Lehetőleg a beszúrt képek ne legyenek nagyobbak 800x600 képpont felbontásúnál, illetve figyelj a fájlméretre is!!!
Nagy(fájl)méretű képeket URL-lel szúrj be!!!

  • gumikacsa
    ez szerintem fake, a kép felső fele rignroll. Bár ha jobban megnézem, nem biztos.
  • kesenyi
    Ez elég jól néz ki

  • kesenyi
    Ez micsoda? Amcsi kiegészítés?
  • FiReBoY
    Lassan kibróbálom, hogy milyen.


    Hello, and thank you for downloading "USA Trucker's Map 1.1"!
    Description: My edits to the PTTM World, with bug fixes.
    .zip file contents: Edited america.mbd file, modified roads.def file, custom and default city names, and UFDfireman's "Welcome Signs" Addon.
    Author: USA Trucker (Ben "BeaverMon" D)
    Author's Websites: http://thebeaverdam.com | http://hamtarotbd.com
    zip file hosted by: TruckPol Forum File Host (http://truckpol.unionvillefd.com/)
    Email Addresses: [email protected] (Primary) | [email protected] (Secondary)
    Forum/BBS/Message Board(whatever you wanna call it): TruckPol Forum (display name is USA Trucker)
    Optional Install Note 1: If you have UFDfireman's "Welcome Signs" Addon (available on TPFFH(TruckPol Forums File Host) and this .zip file), don't worry about extracting the files from \models\signs\traffic folder. If you don't, extract them only if you want to. :)
    Optional Install Note 2: For easy uninstall (and to keep your files from possiably being overwritten), backup these folders and files to a safe place;
    My Documents\18 WoS Pedal to the Metal\defs\world\roads.def
    My Documents\18 WoS Pedal to the Metal\defs\cities\
    My Documents\18 WoS Pedal to the Metal\maps\america.mbd (IF you have a 'america.mbd' file in there, you'll need to back it up and get it out of there. If not, don't worry)
    Required Install Note: If you haven't already done so, you must extract the contents of base.scs (AND patch_XX.scs if you have a patch) to your My Documents\18 WoS Pedal to the Metal directory.
    (remember if you have a patch, extract it AFTER extracting base.scs, which was said by Sabre. You'll have alot less headakes and grey hairs worrying. :))
    1. Extract contents of this .zip file to your My Documents\18 WoS Pedal to the Metal directory.
    2. Start a New Game (or if you have a previous saved game of this map addon, load it instead) and enjoy my edits, listed directly below.
    (This Map Addon does NOT support any other Map Addon. It's impossiable)
    (Please note that I didn't really change anything in the map (didn't add new roads, interstates and the like). These are just some edits I did in my spare time to enhance the default map alittle bit. Mostly bug fixes of incorrect road signs)
    (Most to all of these edits where based from a RL Map called "Microsoft Streets and Trips 2002")

    -FIXED I-71 Southbound showing St Louis and the "%0" thing after leaving New York on I-80 Westbound to "Columbus" and "Louisville". (I hope...)
    -ADDED all default city names which will make the font color white instead of black for UFDfireman's Welcome Sign Addon (which in turn I hope fixed the above problem). I appoligise for not uploading it sooner.
    -CHANGED road signs leaving New York from I-70 to I-80 and added direction, also removed 1.

    -CHANGED I-75 (the highway that goes from Atlanta to New Orleans, NOT the interstate) to US-11.
    -ADDED 1-10 directional signs once US-11 stops in New Orleans.
    -CHANGED I-79 Interstate Sign Name that halfway loops around Indianapolis to I-64 and I-71 to show southmost access to/from Indianapolis is "Louisville".
    -CHANGED Westmost access into Indianapolis (I-70) now I-465.
    -CHANGED I-94 after passing I-25 on it's way to Seattle changed to I-90 (in RL it's like this), also fixed direction.
    -ADDED "Welcome to" signs to 5 "cities", which are; "St Louis", "Louisville", "Columbus", and "Secret House"(not actual cities you can get goods from, and the "Welcome to" signs are a crude tatic, but they work. Had to make an addional "Welcome to" city. The real "Welcome to Cityname" signs refused to show up).
    -EXTENDED I-71 past "Columbus", taking out I-79. (I-70 does NOT go threw Cincinnati, it goes through Columbus, and I-79 is NOWHERE near Columbus)
    -CHANGED I-76 heading to New York to I-80(I-80 seen heading to New York instead of I-76).
    -EXTENDED I-64 Westbound to "St Louis" (I-55 Interchange).
    -CHANGED the city of Great Falls into Helena. (Great Falls is MUCH farther north on I-15 then Helena is in RL. But in RL, Helena doesn't have I-90 branching off of it, I-90 goes past it to Seattle after crossing I-15)
    -And anything else I forgot to list that's been edited.
    1. Turning I-29 into an INTERSTATE instead of a Highway, including section of I-45 between Houston and Dallas, and I-64 between Indianapolis and "St Louis"(making these Interstates as Highways was a joke. They are NOT Highways in RL! I'm not sure if I can pull this off without having to worry about the landscape and intersection prefabs, but I'll try).
    2. Adding a house, gas and service station things somewhere in the USA portion of the map. Hopefully in a nice, wooded area. The "Secret House" city name will be finally used for a few directional signs...but then it wouldn't be so "secret"! Thankfully AI's can't read. ;)
    3. Granting access to that road with the houses in Vancouver that's fenced in.
    4. Anything else I might feel like doing. :)
    If you are unhappy with my map or it doesn't work, do this;
    1. Remove files;
    \defs\cities\columbus.def, louisville.def, nashville.def, secrethouse.def, & stlouis.def (if you wish to keep UFDfireman's "Welcome Sign" addon, don't remove the default city names.
    and \maps\america.mbd
    2. Restore original (and/or your edited) files.
    3. Tell me what I can do to improve it.
    hardtruckisthebest - For telling me to use the "No Boundary" option for a past edit.
    NoMonthlyFees.com - For giving me 25GB of Bandwidth to host this on my site(s).
    TruckPol Forums File Host(TPFFH) - For hosting the .zip file.
    rev - For bug finding. Thanks, rev! :)
    My Computer - For not crashing and putting up with me all these years. LOL
    SCS Software - For making the Map Editor alittle easier and more stable to use, allowing people to edit original 'america' map for free, and for this game!
    And a very special thanks to DAAdood, for teaching me how to use the Map Editor without actually saying anything.
    Also want to thank YOU for downloading this! :D
    (I will be thanking more as this map addon grows)
    Map Editors are ALLOWED to use this map addon as a base for future addons, as long as I get credit.
    I really hope you enjoy my edits. Your game shouldn't crash as it didn't on mine. The edits where made with the TryGames 1.01 Version. So play it at your own risk. These edits should be compatiable with your other edits (new trucks and stuff), but like I said, SHOULD be. I cannot guarantee. I offer limited support for this map addon. Mostly for Bug Fixes and stuff.
    And please do not take this map addon and claim you made it.
  • FiReBoY
    De, ez a teljes. :)
  • streeter
    Nektek a játék hány mega??? Mert nekem BIN meg CUE össz vissz 141 mega. Nem lehet hogy nem teljes a játék????
  • soprano
    hamarosan le lehet szedni,ígérem!!!!!!
  • soprano
  • FiReBoY
    Kellemes Ünnepeket!
  • kesenyi
    Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket kívánok mindenkinek!!!!!
  • Fefe
    Honnan lehet letölteni???
  • Fefe
    HI ALL!!! Boldog Karácsonyt mindnekinek
  • truck driver
    [trebuchet][marquee direction=left][szin=red]Helló evrybothy! [szin=green]BOLDOG KARÁCSONYT MINDENKINEEEK!!!
  • soprano
    Köszi a jó tanácsot és a dícséretet!
  • soprano
    Igen,a Scale-el!!!!
    De nemtom,hogy mi a hiba,mert a showroom-ban tökletesen megjelenik,kis kerekekkel a játékban meg már nagyokkal és az randa!
  • soprano
    Jajj,és az én tridem-es pótomat senki sem akarja letölteni????
  • soprano
    WOW! V.I.P.-s lettem!!!!
    Amúgy kellemes ünnepeket Mindenkinek!!!!
  • gumikacsa
    Igen? Nagyerekiahóra!!!
  • Duddits
    Nem csak akkor ha hibásak!
  • gumikacsa
    Végre!!! A 3D-sek átvették a tandempótos scania topline elkészítését, ami szerintem 1-2 nap múlva letölthető lesz.
  • gumikacsa
    Hát, nem igazán. Sajnos van, amikor nincs hiba, csak két dolog "üti" egymást
  • streeter
    és ezeket a hibákat ki lehet javítani, vagy hagyjam a picsába??
  • gumikacsa
    a sok genyó cucc csak akkor zavar be, ha hibás.
  • Duddits
    Azért mert sok genyó cucc van benne ami bezavar a játéknak.
  • streeter
    nekem mindig amiatt fagy le
  • truck driver
    azt hogy jól megy, nem szokott lefagyni (eddig csak kb 2× fagyott le a prism3D miatt, mióta feltelepítettem)
  • streeter
    Az mit jelent hogy "nem nagyon szarakodik".
  • truck driver
    nekem windows xp sp 2-m és ATI kártyám van, és mégse szokott nagyon szarakodni a játék
  • kesenyi
    Te csináltad, én csak azt írtam, hogy hasonlót alkottam
  • rasch
    Sziasztok! Egyszer már kérdeztem, van-e esély egy Praktikeres festésre? Jól nézne ki az OBI mellett!
  • DJ Bee18
    VALAKI #6824??????????
  • FiReBoY
  • streeter
    Az eddig nem volt fent most fent van de most se megy.
  • gumikacsa
    A Windows XP SP-2-őt sem szereti.
  • FiReBoY
    Passz. Kérdezd meg a PTTM Hungary-n csba-000-át, ő elvileg tudja rá a megoldást.
  • streeter
    És ezt valami driveral vagy mással lehet orvosolni???
  • FiReBoY
    Őőőő valahol olvastam róla, hogy ATI vezérlőkkel saraxik, igen. Valószínű hogy az a problem, bár nekem nem ATI-m van.
  • streeter
    Nos valaki????
  • streeter
    Nálam a játék pár perc után leáll és kijön egy hiba üzenet hogy a prisma3d akármi rossz műveletet halytott végre és ezért leáll.
    Ezt valahogy meg lehet csinálni??? Csak mert fullos a játék és tök faszák a hozzá tartozó kamcsik.
    Lehet ennek a hibának oka az ATI driver???
  • FiReBoY
    Kérnék ötleteket, hogy miket írjak a játékról szól GY.I.K.-be! :)
    Gondolok itt kérdésekre és válaszokra egyaránt.

    Pl.: Hol lehet megvenni, stb.

    Témakörök: játékról, a kiegészítőkről, stb.