Mért lenne hibás? Szinte felforgat minden játékost, már nem is tudják mi posztjuk! Kovács, O'Shea...
Rudee #1505 Ráadásul a fiatalítás nagyrészt a sok sérülésből adódóan jött, nem azért mert Ferguson kitalálta hogy beépít 4-5 fiatalt a csapatba. -
Csesza #1504 a Man Utd így se volt egy olyan hú de öreg csapat, és a Manchester nem egy Fradi szintű klubb hogy majd fiatalítunk várják meg és 3-4év múlva bajnokesélyes csapattal tudunk indulni, a ManU ezt nem engedheti meg magának...hogy 3-4évig várjanak egy sikerre -
Szerintem pedig nem SAF lemondása a hibás!
SAF elkezdett valamit(fitalokbol csapatépítés)amit csak ő tud befejezni! -
Csesza #1502 1-0 :((((((
sztem most már Fergi-nek le kéne mondania, ezzel mindenkinek jót tenne... -
Rudee #1501 Lille-MU lesz. -
UP! Ma este kivel jáccunk?
Valaki lefordíthatná! -
Manchester United: The 12 players that Ferguson should sell ASAP
Sir Alex Ferguson has never been one to stand about and watch while his team disintegrates; but regardless of extra training or slanging matches in the dressing room the team is in decline. Why would Michael Ballack choose to join a team that is drifting through another season?
The reality is that there is a Chelsea team that is bossing every game (and winning almost all of them) and then there are ten other teams who can now have a realistic shot at second place. United and Arsenal are not what they were, but are picking up enough points to suggest that they will drift into another pair of top four finishes.
But is that ambition?
Arsenal and Manchester United need to demonstrate that the millions invested in the youth academies can produce players that will be world class. Arsenal fans can shout up the development of Fabregas and Clichy - but they are not yet international class, never mind world class. And in response Manchester United can big up Pique and Rossi - but in that case why are they rotting in the reserves?
So for United the ideal must surely be to bring the youth players through and buy in some world class players to change the team. For this to happen United must get rid of the players that are blocking up the system. Arsenal have already started this process and Manchester United must go down this painful road immediately or face a slide into mediocrity.
A bad plan is better than no plan, and with no apparent transfer budget there appears to be no plan. And so here is my bad plan - a list of players that, for various reasons, should be moved on.
Tim Howard
A decent number two - but he is blocking the progress of two keepers of great potential in Luke Steele and Ben Foster.
John O'Shea
John O'Shea has been struggling to recapture his early promise for two years now - and his inability to hold down a regular position could mean he is too flexible - or not good enough.
Cristiano Ronaldo
The most contentious choice - Cristiano Ronaldo is in here because, in the final analysis, his style of play may not suit the Premiership. There is little doubt that he is talented - but how many goals does he score, and how many assists does he make? The answer is clearly far too few. In a 4-3-3 he plays too narrow, and in a 4-4-2 he lacks discipline. There is time to become a conventional number 10 or right winger, but he is not a good enough inside forward - and he may find he needs a change of club and league to achieve his potential. No doubt he would be a godsend for Real Madrid or Barcelona due to the ease with which he would win free-kicks.
Louis Saha
It is difficult for Saha, he is genuinely talented and a good goalscorer. But you can't score from the treatment room - and Guiseppe Rossi is another with pace and a decent long-range shot. On the list to raise revenue.
Rio Ferdinand
Rio Ferdinand seems to have gone backwards since his contract renewal. Perhaps he is in a comfort zone, but regardless Ferguson should drop him immediately and see if he rediscovers his form in the reserves.
Mikael Silvestre
Nearing his 30's, and when his pace starts to fade his poor positional play will be exposed. May have two or three seasons left at the top level.
Roy Keane
Keane is too good a person to let people remember him as a faded star who hung on too long. Time to leave with dignity.
Liam Miller
Eighteen months and what? May not get another chance in any event.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
The injury he picked up celebrating his goal in Barcelona meant that the high point of his career has destroyed what should have been the second half. For the sentimental (which, I guess, covers all football fans) if he could get a short run in the first team to say goodbye it would be nice.
Paul Scholes
What happened?
Quinton Fortune
Closing fast on 30 and is rarely fit for half a season - perhaps he needs a less intense league. Qatar?
David Bellion
Fast. Err, that's it.
If a team is to be rebuilt then there has to be some cash generated, because there are no guarantees from the Glazers that there is any transfer budget. Admittedly there have been some vague references to £20m/£25m per season - which you can believe if you are a very trusting person. So to generate cash sell on Saha (£6m), Ronaldo (£20m), Ferdinand (£10m) and O'Shea (£4m). Anything that the other six bring in would be a bonus, to yield a transfer pot of around £45m. If the Glazers then made this up to £50m-£60m then there is the kind of budget to target four world class players that would create a team capable of challenging Chelsea.
Fill in the gaps with van der Sar, Heinze, Rooney, van Nistelrooy, Neville, Park and Richardson and bring through the youth team to flesh out the squad, or cover for injuries. And attack every match with a plan of outscoring the opposition (rather than keeping a clean sheet and hoping something turns up).
This bad plan seems the best way for Sir Alex Ferguson to avoid a return to 1989 - when the fans nearly hounded him out of Old Trafford. But this may be his final season in any event. -
Angolul persze!
Mert Smith=Kovács :-DDD
De miért Kovács? :DDD -
De sztem ott a szíve mélyen nem ott jáccana legszívesebben!
skristof #1493 alan smith -
Ki az a Kovács? :) -
Azért játszik ott,mert a jelenlehgi keretböl ő ott a legjobb! -
Nemtom kivel vitatkoztam azon, hogy "Kovács" miért jáccik véd.köz.-ként. És ezt Nyilasi sem látja jónak, megdöbbentettem, amikor asszongya, hogy Kovács egyik angol legjobb jövő csatára és itt mért azt jáccik?
koska 7 #1489 miért nem tudta ezt a tottenham ellen a hajrában befejelni akkor minden más lett volna.. nemértem flecser mért játszik 1 olyan csapatban ami a széljátékot nyomja
koska 7 #1488 az 1000. gól:
koska 7 #1487 ez nagyon dúrva tényleg.. fergienek kikell találnia valami nagyon jó újjítást különben glazeréz elküldik.. -
Hihetetlen !!!!!!!!!
durva :| -
4-1 lett. -
4-0? -
Nekem berémlik egy meccs a Tottenham ellen, amikor 3-0-ás félidő után 5-3ra nyertünk....
Mellesleg jólenne tényleg rendet tenni mert a középpálya összetételére rossz ránézni... -
Glézer, SAF takarodj! -
Nézzük! -
Up! 18:00-kor S1-en Utd-Boro
skristof #1477 üljle, egyes -
Mi van vele? Arsenall-al?
csak az arsenal!!!! -
zolee12 #1474 Solskjaer-ral mi van már?
Tudtok róla vmi. friss infót?
Nekem ő a kedvencem és nagyon hiányzik a játéka! -
Az értékelések a szombati mérkőzésen nyújtottakról...
Edwin Van der Sar: 7 - Nem volt esélye a szabadrúgásnál
Phillip Bardsley: 6 - Elhalványult a második félidőben
Rio Ferdinand: 7 - Szolíd
Mikael Silvestre: 8 - Remekelt
John O'Shea: 5 - Gyenge
Darren Fletcher: 5 - Nem volt a pályán
Paul Scholes: 7 - Volt dolga
Alan Smith: 8 - Remek
Wayne Rooney: 9 - Kimagasló
Ruud van Nistelrooy: 7 - Próbálkozott
Ji-Sung Park: 6 - Nem tudja abba hagyni a futást, fáradhatatlan
Cristiano Ronaldo: 6 - Próbálkozott
Giuseppe Rossi: 5 - Kapott egy kevéske időt -
mindegy -
Ibron #1471 Most mit nézel így? -
skristof #1470 valószínüleg :) és nincsmit -
Ibron #1468 Ja vagy úúúúúgy... nemtom,lehet,hogy nála is ezt jelenti..de kösz az infot. -
skristof #1467 még véletlenül sem :) de ettől függetlenül jó arc lehet az illető :P
A.C.A.B. = All Cops Are Bastards