Battlefield 2142
  • 79Alba
    megha van cd key akkor se mer lejárt a teszt
  • sztechnika
    Ha le is szeded nem fog elindulni,mert nincs cd key hozá.
  • TS Zolly
  • Gazsi007
    Honnan lehet leszedni a battlefield 2142 bétáját?
  • sztechnika
    Neked a bf2 eredetiben van meg?
  • TS Zolly
    Dzsotata szavaivak éljek: kenszöl lesz. :P
  • Paranoia
  • joebacsi
    ja, tuti lesz, és kurvául nemérdekel :)
  • sztechnika
    Azta 1 hónap és megjelenik
    Írjon mindenki,lappang a fórum
    Vki tud vmi-t a demorol?(előzetes infokat)?
  • sztechnika
    OKOK mostmár tudom:D
  • joebacsi
    "Win a copy of Battlefield 2142 every day!"
    nyerhetsz egy warezváltozatot a játékból, ami a közeli téká alagsorában kerül átadásra
  • sztechnika
    Ahha okay köszi szépen!
  • FLeK0
    minden nap van 1 új kérdés a linkelt topicban, arra elküldöd a választ az embernek aki minden nap kisorsol egy bf2100-at.
  • sztechnika
    Ez pontosan mit is jelent?
    Win a copy of Battlefield 2142 every day!

    02:10 PM | 16th September 2006 | Posted by Simon Moon | 38 comments

    BF2142.com and Electronic Arts together present to you a chance to win a copy of the game each single day. Simply go to this thread in the forum and read the instructions.

    You have a chance each day to win a free copy of the game. Your win will be a free key for the EA Downloader, which will also enable you to get the demo early and of course get the game without leaving your house. So no shipping and waiting for the mailman.

    So go and grab a chance for your free copy.

    Be sure to Digg it!
  • sztechnika
    3000 még mindig elég
  • Devid14
    Nem kamu, a 30 000 ezer bzg helyett csak 3000 javítottak ki :D
  • TDC Geronimo
    enyhén kam :)
  • Thanatos
    20 milliot..., nagy számokat énis tudok irni... :P
  • sztechnika
    HA ennyi nap alatt ennyit,akkor mennyit fognak még 5 nap múlva?
  • sztechnika
    Az igen 3000 lool
    Még jó hogy kiadták a betat
  • Mester01
    EA has posted a new community updated once again they would like to thank all people who took part in the Tuning Beta, also they stated they have already fixed more than 3000 bugs.

    Attention BF 2142 Soldiers!

    As the beta tests for BF 2142 have finished, on behalf of everyone at DICE I wanted to personally thank you for your help with the development of the game. We gave you a mission, and you delivered above and beyond what we could have hoped for. Thanks to your hard work, we’ve already made over 3000 bug fixes and very many changes to BF 2142, and we continue to fine-tune the game based on your feedback. Some of the forum traffic we’ve read has asked what fixes we are making, and while there isn’t room to list all of the changes, your feedback made us make some major changes to Titan shield layout as well as adding death material to the outside shield, killing people trying to just sit and wait for shield to go down. These changes plus more around the Titan is making the fights even more intense and rewarding.

    We have also, based directly on your feedback from both rounds of the Tuning Beta made a number of gameplay changes. The Support class’s Machine Guns now overheat slower and cool down quicker when not firing. The Doragon and Talon gunships have received an increase in maneuverability to allow for better dogfights. Additionally, all Recon class’s sniper rifles have had their sway substantially reduced and are able to be equipped with a more effective Gruber 5 Stabilizer. Finally, the Heavy Body Armor now absorbs less damage from incoming projectiles, effectively increasing the power of all weapons against Heavily Armored opponents.

    The end result is that when BF 2142 releases next month, we are confident it will be a great experience. We continue to work toward the goal we have had all along in the development cycle, which is to make BF 2142 the best BF release ever.

    Thanks again for your help in this important process, we hope that you had as much fun playing as we did. We’ll see you on the battlefield soon.

    Marcus Nilsson
    Senior Producer
    Battlefield 2142

    :DDDDD 3000BUGot javitotak...
  • sztechnika
    Bug az biztos lesz
  • Thanatos
    nemhiszem, ezt még ők is égőnek tartanák :PPP
  • Lacc
    Vagy több bug :P
  • dronkZero
    Téged fizet az EA ezért, hogy ezt sok faszságot itt összehordd?
  • Fenrir
    Ne számits egetverő változásokra vagy újdonságokra a teljes játékban. Csak pár bugfix lesz és ennyi.
  • sztechnika
    Azt mondom,hogy a teljes verziónál cikizzük a bf 2142-t,ez beta ha ezt nehéz felfogni azon már nem tudok segíteni.
  • mesor
    Nem ismered te még a Dice/EA párost!
  • Fenrir
    Igen, ezt sok mostanában kiadott játék demójánál/bétájánál hittük, mind úgy maradt bugosan :)
  • Mester01
    jah az vagy akkor SŐT még rajtam kivül sok 10.000 ember is láma velem együt! :)
  • sztechnika
    Ha azt hiszed ez mese akkor te láma lehetsz...
  • JohnnySmith
    Ázsiai arcok a Yenkiknél lol.... báár lehet jól dobnak
  • TDC Geronimo
  • Landor
  • Paranoia
  • Thanatos
    miért te nem? :D andersen powa :D
  • haxoror
    "Taiwan only release"

    "and a special unlock"

    hehe na most komolyan
  • haxoror
    "14-18 között"

    így mindgyárt más!
  • Mester01
    De komoly... :)

    Battlefield 2142 Deluxe Edition
    We have been sent some news today from sd25kc of the Battlefield Taiwan community about a deluxe edition for Battlefield 2142. He claims that the deluxe edition is a Taiwan only release. Whether this holds true or if we see a deluxe edition released elsewhere is unknown at this time. Included in this bundle is a metal box for packaging, a Battlefield 2142 LED flashlight, a Battlefield 2142 Swiss Army Knife, and a special unlock. If we learn anymore about this deluxe edition we will be sure to keep you all posted. Until then, stay tuned!

  • Mester01
    Ugye te szereted a Andersen meséit is ugye?:)