• SzirmosSzisza
    Ingyen skin!
  • SzirmosSzisza
    Nekem bejövős eddig. Mondjuk eddig úgy tűnik, hogy az Assassin klasszok nem érnek sokat, de biztos lesz balance. Mondjuk fura, hogy kb 10 másodperc alatt meg lehet fordítani a meccs állását inhalator nélkül is akár :D
  • MerlinW
    Béta is jó volt. Eszetlen lövöldéből taktikai lövölde lett. Nem szabad meghalni, kevés hp esetén vissza kell hátrálni a kezdőre. Csapatjáték nélkül vesztettetek.
  • Optimus Prime
    Ma végre megjelent a Super MNC végleges változata. Adok neki még egy esély a béta után.
  • oreal
    Ha esetleg van valaki aki csapatban szeretne "Super MNC"-t jatszani az irja ide le,felveszem vele a kapcsolatot.A pug play ebben a jatekban is lutri mert vagy ertelmes emberekkel vagy egy csapatban vagy pont a kezdokkel.
  • gosumofo

  • FZoleee
    megjött, +2 meghívóval. Akinek kell Beta gift, pm :)
  • FZoleee
    csütörtökön kértem kulcsot, remélem lassan megjön a mailre:D
  • SzirmosSzisza
    Adj Steam azonosítót.
  • Viktor99
    Baromi jól néz ki ez a Super MNC. Ha valakinek van egy felesleges béta kulcsa és nekem adná azt nagyon megköszönném :P
  • Rowlend
    Ha esetleg el szeretnéd ajándékozni, szívesen átveszem. :D
  • Optimus Prime
    Új, upgradelt, bővített és ingyenes MNC. Nekem maradt még egy meghívóm rá. Valamiért kaptam kettőt is, pedig még lehet jelentkezni.
  • MerlinW
    Ez, ez:)
  • Rowlend
    Ez micsoda?
  • Narxis
  • SzirmosSzisza
    Akciós még 24 óráig ! 2 EUR csak.
  • SzirmosSzisza
    Csináljak egy új F2P DOTA szerű játékot, kíváncsi leszek, hogy oldják meg.
  • Optimus Prime
    Steamen most kevesebb, mint 3 euró. A Steam fórumon írják, hogy kihalt. Tényleg igaz vagy van pár játékos, aki aktívan tolja? (Mint az AVP-nél, ami szintén kihalt). A múltkori free weekenden próbáltam és nagyon megtetszett.
  • Narxis
    PC Product Update 8

    New Features
     Chickey Gear for all Pros
     Added timer countdown to two minutes until end game / Overtime

    Balance and Adjustments
     Changed end game rules so that Overtime only triggers if both Moneyballs have the same health when time runs out. If Moneyball healths are not equal, whichever team has the Moneyball with higher health will win.
     Improved bot waves by increasing the speed of Blackjacks and decreasing the speed of Slims so that the Blackjacks will more often be in front of the slims, allowing them to take the brunt of the damage
     Reduced money players gain from kill streak bonuses
     Increased damage done to players by all levels of LaserBazer Turrets
     Greatly reduced juice given by LazerBlazer Turret fire
     Reduced the amount of damage reduction players get while juiced
     Reduced the fire interval bonus players get while juiced
     Reduced the critical hit multiplier players get while juiced
     All maps now start with two level two Rock-It turrets
     Award players who join a game in progress start money plus round money
     Increased chat character limit
     Removed All-Star display from Lobby and Scoreboard.

    Bug Fixes
     Hit sounds are not played when shooting allied player or when shot by allied player
     Assassin cloak and uncloak sounds now only play for enemy assassins, allies will not hear these sounds
     Chat messages from WebAdmin no longer have [ADMIN] prefix so administrators can better customize the messages.
     Fixed WebAdmin's handling of player names and clan tags with invalid
  • MerlinW
    11,5€ a játék..
  • nyirog
    ejjj :\\
  • Cat 02 #139
    Akkor nem ^.^
    Bár jó lenne LAN partykra
  • nyirog
    Törttel lehet lanba játszani, mert próbáltuk haverral de nem látott minket lanba (?)
  • xxxpaulxxx
    Hát jah, már én se játszottam ezer éve:D
  • Fabio Capello
    fufufuff de rég játszottam.

    Össze kéne állni gyerekek, aztán együtt csapatni az ipart :)
  • MerlinW
    PC Product Update 7 - 4/22/11

    It’s the Throwback Throwdown in Monday Night Combat! Uncle Tully’s Funland is now available in Crossfire with new game play features! First up we have Chickey Cantor. He will now spawn in Uncle Tully’s Funland. Make Chickey fly away by shooting him and earn a big single-life buff for your entire team! Wait for Chickey to slam the ground and then you can grapple him. Ride him for eight seconds and earn big money! Just be careful, riders tend to be easy targets for enemy Pros. Secondly we’re introducing new bot spawners. These spawners have buttons for specifically spawning Jackbots, Black Jacks, Slims, Scramblers, Gremlins, Gapshots and Bouncers.
    We also focused a bit on the server side features of Monday Night Combat. We’ve included reserved slots, easier kicking and some improvements to the All Star Rating system.

    New Features
     New Crossfire Map: Uncle Tully’s Funland
     New bot spawn buttons for Uncle Tully’s Funland
     Chickey Cantor now spawns in Uncle Tully’s Funland
     New reserved slots for server admins
     New Action Menu. The Action Menu is an in-game menu for accessing buttons to easily mute players or vote to kick them.
     New animation for all Pros when they use jump pads
     Added in a new random lines from Mickey Cantor during the course of the match
     Reserved slots for players, settable by the server admin. Players are specified by SteamID in the HostileAccess.ini file; in a similar manner to how players are listed for banning. Adding an entry to the "VIPIDs" array (for example "VIPIDs=0x0110000104524662") will cause that player to be a VIP on the server. When a VIP attempts to join a full server, the server will kick the most recently joined nonVIP player to make room for the joining VIP. If a server is full of VIPs, then any incoming VIPs will be rejected as normal. VIPs must still know the server password (if any) to gain entrance. Also, if a VIP is banned, the ban will take priority over VIP status. ALSO, the cooldown period which a player who has been votekicked must wait before rejoining a server has been made configurable. The default value of VoteKickCooldown=10 (minutes) can be modified in the HostileAcess.ini. Note that a player who has been votekicked off of a server must wait VoteKickCooldown*NumberOfVotekicks minutes before being allowed to rejoin, thus further discouraging repeat offenders.

    Balance and Adjustments
     Added back the number of juice uses in the end game summary
     Adjusted the way we calculate All Star Rating
     Adjusted the key bindings screen to accommodate the new action menu
     Changed the hit sound for the cardboard tube on the Cardboard Tube Samurai skin for the Assassin
     Reduced ban time from a vote kick
     Increased height of glass barriers in Grenade III Arena

     Fixed issue where level 3 Assault charge did not deal enough grapple damage to Bots
     Fixed Sniper’s juice armor obscuring scope visibility
     Fixed high frame rates causing reduced initial movement speed
     Fixed normal maps textures on Assassin’s sword and dagger
     Fixed Assassin’s being visible at distances they shouldn’t be in maps with fog
     Players can no longer be killed after the round has ended
  • Narxis
    OMG ezek nagyon jó minőségű drogokat szívnak... :D Már szedem is az updatet. :D
  • Cat 02 #133
    Ezek nem 100asok az tuti :D

  • Zickler
    Ez igaz... én csupán azon akadtam ki, hogy a játékosok 0.0%-a ért el Über Streaket.
  • Cat 02 #131
    Lehet sokan tolják single playert, meg coopoban is rohadt gyorsan jönnek a dolgok, arról nem is beszélve, hogy turret hamar kivégzi őket.
  • Zickler
    Szerintem ezek a mérők az MNC-nél nem a legjobbak. Mert egyszerűen nem hiszem el hogy több ember ölt meg 100 000 buzzert, mint ahány összegyűjtött egy über streaket.
  • Cat 02 #129
    Most nézem, hogy olyan achivementem van ami csak 0.6 %nak van, de az 57 %os tutorial nincs meg :D

  • Cat 02 #128
    Én is csak új update óta, ami elvileg javította az erőforrás igényt :D
  • MerlinW
    Hmm én még nem tapasztaltam ilyet.
  • Cat 02 #126
    Nekem 10 perc után még mindig random lagol :/
  • MerlinW
    Monday Night Combat Updates
    PC Product Update 6 -3/25/11

    Today’s update focus is two fold. The first is iterating on and pulling back the visibility of the All Star Rating. The All Star Rating system looks at many different aspects of the player’s play and uses an algorithm to come up with a number that represents their skill level. It’s a system that fluctuates over time depending on how you play in every facet of Monday Night Combat. We will continue to improve the system over time. We also wanted to once again show player level and reintroduced that back into the UI.
    Secondly we took aim at some issues surrounding the charge abilities. We fixed several bugs with charge not doing damage, not doing knock-back, or doing knock-back when it shouldn’t. We also retuned it so to make the Ass ault have to choose whether to use it to get into combat or get out of combat, not both.

     Fixed enemy players being partially immune to head shots while using the turret purchase menu
     Fixed Assassins doing significantly more damage under certain latency situations
     Fixed Assassins doing lunge damage while dead
     Fixed enemy health bars showing while player is under effects of a smoke bomb
     Fixed Assault’s Charge not doing proper knock-back if the target is in the air
     Fixed a few instances of the Assault’s Charge doing no damage
     Fixed an issue that caused Support’s Air Strike to immediately trigger if thrown out of the world
     Fixed an issue that caused players to get knocked back and damaged from charges when they are standing behind the Assault or Tank
     Fixed explosive projectiles sometimes exploding on a client early and in the wrong location
     Fixed issue that could cause dedicated blitz servers to reach an infinitely high round number
     Fixed issue where user may be unable to purchase Juice
     Fixed issue where charges did not deal proper damage and/or knockback
     Fixed exploit allowing users to spam Tank’s Deathblossom

    Balance and Adjustments
     Reduced the recovery speed of the Assault’s Charge Skill.
     Increased the recovery speed of the Assault’s Bomb Skill.
     Normalized the speeds of the Tank and Assault charge
     Players are now awarded less money while juiced
     The Assault Bomb skill no longer recovers while the bomb is in play
     Re-added player levels in the pregame lobby
     Team split will now somewhat use All Star Rating to choose teams
     Removed All Star Rating from the scoreboard
     Enable trilinear filtering on certain texture detail settings
     Undo minor change from previous patch causing charges to feel ineffective in high latency situations
     Voice icon appears on HUD and player names change color when talking
     All Start Rating displays more detail
     Lighting updates on AmmoMule, Grenade III, and LaseRazor Arenas
     Mascot colors changed back to Green and Yellow
     Team split now accounts for All Star Rating

    New Features
     New taunts for all classes while wearing Retro or Beta Gear.
     An extra Gunner taunt with dual minigun for any gear.
  • MerlinW
    A videó a co-op-ot mutaja egy megvédendő bázissal. A PVP mutli két bázissal simán lehet olyan mint az MNC.

    MNC is Tower Defense FPS nézetben, csak ebben nem tudod terelgetni a robotokat:)
  • Fpocok
    Hmm... semmi köze a MNC-hoz.
    Amit linkeltél, az egy Tower Defense játék lesz FPS nézetben.
  • lolSL
    úgy látom ez egy hasonló game lesz, 3 hét múlva jelenik meg kb
  • lolSL
    hétfő este 7-ig ingyenesen kipróbálható a játék! + 33% kedvezmény a vásárlásra.

    steam újraindítás után game listában megjelenik és tölthető.