#287 hát ekkora fost - sorry :D
ez nem az én stílusom -
#286 Ugyanannyi munka neked is utánanézni mint bárki másnak:
Link -
#285 mutassatok vmi képet róla screenshotot h érdemes-e leszedni pls ! -
#284 yeeee-haaaaaaaww:DDDDD
most mar jon le:)
este en elinditanam torrenten szivesen, csak nekem nagyon lassu a kimenom:/ -
#283 lol, csak 1 cd-s -
#282 Király. -
#281 nemtudom, meg a delutan folyaman -
#280 Hát nem. Inkább ingyen torent :-) -
#279 mondtam én hogy 1 cd-s se lesz :P -
sorted #278 smsweben már látom de gondolom azt nem sokakat érdekel :) -
#277 Kb mikorra kerül ki a BitHumenre? -
sorted #276 akkor hamar lejön azthittem ezis ilyen 2-3cds lesz.. -
#275 nem is egy teljes cd -
sorted #274 csak 1 cds? meglepödtem :) -
antijedi #273 éjjen éjjen -
#272 Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 (C) Atari MONEY (37x15MB) mo-rct3.nfo
#271 van ilyen: Rollercoaster_Tycoon_3-MONEY -
Dr DeViLKiNG #270 itt a változtatás/újítás lista 1.2 höz
A huge amount was done, some highlights are:
Game's file structure altered.
Replaced videos in menus with screenshots, your in game screenshots appear in the menu's. Updated UI elements (e.g. coaster construction).
Weather effects such as rain, lightning.
Water-height logic added (can't 'flood' the park).
Water ripples when you move your mouse over water, when people are put in it, ducks land on it, boats, raindrops etc.
Swaying 3D trees keyed to 'wind', as are water ripples.
Bloom graphical effect for high-end PCs on specular highlights.
Clicking on birds causes them to quack / squawk, feathers fall off ducks and they change flight formation.
Dropping people in water - will swim if deep (otherwise will walk), get angry when you rescue them, & when you place them down they shiver. (if you leave them they will rescue themselves over time when off-camera (i.e. you don't see them get out, they teleport back into the park).
If you shake peeps when they are being tweezered and then put them down they are dizzy momentarily.
Peep & coaster car physics on coaster car crashes for those crashed into - the peeps on the car now fall out of it, bits can fall off the car depending on what car, crashed cars interact with scenery and each other, and after its crashed the car explodes and dissapears.
Peeps in the park get blown away by the resulting explosion.
If you put Peeps on the top of hills or mountains they tumble down to the bottom.
When you click on a peep he/she has paranoid thoughts and looks over their shoulder once in a while.
If you click on the same peep in game again they follow the mouse pointer with their head and always face the camera.
If you click on the peep again you tickle them, and repeated clicking then is likely to make them angry.
All coaster axles have suspension and follow the track exactly. All coaster wheels 'go round'.
N.B. also in the previous demo (in case you hadn't noticed..) were:
When the terrain is adjusted with peeps walking over it they sway dizzily momentarily.
Balloon popping - clicking on a balloon pops it, kids cry, throw a tantrum or display a reaction, when peeps run with balloons the balloons trail behind them.
Lens flare on lights at night (especially obvious on coaster cam).
Sticky flexi-colour menus - the game remembers what colours you are using and defaults new objects to them.
Sticky themeing filters - the game remembers what theme you are using and defaults new selection to that.
kangoo #269 v1.2 demo -
#268 ja sajna -
antijedi #267 nem elssz benne több cucc? a demóban szarse volt..., kb 2 perc game után full érdketelenségbe bukott a game... :/ -
#266 hát a demó volt 200MB.
má nem lessz benne sokkal több tárgy szerintem.
akkor mit újítanak benne hogy olyan nagy lesz a mérete? -
#265 1?! 2 min lesz, de sztem 3 -
#264 mindegy,nem szedem le az 1.1 -et majd jön nemsokára a teljes.
amúgy kb. 1 CD-s lesz? -
Dr DeViLKiNG #263 lehet ^^ -
#262 Ez nem a demo ismertetője, hanem a full játéké. -
Dr DeViLKiNG #261 ennyivel
A new playable demo for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 is now available for your download-bandwidth pleasure, allowing you to try out the next upcoming installment in the Rollercoaster Tycoon series developed by Chris Sawyer and Frontier Developments. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 will include innovative new photo features and a full version of Microsoft Photo Story, which will enable players to tell the story of their park experience and share it with their friends. New scenery items called Photo Spots can be placed in a park and enable park guests, "Peeps," to pose for the camera. In addition, cameras can be placed directly on roller coasters to take shots of guests as they ride. The game also features new gameplay elements that fans have been asking for, including diversity of guests, group behavior and improved guest AI, assigning music to rides in the park, day and night cycles with weather effects, a park lighting system and more. Also, the Fireworks MixMaster feature allows you to design fireworks displays and choreograph them to the music of your choice - you can use pre-set in-game songs or your own MP3 files. -
#260 Passz, nem szedtem még le. -
antijedi #259 őőő mivel tudd töbett mint az előző ? :) -
#258 Demo v1.1 -
#257 "majd ha jön" -
#256 mert a fullt honnan akarod letölteni?
antijedi #255 kettőn áll a vásár ugye... :P nem csak a gépen mulik hanem a gamen is hogy hogy irják meg :D -
#254 :) -
antijedi #253 inkább a játéktól szép teljesitmény hogy még ezen is elmegy :) -
#252 hát jah:(
de Gef2-től,Cel 1700-as tól,és 384 Sd-től szép teljesítmény:) -
Dr DeViLKiNG #251 randa mediumba :) -
#250 ?? -
Dr DeViLKiNG #249 medium... mennymá' :D -
#248 mx 400 -asom van és mediumon nem szaggat