nyomja... kész passz! nekem PS2-m is van mégis PC-n WE-zek :) PS2-n meg MGS és FF, nomeg GT :D
  • mohus
    egyelőre nem 100%, hogy lesz az Xboxos verzióban netes lehetőség, ez most hétvégén kiderül...most lesz ugyanis egy előbulija a PES4-nek Angliában.

    engem csak az érdekel, hogy ne szaggasson, de még csak meg se ricegjen, ahogy ezt eddig a PES tette és amiért nagyon is szeretem...ha netalántán PS2-n szaggat és Xboxon hibátlan, lehet beruházok egy X-re:)

    és hogy mit miért nem lehet...azért ,hogy megvedd mondjuk az Xboxot:) az lényegesen jobb lenne, mind az MS-nek mind a Konaminak...ott ugyanis sokkal nagyobb az esély arra, hogy eredeti játékot vesznek a géphez....aki nem akar installálási és egyéb gondokkal küzdeni az konzolt vesz remélem ez érthető...csak "beteszem és megy" bármilyen hihetetlen:)plusz a kanapés körítés és a zajmentes üzemelés...és lényeges olcsóbb egy konzolgép, ha CSAK játszani akarsz, de ezen nincs mit csodálkozni ERRE találták ki azeket a gépeket és én is csak erre használom...a néhány játéktípusra (FPS, RTS, Sturmovik) és a TÖBBIRE (buhera, NET) ott a jó kis PC:)
  • mohus
    "akkor tessék a PS2 iso-kat PS2-vel letölteni, felpatchelni, majd kiírni :D"

    még mit nem:) ez csak egy buta konzol....
  • mohus
    Henry lesz a PES4 "arca"

    Henry Signs For Konami

    Date: Friday, 27 August, 2004

    Striker legend Thierry Henry signs for Konami of Europe’s hugely anticipated football title…

    26. August, 2004  - Konami of Europe has announced that Thierry Henry, the world top striker, is to be one of the faces of Pro Evolution Soccer 4, the latest installment in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo's highly regarded football simulation for PlayStation 2, PC-DVD and the Xbox video game system from Microsoft.

    The current European and Premiership Golden Boot holder, Thierry Henry is the most prolific and respected striker in the modern game, and a self-confessed fan of the Pro Evolution Soccer series. The 27-year-old striker joined Arsenal from Juventus in 1999 and rapidly established himself as a Premiership force, scoring 154 goals in five seasons with the North London club. He is also a mainstay of the French national side, with 27 goals to his 63 appearances.

    As part of the deal, Henry will appear on Pro Evolution Soccer 4's packaging and promotional materials. He will also be available for promotional purposes in the run-up to the game's launch in October.

    Pro Evolution Soccer 4 represents another huge step forward for Konami's seminal football title. Already regarded as the most realistic football simulation for any home format, the new game ups the ante further with more realistic animation, individually tailored player movement, and skills that reflect the attributes of the world's greatest players. The new game also includes a host of club sides of Dutch, Italian, Spanish leagues, such as Ajax, Feyenoord, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Roma and Milan.

    "Pro Evolution Soccer 4 has become a landmark title for Konami, and Thierry Henry's involvement proves how we are looking to take the series forward," commented Martin Schneider, European Marketing Director, Konami of Europe. "We are delighted to be working with the most talented striker in the modern game, especially since he's such a big Pro Evo fan."

    Since its inception as ISS Pro Evolution Soccer for PlayStation in 1996, the Pro Evolution Soccer series has constantly evolved to become the most realistic game of its kind. Players control every nuance of real play, with through balls, passes, first-time volleys and flicked on headers, with the game rapidly expanding its fan base as annual sales regularly bypass the one million units mark with each release.

    The series' appeal has also seen a number of dedicated fan sites emerge, and an officially endorsed national league wherein over thousands of die-hard fans meet for regional heats to determine the best players.

    "The Pro Evolution Soccer series is by far the closest to real football," commented Thierry Henry. "I am very excited to be involved with a game of this calibre and look forward to working closely with Konami of Europe in the coming months."
  • Breki33
    legszebb álom

    jó PES! négy multival
    és jó FIfa multival

    És a csávókám meg gondolkozik miben alázzon.
  • Gabe18
    Lehet,de nekem ne mesélje már el senki,hogy ha egy konzolos verzióba lehet netes játékmódot tenni,akkor pont a pc-s az amelyikbe nem.
    Bánnám én hogy a konzolosba raknak,ha lenne a miénkbe is,dehogy bánnám.Csak igy nagyon keserű érzésem van ezzel kapcsolatban.
    Fifa...,na ne viccelődjünk...
  • Breki33
    ez hülyeség
  • Breki33
    egy van akit érdekel, és elég jó

    viszont ha olvassa üzenem, hogy legközelebb megverem P
  • The Hedgehog
    ehm! előbújt belőled az elvakult konzolos?

    akkor tessék a PS2 iso-kat PS2-vel letölteni, felpatchelni, majd kiírni :D

  • mohus

    a PC mára már mellékplatformmá avanzsált....köszönhető a warez hihtetlen elterjedésének...

    Ott az a gyönyörű FIFA a pc-seknek:)

    egyébként a fockajátékok meg konzolra valók és pont:)tessék szépen doomozni:)
  • mohus
    "uncsi mindig ugyanazokkal játszani P"

    hát ha csak 1 haverod van akkor megértelek:)
  • The Hedgehog
    najó! szarok rá! csak már lenne nálam vmelyik verzió!