Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns
Várható megjelenés: 2013-
#103 Figyej. Ha olyan graffal agya ki amilyen a demo volt...apa en el fogok elvezni. Nem erdekel hogy ismerem A-tol Z-ig az egeszet. Ujra akarom elni high end grafffal , szinkronnal specialis effektekkel....te jo eg el tudod kepzelni hogy nezhetnenek ki a summonok es a harcok? A helyszinek full 3D geci.... azok a gyonyoru es monumentalis jelenetek? TE JO EG KIRAZOTT A HIDEG! -
Gábor #102 Én is! Pont a napokban néztem az AC-ben a Reminiscence-t...úgy elfogott a nosztalgia! Nem gondolhatja a Square komolyan, hogy nem adják ki felújítva! Hatalmas öngól lenne! -
#101 Naon akarom :D -
Gábor #100 Megfosztasz a mű értelmezésétől? :(
Na mind1...
Apropó, ték! -
Shadow_THH #99 á mindegy akkor :/ -
Gábor #98 Nagyon nehéz a felfogásod Szúrós barátom! :P
Lennél szíves közölni problémád közérthetően? Sajnos nem vagyok elég magasan képzett ilyen mély tartalommal bíró képek értelmezésére! -
Shadow_THH #97
ércsedmá :C -
Gábor #96 A kép tuti, de még mindig nem az igazi, és az első kommenthez sincs köze ;)
Shadow_THH #95 -
Gábor #94 Te is nyugodtan fejtsd ki bővebben :P -
Shadow_THH #93 -
Gábor #92 Fejtsd ki bővebben kérlek! :) -
#91 OMFG! -
Gábor #90 Nem egészen ide való, de érdekes, hogy a Square tagad, viszont egy nagy online bolt előrendelést vesz fel a VII remakre.
A másik érdekesség, hogy jövőre lesz 10 éves a nagy FF7, szóval ha nagyot akarnak robbantani, akkor 2007 a tökéletes időpont! -
#89 Pár új infó:
Tetsu Tsukamoto who has previously worked on FFX-2 is taking care of weapons design.
The scenario is complete at 80%.
Vehicles will be in the game and the team is considering to use the motion detection functions of the PS3 pad.
The two yellow strips on the girl's left shoulder express a rank and a social status.
There will be usual exploration of cities and conversations with non playing characters.
The woman in the trailer is probably not the main character however the developers want to give a prominent role in the game to a strong, independent woman. -
#88 En el tudnek kepzelni egy MMO-t FFVII vilagab. Tok brutal lenne. -
Inquisitor #87 "Aszitem a FFXIII is online lesz...." - Tudtommal elég jól megy az FF-XI Online odakint, minek csinálnának konkurenciát?
(Bár hozzá tartozik, hogy a Square csinál 2db MMORPG-t is, csak nem FF szériából.) -
#86 De mar meg ne haragudj ugyan hany FFVII-en alapulo gama van? -
Gábor #85 Az, vagy csak nem FFVII-fanatikus, mint pl én :D -
#84 Ez hue. -
Shadow_THH #83 jáj nem találjátok ki mi jön ki még ps3-ra :D
hát az FFVII 40-ik újrafeldolgozása, advent children grafessal ff7 történettel
végre! Ebben a hónapban még nem jelent meg ff7 újrairat amugysem -
#82 "The main FFXIII game may have some Online elements..."
Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy milyen onlány elemet lehet belerakni egy FFbe! Azért ez nem olyan mint egy FPS h emberek v botok ellen mész.. -
#81 Aszitem a FFXIII is online lesz.... -
Ronin1350 #80 Az Oblivion nagyon nagyon jó játék . Baromi összetett és nem „ bármit lehet csinálni benne „ csak szabad kezet adtak a játékkészítők……. Jah és mégvalami nem kell atomerőmű csak le, kell tölteni az Oldbliviont . -
#79 ... nem ismerem nagyon PC-s rpg-ket, asszony tolta Morro-t anno, de ő is ugy volt vele, h. helyenkent idegesitette; h. egymas utan akar adnak 30 sub-quest-et is... Ez a tulzott szabadsag nekem betesz jatekelmeny terén; nem szeretem mikor annyi a tennivalo, hogy jaj... :-P Allitolag fura a fejlödési rendszer, akkor fejlödsz, ha alszol...vagy valami ilyesmi... +mas ellenfeleket tesz be magasabb szinteken... gondolom igy van, ti toltatok, nem én... :-P eh, PC rpg nekem kilöve; az az igazsag...nem tudott lekötni sohasem... -
#78 Oblivion? En a Morrowindet nagyon sokaig toltam es naon teccet. De az Oblival nem birtam tovabb 5-6 oranal. Annyira unalmas es annyira hirtelen mindent lehet csinalni benne hogy jaj. Nekem eleg jo gepem van de lattam en repulogep turbinan is mukodni de nem doltem hanyatt. Amiket megjelenes elott lathattunk kicsit ki van szepidtve. -
Inquisitor #77 A Heavenly Sword még sokkal szebben néz ki, szóval valószinüleg tényleg ilyen lesz a végleges vagy szebb :) -
#76 én az Oblivionnal voltam igy...vmi extradurva atomerömüvön keszült videot lattam leesett az állam; oszt mikor meglattam egy (magyar pénztarcanak még elviselhetö áru) high-end pc-n, nem volt akkora a hatás... :-P jo, a karik jol neznek ki + látotavolsag nagy volt, de az már a Giants-ben is megvót csinnyáááva rendesen... :-P X-et még nem lattam üzem-közben; mennyire büntet? High-end pc vagy jobb? :-O (szemelyes véleményre vagyok kivancsi, egyre kevesbe bizom netes értékelesekben-velemenyekben+netes screenshot-okban...) -
#75 En sem hiszem el amig nincs elottem. X360 is mekkora atom volt oszt amikor vegre leultem eleje nem volt akkora a hatas mint kepzeltem. -
#74 majd kiderül... Az az igazsag; h. lehet még picit felturbozott video is... Anno az elsö Huxley-screenshot-ok is feljavitottak voltak; de az uj képek karakterei már picit szögletesebbek, az in-game video meg szerintem 1 picit szebb grafrol arulkodik mint az uj gémek...Szoval nem eszik oylan forron a kását... :-) Bocsi, h. az Ördög ügyvédjét jatszom, de altalaban mindig szkeptikus vagyok... -
#73 Ha' na. Amit a trailerbe lattunk az alitolag tobb real time jelenetet tartalmaz mint pre-rendeltet. Ami ugye hihetettlen de igaz.
Ha igy fognak kinezni a nextgen jatekok Ps3-ra akkor TE JO EG! -
#72 Tehát röviden?
Shadow_THH #71 thx -
#70 Final Fantasy XIII Update
The development staff offers additional details on all three FFXIII titles.
by IGN Staff
May 17, 2006 - The latest issue of Famitsu has a lengthy update on the new Final Fantasy XIII series, Square Enix's big E3 surprise for PlayStation 3 and mobile. While most of the article is nothing more than speculation based off the contents of the main FFXIII E3 trailer (seen in our media section below), we were able to pick up a few intriguing details through an interview with the development staff.
While Square Enix announced at E3 that development on the main FFXIII game began on the PS2, the magazine reveals that the project switched platforms not too long ago.(uh on) Back when the Final Fantasy VII technical demo was shown at last year's E3, the team working on that demo was simultaneously working on the PS2 version of FFXIII. The switch came after this. Motome Torishima, director of the main FFXIII title, explained to the magazine that that development staff found it difficult to go back to the PS2 after having experienced the next generation through its work on the demo.
Watching the game's trailer, and it should be apparent why. FFXIII's visual quality is so high that it's tough to differentiate the pre-rendered sequences in the trailer from the real time sequences. Based on the magazine's comments, the battle sequences are definitely real time, as is the sequence in which the main character walks through a detailed forest. The scene towards the end, which depicts the main character walking atop a train and turning to face what appears to be an enemy boss, may be pre-rendered. The magazine uses an image pulled from this sequence as a "movie" picture against which readers can compare the real time battle visuals.
Real time or pre-rendered, visuals seem to play a big role in establishing the FFXIII world. Torishima revealed to the magazine that the development staff spent quite a bit of time on the pre-production aspects of FFXIII. The FFXIII series' concept is based on Crystals that lead the world towards the future. Crystals take the form of real world objects that are used for every day conveniences. All objects are meant to have some sort of meaning, noted Torishima, right down to individual pillars and signboards. The game's graphic artists didn't simply try to make the visuals more realistic.
FFXIII series producer Yoshinori Kitase was unable to provide further details on the crystal-based mythology that will be present in all three FFXIII products. He did make it clear that the mythology won't necessarily form the centerpiece of the storyline, similar to how we -- well, most of us at least -- don't go through our daily lives concerning ourselves with ancient legends. The surrounding mythology will instead be reflected in, for example, the designs that are used in the games, with each of the three titles focusing on and showing different aspects.
The mythology and the usual Final Fantasy elements, like Chocobos, Mogles, and magic names, will be just about all that's shared between the main FFXIII, it's action-oriented sister production, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and the mobile Final Fantasy Agito XIII. Gameplay will differ between the three titles, with Kitase noting that the staff is tuning the gameplay systems to make sure that there's no crossover.
Kitase gave a few hints about the battle system to be featured in the main FFXIII. The standard Final Fantasy systems, including the ATB (Active Time Battle) system, will make an appearance, although it will be sped up over previous entries in the series. The battle system will also do some things with time and 3D space, although based off Kitase's comments, this seems to be mostly for presentation, as suggested by the slow motion used in the trailer.
Moving onto Versus, director Tetsuya Nomura wouldn't speak too much about the gameplay, noting only that we can expect plenty of action. The Kingdom Hearts team is working away at this one, and while Nomura made it clear to the magazine that the progression through Versus will be different, the team is making use of the know-how it gained in the production of the Disney-based titles.
Nomura was a bit more open about story details, revealing that the main character in Versus is a member of the royal family in a kingdom that has protected family crystals for generations. While the main character sports normal, modern day clothing, he works to protect the family crystals from creatures from another world. These creatures sport machine guns and wear Middle Ages inspired armor.
Unlike the FFXIII trailer, we weren't able to share with you the trailer for Versus. One sequence in the clip showed a cityscape that resembled a modern day metropolis, with a tall, twin-towered building making a strong impact in the center of the image. The main character resides in this building, which Nomura remarked as being the equivalent of a castle in the game's futuristic setting.
Agito is as different as can be from the other two FFXIII titles, as it features Before Crisis style artwork. The mobile title takes place in a magic school, but director Hajime Tabata refrained from getting into specifics. The game's storyline will advance primarily in the school, with players heading out into the main world as they progress. Players will be able to select to play as one of at least 12 different students from the school, each sporting a different weapon, including guns, a bow and arrow and swords. Some characters even fight without weapons!
Square Enix describes Agito as an Online RPG, although as with Before Crisis, you'll be adventuring on your own, joining up with your party only when needed. The game will not have the feel of a massively multiplayer Online title where you form a party and adventure together, Tabata admitted.
Kitase chimed in with some comments on the Online prospects for the other two titles. The main FFXIII game may have some Online elements, although Online play won't be the main part of the title. Tetsuya Nomura made it clear that Versus is not being designed as an Online title, and that the chances of Online support are low.
All three titles seem like they have a ways to go before seeing release. Compatibility for Agito has yet to be decided upon, with Tabata unable to reveal when we'll be able to see screenshots. Regarding Versus, Nomura noted that his team is hard at work on the European version of Kingdom Hearts II, so they're only in the art and pre-production phase of development on the PS3 title.
As for what should be the main event in the series, the main Final Fantasy XIII title, Toriyama jokes that as this is the first PS3 entry in the series, his team had hoped to get it out early, but it seems that we'll have to wait just a bit.
As long as FFXIII arrives faster than FFXII did, we're okay with a little wait. -
#69 ja közben már az eredeti linkhez is hozzárakták:P -
#68 +3 oldal
ha abbol állt volna a sony konferencia hogy ezt mutogatják övék lett volna a show:P -
#67 Micsoda grafika úristen -
Inquisitor #66 Davidus kolléga vadászta ezeket a szép FF-XIII szkeneket, nem tudom volt e már?
FF-XIII újságszkennek -
#65 bizonyara igazad van... :-P Nem toltam uj PoP-kat... Final F8-ban az tetszik, h. ott meg lehet lenni ritmuskombo nelkul is+be lehet allitani automatic-ra, ha nagyon nem megy.. -
#64 Pedig olyan mint speedkillezni prince-ben :)