
TILOS az Off: 10802156721213620594.gif\" , a Flém: 10802156721213620607.gif\" ,és a Warez: \"\"

  • Dexantreal
    Amit lentebb a képen látsz, az szerintem megfelel és szintén lentebb írtam is, hogy mi a neve...ha az a neve:S.
  • DjCooll
    Valaki írja le létszi hogy milyen gamepad-ot érdemes venni illetve milyen típus vagy márka vagy menyi...létszike előre is köszike
  • Breki33
    DB az adatbázis
  • Breki33

  • Dexantreal
    Oké, thanks!
  • matyi08
    az egyesek vannak felül (R1, L1)
  • nono7
    mi is aza fifa 07 DB patch?
  • Dexantreal
    R1-R2....melyik van alúl és felűl?:S
  • Dexantreal
    Thanks a hsz-kat Breki. Hasznosak.
  • Dexantreal
    Ilyen gamepadom van. Logitech rumblepad.
  • Breki33
    az előzmény az ahol leírtam az átugrós cselt
  • Breki33
    Fifa 07: DB Patch !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Barni
    ha ez folytatás, hol az előzmény?
  • Breki33
    van egy nagy sárga gomb

  • nono7
    Köszi szépen!
  • Piko888
    Innen le tudod szedni http://www.fifavictormarcao.hu/
  • nono7
    te letudtad tölteni a realos pack-ot mert nekem se hogy se megy ill azse tudom holvan a download...:S
  • Breki33
    Drag back and flick
    This move allows you to change your direction by 90 degrees from a standing position.
    This extension of the drag back can be used to fake your marker into thinking your going to do the standard drag back trick them to commit.

    The standing step over and knock on
    Like the drag back and flick, this is an extension of a move: the standing step over.
    After you have sent your opponent the wrong way knock the ball on in the other direction and leave them confused as to what has just happened

    Our Tip: Do standing skills multiple times then a standing skill extension in your chosen direction to totally baffle your opponent. Both human and AI opponents often become frustrated and will attempt to foul you.
  • Breki33
    New FIFA 07 Skill Moves!!
    Hey Everyone,

    Once again, Joe Booth here, talking about the new Skill Moves in this years FIFA 07 for Current Gen. This year we have re-worked the skill moves on the right stick. Certain moves can only be carried out with a certain skill level of player or are unique to star players. We have things like the rainbow kick (which can be chained together to do some spectacular moves past defenders and then volley the ball into the net), ball lifts, stepovers, lane change, sideways dribble, drag backs, fake stepovers, fake shots, and more. Here’s a look at the different skill moves:

    Lane change
    Good for when you are running at medium speed and have a marker approaching the player in possession from directly ahead at pace and with a little bit of space between you. Also use the same move to break free of a player trying to jostle you for possession of the ball.

    Sideways dribble
    This skill move can be used in two ways. One way can be used to give you more room when you can see your marker attempting to block your path a little way ahead of your player. It also can be used to ‘fake-out’ your marker when in shooting distance and the marker is a short distance from you. Try it!

    The step-over
    This move is just purely employed to try and fool your marker into committing to one direction or another and enabling you to bypass their tackle. The rapid movement of your feet can trick him into thinking that you are going to change direction. Perform this move when there’s only a small amount of space between you and your defender. This skill can also be used to break free of a defender jostling your player for possession.

    The ball lift
    This skill is good for dodging an expected slide tackle or a standing tackle from the side. When dribbling with the ball, the player can chip the ball into the air and over the legs of defending players. Time this to perfection and you get you self out of some seemingly impossible situations or you can earn yourself some free kicks in dangerous areas.

    Standing skills

    These moves can only be preformed when a player is standing still with the ball at their feet.

    Drag back
    This is used when you are standing still and your marker is either facing-off or ‘jockeying’ against you. The move enables the player in possession to drag the ball back towards them, potentially committing the defender and creating a break-away chance to avoid being marked.

    The standing step over
    This is a similar move to the step-over. Like the Drag Back, the move entices the defender to commit himself, either drawing the foul or creating space for the player in possession to break away.

    Fake step
    This move is solely to send your marker the wrong way with a step in the wrong direction. It could be enough to send them totally the wrong way. If they do not fall for this your player returns to his standing stance quickly. No harm done
  • Breki33
  • Breki33
    éppen futó folyamatok

    task listben megnézhetőek
    általában a feleslegeseket célszerű kilőni

  • Piko888
    16 biten minden szuper. Mik azok a proccesek?
  • Breki33
    Hátha valaki lefordítja

    Here I gathered all the tricks I found out so far. Hope they will help:

    \\ playing From left to right: //

    # shift pressed + up down arrows (in that order) - dribbles to the left with simulation, bycicle or simple (down+up - dribles to the right)

    #ronnie flip flap = shift pressed+left pressed + tap the down arrow

    #shift pr. + right/left/right arrows- lift up the ball (like in fifa05) (good against sliding tackles)

    #shift+ (quickly)left/down/right arrows - 360 "zidane"

    #shift+up/left/down - stops the ball

    #(cr. ronaldo heel trick) whatever direction u'r facing, hold down shift and quickly tap "oposite direction" + "the direction u want the player to go" arrows. For example, moving left to right, tap left arrow and down arrow with shift pressed.

    #Shift pressed, right(press longer while moving)/up/left/down quickly(only at a certain moment in the player movement) - lift up the ball with the heel (could work as a nice drible)

    # shift pressed + back arrow then up arrow then A - quickly ("The Rabonna" with cr. ronaldo)

    some tricks work only with certain players (flip-flap or rabonna) the rest usually with the good players. Simple drible moves work with all of them.

    (the only secret is practice)

    Dummy move+D - finnese shot

    For the free kicks, dummy move calls a 2nd player 2 simulate the shot. Keep it pressed to simulate.

    Shift pressed longer = first touch much powerfull when recieving the pass.

  • Breki33
    nemtudom én NVIDIA-s vagyok

    azért ez az az ATI nem a legújabb

    ha szaggat le kerll venni az egyiket illetve kilőni a felesleges procceseket
    768 RAM -ez nagyon kevés
  • Piko888
    AMD Athlon XP 3200+, 768 RAM, ATI 9800 256 RAM, ez kevés lenne?
  • Breki33
    valószínű pont azért szaggat

    ezekhez jó gép kell
  • Piko888
    Köszi, de nekem most is szaggatt ha ráközelit a játékosokra, pedig application managmenten van a aa és az af is.
  • Breki33
    Gamepados cselek folytatás

  • Breki33

    locale.ini pedig itt


    REFEREE =1

  • Piko888
    Breki lécci írd le neked hogy lett olyan fasza a graf.
  • nono7
    hogy kell letölteni?
  • Breki33
    Real Madrid Team Patch

  • Dexantreal
  • Dexantreal
  • hunbasser
    Na,PLATINO kolléga egy hét pihenőt kapott,jobb is így neki

    Dátum: 2006.09.24. 22:37 Adta: Hmuda
    "geci buzik vagytok ti tudjátok remélem fasz cimbálók hihihihi geciómó"

    Én nem vagyok túl elnéző, főleg ha ennyire nem értesz a szóból.

    Dátum: 2006.09.23. 20:54 Adta: Kandurex
    "te kis geciszáju buzi mit képzelsz magadről lófasz fejű ki geci takarodj te a forumrl bosnyák cimbáló hallod te vagyaz a verebes gabi hihihi az egész DG FORUM EGY GECI"

    Dátum: 2006.09.23. 13:00 Adta: Kandurex
    "te fasz nem cd key hanem a játék előtti indításkor fog kérni egy reg kódot!!!!faszcimbáló kis gecik vagytok mindannyian buzi cigányok" stb. stb.

    Stílus, hőbörgés a fórumon, nem otthon vagy.
  • hunbasser
    azért vegyél levegőt is :)
    akkor beszerzek egyet! thx.
  • Kaplan
    Na végre, kilettek törölve a dolgok, bár az oltásom nem kellett volna, az most kivételesen nekem is tetszett ^^
  • Djemba
    csákány skacok szedjétek le torrentől a ps2 és emulátorral megy de nem az igazi de a magyar kommentár ott van nagyon!!!!csak az a baj emulátorral néha indul el sajna de remélem 29 kijön ésnormális pc verzióban lelehet szedni