• Narxis
    PC Product Update 8

    New Features
     Chickey Gear for all Pros
     Added timer countdown to two minutes until end game / Overtime

    Balance and Adjustments
     Changed end game rules so that Overtime only triggers if both Moneyballs have the same health when time runs out. If Moneyball healths are not equal, whichever team has the Moneyball with higher health will win.
     Improved bot waves by increasing the speed of Blackjacks and decreasing the speed of Slims so that the Blackjacks will more often be in front of the slims, allowing them to take the brunt of the damage
     Reduced money players gain from kill streak bonuses
     Increased damage done to players by all levels of LaserBazer Turrets
     Greatly reduced juice given by LazerBlazer Turret fire
     Reduced the amount of damage reduction players get while juiced
     Reduced the fire interval bonus players get while juiced
     Reduced the critical hit multiplier players get while juiced
     All maps now start with two level two Rock-It turrets
     Award players who join a game in progress start money plus round money
     Increased chat character limit
     Removed All-Star display from Lobby and Scoreboard.

    Bug Fixes
     Hit sounds are not played when shooting allied player or when shot by allied player
     Assassin cloak and uncloak sounds now only play for enemy assassins, allies will not hear these sounds
     Chat messages from WebAdmin no longer have [ADMIN] prefix so administrators can better customize the messages.
     Fixed WebAdmin's handling of player names and clan tags with invalid