Vampire - Bloodlines
#5850 A Bloodlinest mindig forditja valaki, de eddig még soha senki se készült el vele... -
#5849 magyarosítás készül hozzá? CSinálja valaki? -
#5848 Elindul, és a legujabb patchet tedd fel az official 1.2-es után a #5844-ben linkeltet. -
#5847 windows 7en elindul a game? melyik patchet rakjam fel? -
Fidolorous #5846 nah, utóbbi megoldódott a kompatilibitást kellett 98-ra állítani, mostmár az írányítással nincs gond :) (hihetetlen hogy milyen addiktív ez a játék így harmadjára is amúgy..észre se vettem hogy másfél órát megint átquesteltem :D) -
Fidolorous #5845 Üdv, van két problametikám a játékkal amiben remélem tudtok segíteni.
Az egyik, a "pink mouth" ati driver frissítés volt, szal nem nagyon értem bár az hogy integrált 32 megás chipseten egyáltalán fut a játék már alapból csoda, szóval ezt letudnám nyelni:
A másik viszont játékélmény gyilkos, ugyanis azt tapasztaltam hogy néha egyszerűen beragad a karakter irányítása. Megyek előre lépnék jobbra vagy balra, esetleg ütnék de csak megy tovább magától a Malka, 1-2 mpig. A performance egy-két config beállítással elég türhetőre sikeredett, viszont erre nem találtam megoldást. Előre is köszönök, minden ötletet, tanácst. -
#5844 Unofficial Patch v7.1
(+) denotes changes for Plus Edition players only.
+Added lower player sell values to all weapons which were missing it.
+Restored missing Bertram quest state and fixed broken Isaac update.
+Repaired Venture Tower bomb timer and added it to elevator trap too.
+Moved Pearl of Dubai to Regent and restored Isaac Fae Charm reward.
Added lights-through-walls fix to engine.dll, thanks SomeCommentDoe.
Improved breaking museum windows and fixed more minor level errors.
Removed new Mitnick quest and Chastity's sword from the basic patch.
Fixed headrunner dropping through netcafe floor and a German popup.
Locked gallery front after crime and restored lockpick to warehouse.
Corrected wrong painting positions after slashing then re-entering.
Fixed mirrored beer labels and minor dialogue problems of some NPCs.
Restored Therese and Jeanette reconciling and cash to Kamikaze Zen.
Improved missing fists fix and made pool stripper appear later only.
Made SM laptop stay in old haven in case of random Skyeline issues.
Tweaked Cleopatra history to avoid making Obfuscate powerup useless.
Removed Fae Charm from Tseng to avoid bug on getting it from Isaac.
Fixed blood doll sound and line so it doesn't refer to women as men.
Made Fu Syndicate doors move slower and added a lantern to warrens.
Disabled endless arrow spawning in the chests of first Temple level.
Fidolorous #5843 hát én nehezen... (Obsidian, Bioware esetében jobban hangzana) -
SAFIII #5842 Elbírnák képzelni egy olyan folytatást, amit a Blizzard vagy a Rock* csinál -
#5841 de LESZ ,de LESZ!:) rajta vannak nyugi...csak lassan megy -
#5840 Nem akarnak folytatást csinálni a játéknak?
Vagy valamit?
A "World of Darkness MMO"-t is mióta csinálják már. Abból sem lesz semmi....
Fordításról van valami morzsa?
Látom hogy halad szépen....
Én már csak ilyen türelmetlen ember vagyok! -
#5839 Az jó mert ez lesz állitolag az utolsó és nem is kell szerintem már több. -
IgH #5838 meg tudná valaki mondani hogy kell rendesen használni a resolution patchet? felraktam a játékot, felraktam az 1.2es javítást, aztán ezt a cuccot, behozza ezt az old resolution/new resolution dolgot, valamelyiket átírnám 1900x1200-ra, de csak annyit érek el, hogy az a felbontás onnantól nem lesz választható a játékban... -
#5837 -
#5836 A fordítás halad szépen, most épp a az eddig elkészült fordítást forgatom át, hogy a 7.0-ás fanpatch-csel is működjön. -
#5835 Planet vampire. -
mrmonkey #5834 Tudtok olyan oldalt ahol igényes skineket lehet letölteni???? -
fnorbi89 #5833 Közben rájöttem milyen egyszerű!!! -
fnorbi89 #5832 Sziasztok! Olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy miféle képpen lehet feletelepíteni a Skineket a játékhoz?! -
#5831 Érzésem szerint jövőre már lesz hozzá magyarítás.
#5830 Én már jó ideje nem jutottam fordításhoz - más projektem is kallódik, időhiány miatt.
Lostprophet meg túl sokat projektet vállal, szerintem [én is elkövettem ezt a hibát].
#5829 Jól látom hogy ketten is csináljátok a forditást egymástól függetlenül ? -
#5828 Unofficial English Patch 7.0 by Wesp5 (170MB)
Changes in 7.0:
(+) denotes changes only available when you are playing plus edition of this patch
+Repaired Tourette ammo and added XP and redemption for the Gargoyle.
+Removed SM clinic combat zone and added netcafe combat zone switch.
+Added SWAT rifle ammo model and restored several blunt weapon stats.
+Improved Yukie translation and removed GLOCKs from the Hallowbrook.
+Decreased bomb timer to 30 seconds and changed endgame Skelter line.
Fixed Arthur, Lu, Beckett, Isaac, Victor and killer dialogue issues.
Restored about hundred unused floats and removed bad ones for Kiki.
Fixed tutorial blood reset and improved Chunk Gallery Noir sequence.
Opened beachhouse door on combat and moved blanket to Hannah's bed.
Fixed Gary's photo sound, Ricky's glasses and improved emails order.
Removed Grout's trigger after use and Murietta's key if not needed.
Swapped some pedestrians to reduce clones and added Yukie quest log.
Fixed Yukie boots, Sabbat ankh and Barabus feet, thanks to DDLullu.
Displaced two buggy Luckee Star doors and made the sweeper stronger.
Fixed Dane cop, Bertram, Dennis, LaCroix, Venus and Knox dialogues.
Repaired Ox, mugger and Heather dialogues and restored Barabus line.
Corrected Lily cutscene and stalker hair models, thanks to DDLullu.
Fixed Yukie's shop stats, Maria's invitation and Venture tower door.
Added emotions to Ming's Temple lines and fixed Hallowbrook script.
Swapped Mitnick clone with player model and added Temple door sound.
Tried to fix zombies and stalkers occasionally using normal voices.
Fixed female Tremere hair, thanks for the skin to a nameless modder. -
#5827 ahogy látom nincs bloodheal... de lehet nem is fog hiányozni. -
#5826 jageccbocs, hirtelen csaptam az entert :)
elkeztem megint játszani, a clan quest mod 2.0-t tettem fel meglássuk mit ad... -
#5825 tremere
Fidolorous #5824 az kemény.. -
#5823 Elkészült a clan quest mod 2.0 amely 10 uj küldi mellet tartalmaza az összes eddigi legjobban sikerült modot.
Highlights of Clan Quest Mod
• 10 totally new quests - one for each clan and a quest for evil players! Each quest is written and constructed to match the clans' ambiance and feel; dig up dirt with the Nosferatu, work deals with the Ventrue.
• Packaged installer, seemlessly includes many other mods for installation, including Camarilla Edition, Arsenal Mod, and a "Nightmare Mode" combination of Pop's Difficult Mod and PnP Combat Mod
• 2 brand new cut scenes - Featuring full voice acting
• Over 550 new dialogue lines, with main characters voiced by semi-professional voice actors!
• The new quests feature genuine WoD lore and facts; learn more about the Masquerade than ever.
• Meet 15 new NPCs including a members of the dreaded Assamite and Lasombra clans.
• Powerful new quest rewards, including stat increases and even learning a fourth discipline!
Other Integrated Mods
• Arsenal Mod: Which modifies all the existing weapons to be more interesting and dynamic and even includes throwable hand grenades!
• Camarilla Edition 1.2: This mod overhauls most of the game play elements, including revised disciplines, blood loss over time, new character models, sound effects, and more.
• Weapons Sounds Mod: This mod changes the sounds for all the original guns to make them more realistic and interesting.
• Histories Revised Mod: This mod tweaks some of the histories, and adds a few additional rules, including more difficult stealth encounters, increased falling damage, and greater frenzy probability.
• Unofficial Patch 6.9: Clan Quest Mod, is built ontop of the latest version of the Unoffiical Patch, and includes the ability to toggle the patch's "plus version" mode, which includes enhanced features and game play.
• Music Mod: Remasters all of the game's music with new, eclectic tunes -- even the radio!
• Pop's Difficult Mod: This mod makes the game a lot harder, making all enemies tougher, stronger, and faster.
• PnP Combat Mod: Another mods that changes gameplay; this one tries to better capture the combat sysytem of the game's PnP equivilant. Combine this with Pop's to create a sort-of "Nightmare Mode"
Download. -
SAFIII #5822 Inkább csinálnák meg végre, h normálisan, bugmentesen fusson!
Sz*arok a grafikára! -
#5821 Hát ha elkészül ,akkor tényleg már az i-re a pontot csak a magyarítás rakhatja fel! -
#5820 Bloodlines körül mindig történik valami most épp egy grafikát alaposan felturbozó modding project indul.
#5819 Vampire: Bloodlines v6.9 Unofficial Patch
• +Made Tourette give ammo and repaired mugger and bum humanity issues.
• Fixed wrong Luckee Star keycard model and Chunk's sitting position.
• Added new warehouse quest log and animation to new DJ at Confession.
• Improved minor text issues of quest logs, tutorial popups and info.
• Fixed dialogues of Jack, Mercurio, Regent, Knox, Bertram and Imalia.
• Stopped Dane cop from looping and removed one unvoiced line of his.
• Forced dialogues of Hannah, video courier and Skelter at Last Round.
• Prevented random missing hands bug and restored unused Venus lines.
• Fixed refresh-rate problem in shaderapidx9.dll, thanks to Frank7777.
• Removed push blockade at Fu Syndicate and bad decals at the museum. -
#5818 Ha valakinek hozzám hasonloan bejött a Camarilla Edition mod annak itt a 1.2 verzio change log listája.
Szerintem nagyon feldobja a játékot legalábis nekem a hatodik véggjátszás után új löketet adott még egypár másikhoz...
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with "Theft of Vitae" Discipline.
- Fixed Frenzy effect so it finally works right.
- Fixed so PC No longer gets Protean claws when Frenzy.
- Fixed Discipline Presence so it actually has mez effects on NPCs.
- Fixed Blood Guardian issues.
- Fixed Junkyard fire not starting. (Thanks Wesp)
- Fixed Pinball player at "The Last Round" (Thanks Wesp)
- Fixed Gangrel female hair, textures reach to the bottom now.
- Fixed Heather dialogue not matching the clothes she's wearing.
Game Infrastructure
- Tutorial is setup for new Blood Buff, Animalism, and Dementation disciplines.
- Removed Rainfog FX for performance enhancement during storms.
- Added thunder/lightning FX to Santa Monica Hub and Pier.
- Opening Scene changes; Ventrue always stakers unless PC chooses them.
- Opening Scene changes; Nosferatu sires are now goth kid models.
- Opening Scene changes; Gary was added to the crowd to replace Ventrue.
- New Main Menu Logo and Vampire sound theme.
- Added alot of extra hidden "High Inspection" items to various maps.
- Added more movement to Anarchs in "The Last Round".
- Fixed Tutorial with Jack and added additional lines.
- Added Wesp's "Save Heather" option.
- Gallery Noir Quest, if you agree to stealing the money you will lose humanity.
Hookers and Blood Dolls
- Hookers can be fed on the street with a high Dominate or Seduction.
- Added Hooker and Pedestrians to the Santa Monica Pier arcade.
- New Pedestrian Blood Dolls can be fed on the street with a high Dominate or Seduction.
CE Blood Doll Listing...
Santa Monica - 1 Female (Hangs out in front of the Asylum)
LA - 1 Female (In the Last Round) 1 Male (Outside Hallowbrook)
Hollywood - 1 Female (Outside of Vesuvius) 1 Male (Outside Abrams)
Chinatown - 1 Female (Outside Tongs)
Game Balance/Disciplines
- Raised ALL Attributes, Abilities, and Feats Max to 20.
- Updated occult items "Bloodstar" and "Mummy Fetish" for better game balance.
- Overhauled Histories for the new disciplines.
- Added new sound effect for Protean.
Clan Weakness
- Brujah clan weakness; -4 to frenzy checks.
- Gangrel clan weakness; Costs more to raise social attributes.
- Malkavian clan weakness; +1 Inspection instead of +2.
- Nosferatu clan weakness; Removed +3 blood to rat feeding.
- Tremere clan weakness; Cannot raise physical or Blood Buff above 3.
Blood Timer
- Default Bloodloss rate set to 4 minutes.
- Stamina now determines Bloodloss rate; updated Stamina description.
- Added a Bloodloss tip to the Loading Tip rotation.
- Updated loading tips and tutorial popups.
- ALT is now bound for Auto-Walk/Run.
- Pause can be mapped by user in game, Toggle/Auto Walk/Run cannot.
- Pause, Toggle Walk/Run, and Auto Walk/Run now show up in Keyboard Options.
- Disabled permanently the Auto-Renew Discipline feature. (It was broken)
- Minor changes to Brujah Male Armor 3 skin.
- Minor changes to Toreador Male Armor 3 skin.
- Minor changes to Toreador Female Armor 1, 2, and 3 skin.
- Changed all non-vanilla PC armor set icons to match their parent skins.
- Cleaned up Tremere Female Armor 1 and put the glasses back on Armor 1-3.
- Added "God Module - Submission" after "Lunatic Calm" in Asylum.
Game Manual
- Updated to reflect the changes.
Discipline Overhaul
- Animal Succulence (Replaced Nightwisp Ravens, New Sound/Graphics)
- Song of Serenity (Replaced Dung Beetle, New Sound/Graphics)
- Beckoning (Replaced Summon Wolfie, New Sound/Graphics)
- Pestilence (Replaced Communion Bats, New Sound)
- Free the Beast Within (Replaced Pestilence, New Sound/Graphics)
- Auspex (Now costs 1 blood, new discipline effects)
Blood Buff
- Blood Buff (Is now a 5 Tier Upgradable Discipline, New Sound/Graphic)
Blood Heal
- Blood Heal (Faster regeneration per level, New Graphic)
- Hysteria (Minor Tweaks)
- Insight (Replaced Mass Hallucinations, New Sound/Graphics)
- Babble (Replaced Vision of Death, New Sound/Graphics)
- Shattered Minds (Replaced Voice of Madness, New Sound/Graphics)
- Lingering Malaise (Replaced Bedlam, New Sound/Graphics)
- Trance (New Graphics)
- The Forgetful Mind (New Graphics)
- Tyrant's Gaze (Replaced Suicide, New Sound/Graphics)
- Chain the Psyche (Replaced Enslave, New Sound/Graphics)
- Still the Mortal Flesh (Replaced Mass Suicide, New Sound/Graphics)
Trailer :
Camarilla Editon 1.2 -
#5817 HAIL!
Nem tudom hogy hallottátok e a hírt hogy lesz egy world pf darkness MMOG!
ugyan ez már több mint egy éves hír de engem most kicsit feldobott!
#5816 Ugyan már.....
Én kivárom! Biztosan megéri majd.
De a legjobban most annak örülnék ha adnának ki még egy részt!
Én imádtam ezt a játékot bár mondjuk a "Redemption" az volt a nagy Kedvenc!
Azt már annyiszor játszottam végig hogy volt aki hülyének nézett! -
#5815 Ettöl tartotam ,átok ül ezen a forditáson... -
#5814 Basszus... :)
A magyarítás lassan halad - egyedül. A többiek több hónapja hangot sem adtak.
#5813 Hogy a fenébe lehet hogy még mindig jön ki hozzá patch?
Bár nem baj, de jöhetne hozzá a magyaritás is! -
#5812 Vampire: Bloodlines v6.8 Unofficial Patch
+Made bail bond returnable to Lily and restored VV's poster to basic.
• Restored three paintings into Empire hotel and moved others around.
• Fixed static NPCs on downtown hub and restored some Society weapons.
• Restored report to SM clinic and newspaper pictures to Ocean House.
• Swapped wrong Luckee Star key model and SPAS into Hallowbrook hotel.
• Restored three context icons, three infobar icons and three models.
• Repaired dialogues of Heather, Jack, Arthur, Pisha, Dema and hooker.
• Corrected Ocean House steam cloud directions and minor map details.
• Prevented restored NPC conversations from triggering multiple times.
• Hid door icons at Grout's mansion and used phone prop to open one.
• Restored rain to beachhouse and removed it from Ocean House outside -
dupcsik #5811 hello! felraktam win7 alá a játékot /pc gurus/ amikor indul fekete a képernyő-enter- menük megjelennek, játszhato is, csak a térképek a játékba lila fekete kockássak nem lehet belöle kinézni semmit
mi lehet a probléma?