Reign Of Kings

  • Mályki86
    Sziasztok-sztok-sztok-sztok! Van még itt valaki-ki-ki-ki?! :D Jó nagy pangás van itt azt látom.

    Csak azért ugrottam be, mert most március 5.-ig 90%-al le van árazva a játék steam-en. Gondolom nem nagyon viszik azért van ez. Na mindegy, 2 €-ért még nekem (a hülyének) is megéri. :D
  • drakulalugosi
    Szervusz! Ritkán nézek ide fel, ezért ilyen kései a válaszom. Köszönöm a segítséget!
  • DevLupius
    A magyarítással kapcsolatos dolgokat mostantól a következő honlapon érhetitek el:
    (rendeznem kellett az infókat valahol az átláthatóság miatt)
  • DevLupius
    Ritkán nézek ide fel, de ha még nm késő válaszolok...

    UDP port 7530

    Ellenőrizd a port beállítást a: "..\Steam\steamapps\common\Reign Of Kings Dedicated Server\Configuration\ServerSettings.cfg" fájlba

    Ellenőrizd a port átirányítást a routerben.

    Szerver beállítás LEÍRÁS
  • drakulalugosi
    Ezzel a dedikált szerver dologgal nem boldogulok. Elindítom, aztán a játékot is, amiben meg is találom a szervert, de "Could not connect to the server. (14)" hibaüzenettel nem indul el. Nincs valami részletes leírás, ami elmagyarázná, hol rontom el?
  • DevLupius
    Elkészültem a magyarítással, részletek a blogon.
    Utoljára szerkesztette: DevLupius, 2016.11.03. 16:13:10
  • DevLupius
    Most 75% -os akcióban megvásárolható a steamen.

    Reign of Kings 75% OFF STEAM

    Lassan elkészülök a magyarítással is.
    Egyjátékos mód nincs benne, de indíthatsz helyi saját dedikált szervert és azon tudsz játszani egyedül vagy barátokkal.
  • AnuluWork #296
    Hamarosan megjelenik:

    (Aki magáénak érzi, csináljon neki egy topikot.)
  • Hexex86 #295
    Megy még valami magyar szeró?
  • Ironman2
    Sajnos a vegyes besorolás meg is maradt,sokaknak még kérdőjeles lett a game,hogy mit is akart elérni egyáltalán,igy megmaradt ilyen középkori Rustnak.Igaz a Rust még ennél is jobb egy fokozattal.PvP fanoknak ajánlott a kínzóeszközök garmadája miatt,perverzek kiélhetik magukat a játékban,nekem nem okozott örömöt idáig egyik magyar szerver sem.
  • Ironman2
    Amúgy már teljes a játék,üdvözöljük,immár nem early acces,dec 18-án jelent meg,és most már csak bugjavítások vannak.
  • drakulalugosi
    Hello! Engem csak most kezd érdekelni! Nagyon bejön a középkor fíling, a gyűjögetéssel és a kraftolással. Igaz, volt szerver, ahol folyton agyonvertek, amint spawnoltam, máshol meg ajándékkal kedveskedett egy talpig páncélos játékos. Most oda járok. (Azóta ő az uralkodó. Az adókat eltörölte, tehát jó fej.)1000 fát adott, csak úgy, pedig ha megtámad, esélyem sem lett volna ellene. Sajnos ugyanitt, mikor legközelebb felmentem, nemes egyszerűséggel közölte a program, hogy amíg távol voltam megöltek (ezt mondjuk nem teljesen értem), ráadásul a ládáimat is üresen találtam. (Pedig kiírtam egy táblára mellé, hogy PEACE... :D ) Szóval a közbiztonság még nem az igazi. :)
  • Ironman2
    Úgylátszik már csak egyedül kommentelek a topikban,nem sok embert érdekel már a játék,nemhiába,nagy a konkurencia (ARK,RUST...stb),de azért közben szépen fejlesztgetik,szept 11-én kijött az alfa 20,és hamarosan jön az alfa21 is!


  • Ironman2
    Most 50 százalékkal olcsóbb a játék a steamen!
  • Ironman2
    tényleg jó nagy lett az új map!!! grat a fejlesztőknek! stormwall a neve az új mapnak,de a régit is lehet választani,a szerverlistában kiirja épp melyik map van az adott szerveren
  • Ironman2
    alakulgat,alakulgat!!! a 7days,az ARK,és ez a játék ami nagyon megfogott mostanában!
  • Ironman2
    hohóóóó,új mapot kaptunk!!! na majd belesek! másfélszer akkora min az előző map
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Ironman2, 2015.06.14. 13:06:00
  • Ironman2
    Kaptunk megint egy szép nagy updatet:

    ROK Alpha 15

    This update contains many new features, design changes, and bug fixes. Official servers have been wiped, and unfortunately community servers will need to be wiped as well in order to fix a bad bug we've had with random character resets after log out being fixed. We've added many new features, such as a new map, a block collapsing system, Drawbridge, Tabard, Masks, Bone Longbow, new animals, and new weapons. Unless there is a problem, we do not plan not to wipe servers until our next update (2-3 weeks away).

    This update contains the new block collapsing system. When someone builds a skybridge for example, if someone destroys the blocks on each end, the entire bridge will collapse. Basically any structure that is no longer in contact with the ground will collapse. Players will not be able to delete blocks that would cause a collapse while in build mode, this is to prevent frustration.

    Trebuchets now must also be unpacked before use. This prevents people from "pocket trebbing" someones base in a few minutes.

    All the melee weapons undergone major design changes. They will feel different in weight & feeling, scroll down is a slower, stronger, overhand attack, scroll up is a faster, farther reaching, less damage attack.

    We've fixed a major memory leak with this update. As well, many known exploits were also fixed in this update.

    Reign of Kings uses EAC. Any hackers caught will have their Steam account perma-banned. EAC will now also properly detect certain hacks on Win 8 computers.

    Servers can now choose between playing on the new or on the old map. Please follow this guide for properly updating your community server:


    Going forward, we look forward to fixing bugs discovered from this update. We are still hard at work on the shields, they weren't quite ready in time for this update. But the work is coming well. As well, we are working on a new hacker reporting system in which player reports will be much easier to handle, and the server will use a suspicion system to back up the reports so players don't abuse the system, this system will hopefully give players control to ban any hackers that slip by our latest protection. Throwing axes are also in the works, and we plan to further polish this new map.


    - New map "Stormwall". This map is roughly 1.6x bigger than the last map, it has been designed with siege warfare in mind. Players will now have to completely build around the throne in order to protect it. We feel this map gives a very different feel from the current one.
    - New song
    - New loading screen wallpaper
    - 3D Tileset system prevents building floating bases
    - When blocks are destroyed, any unsupported blocks will collapse, as well as any placed objects on the blocks
    - Destroyed containers drop their contents into loot sack (Collapsing buildings will give you all the loot!)
    - Added wearable Tabard - shows your guild emblem and color, can be worn over any armor
    - Added jumping animation
    - Flying animals now spawn in the world again (seagulls, bats, pigeons)
    -Added Crab to the game
    - Added several Masks to the game
    - Added Plague Doctor Helmet which reduces Plague damage by 75%
    -Added Defensive Barricade
    -Added Wooden Ledge
    -Added Log Fence
    -Added Wood Drawbridge
    - Added in Bone Long Bow
    - Added Executioners Axe
    - Added Iron Dagger
    - Crests are now upgradable no longer requiring a replace
    - Haybale trebuchet ammo added
    - Carrot & Cabbages now a gather-able item.
    - Three types of dead harvest-able trees added to game.
    - More variety of collectable rocks added.


    - Trebuchets must now fully unpack before you can use them. This prevents people from "pocket trebbing" someones base in a few minutes.
    - Reduced hostile creature knock-back on attacks
    - Can no longer place crests under water
    - Increased maximum draw distance can change this in the settings screen
    - Grass can now be disabled in settings for framerate increases
    - 3D Tileset particle effects pooled for performance
    - Water shaders improved
    - 2 lights can cast shadows at a time (up from 1)
    - The Ancient Throne is now a tiny bit more shiny.
    - Added an auto-run key bind.
    - Custom key binds have been reset.
    - Station upgrades can now be cancelled, should you feel the need.
    - Explosions should no longer: be square, kill players through walls, fail to damage objects when an entity escapes the blast radius.
    - Item icons now position correctly when the same type or quantity are removed and added successively.
    - Crafting stations are less likely to withhold items from players.
    - The Granary and Well will now pinch more pennies for the king when paged out / in.
    - The 'Censor Blood' option now disables violent loading screens.
    - Siege ammunition can no longer be equipped to your hotbar.
    - A simple message will display deaths / kills between the involved players.
    - Selecting a 'History' versioned server in the lobby will notify players that entering a password is optional.
    - New server console that starts and monitors it's server and restarts it if it freezes. (Server.exe)
    - Added a /ping command.
    - Added multi-level support to the server config files.
    - Removed the Game Mode config value because it was not actually used.
    - Fixed a bug that would ignore the server fps cap.
    - Added a config option to adjust the server fps cap. (Higher fps caps will consume more cpu power)
    - Previous saves are no longer compatible with the current version.
    - Added a maze shape command - EX: /build maze 11
    - Added a ball shape command - EX: /build ball 11
    - Added a box shape command - EX: /build box 11


    - When there's a lot of lights around, lights further away will have a reduced emissive range using our new light LOD system
    - Forest / grass spawning creates less stutters
    - Did a lot of optimizations on the logging.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed some bugs related to characters being reset or their inventory being reset after log in.
    - Logging in and out 200 MB at time memory leak fixed
    - Fix the sleeper and player falling through blocks on log out
    - Fix an issue with paging where blocks could be consistently removed if non-existent block id was present
    - Sign painting color preview accurate to actual paint color
    - Face Bashing animation animates legs properly
    - Fixed water gathering sound only playing once
    - Oxygen levels are now saved/loaded on logout/login
    - Fixed exploit where you could jump off your own torches (or candles)
    - Patched more Kings Head hole exploits on small map
    - Doors now have large colliders to prevent certain exploits
    - If logout to far above the terrain or going to fast in the -y the player is killed to fix sleeper fall damage exploit
    - Fixed an exploit with showing name tags.
    - Character customization won't happen at origin
    - Fixed some major bugs with the /permission command. It can now be used again.
    - Fixed some bugs related to steam authentication.
    - Fixed some bugs that made the screen black and made it impossible to logout.

    Design Changes:

    - All melee weapons where rebalanced. Overhand swings do more damage and take longer. Jabs are faster, have greater reach but do less damage. Stamina use between weapons types, blocking and feigning has be updated.
    - Player now gathers 3 water at a time instead of 1.
    - Resource nodes now spawn 250 resource instead of 100.
    - Ramps and stairs now take the same salvage damage as blocks.

    Thanks for playing,
    - The Code}{atch Team
  • Ironman2
    Már kétszer javították a 14-es updatet azóta!
  • Ironman2
    Ez mind szép,és jó,de valami más területet adhatnának már!
  • Ironman2
    Az igen! Valaki 4 napig nem lép be,akkor bomlik a vára,ha nem a crest által védett területen van (vagy épitkezett)
  • Ironman2
    RoK Update Alpha 14
    This update contains many new features, design changes, and bug fixes. Official servers have been wiped, and we would recommend wiping your community servers if you experience any issues with loading your saves. We've added many new features, such as a decay system, traps, paintable signs, and new weapons. We hope to not wipe the servers for about 2 weeks after this update, but this still depends on how the decay system & paintable signs perform.

    Since announcement section has limit on words, you may find more indepth update notes here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/344760/discussions/4/615085406657578599/

    Going forward, we look forward to fixing bugs discovered from this update, working on further anti-cheat systems such as a better hacker report system to allow the community more control over banning offenders during gameplay, and are working on Shields and the ability to hold a torch while still holding a sword. We are also planning to do some major design changes across all the melee weapons so they will feel different in weight and feeling and have better balance/playstyles between them. We are also making it so Trebuchets have to unpack after being placed to prevent players from throwing them down instantly.


    - Decay system. Objects and blocks will decay over 4 real-life days from being placed if not in guild crest area. Guild crests now take fuel (1 wood) in order to survive 4 days, if you fuel it up and put in an extra wood in holding, you can have up to 8 days. When a guild crest runs out of fuel it is removed. Your first guild crest placement comes with full fuel (so by adding 1 wood in holding you get 8 days out of it).
    - Crest areas under siege by Trebuchet will not allow blocks to be built for 5 minutes
    - Added a system that only allows new players to join a server every 10 seconds to keep the stress on the server to a minimum. Players will be placed in the queue until they can be joined.
    - Added motion blur, optional "Cinematic" setting for emphasized motion blur, it can turned off in settings
    - Added 3 different paintable signs, can be chiseled as well for engraved designs
    - Wooden Barricade (damages players and animals on contact)
    - Wooden Spikes (damages players and animals on contact)
    - Iron Spikes (damages players and animals on contact)
    - Iron Spikes (Hidden) (damages players and animals on contact, spikes shoot out from ground, and then retract)
    - Iron Bear Trap (damages players and animals on contact, attaches to player, player must look down and hold "E" to escape)
    - Bladed Pillar (damages players and animals on contact)
    - Added Iron War Hammer
    - Added Iron Battle War Hammer
    - Added Steel Battle War Hammer
    - Added Iron Morning Star Mace
    - Added Steel Morning Star Mace.
    - Added Stone Throwing Knife
    - Added Iron Throwing Knife
    - Added Steel Throwing Knife
    - Added a language localization system where phrases are loaded from a customizable language file.
    - Added a language selection menu to import and switch between language files.
    - Static GUI text and tooltips may be translated.
    - Item names and descriptions may be translated.


    - Added prompt in for placing a guild crest too far above the terrain
    - Message for blocks when they cannot be picked up
    - Can no longer pickup blocks in areas of which you are not family or do not own
    - Made interaction disable in orbit camera.
    - Added and corrected interaction states (occupied, locked, etc. only show when appropriate)
    - Sleepers can be captured again
    - Captured sleepers won't do weird things when moved from far away
    - Captured sleepers fit in cages properly
    - Captured players can't wiggle slightly by using movement keys
    - Security and collection prompts only show when available to be used
    - Trees prevented from respawning after server restart, don't regrow in bases
    - Trees shouldn't launch players far into the air
    - Slight tree rendering optimizations
    - EAC bans count for permanent bans on ROK servers, not just a day
    - The mouse will no longer anchor itself to any point on the screen while Reign of Kings is out of focus.
    - The Ancient Crown can no longer be equipped by peasants when double-clicking.
    - Loading and progress bars are now brighter.
    - The lobby menu now has a scrollbar.
    - The last server on the lobby menu can now be scrolled to by all available scrolling methods.
    - The previous server highlight has been minimized to avoid mental connections between the highlighted server and the Connect button in the bottom right of the lobby menu.
    - The connection IP / Port fields at the bottom of the lobby menu now saves their previous input.
    - Servers found in your lobby history will be loaded with minimal information when they are not online.
    - Right-clicking a server in the lobby now provides additional options to ping or remove the server from your history.
    - The lobby's ping sort is now less aggressive.
    - Players using ping sort will no longer connect to a random server if the menu shifts during the connection dialogue.
    - Feet animate more closely along slopes
    - Cube interaction gizmos are more polished

    Bug Fixes:

    - Items that can only be crafted at stations may now be cancelled when re-visiting the station.
    - Tooltips will no longer stick to the screen when a menu is closed with a tip open.
    - Progress bars will no longer stick to the screen when disconnected from a server mid-progress.
    - Stations will now properly break interaction when you move too far from them.
    - The once bogus item 'Sack' is now a non-expirable version of 'Loot Sack'.
    - The Loot Sack is now immune to siege and salvage damage.
    - The Loot Sack now takes damage from melee weapons, in addition to ranged.
    - Removed Lantern, Hair, and Naked armor from the list of in-game items.
    - Moved various give-able items out of the Test category and into the Unobtainable category.
    - Javelins and Knives should not be able to be thrown through blocks
    - Fixed furniture owner being incorrect after paging
    - Fixed some config files being created for clients that were only meant for the server.
    - Fixed a bug in the serialization manager that could allow garbage save data to not be cleaned up.
    - Weapons will not float for previously paged out players
    - Trebuchet stones will now properly explode when hitting the terrain
    - Fixed chests floating above the ground when placed
    - Changed seating to reduce clipping while holding certain weapons
    - Destroying a chair properly releases someone sitting on it
    - Fixed audio on doors/gates
    - Updated Colliders on Kings Sword bridge

    Design Changes:

    - Projectile update:
    - Throwing Stone now cost 3 stone was 5.
    - Wood javelin damage now 5 was 8.
    - Iron javelin damage now 12 was 10.
    - Steel javelin damage now 15 was 11.
    - Iron arrow damage now 12 was 10.
    - Steel arrow damage now 15 was 11.
    - Steel bolt damage now 15 was 13 (11 in description by mistake).
    - Armor update:
    - Leather armor had piercing protection (for all 3 hit areas) reduced to 1 was 2.
    - Iron armor had piercing protection (for all 3 hit areas) reduced to 2 was 3.
    - Iron armor has slash protection (for all 3 hit areas) increased to 4 was 3.
    - Steel armor had piercing protection (for all 3 hit areas) reduced to 3 was 4.
    - Steel armor has slash protection (for all 3 hit areas) increased to 5 was 4.
    - Sod, Spruce Branches and Thatch block are now more susceptible to siege damage by 3 times.
    - Trebuchets maximum ammo account raised to 10 was 5.
    - Adding additional ammo to the Trebuchet now increases the damage correctly (was broken in last build)
    - Flax plats will now give you 10 flax when gathering was 5.
    - Lumber mill now creates 5 lumber instead of 2 while processing wood.
    - All blocks now take 10 times more salvage damage for faster cleanup of derelict structures.

    Thanks for playing,
    - The Code}{atch Team

  • Ironman2

    máj. 7.RoK Update Alpha 13
    Community Announcements - Sir Fairnore
    This update contains a number of fixes on some issues we were seeing since the major Unity5 engine change. Official servers have been wiped, and we recommend for community servers to also wipe after the update. We hope to have fixed a number of inventory related issues such as items mysteriously removing or being swapped randomly.

    EAC has also updated today, and a number of hacks should no longer work. Do not hack or you risk having your account banned from using the game.

    Please follow this guide for properly updating your community server:


    Looking to the future, we are working on a decay system, and are getting close to finishing it. But it did not make it in time for this update, it should hopefully allow us to extend the time between wipes. We also plan to start working on different traps (bear trap, spike traps, pressure plate spike trap), wooden drawbridge, Massive War Hammers, Heavy Morningstar Maces, and more. Alongside further bug fixes and hack prevention. We plan to resume our 2-3 week update cycle.


    - Added small Falling Leaf particles when chopping trees


    - Player skin is about 50% brighter (now more similar to Alpha 11)
    - Ambient light from ground more dynamic
    - Bloom effect a bit more common
    - Some specular highlights will have bloom now
    - Night made a bit darker

    Bug Fixes:

    - Potential fixes for inventory items disappearing or swapping.
    - The item cache can now be saved after a player disconnects.
    - Items inserted into an occupied cache slot will now take the next available slot.
    - Items De-serialized with a cache hit as the wrong type or quantity will be reconstructed.
    - Removed underwater air pocket in lake
    - Fixed a bug that would spam "Server is restarting..." if a server fails to shut down.
    - Potential fix for players getting launched by trees
    - Ballista retains it's last aim direction when you begin aiming
    - Ground Torches and Low Quality Tables fixed to have batch size of 1
    - Fixed interact range on Ancient Crown Pedestal
    - Swamp Ambient sounds should stop playing sooner after leaving the biome
    - Wind sounds shouldn't cut off as harshly
    - Chickens killed in distant pages won't become giants
    - Dejembe Drum can no longer be placed on walls/ceilings fixing an exploit
    - Fixed a bug that would not allow player specific formats for name, chat or guild.
    - Fixed dropped item sacks that wouldn't remove themselves after 10 minutes. All dropped item sacks should now remove after 10 minutes.

    Design Changes:

    - Ballista bolts now do 100 damage was 60.
    - Trebuchet stones now do 900 damage was 500. Scaling of damage and radius of damage has also been better balanced when firing multiple trebuchet stones.
    - Trebuchet explosion radius increases by up to 50% depending on ammunition quantity

    Thanks for playing,
    - The Code}{atch Team
  • drop
    szép megvan a hiba a kártyám járt le
  • XeroX
    Ránéztem az admin felületre, úgy látom hogy lejárt az előfizetés.
    3 hónapot bevállaltam, ha indul szólok.
  • Ironman2
    nincs szerver!
  • Ironman2
    Küldj nekem légyszi privátot,szerver ip,és jelszó,mert valahol elveszett,régen toltam már! Most a héten ráérek majd tolni.köszi!
  • Ironman2
    Közben kijött az alfa 12


    - Added New Loading Screen wallpaper
    - Added Lumber Resource
    - Added Sawmill (refines wood into lumber)
    - Added Flower, Fern and Hay Armor costumes
    - Added Spinning Wheel (used to create costumes, other cloth related items)
    - Added hit particle effects/sound effects on all items
    - Added Gather sounds to plants missing them
    - Added terrain parallax mapping on higher settings
    - Added Salvage system. Players can now salvage items outside of crest zones with normal weapons, the harvesting tools are the fastest at salvaging. Be sure to keep your items secure in crest zones


    - Improved fog in Plague Village
    - Sharper UI elements at lower resolutions (720p)
    - Terrain material quality option added to settings
    - Improved lighting effects
    - Updated Plague Village model
    - Damaged items now display when holding a Repair Hammer
    - Character walking is more snappy, takes slightly longer to accelerate up to a full run.
    - Applied smoothing to third person camera.
    - Converted ragdolls to use Unity 5 Physics.
    - Added optional hack detection systems for flying, teleporting and hovering characters. Can turn on in server config settings.
    - Ramps and Stairs now have destruction particles like blocks
    - Default lobby menu sorting is now Ping > Name.
    - Sorting the lobby by player count now ignores the player limit.
    - All items moved into and out of your inventory will now display a counter.
    - Improvements to saving the identity of individual items.
    - Items will no longer be duplicated when placed into distant containers.
    - Empty item stacks now show in your inventory and can be destroyed without rituals.
    - Removed the guest permission group since it is now redundant since players cannot play without being registered.
    - Moved the save location into the Saves/ folder next to the server exe file. This save location can be configured in the Configuration/ServerSettings.cfg
    - Added the option to change the steamAuthentication timeout. If your players are continuously getting the "Failed to authenticate steam" error try increasing this value.
    - Improved the logging system for debugging purposes. (disabled by default)
    - Added a permission to join a full server. 'codehatch.login.ignore.playerlimit'
    - The server name, password, and max players can now be set while the server is running using the /config command. (This updates the values live)


    - Greatly improved 3D tileset LOD changing performance
    - New rendering pipeline used, less CPU render time as a result
    - Rope performance/stability improvements.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed a couple memory leaks on the server
    - Characters no longer slide down slopes.
    - Fixed rain sound pause
    - Fixed invisible beach rocks
    - Fixed skybox rip on lower draw distances
    - Fixed a crash relating to projectiles and terrain
    - Nonlocal players should now see blood when hit with a projectile
    - Explosion particle effect for trebuchet more consistantly placed
    - Can't shoot through items if really close now
    - Lord's bed now properly allows you to respawn at it
    - Fixed broken players due to capture while disabled because of paging
    - Fixed no build zone in Ravens Treasure Tree
    - Saving when you finish your First Character Creation is more robust
    - Prefabs now face the proper direction when placing
    - Well is no longer invincible
    - Various audio tweaks/fixes
    - God mode now works again for server admins

    Design Changes:

    - Due to community feedback, removed melee swing movement slowdown
    - Blocks and prefab under 90% health cannot no longer be picked up. You will have to repair them first.
    - You can no longer build blocks over destroyed block rubble
    - Some armor sets (Steel & Iron) did not have proper defense value set on some peices. Should become more protective now.
    - Repair Hammer now uses materials to repair and repairs items via swinging at it over time
    - Siege weapons now shoot slower
    - Made projectiles more consistent in what they hit
    - Items held while aiming a ballista are now put away
    - You can now only load up to 5 Trebuchet stones at a time in your Trebuchet, used to be infinite amount
    - Charcoal is produced faster.
    - Fire materials burn for 5 minutes, down from 15.
    - Charcoal will now be produced by fires based on fuel, instead of input.
    • Trebuchet Stone now siege damages for 500 was (1500)
    • Ballista Bolt now siege damages for 60 was (500)
    • Cobblestone block had HP increased to 6000 was (4500)
    • Reinforced wood had HP increased to 9000 was (6000)
    • Stone block had HP increased to 12000 was (9000)
    • Iron Door had HP increased to 9000 was (6000)
    • Reinforced Wood (Iron) had HP increased to 4500 was (3000)
    • Reinforced Wood (Iron) trap had HP increased to 4500 was (3000)
    • Reinforced Wood (Steel) had HP increased to 6000 was (4500)
    • Stone Arch had HP increased to 12000 was (9000)
    • Iron Gate had HP increased to 15000 was (12000)
    • Reinforced Wood (Iron) had HP increased to 12000 was (9000)
    • Iron Bar Window had HP increased to 9000 was (6000)
    • Stone Slit Window had HP increased to 12000 was (9000)
    • Iron Crest had HP increased to 3000 was (1000)
    • Leather Crest had HP increased to 1500 was (500)
    • Steel Crest had HP increased to 6000 was (2000)

    • Lumber now replaces wood when crafting the following items:
    o Reinforced Wood (Iron) blocks, ramps, stairs
    o Steel Chest
    o Large Gallows
    o Small Gallows
    o Deer Head Trophy
    o Gazebo
    o High Quality Bed
    o High Quality Bench
    o High Quality Cabinet
    o Lord's Bed
    o Lord's Large Chair
    o Lord's Small Chair
    o Medium Quality Bed
    o Medium Quality Bench
    o Medium Quality Bookcase
    o Medium Quality Chair
    o Medium Quality Dresser
    o Medium Quality Stool
    o Medium Quality Table
    o Rocking Horse
    o Siegeworks
    o Ballista
    o Trebuchet

    Thanks for playing,
    - The Code}{atch Team
  • drop
    megcsináltam elvileg minden klapol
  • LordAngelus
    For Community Servers:
    You will need to delete your permission file, don't worry, it will auto-generate when you restart your server. Otherwise users may experience problems with users connecting to your server (stuck on downloading characters). Please clear your permission file. The permission file is located under the Configuration folder next to your ROK.exe.

    Ez még kimaradt a manőverből :)
  • drop
    ja most fórisitetem a szervert eddig meló volt
  • Ironman2
    Megjött az alfa11!

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    This update contains some major backend changes to help prevent hacking. We have integrated Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) with the game, and you will be required to install it before running the game. EAC will run in the background after you launch Reign of Kings, when you are done playing, EAC will stop running. We felt it was best to have a major anti-hacking solution on our side while we also work to prevent exploits and hacks on our end. We also included another layer of our own hack prevention in this update aside from EAC. You will now also be required to agree to our EULA before playing the game. We hope everyone understands that we are doing our best to prevent hacking, and we hope some of these solutions help out. We will continue to make this our top priority in the near future.


    Do not risk hacking/exploiting the game, as this may result in your account being permanently banned through the EAC system. Bans will be delivered in waves, we will not elaborate on the exact timing.

    For Community Servers:
    You will need to delete your permission file, don't worry, it will auto-generate when you restart your server. Otherwise users may experience problems with users connecting to your server (stuck on downloading characters). Please clear your permission file. The permission file is located under the Configuration folder next to your ROK.exe.

    As with the last update - Due to the current anti-hacking layers, modding of the game is not permitted at this time, this would include language packs or other localization attempts. Please verify the integrity of your game cache and keep your DLLs and game files unmodified to avoid unwanted banning or being added to a ban list. If you are unsure you can verify your game files through steam by selecting "Verify Integrity of Game Cache..." in your game's properties under "Local Files".

    Looking forward to the next week, our main focus will once again be on hack prevention, and also on performance.

    This update also includes many bug fixes, design changes, and some new features like a trap door & furniture. You can find the full list below.


    -Added Trap Door
    - Added Wooden Sword (training weapon), one damage per hit.
    - Added Wood Stick (training weapon)), one damage per hit.
    -New original song "Wings of Shelter" added to the game
    -Added Woodworking Station (used to create furniture)
    -Added 26 Furniture, List of Furniture Items:
    -Low Quality Bed (acts as spawn point)
    -Low Quality Bench
    -Low Quality Chair
    -Low Quality Fence
    -Low Quality Shelf
    -Low Quality Stool
    -Low Quality Table
    -Medium Quality Bed (acts as spawn point)
    -Medium Quality Bench
    -Medium Quality Bookcase (acts as a container)
    -Medium Quality Chair
    -Medium Quality Dresser (acts as a container)
    -Medium Quality Stool
    -Medium Quality Table
    -High Quality Bed (acts as spawn point)
    -High Quality Bench
    -High Quality Cabinet (acts as a container)
    -Lord's Bath
    -Lord's Bed (acts as spawn point)
    -Lord's Small Chair
    -Lord's Large Chair
    -Banquet Table
    -Bear Skin Rug
    -Deer Head Trophy
    -Rocking Horse


    - Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) integration. Needs to be installed before playing. Will run in background while playing Reign of Kings, and then automatically shut off when finished playing Reign of Kings.
    - Lobby refresh feels more seamless.
    - Lobby pings are no longer discarded on refresh.
    - Lobby column sorting is now saved.
    - Lobby ping sort now updates at regular intervals while pinging.
    - The saved lobby list will now load immediately.
    - Input fields are more responsive to highlight selection. Double-click will now select all.
    - Chat will now automatically close when disconnected from a server.
    - Made it so the whitelist command is case insensitive.
    - Ballista will lock during interaction
    - Ballista aim screen has an interaction


    - Garbage collection optimizations.
    - Fixed object pooling. Added pooling to furniture, lights, and some additional items

    Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed some saving issues when the server is shut down.
    - Fixed some dead sleepers not being saved when the server restarts.
    - Fixed camera bug in third person where the camera will jarringly move forward, epsecially while swinging melee weapons
    - Adjusted flame sound loops
    - Fixed particles on Holdable Torch going crazy
    - Players who have died while asleep are now properly re-loaded on server restart.
    - Fixed the fires so they now properly damage players who are on top of them
    - Blast decal for trebuchet should be proper
    - If using ballista it shouldn't leave you in a camera broken locked state
    - Paging will now continue if it encounters an error with one prefab
    - Move prefabs to be taken in a conquered crest zone
    - Lockpicks will not have two picking bars
    - Prefabs cant be placed in conquered crest area
    - Fix the campfire disappearing if it is updated and the area is left

    Design Changes:

    - Renamed a few items: eg. Steel Great Sword --> Steel Greatsword
    - Trebuchet Stone is now limited to 15 per stack.
    - Stone is now limited to 1000 per stack.
    - Small Wall Torch, now Wall Torch.
    - Wall Torch, now Small Wall Torch.
    - Small Wall Lantern, now Wall Lantern.
    - Wall Lantern, now Small Wall Lantern.
    - Bear hide, now has a chance to drop from bears.
    - Iron Chest, Steel Chest and Wood Chest now have descriptions updated to display proper slot count.
    - Stone Blocks, now require 1 Stone Slab, 5 Clay (was 1) to craft.
    - Stone Slab now costs 4 charcoal (was 2), 8 water (was 4), 100 Stone (was 60) to craft.
    - Siegeworks now costs 400 flax, 1200 Wood (was 850), 100 Iron (was 50) Ingots to craft.
    - Trebuchet Stone now costs 1 Stone Slab (was 50 Stone) to craft. Stone Slab has processing time involved.
    - Trebuchet now costs 50 flax, 2000 Wood, 50 Iron (was 25) Ingots to craft.
    - Iron Wood Cutters Axe, Steel Wood Cutters Axe and Stone Wood Cutters Axe all had their wood resource gathering increased by 2 per hit.
    - Crest description will now indicate items health.
    - Large Iron Cage now costs 40 Iron Ingots (was 90) to craft.
    - Large Iron Hanging Cage now costs 40 Iron Ingots (was 90) to craft.
    - Small Iron Cage now costs 25 Iron Ingots (was 80) to craft.
    - Small Iron Hanging Cage now costs 25 Iron Ingots (was 90) to craft.
    - Steel Cage now costs 30 Steel Ingots (was 95) to craft.
    - Candlestand & Chandelier now burns fat for fuel.
    - Ground Torch now costs 3 Iron Ingots (was 5) and 40 Stone to craft.
    - Hanging Lantern now costs 2 Iron Ingots (was 9) to craft.
    - Hanging Torch now costs 3 Iron Ingots (was 9) to craft.
    - Holdable Candle now costs 3 Fat (was 5) to craft.
    - Holdable Torch now costs 1 Flax (was 3) and 10 Wood to craft.
    - Iron Floor Torch now costs 4 Iron Ingots (was 12) to craft.
    - Small Wall Lantern now costs 2 Iron Ingots (was 7) to craft.
    - Small Wall Torch now costs 2 Iron Ingots (was 7) to craft.
    - Wall Lantern now costs 3 Iron Ingots (was 8) to craft.
    - Wall Torch now costs 3 Iron Ingots (was 8) to craft.
    - Standing Iron Torch now costs 4 Iron Ingots (was 12) to craft.

    Thanks for playing,
    - The Code}{atch Team

  • hawaaii
    Megvan a whitelist... vegyél fel steam-en ha gondolod.
  • BorászBéla
    A szerver amit megadtam az angliában található elvileg szóval a ping is jó és még friss alias nem sok mindent építettek
    Utoljára szerkesztette: BorászBéla, 2015.04.05. 23:04:16
  • hawaaii
    Megnéztem a szervert amit írtál és tényleg jók a szabályok nem bonyolultak meghagyták azt a részt amiért érdemes játszani és amiért jó, de mert azért mégis csak egy survival gameről beszélünk nem egy minecraftról.
    Én most egy ugyanilyen szerveren játszom talán ezen a szerón játszanak az egyik legtöbben,csak egy a baj hogy amerikai és azért van pingem rendesen, meg nincsenek magyarok rajta.
    Majd megnézem a szervert hogy mennyien játszanak rajta azrtán lehet felnézek miután regisztráltam.
  • BorászBéla
    amúgy nekem i5-2500, 8giga ram és egy radeon r9 290em van simán megy max fpsen(60) a játék hol ott a minimumon kéne futtatnom inkább VGA-t igényel mint procit meg ramot
    Utoljára szerkesztette: BorászBéla, 2015.04.05. 20:57:53
  • BorászBéla
    Foglalkozok is természetesen találtam is egy nagyon jó RP szervert ahol kultúrált körülmények között lehet játszani mivel ebböl a crest lopkodós szarságból nekem is elegem lett de mint mondtam totálisan szabályos ha valaki csinálja max annyi hogy unalmas :D annyi cuccon ülni hogy körbe építem a fél világot port: 7500 csak minimális angol tudást igényel Light RP a szabályok nem olyan túl bonyolultak mint a más szervereken és nem is nyekenyókásak http://rokserversmeagol.webs.com/ whitelistes szóval regisztrálni kell a fórumon és kérni a jelentkezést hacker mentes és nagyon aktívok az adminok eddig egyszer nem volt a 2 nap alatt hogy ne lett volna fent amikor kellett volna egy a 3-4es gárdából társaság is értelmes ha valaki esetleg fellépni keressen megbennünket többen is vagyunk fent csak írjon be magyarul és megtaláljuk egymást
  • Nikosi
    Egy kérdésem lenne, hogy mennyire optimalizálatlan a játék. Azaz mennyire kell erős config a futtatásához, normális fps mellett.
    Egy amd fx-6100/ATI 7770/8 GB RAM-os géppel érdemes megpróbálni?
  • Ironman2
    Szerintem ez a játék nem az agyatlan öldöklésről szól,akinek más a véleménye az játsszon Medal of honort,vagy Call of dutyt.RÉszemről vita lezárva.
  • Ironman2