• robotnyk
    ha emlékszel volt egy szétválásos móka, amikor lett külön Gamer és Guru. Akkoriben egy ismerősömnek Heroes rovata volt a cdn, és az teszter hiány miatt írt egy-két cikket a Guruban. aztán egyik hétvégére 2 játékot kapott, és az egyiket lepasszolta nekem, így kerültem egyenlőre először és utoljára újságba :)
  • gumikacsa
    yep, you heard it, I'm gonna make a pack soon. so most of my WIP's are gonna be in it. Here's what's in it so far:
    -2003 Peterbilt 379 Ultra
    -2003 International Navistar Eagle 9900ix
    -1953 Peterbilt 351 Custom
    -2003 Peterbilt 379 Smarty Custom
    -2001 Mack CH603 with giant sleeper
    this list is gonna be huge by the time it's done
  • gumikacsa
  • 12346
    sajna ez kb tükrözi a game megjelenéseket is:( stratégián meg kalandokon kívűl nem is nagyon jelenik meg semmi, ami használható is lenne akár egy picit is.
  • gumikacsa
    A guru team tagja vagy, vagy csak voltál? Egyébként az összes újságban szinte mindig stratégia meg kaland játék van. Autós meg maxi 1X, 2X.
  • robotnyk
    valóban nem, Far West, egy közepesen fos játék (stratégia), anno még én büntettem a Guruban olyan 60-70% körül :)
  • gumikacsa
    Ahogy elnéztem, a PC Guru-ban megint nem a KING OF THE ROAD a full game. Így meg sem veszem. :)
  • gumikacsa
    Én is. Remélem az egyik Magnum lesz...:)))
  • FiReBoY
    Hát jah... De kamiont is (ahogy olvastam angol fórumokon) csak úgy értik újnak, ha egy régit átalakítanak (lámpa, felni, stb.).
    Az meg úgy szar. De egyébként ha leszeditek a 1.10-es patch-et akkor abba már alapba benne van egy kamion és trailernézegető rész + jobb lett a pályaszerkesztő. Kb. 2 perc alatt csináltam egy szar pályát. Nem nehéz.
    Többek között a kamionokról szólva azt is olvastam, hogy az 1.11-es patchben lesznek fékjavítások és 2 új kamcsi!!! Hát én nagyon kíváncsi vagyok... :-)
  • gumikacsa
    Ez mind szép és jó, de mint már írtam, angoltudásom 0. Az igazi magyar térkép állat lenne, de akkor csak kellene Európai kamion.
  • FiReBoY
    Multi Colored flares....Open your my doc. then go to truck you want then to the shared folder Ex. My Documents\18 WoS Across America\makes\truck\ w/e truck\acc\shared then copy the flares.png and the tobj and shd file...3 files... and then place them in the sflares and the aflares...Now just change the color of the png too what ya want and then the lights that are in aflares will be different than those in the sflares...U can also do this with turn signals...Just place those 3 files in the turnsignals folder and change color... Tut Created and wrote by me...HighRoller Aka PureCustumz
  • FiReBoY

    All of my tutorials are for the more advanced users. Outlaw's tutorials cover the smaller things and are for beginners. the stuff I do, aside from the tutorials he made things for, are harder to do than painting a truck or unzipping the base.scs.

    also if you mess something up real bad and don't know what you did please don't contact me. I can help you get things right ONLY if you know WHAT YOU DID! if you made numerous copies of things and messed up a ton of files and don't know what you did chances are neither do I.

    Bold lettering: Points of interest
    Bold and Italics: actual copied and pasted lines from game files

    Now let's begin. First you must already have the base.scs file, as well as the patch.scs file if your game is patched, unzipped before we proceed. If you need to see the picture(s) more clearly please clcik on the link below that picture. it'll open a full screen view.

    OK so you want to add a "new" truck to your game ehh? For example Matt's tri-axle Mack. well here's what you do.

    For this tutorial I will be using the Peterbilt 379. Please READ this and not just skim it. fully read it. read it multiple times if you need to. read it with an open and clear mind and let it sink in.

    Step 1.
    Navigate (go to) your my documents\18WoS Across America\makes folder.

    Once there you'll see 16 folders. each one has an "oddball" name. such as p379. p379 folder is for the Peterbilt 379. I will show a list of what all the names mean at the very bottom of this tutorial.

    Copy the entire p379 folder. rename it to whatever you like but keep it small. example: p3792

    Step 2.

    Once you copied that folder, and renamed it, open it. Inside it you'll see 2 things. A folder named acc and a file named description.def. We want the Description.def file.

    Step 3.

    Open the description.def file in wordpad. You'll see a line that says:
    name:"Pacific 937"

    Note it will be different for each truck. But we're usin the Pete 379 in this tutorial so bare with me.

    We need to change that line and that line ONLY. For this tutorial I changed it to 1985 Pete 379. see pic:

    Step 4.

    OK now we're done with what we have to do in the makes folder. now go to my documents\18WoS Across America\defs folder.

    Step 5.

    Once in dealers folder you'll see a few def files. They are Dealer1 through 9.def. Here's the tricky part so MAKE SURE YOU PAY ATTENTION HERE!

    Inside each def file there's 4 trucks listed. not all of the defs list the same truck. AND you CANNOT HAVE MORE THAN 4 TRUCKS PER DEF FILE!. Also you cannot make anymore dealer.def files unless you open the map editor and add a new dealer. but don't even do that cause you'll have to create a few more files and this is not the tutorial for that. nor will it ever be. that's a seperate tutorial on it's own.

    OK let's get back on track. for this tutorial I'll be using dealer7.def. In it it has a few lines that look like this:

    Here's dealer8.def's layout:

    Step 6.

    Now here's what I changed in dealer7.def's file (note dealer8 and dealer7 have the same listings. hence why I showed dealer8 above. so I didn't have to change my lines to get a pic. )

    Once you change the line so that it matches the folder name you gave your copied truck (remember I copied the p379 folder and renamed it p3792?) your almost done. 1 last step.

    Step 7.

    Load up the game and go to the showroom first! check to make sure it shows on the list. if it shows in the list then it'll work in the game. if it doesn't show in the showroom then it aint goin to work ingame.

    That's it! Well done my pupels. now your on your own. I will offer help but only to those that know what "goofs" they made. I cannot help you if you don't know what you did. I can't see over your shoulder and I'm no mind reader.

    Now here's the folder names I promised and what truck they belong too.

    vvn = Volvo VN770
    slt = Sterling (Kenworth T600 look alike)
    p379 = Peterbilt 379
    p362 = Peterbilt 362 cabover
    p351 = 1952 Peterbilt 351
    fla: Freightliner Agrosy
    fln = Ford LN9000 Daycab
    fcl = Ford CL9000 Cabover
    flcc = Freightliner Century
    kk100 = Big Kenworth Cabover
    kt2000 = Kenworth T2000
    kw900 = Kenworth W900
    mch603 = Mack 603 Daycab
    mch613 = Mack 613 Sleeper Version
    ws = Western Star

    There you go. just remember you can read this 500 million times but if you don't get your hands dirty your never going to get it. you've got to try it on your own. And please try it on your own before imin or pmin me 500 times sayin "I need help" when you haven't even tried it yet. Please try it out on your own first.

  • FiReBoY
    To remove wheels completely...
    ok, you simply get one of the many hex code editor programs going around and do the following:
    1) open the base.psm file for the truck you wish to edit
    2) find the lines wheel0 - wheel5
    3) wheel0 and 1 are the front wheels - do not worry about them
    4) first click on the w of "wheel2" (please note that this is in the text on the right side) look to the left in all of the hex code, you should see the co-responding digit in the hex highlighted in some way.
    5) there are two digits in hex for each character in the text strings on the right side. with the digit in hex still highlighted, hit the zero key twice for every character in "wheel2"
    6) repeat steps 4 and 5 for "wheel3" only
    7) okay, now for the easy part
    8) on the right side, click on the 4 of "wheel4"
    9) change it to "2"
    10) repeat steps 8 and 9 to change "wheel5" to "wheel3"
  • FiReBoY
    Moving Axles...
    when you open the base.psm in a hex editor you'll see a load of numbers and letters in the right hand window, look for the words 'wheel0' - 'wheel5' towards the top of the page
    inbetween these words you'll see a load of numbers/letters these are basically the X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the wheel (see below)


    e.g. To move the far right rear wheel forward or backward change the *.B to something else
    i think the values are set in the order of units - 1's (*) - 10's(.) - 100's(B)

    it's just a case of trial and error till you get it where you want
  • FiReBoY
    ***Note: still assuming you have unzipped your base.scs. I'm also assuming your at patch version 1.10***

    I'm going to assume that you already have the base.scs unzipped. K, go into your makes/trailer/trailer5 folder. Copy everything to a new folder and name it trailer22. (makes/trailer/trailer22) Now I'm only going to show you how to make one new trailer with one new load as I have to get back to other things. Go into your new trailer22 folder and you will see a folder (acc) and a file (description.def) open that file and change the name:"trailer5" to name:"trailer22". Go into your ACC folder now and open your base folder.

    Change your !desc.def file to read
    Code Sample

    extdefs "/makes/trailer/acc_base.def"
    def accessory:/accessory_base {
    name:"trailer22 base"



    Now save it and close. Go into your Flares folder and open the !desc.def file, change the name to read "trailer22" instead of trailer5. Save and close. go into your lblinker folder and change the !desc.def file to read name:"trailer22". save and close. do the same for rblinker, rearl, rlights, and wheel. (These steps may not be needed, but better to err on the side of safety then not to.

    Now go into your shared folder, and delete all the trailer5 files EXCEPT the trailer you want to keep or if you have .jpg that you have modded. you WILL need these files: trailer5.shd (rename to trailer22.shd), trailer5.tobj (rename to trailer22.tobj), a .jpg for the trailer (renamed trailer22.jpg), trailer5_gloss.png (renamed trailer22_gloss.png) and trailer5_gloss.tobj (renamed trailer22_gloss.tobj).
    Now open your trailer22.shd file and change:Code Sample


    toCode Sample


    Save and close.
    Open your trailer22.tobj and change: Code Sample

    map 2d trailer5.jpg

    toCode Sample

    map 2d trailer22.jpg

    Close and save.

    now open your trailer22_gloss.tobj and change:Code Sample

    map 2d trailer5_gloss.png

    toCode Sample

    map 2d trailer22_gloss.png

    Save and close. K, now go back to your "My Documents\18 WoS Across America" folder. Go into your "efs/Cargos" folder and mak a copy of the cola.def file. Change this:
    Code Sample

    def cargo:cargo_groceries {

    Code Sample

    def cargo:cargo_groceries {
    name:"@@Some drink name here *Sunny_Delight*@@"

    Now save it as the drink name you used. (IE sunny_delight.def). Now open your Defs/Traders folder and open the file !groceries.def.

    Change this:
    Code Sample


    to Code Sample



    Now chnage this: Code Sample


    toCode Sample


    Save and close.

    K, those are all the steps I took, and so far so good, haven't run into any snags.

    Sorry for this post not being formated nicely, I just copied it from the tutorial on my site.

    Hope this helps some,

  • FiReBoY
    Egy fórumból másoltam ki őket.... Hát ahogy belenéztem, lehet hogy elkezdem az igazi magyar térképet gyártani... :-)
  • FiReBoY
    Ok found out how to add the trailers and not re-skinning but how do u get them to pop up during game play

    ****Note: you have to have already unzipped your base.scs file for this!!!****

    you have to edit a couple defs.

    go here: \My Documents\18 WoS Across America\defs\cargos

    find a cargo that closely resembles the load you're trailer should be hauling. IE a tanker wouldn't be hauling eggs so look for liquid loads. open that def, lets say your doing a remake of the cola trailer with a new skin and you want it to haul cola too. open the cola.def file. this is what you see.

    Code Sample

    extdefs "!cargo_groceries.def"

    def cargo:cargo_groceries {

    K, now change the trailer line to this:
    Code Sample


    *Note: change trailer99 to whatever number you made your new trailer.*

    Now save and play the game. Also I can't remember right now what the seperator was for trailers, I think it's the ; but it might be a comma ,

    Now if you want an all new load say beer for example, do this:

    Code Sample



    Code Sample


    save that file as budweiser.def
    Now go here: \My Documents\18 WoS Across America\defs\traders
    now open !groceries.def
    this is what you see:
    Code Sample

    extdefs "/defs/trader_base.def"

    def trader_groceries:/trader_base {



    Now change these lines to reflect the new load:
    Code Sample


    now if you go to the distributor/distributors that is/are mentioned in that file
    Code Sample


    you should see your new trailer and your new load.

    Hope this helps,

    Replied again.................................................

    Quote (peterbuilt 379 @ 19 Nov. 2003, 18:00)
    now i was wondering could you tell us how to add a complete trailer5 addon so that we would have twice as many as we have now. Or would that be way too hard lol
  • FiReBoY
    The tools for editing the map are in the lower right hand corner of the map,first you have to tell the program what it is you wish to do to the map by selecting from the choices provided,see exhibit 1 B,next is to tell the program what it is you wish to add to the map see exhibit 2-A,each item you wish to add has different choices of the item you wish to add,so if you select Current edit mode New Item,and then choose Current Item Type Fork and place it on the map it will be the default setting,placing items on the map is done by left clicking when the object is attached to your arrow,to change the new fork to a different type of fork choose Current Edit Mode Item Properties and then click the red node thats attached to one end of the newly created Fork,A box then pops up with drop down menu where you decide which kind of fork you want to change the newly created item too,try this a few different times to get to know whats available and get comfortable editing the map,keep in mind the newly created items also need to be adjusted height wise also,and in the process you just followed we did`nt adjust the height of the fork,we just placed it on the map,if you try to connect two nodes that are not the same height your game will crash,to adjust the height of the item your creating can be done in three ways,the easiest is when the object is attached to your arrow move to a road fork or any object node that you want to connect to and toutch them together(dont left click and place the object)just move the object over another node and it`s height is adjusted to the node you toutched)then place the item on the map off to the side on a blank spot, then choose Current Edit Mode Move item and left click on any node attached to the newly created object and while holding the mouse button move the item around the map and slide into position,connect the two nodes together,if you feel you`ve made a mistake or accidently moved something you did`nt want to choose load map,and reload the map and you`ll start over again,if you exit the editing program whatever you have done to your map will stay there automaticly,so make a backup like stated above,you can also adjust the height by using the Current Edit Mode Node Properties,the height is in the top center box,the last way to edit the height is to choose Current Edit Mode Height,note that when adjusting the height by this method you have to adjust the height of all the nodes attached to the object,there are alot of different things that can be added to the map,it`s impossible to give a tutorial on all of them,so make a backup and play with the editor,take your time and pay attention to what your doing because the map editor is very picky!!

    I am working on tutorials on how to add docks and cities to the map,this will be available as soon as they are finished
  • FiReBoY
    Map Editing Tutorial (best if this is printed if you decide to try map editing,and make a backup)

    Map editing is not for everyone and requires alot of time and patience,it requires both creating the map and defining certain things in the map you wish to add eg. docks and cities in defs located in other places

    Map editing works best with Valusofts Version 1.9 or 1.10 update,and in open gl mode

    In this tutorial we will cover the basics of addind roads,forks or any other object besides Docks and cities,

    To Make this easier on both you and me we will edit the map included with the game,a backup will automaticly be made when you edit the map the first time in your My Documents\18 WoS Across America\maps folder,named america.mbd.bak,to be safe you should make a backup of all the files located in the maps folder located in the above mentioned folder.

    Install and upgrade the game to one of the above mentioned versions(1.9 or 1.10)

    Enable the Console,directions provided below

    Navigate to My Documents\18 WoS Across America and open with notepad the file config.cfg,change the properties of the Console from 0 to 1,so it looks like this uset g_console "1",close and save the file.

    Start the game and from the main menu hit the ~ key on your keyboard(the key left of the 1),the console then drops down,type edit,a red background will appear with a stop light looking box(the stop light looking box is basicly just a symbol to place on a specific place on the map when editing to tell the game this is where you wish to start if you choose to run the map from the editor,(when you push the run map button,this is where your truck will be, height is a factor in this matter,we will discuss later in the tutorial.
    see exhibit 1 -A for a diagram.

    Choose the load map button,a box pops up asking for what map you wish to load,and there is only one to choose from,it is located at My Documents\18 WoS Across America\maps,a map then comes on the screen in front of you,hold your right mouse button down and move your mouse around and take a look at what your dealing with,all the green and red dots you see are called nodes,nodes are positions on the map and also height in the map,each thing you wish to add to the map has nodes,one at each end of the item,you can zoom in or out on the map also.
  • FiReBoY
    Pfff.... És ez?
  • gumikacsa
    Ja. De ezek mind azok amik alapból vannak a játékban.
  • FiReBoY
    És ezt? Pár jó trailer...:

  • FiReBoY
    Ezt valaki ismerte már?


    How to use the cheats?
    You have to have at least patch 1.1 to use cheats. First you have to go to "My documents/18 Wos Across America" and locate the file "config". Open the file using Wordpad!
    Now look for the line "uset g_console "0"" and change the "0" to "1" and save it!
    Ok, now your ready to start the game. When you get in to the game press"§" which can be found left of"1" and upside of "tab"! A lot of text should appear on the screen. Now your ready to type in the cheats, which are:
    cheat dealers (All dealers accessible via notebook)
    cheat money (gives money)
    cheat stars (gives you a five star rating)
    cheat drivers (meet all drivers)
    And when your done just press "§" again and start driving.
  • gumikacsa
    18 WoS Across America list of fixes - patch version 1.10

    - Fixed Logitech Momo wheel not being properly detected.
    - POV support for steering with gamepads.
    - Controller "deadzone" remembered correctly in the Options screen.
    - Increased the range for mouse sensitivity slider.
    - Mouse should be more responsive in Main Menu and Notebook with low framerate.

    - Fixed camera field of view to make revert in-cabin view where it was before beta 1.6.
    - Added traffic density option.
    - Added Show Room to main menu.
    - On High Detail, other AI drivers will user better quality wheel models with chrome on trucks and trailers.

    In Game:
    - Improved game stability when handling PSM models.
    - Switching between OpenGL and DirectX in-game made more robust.
    - Improved font rendering for lower screen resolutions.
    - Extended a couple of explanations in tool tips on Notebook's Economy page.
    - Fixed display of incorrect gross incomes for hired drivers on Economy page.
    - Fixed buying a new truck possibly causing erroneous deformation of trucks (introduced in beta patch as a bad side effect of another fix).
    - Fixed Kinetic 1k1 truck showing glare from turn signals in mirrors.
    - Fixed fully repairing a truck at Service Stations sometimes not being properly reflected on the visual appearance of the truck model.
    - Truck dealers now remind the player that their stock will always be accessible in the Notebook after they are discovered.
    - Fixed one of the skyboxes not looking right.
    - Fixed missing cargos in some cities under certain circumstances.
    - Fixed AI truck drivers getting into accidents on their own sometimes causing prestige loss for the player by mistake even when he/she is not to blame.
    - Rain sound stops playing earlier when the rain is ceasing.
    - Darker exhaust smoke.
    - Fixed a bug with "cloned" drivers and trucks.
    - Turn signals state now showing in HUD display.
    - Game week number displayed in Competition page of Notebook.
    - Warning the player after calling 911 that not all damage was actually repaired, 911 can get you out of worst trouble, but full repair is only possible at Service Stations.
    - Improved truck light decal placing.
    - Fixed light switching off inside truck cabin after upgrading the truck.
    - Jukebox track resumes after unpause, notebook close, game menu close.
    - Truck windows made a bit more translucent.
    - Several trailer models which shared common texture for different loads were made to use different skins, all cargos now have different looking trailers.
    - Fixed wheels sometimes disappearing for trailers.
    - Increased speed for low-end trucks.
    - Fixed interior fuel/brake gauges mixed up in some trucks.
    - Fixed trailer shaking.
    - Improved downshifting with automatic transmission.
    - Improved weigh station handling.
    - Fixed a truck dealer becoming discovered on the map near Miami when it shouldn't.
    - Trucks page in Notebook: buttons help texts changed to better differentiate between replacing an existing truck or buying an additional one, also a better explanation in the warning box that no suitable driver is available when trying to buy a truck.
    - Fixed minor sound issue.

    - Some code tweaks attempting to improve game stability.
    - Daylight made to last a little longer, darkness at night is a little shorter.
    - Added support for scrolling list boxes by mouse wheel.
    - Faster loading of JPG format textures.
    - Shutdown code revised in the hope of improving stability.
    - Workaround for a glitch in Nvidia drivers.
    - Fixed DirectX renderer bug causing the screen to just go black.
    - Faster loading of PNG format textures.
    - Fixed anisotropic filtering not working in DirectX, should allow for crisper display of roads.
    - Improved some of the formulations in the help text.
    - Fixed chrome not displaying properly on rotating wheels in DirectX.
    - Showing more detailed wheels with chrome on them even on medium detail settings, people complaining about slow framerate on high detail should switch to medium, they won't lose their chrome on wheels.
    - Weather behavior improvements.
    - Slight rebalance of the economics in the game.
    - Fixed very rare crashing bug.
    - Main Menu camera now offers better view of the trucks.
    - Improved tanker trailers to work better with chrome shine.
    - Small "1.10" for version number displayed in lower right corner of the Main Menu screen.
    - SCS Software and ValuSoft clickable icons in Main Menu for access to company websites, should remind people to check for news on game updates from time to time!
    - Camera in Main Menu tweaked to offer better view of the truck.
    - Improved steering on low-end computers.
    - Graphics Options screen reworked, there are now Low, Medium and High buttons there to globally affect all detail settings, each setting can then be tweaked individually.
    - Nvidia TNT graphics driver glitch workaround: chrome should now work in both OpenGL and DirectX, may need to use "Set HW Defaults" button in the quick graphics setup window when launching the game to re-detect graphics capabilities.
    - Graphics Setup command from Windows Start menu -> 18 WoS AA will properly launch the utility now if the user previously selected "Do not show this dialog next time", was not working as intended before.
    - The "!desc.def" file for truck and trailer skins now recognizes keyword "author", so that skin names can come complete with the signature of their creator displaying in Show Room.

    - Repair area/symbol at highway gas stations moved to be aligned with the diesel area/symbol to make the access to it easier.
    - Fixed a missing "collision detection" triangle in intersection 395/95/80.
    - A few touches to numbering of roads in the map.
    - Map editor made more foolproof, should crash less when the map designer makes mistakes when connecting roads.
    - Road Map in Notebook now has option to display Weigh Stations.
    - More signs added into the map to warn about Weigh Station nearby.
    - Speed limit signs added in some places.
    - Fixed graphics corruption on the Truck Dealer marker symbol.
    - Moved the marker for Repair a bit towards the road on both-sides highway fuel station.
    - Many small tweaks to get rid of small visual glitches in the map.

    - Storing windshield wipers state in saved game.
    - Fixed Special Cargo state not saving properly in save games, could have caused their temporary disappearance in a given week of the game.
    - Skyboxes could be incorrectly set up after loading the game from save file.
    - The new version will open the old saves fine, however save game files created with the patched game are not going to work with the original version of the game!
    - The game now stores the state of mirrors in the save game file.

    - Cheats working again, slightly different though: cheat {money, dealers, drivers
  • gumikacsa
    Próbáltam átfesteni, sárgára, mert nálunk sárgák a mátra volános buszok, de a kis genya készítő lejelszavazott mindent.
  • gumikacsa
    Midtown madness 2
  • M@TriX
    ez miből van?
  • 12346
    dc is jobb mint egy bolt:)) ott is megtalálok mindent. olyat, ami warezeken már rég nincs.

    ez az ikarus jó lett. tologattam mm-ben
  • robotnyk
    egy időben volt ilyenünk :-)
  • gumikacsa
    Kár hogy nem lehet semmit pakolni az across america-ba:
  • Taranov
    Vannak olyan warezek, amik jobbak mint egy bolt, ráadásul sokka olcsóbb :) Én megértem, hogy biznisz lett ebből is, hisz a warezt terjesztő emberek sem tölthetik ingyen az idejüket.
  • 12346
    havi 2 rugany??:)))) milyen warez az? erről egyébként sokat lehetne vitatkozni, hogy kinek mi a jobb, de úgyse fog senki senkit meggyőzni az igazáról. az biztos, hogy dc-ről nekem minden megvolt eddig normál sebességgel, hiba mentesen. tanuláshoz is sok jó dolgot találni ott. pl most asszonynak az ecdl-hez a 3cd-s tananyagot stb stb stb
    warez meg egyébként úgy működne, hogy ingyé osztogatnák, csak hát ebből is biznisz lett.. a szart is eladnák az emberek, ha nem lenne büdös. és ami a legcsúnyább, meg is vennék..
  • Taranov
    Jó a DC, csak a fizetős warez jobb, de a sok zsugori alak nem bírja kifizetni a havi 2 ezer Ft-ot. Ezért nem is lehet mit mondani alternatívának.
  • 12346
    tudni kell használni. nekem most is 60k-val jön az elit alakulat
  • Darkboy
    bocs, 210 óra
  • Darkboy
    a dc kalap szar, egy 90 megás játék 200 ÓRA alatt jön le!
  • 12346
  • gumikacsa
    A peccs??
  • 12346
    dc-ről van nekem
  • gumikacsa