#31949 Rengetegen játszanak még vele. Ha kijön a kieg, érdemes lesz azt is megvenned, de ha nem veszed meg, az se gáz, lehet majd tolni alap verzióval is.
Sztem nem fogod megbánni. -
#31948 Köszi ez kimerítő válasz volt:D
Akkor lehet, hogy meg is veszem majd...
Köszi! -
r4pt0r #31947 Multiban még 10évig biztos találsz embert, ha nem tovább. Kieg még nincs, idén fog jönni elvileg. Neted jó, géped jó hozzá.
Ha szereted multiban az rtseket, akkor ez neked való játék, mostanában nincs is igazán más komolyabb rts amit rengetegen támogatnak is. -
#31946 Szevasztok!
Nagyon elkezdett érdekelni a játék, ráadásul egy igen jó multis rts-nek látszik.
Elgondolkodtam a megvásárlásán, de igen magas az ára.
Megéri még megvenni?Sokan multiznak még?Csak az alapjátékot tudnám megvenni, mert látom van valami kiegje is.
Van egy ilyen netem:
A feltöltés van, hogy csak 0.30 nem tudom elég-e a játéknak.
Feltételezem a gépemen élvezhetően elfutna:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2,7 GHz, Nvidia Gf 9600 GT 512mb, 3Gb RAM és egy Windows 7 Ultimate.
Szóval vegyem?Ne vegyem? :)
Köszi! -
#31945 alig varom hogy lassam a harcsa mestert akcioban -
#31944 flash :D -
sirdond #31943 ez tényleg vagány. ha egyszer kijutok párizsba tuti ellátogatok ide! -
#31942 ez de durva! első SC2 bár -
sirdond #31941 MVP már az 5. gsl code s döntőjére készülhet -
sirdond #31940 hogy hogy mit?
eg megvette mouz sportstól és megy koreába a slayers házba -
#31939 Ez mit takar? :) -
sirdond #31938 Thorzain is EG lett -
#31937 ignore,nem ide ffuu -
#31936 vigyázat erősen spoileres,diablo meghal benne
viccet félretéve nekem nem jön be a stílus,helyenként elég gagyi benyomást kelt,de lore szempontjából elsőosztályú -
#31935 Azt nem tudom ezekre miért kellett, illetve miért kell ennyit várni... -
#31934 Legalább valahol meglehet tanulni a kivédésüket anélkül hogy felbasznád magad rajta :3 -
#31933 "Unranked matchmaking" = cheeseladder -
#31932 na,végre
"Greetings fellow StarCraft II players! The past couple weeks have been amazing for the StarCraft II community. At the Dreamhack Open we saw the Swedish "Spoon Terran," Thorzain, triumph over GSL champion Polt in front of a hometown crowd in an amazing series. That same weekend, the Major League Gaming Spring Arena finals went to best of 7 games to see DongRaeGu victorious against MarineKing, avenging a loss in the Winter Championship. Looking ahead, Team Liquid StarLeague 4 was just announced here and is already getting a lot of excitement from the community. And finally, we have exciting news coming out of Korea as KeSPA and OnGameNet commit to all-new StarCraft II leagues, joining GomTV's GSL and GSTL to create an all-new StarCraft II eSports landscape. Add all of that to the 2012 Blizzard World Championship Series, and the StarCraft II community is already off to an epic 2012 in what could be the most exciting eSports year yet.
In the midst of all this great community news, we want to announce some of the exciting things we’re working on this year for StarCraft II. Here's a list of some of the features we are planning to release at or around the launch of Heart of the Swarm:
Multiplayer resume from replay
Global Play
Multilanguage support
Clan/group system
Unranked matchmaking
Multiplayer replay viewing
Let's go into more detail on each of these, starting with multiplayer resume functionality. We know how important eSports is for the StarCraft II community, and it’s important to us too. For some time now we have been discussing ways to improve StarCraft II to ensure that tournaments both large and small run as smoothly as possible. While we are discussing many different improvements, we've heard your feedback and are creating a way that games can be continued if they are ended prematurely during an eSports event. We have been investigating solutions to this issue for some time, but we expect to offer the ability to resume play from a replay at or around the launch of Heart of the Swarm.
Some of you may have read details about Diablo III Global Play, which will allow Diablo III players to create characters in different regions from their home region so they can play with friends in other parts of the world. We know this is something StarCraft II players have been asking for, and we’re working hard to make it available along with multilanguage support, at or around the release of Heart of the Swarm. We’ll have information as we get closer to Heart of the Swarm’s release.
We continue to read your passionate requests for clan support. We can confirm that we are building a clan/group system that will be released with Heart of the Swarm. We also intend to have our first version of unranked play so you will have the ability to match-make against like-skilled players without having to affect your ladder ranking while you practice off-race or experiment with a new build order.
We'll also be offering a beta sneak peek of Heart of the Swarm to attendees of the MLG Spring Championship on June 8–10 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Additionally, we will be releasing news in the next few weeks about how your participation in the upcoming Arcade (1.5) beta can win you chances to get into the upcoming Heart of the Swarm multiplayer beta test.
It’s shaping up to be an amazing year for StarCraft II. Can you believe that Flash will soon be competing in StarCraft II? Before we sign off, we wanted to call attention to a newly created StarCraft II magazine, GLHF magazine, created by a passionate group of StarCraft players. The first issue features some high production quality in our opinion and is well worth checking out. See you online!
The StarCraft II Team" -
#31931 mc vs polt fight club talan, uhh mekkora meccs :D -
NovaTerra #31930 Látom a helyzet változatlan. :) -
sirdond #31929 nagyon remélem,hogy csak valaki "poénkodik" -
#31928 stream alatt a chaten sokan irták -
sirdond #31927 biztos hazament anyák napjára -
#31926 2 napja nem rakott fel videót... -
sirdond #31925 nem. miért? -
#31924 meghalt day9?
#31923 Iron Squid -
#31922 néha mintha amatőrök lennének :D -
#31921 :D
Hülye... :D -
#31920 -
#31919 bónusz...
#31918 Komolyan ennyi idő kellett, mire ezekre rájöttek?
We’ve just published a new multiplayer map called "Antiga Shipyard (1.4.3 Balance v2.0)", in which we’re testing a few small balance changes to StarCraft II. Our hope is to bring the changes to the game in a week or so, without a full patch. Here’s the situation:
Globally, all matchups below pro-level are pretty balanced.
We aren’t currently seeing any problems with non-pro-level matchups, but as always, we’re watching them very carefully on a weekly basis.
We want changes we're making to balance at this time to be small, strategic adjustments that will only affect pro-level play.
Zerg at the pro-level are struggling a bit to scout effectively in the early game.
This is tricky to balance, because we do not want to hinder sneaky strategies or tactical early play vs. zerg.
Our goal here is to improve zerg scouting, but not to the point where other races feel like they can’t or shouldn’t make any strategic early moves vs. zerg.
Zerg at the pro-level are slightly too susceptible to all-in rushes.
We want to make creep spread a little bit easier to counter hellions in ZvT.
We want to make the general zerg defense slightly stronger in the early game.
Protoss at the pro-level are doing well, but not at the very top of the pro-level.
At this time, we’re keeping a very close eye on this, and preparing to make any necessary adjustments.
We are closely watching TvP to see if the offensive capabilities of terran in the early/mid game becomes too much, or if late game strength of protoss becomes too much.
We aren’t making a change to affect this now, but it’s very near the top of our list of things we’re watching.
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/5308170/Call_to_Action_Balance_Testing-5_2_2012 -
sirdond #31917 ami 2 éve meg elképzelhetetlen lett volna ma megtörtént
#31916 még nem, HotS béta "hamarosan" -
warriorGula #31915 Emberek, megjelent már a többi kampány is? (nem csak a terran)
Egy ideje már nem figyeltem a híreket... -
sirdond #31914 lol, óriási :D -
#31913 Googliba keressetek rá, hogy "zerg rush"
sirdond #31912 Dreamhack Open 1. elődöntő kezdődött épp az előbb -
#31911 nc -
#31910 dagadt zerg