  • Szabi1991
  • geo91
    egyedi konfiguráció :D

  • Szabi1991
    közbe észrevettem.. :/
  • Pio
  • geo91
    van külön topic erre
  • Carlos
  • geo91
    ezek a kínaiak... :D

  • Szabi1991
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • geo91
  • geo91
    nyugi, szerintem is vissza kéne térni az eredeti témához. :)
    már nyitottam újat ennek a baromságnak. :D

    mindjárt postolok vmi jót :)
  • Rage47
    pedig jól indult a topik...
  • geo91
    8.-ak vagyunk még. :) nyomjuk ezerrel, hogy bennmaradjunk a top10-ben. :)
  • geo91
    van már külön topic erre
  • Voldi
    Stranger: hello
    You: b
    You: you are?
    Stranger: where you from
    Stranger: moritz
    You: i'm not
    Stranger: from germany
    You: oh great
    You: fucking jews
    You: poor
    Stranger: im a jew you fuckin peace of shit
  • BB7
    Én még mindig ezt nyomom! :D
  • n3whous3
    Kicsit unalmas már.
  • BB7
    Pedig már bent volt TOP7-ben! :D
  • herczeg
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ಠ_ಠ
    Stranger: have I spoken to you before
  • ldavid
    lol :D
  • geo91
    ittvan e
  • geo91
  • qetuol
    szerintem nyissunk ennek egy külön szobát mert ez így spam

    Stranger: yoo
    You: rossz
    Stranger: rozz?
    You: nono, rossz
    You: with SSZ
    You: btw its jó
    You: not yoo
  • Zomil
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hey, 26/m/usa here, and you? Looking for a woman over 18 with a webcam who likes to show. :D

    öhm :D
  • Daell Drow
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: horny girl?
    You: horny boy?
    Stranger: haha hello again haha
    Stranger: whos there?
    Stranger: very horny
    You: you are horny boy?
    Stranger: very
    You: very?
    Stranger: yup... you horny girl?
    You: i am horny boy
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • geo91
    Stranger: hey
    You: hi!
    You: anyád szűz?
    Stranger: where are you from?
    Stranger: What?
    You: anyád szűz?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • qetuol
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: asl?
    You: njh
    You: hsd?
  • Aquir

    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • qetuol
    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    You: sup?
    Stranger: nothing much what about oyu
    Stranger: you
    You: im bored
    Stranger: me too
    You: whats the weather there?
    Stranger: HOT
    You: wow
    Stranger: what about you
    You: here is gypsy -rain
    Stranger: gyspy rain?
    You: yeah, gypsies are falling from the heaven
    Stranger: what?
    You: cool, isnt it?
    Stranger: how is that even possible
    You: easily...
    You: we bring gypsies to the sky on plane
    Stranger: i'm so sure
    You: then we release them^^
    Stranger: thats crazy
    You: not really, they can survive
    You: they survive everything..
    Stranger: i don't believe you
    You: cuz you are a gypsy too
    Stranger: no i'm not a gypsy
    You: you lie, gypsies lie
    Stranger: no but i'm not a gypsy
    Stranger: i'm telling the truth
    You: every gypsy "im not a gypsy" when we r collecting them for a gypsy-rain
    You: *says
    Stranger: i'm really not a gypsy so i wouldn't be collected
    You: now we know where r u from and we go for you for a gypsy-rain
    Stranger: no no no i'll stay here where it doesn't gypsy rain
    You: prepare, we hope you dont fear the high sky
    Stranger: ok i'm' not afraid
    You: can u fly?
    Stranger: no o
    You: that sucks..
    You: anyway, even gypsies cannot fly
  • Aquir
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hello
    You: bye
    Stranger: fuck you
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • Aquir
  • Aquir
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: so a polar bear walks past a penguin on a cell phone
    Stranger: polar bear says, "hey, it's cold out here"
    You: hm interesting
    Stranger: penguin says, "hey, i'm on the phone, shut the hell up"
    You: and?
    Stranger: your turn
    You: k
    You: Why is Ten scared? Because Seven ate Nine
    You: lol
    Stranger: awww. that's less funny than mine
    Stranger: i'll try again.
    You: i know hungarian jokes only
    Stranger: bring it on
    You: mostly the hard ones
    Stranger: so this jew and this hungarian walk into a bar
    Stranger: the jew says, "you payin?"
    Stranger: the hungarian says, "no, I thought you were"
    Stranger: alright, your turn again
    You: omg
    You: ok
    You: wait
    You: The police asks John Lennon's murderer: why did u kill Lennon
    You: the murderer: Lennon? I thought it was Lenin
    You: :S
    Stranger: ok, those are clearly jokes. try again
    You: :|
    You: how can u find easily a lion in the desert?
    Stranger: the color purple divided by the feeling of dispair
    You: U grab a semipermeable membrane which does not let trough the lions and use it on the desert :S
    Stranger: wow... that's remarkably unfunny. but still sensical. try again.
    You: omg
    You: lets see..
    You: Galileo: great mind
    Einstein: genius mind
    Newton: extraordinary mind
    Me: master mind
    You:never mind
    You: :P
    You: ur turn
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • [HUN]FaTaL
  • geo91

  • [HUN]FaTaL
    A tulaj külföldre menekült, legalábbis ezt mondták a TVben is, cikkekben is ezt írták. És én is ezt tartom valószínűbbnek.
  • qetuol
    igen , geo for president!!

    Stranger: HARRY???
    You: yes, Hermione?
    Stranger: it's ron, you silly child
  • geo91
    hmm? legalább válaszoljatok.
  • qetuol
    You: hi
    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: sup
    You: im fine
    You: what about u?
    Stranger: i'm good
    Stranger: where r u from?
    You: im from the Orion
    You: u?
    Stranger: i have no home, always traveling around with my spaceship
    You: cool, visit me someday^^
    Stranger: sure next time i'm around
    You: beware near Nibiru, there lives my ex-wife
    Stranger: i have to go back to the bridge now, cu

    azt hiszem itt elleszek egy darabig...
  • geo91
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hey there strangerboy
    You: ಠ_ಠ
    Stranger: thats cool
    You: ಠ_ಠ
    Stranger: haha
    You: ಠ_ಠ
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • Shifter
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hello
    Stranger: im gonna kill your pet
    You: orly?
    You: prove or gtfo
    Stranger: sure
    Stranger: i live beside you
    You: awwie
    Stranger: in another dimension
    You: then you just failed so hard
    Stranger: look at your desk
    You: since i dont got a pet ^^ but go ahead keep trying
    Stranger: do you see a mouse?
    You: nah
    You: i just see a sand piece and its ya
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: well u suck balls then
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    You: sup homie
    Stranger: Nothing really
    You: cmon tell me something interesting
    Stranger: I got a problem
    Stranger: i'm gay
    You: rly?
    Stranger: yup
    You: tell me bout it
    Stranger: but last night, my friend went on till my arse was bleeding
    Stranger: horrible
    You: ya it is
    Stranger: he wasnt even trying to stop
    Stranger: sucks big time
    Stranger: so, tell me bout ur life
    You: i hate gays so i will tear your head off you little moron
    Stranger: why
    You: cos you worth as much as a piece of shit
  • ba32107
    Stranger: hello
    You: hello
    Stranger: sup?
    You: sup?
    Stranger: FFFUUUU
    You: FFFUUUU
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.