• Mossberg
    2279 új üzenet egy nap alatt
    ezek szerint végre kijött
  • davos80
    Felnyomtam 400-ra, hogy ne regeljenek, mert túl lesz terjelve.
  • zoli80
    nem hangzik vmi jol:(
    ha mar a halo jut eszébe......
  • Eisenhower
    számológépe ^.^
  • Csete
    Imhol néhány kép...telepítés közben
  • Eisenhower
    2004-08-01 PC Game ISOs Doom 3 (c) ID Software *CD1* *CLONECD* 38x15 MB CLONECD
  • NeoMaN
    Tomper! akkor majd csak annyit, hogy milyen. Jó, jobb, mégjobb vagy csalódás? spiler nem kell, csak a vélemyény.
  • _Atti_
    már nem azért de az miért van hogy az oldalon százakárhány forint van..az smsinfonál meg 400?
    van fent máshol is amugy?(nem torrent meg Dc meg egyéb)
  • hapi
    még mindig az 1 CD 17-es rar-ját keresem. Valaki pls. Ja és a dox-on hibás ez a file vigyázzatok.
  • rage
    Na, első CD lejött.
    Már csak kb 5 óra...

  • zoli80
    eroltesd meg magad:)
  • Drizzthsz
    Inkább örömteli, már 1.5 mega van meg!!!
    Megtáltosodott a bittorrent...
  • Torry
    NAH NAH játszál már vele.

    Hogy fut? Milyen géped van?
  • neozed
    Érdekes, hogy sokaknak milyen jó a torrent, én mindíg csak kinlódok vele :-(
  • Eisenhower
    My machine specs:

    XP 2500+
    ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
    1 Gig RAM
    DOOM Detail: 800x600 @ High

    Okay, here are my first impressions:


    These are probably the best graphics we've seen to this date, no doubt about it. However, I still feel that the graphics are a bit too plastic for my taste. I do not get that sense of metal (despite extremely convincing sound). Graphics and level design are among the best I've experienced in my life. There is nothing that can compare to it, and I seriously doubt Half Life 2's graphics will, as - from what I've seen of that game so far can not compare to this game's graphics. The models, the shadows, the amount of detail in each and every animation. The computers aren't just something that's there for seeing, you can use some of them too, watch videos, etc. - incredible! Amazing stuff. I could go on about the realism of it all for fifteen minutes, but I'll spare you.


    Audio is good, no doubt about it. The soundtrack and the ominous atmosphere is present. But there is nothing groundbreaking here. It doesn't surpass any other good atmospheric game. There are some things that are really cool though, and that's the depth of the noice, you can hear when someone's standing at the other side of the wall (ie. pounding on the glass, and then getting torn to shreds). I've experienced a lot of stuttering in some of the vocal-playbacks on my PDA though, I don't know why this is... if it's supposed to be an "effect", it's just frustrating. The sound otherwise doesn't have this problem (ie. in the dialogue of the videos), so I suppose it's intentional. Listening through dialogues for codes are just a hassle. The voice-acting so far has been up to my demands of a game. Not precisely academy-award material, but it gets the job done, if you know what I mean.


    Well, this game is nothing new gameplaywise. That's it. This game feels more like an evolved Half Life, than what I've seen of HL2. But it also feels a bit like Unreal 2 (I know most of you hated that game, I didn't, live with it) ... and Halo. I say Halo, because that's a game that sort of reminds you of this one. It doesn't have the (my opinion) childishness and (you're playing with toy-figures) feeling of Halo. The game is linear, so don't expect it not to be. The layout is fairly simple, you start with the low-tech weapons, and as the game progresses, you get heavier equipment, that are satisfactory up to the point that (once again, subjective impression) they feel like as if they're made of plastic. Detailed plastic, I'll give you that, but still plastic.

    Doom 3 is a sci-fi FPS, and it has quite a few moments of "pretty scary" stuff. I don't think it's as scary as AvP, in fact - I have yet to feel scared from it. There's too little buildup between the action-sequences for it to be scary. It's basically a lot of intense fighting, like an on-going climax with monsters popping up here and there. There are moments when you hear people scream, pound on walls, get their necks snapped (by monsters), etc. - maybe I'm jaded, but it's a bit too overly done for me to get frightened. I think a game needs to have long moments of silence and atmospheric build up for them to scare you. I have no doubt in my mind, that the kids will be frightened though. I remember when I was younger - I was scared shitless from this game's predecessors (while playing SP). I'm no longer at that age, so I can not draw a conclusion what I would've thought of this game what I had said then. I'm convinced I wouldn't be less scared than I was then from Doom, and Doom 2 - though.


    This is a good FPS, it's a new landmark of graphics. And it's even quite entertaining. Far beyond what you've experienced with SP (apart from maybe Far Cry, which sort of has the same feeling as this game does, Far Cry has inferior indoor-graphics though).

    I really like the small things such as the fact that you get an "alternate interface" when you look at computers, you can click them, etc.

    You will have a déja-vu experience when "it all breaks down" in this game, as it will make you feel a bit as if you were in Half-Life 1, and a myriad of other games that have used this concept. (Oh my god!, We're overrun by alien/monster/ish creatures, they almost killed everyone!, Please help us!)

    You bump into some friends on occasion (á la HL) that aid you, or tell you something like: "Man, my friend was killed, I didn't think I would survive", etc. to help build up the claustrophobic impression. You also have to get out of the base into the Mars-atmosphere on occasion, where the sound of heavy breathing makes you feel stressed out... because the oxygen level is getting low. This reminded me a lot of Knights of the old republic (when you were under water, and needed to fend off "sharks").

    I think Doom 3 stands as a good example of what modern gaming has to offer, no more, no less. I'd give it 9 out of 10 (90%).
  • rezsofiz
    szerencsere torolve lett
  • Csete
    Huhh.. Már az első pálya betöltése is besza**s.
    De most nincs kedvem vele játszani....
  • Dikkma
    De ti ezt most komolyan ki akarjátok próbálni viágosban? :)
  • toMpEr
    Csak emgsugom hogy en is BT-rol szedtem es mar lent an
  • zoli80
    juujj de durva az menu hangja,akkorát dorrent h majdnem hátraestem.
  • Dikkma
    Nálad van a hiba, ez nem a BT miatt van.
  • Drizzthsz
    1.3 MEGA!!!!

    LOL, mingyár kész!!!
    csak 766 óra!!!
    0.3 feltöltve is...

  • NeoMaN
    jó a crack.
  • davos80
    Magyar XP?
  • Torry
    Hihetetlen milyen gyorsan tele lett vele a világháló.

  • Hentes Bill #9153
  • neozed
    Nem tudom, mi a f*szért kellett kirakni a címet????
  • toMpEr
    Nekem most jott le, telepitem
  • Dikkma
    Már nem fogja.
  • ati2002
    Működik a crack, vagy le kell tölteni a CloneCD-s cd1-et?
  • Hentes Bill #9148
    :DDDD én meg kb 6-7 óra múlva doom 3-azok
  • davos80
    Majd kandurex törli.
  • gergou
    38 % nal jarok, es nemsoka itt van a pokol maga, its comeing for you!
  • Beepee

    Tudtok címet mondani privibe ami még nincs ele? sms is jó...thx
  • rezsofiz
    latom porges van:)
  • rezsofiz
  • dikki*yysw
  • Robbb
    A 160+fa az oldalon amit ajánlottál mennyi időre érvényes?
  • Alexease
    Az lesz, mint ami szokott lenni. A szerveren merik a terhelest, kikeresik a logot, megnezik melyik konyvtar, es ha masert nem is, genyosagbol torlik. Az SMS dijak mar befolytak, vagyis nekik mindegy:)))
  • Smoke
    nekem ugyanúgy 67-el tölti mint eddig