Harci helikopter szim! Remélhetőleg az nagy elődök nyomdokain!
#115 Ezentúl ezt fogják moddolni? :) Ám legyen :) A bleksárkra úgyis várunk még egy ideig.. -
#114 Biztos csak en nem lattam meg elo helit, de hogy egy sec alatt 10 x megforulok a sajat torzsem korul viszszintesen, fuggolegesen magassagot nem veszitek, barmelyik murepulot megszegyinto mutatvanyokat bemutatok... valami nagyon nem okes :)
#113 aha -
neuro #112 Még nem :)
De igazából nem látom, hogy ez a játék miért érne meg nekem 30 fontot (egyelőre). Olyan mint a BoB2: szebb grafika de ugyan azok a hibák mint voltak a régi verzióban. -
#111 gondolom megwette és kipróbálta -
#110 megvetted? -
neuro #109 20 perc repkedés után azt kell hogy mondjam, ez a játék ugyan az, ami az első rész volt csak szebb grafikával.
Szóval akinek bejöttek az előző részek ezt is szeretni fogja :) -
#108 Tényleg megjelent :) Hogy eltelt ez a két hét :)) Akkor ezekszerint csak az online rendelés marad. Azzal meg kivárok kicsit hogy legyen még akció :) -
#107 egyenlőre nincs magyar kiadóról hír.
Szóval valszeg marad a rendelés simses oldalakról vagy a letöltős változat megvétele.
Ja a g2games oldalán 30 font az ára. Most akciósan 25 font (gondolom bevezető ár) -
#106 nem tudom volt-e már
1:15 gameplay video -
#105 Ma mar megjelent, a hivatalos oldalon kint van.
Nem tudja valaki, itthon hol lehet kapni, es milyen arban? -
#104 -
kiskorúbézoltán #103 Na, én azt hiszem megvárom amíg Ti kipróbáljátok, sok mostanában a pofáraesés... :( -
#102 Végre mán : aranylemez lett. :) L_Viper nyomunk benne multit? :) Én leszek az 52essel. :P -
#101 Igen :) A hivatalos oldalon is fennt van végre a dátum. Jóó lesz :) -
#100 Én várom, szerettem az elődjét is. -
neuro #99 Május 25-én jelenik meg Európában.
[img]http://www.lockonskins.co.uk/images/news/eech2/ee2_box.jpg[/mg] -
neuro #98 Uros Rogulja (head producer for EECH2) from G2 CES accepted to use some of his time to answer to our questions.
Check-six : The first thing we noticed in the screenshots is that you have improved the graphic engine. What can you tell us about it (features, graphic effects) ?
Uros Rogulja : One of our main tasks was to improve the playing experience and the priority was on visuals. That meant that we had to make significant changes in the graphics engine. The original EECH graphics engine, from 1998, was based on DirectX 7.0. Our task was to translate it into DirectX 9.0c version, with support for Pixel shaders v2.0/3.0, reflection, specular, normal and environment maps. To solve so the called mega-terrain problem, which happens when you make more than 100.000 square kilometers of terrain, we had to make totally new terrain engine as well with very specific texturing. Also, we have improved the particle system and implemented dynamic shadows.
C6 : Except for the graphic engine, what were the priority enhancements made to EECH1 ?
U.R : Improving the graphics engine was the priority, and that is why we have made completely new, more realistic, models and textures for all objects. We have also made certain improvements in the game engine, fixed some of the bugs, and increased the overall stability. In addition, we have implemented the voice control for easier commanding of your gunner and wingman.
C6 : What version of the source code did you start working from ? Did you use some works made by the community, and if the answer is yes, which works did you use ?
U.R : We used the latest mod version of the source code (version 1.6.1 build type W5C) dated May 2, 2005 - which included most works made by the community.
C6 : Did you keep the dynamic campaign ? Did you improve it (fewer vehicles amassed at crossroads) and, if the answer is yes, what are the improvements ?
U.R : Yes, we have kept the dynamic campaign. Nonlinear mission plot and non-predefined unit behavior make the game unpredictable, tense, and out of the ordinary. We have also solved some of the AI technical problems inherited from the original, and therefore ended up with a more stable and, we hope, interesting game.
C6 : What will be the battlefields ?
U.R : The battles are situated in three different countries. Two of them, Lebanon and Taiwan, are very similar to those in the original but with changes and improvements. The third, Korea is completely new campaign. We are hoping to put out one or two bonus campaigns in the next few months, after the game has been released.
C6 : What helicopters will we be able to pilot ? Were Apache and Havok kept ?
U.R : For now, you can pilot Comanche RAH66 and Hokum KA52. We are hoping to enable through add-ons, at the minimum, Apache and Havok. Again, this will become available after the game has been released.
C6 : In the last screenshots, cockpits are not shown, what can you tell us about them ? Will each aircraft have a 3D cockpit ? Will they be clickable ?
U.R : We do have 3D cockpits but they are not clickable. Each cockpit has four MFD's showing all crucial information, from the radar screen to tactical map. Also, all indicators react on command. Throttle and stick are animated, and move as your joystick moves. We have a first person camera in the cockpit, which can move in all directions, using mouse movement and can be locked on target, if you choose so.
C6 : Was the avionics of the helicopters enhanced (radar, IR and TV sensors or engine startup operations) ?
U.R : Helicopter avionics have undergone small changes, mostly visual, such as engine starting. In the original the engine started automatically after you board the helicopter, we have made it so you have to start it yourself.
C6 : Were flights models enhanced ?
U.R : The flight models remain unchanged, for now.
C6 : As for the multiplayer mode, was it improved compared to EECH1 ? How many players can it cope with, and does it still enable to fly online campaigns ?
U.R : The multiplayer mode has undergone some changes, although nothing radical. The maximum number of players in LAN and online multiplayer is 16. We are aware that this is a limited number, but the accent was on simulation not arcade, although it s important to note that the game has both of these characteristics.
C6 : What hardware does EECH1 support (HOTAS, Track-IR, 6DOF) ?
U.R : The code has a built-in support for Track-IR but not HOTAS. However, in many cases the driver itself is enough to make it work.
C6 : What will be the modding possibilities (new terrains, aircraft, textures, etc.) ?
U.R : Currently, it is possible to change textures, campaigns and skirmishes with already existing tools. However, we will release a set of new tools for the custom terrain import, if there is enough interest from the community.
C6 : What can you tell us about EECH future ? Patches, add-ons, EECH3 perhaps ;) ?
U.R : There are several interesting options we are exploring together with our publishers. We certainly hope that the community will show a lot of enthusiasm and therefore force us (jokingly) to come up with something new. This is one of the best flight games ever and as all fans of the genre we are excited about its future.
We have already mentioned that we will be putting out add-ons after the game is released. This will too depend on how well the community received the game.
We would like to thank you and all the fans who have shown great interest in our game!
C6 : Thank you for having used some of your precious time for us and we look forward to flying your simulator. -
#97 Na ezt is megveszem mint az előzőt.
Hihetetlenül várom, hogy kijöjjön és lehessen kapni! :) -
neuro #96 Képek: -
neuro #95 Strategy First Signs New Flight Sims Sequel Enemy Engaged 2!
Montreal, Canada. March 21st, 2007 -- Software Publisher Strategy First Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Silverstar Holdings, Ltd. (Nasdaq: SSTR), announced the signing of the new flight sim title “Enemy Engaged 2”. Developed by Gameyus Interactive, the sequel is due to be released Q2, 2007.
“We are pleased to be working again with Strategy First to bring ‘Enemy Engaged 2’ to North American fans. Strategy First Inc, like Gameyus, focuses on exciting titles that provide gamers with a new and challenging experience. We believe that Enemy Engaged 2 will meet and exceed the expectations of even the most demanding flight sim fans. We invite all gamers to let us know what they think of Enemy Engaged 2, and look forward to their suggestions and wish lists for add-ons,” says Uros Rogulja, Chief Operating Officer for Gameyus Interactive.
“Enemy Engaged 2 is a very convincing and realistic chopper combat simulator. The attention to detail and authenticity is overwhelming at times. I look forward to working with Gameyus on this great project,” says Brock Beaubien, Producer at Strategy First.
Enemy Engaged 2 is the sequel to the best selling chopper classic, “Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche Versus Ka-52 Hokum”, a game that received universal praise for its dynamic and ground breaking content and continues to maintains a large player base. Released in 2000, the original Enemy Engaged set the standard for 21st century flight sims with stunningly realistic visuals and attention to detail.
Enemy Engaged 2 is set to take the series even further with new dynamic missions and a complete overhaul of graphics and audio that bring the game up to date with the latest and best flight simulations available.
Modern helicopter combat simulation with realistic flight physics.
Three exciting theaters of war with two opposing campaigns each.
Dynamic real-time battlefields. No linear mission plot or predefined unit behavior.
Over 30,000 square kilometers of flying area over Lebanon, Taiwan and Korea.
Diverse combat environments executed in lush 3D detail under a wide range of weather conditions.
Over 1,200 very detailed and blue-print precise vehicles, chosen from among proven classics in actual use in armed forces around the globe.
Use immersive voice control to command your gunner and wingman.
#94 Tuti amugy, hogy csak a grafiakai motort cserélik le. Minek változtassanak azon ami jó? Mostmár csak az a kérdés, hogy az milyen gyors és szép lesz, továbbá, lesz-e valami extra amit tudni fog majd vele, gondolok itt a sérülések modeezésére. -
#93 ajánlom :)
bár a borító hátulját nézve norm. -
#92 Szerintem az a vieo csak CGI render intro.. -
#91 gyanus nekem eza házak között üldözzük egymást :\ -
#90 Na akkor irány amoda fórumozni.
#89 Plusz az a 3 éves korosztályos besorolás is érdekes... Kezdek félni.... :D -
Ez alapján a kép alapján:
-Modern helicopter combat simulation with realistic flight physics.
-Three exciting theatres of ware with two opposing force campaigns.
-Dynamic real-time battlefields.
-Over 300,000 square kilometres of flying are over Lebanon, Taiwan and Korea.
-Diverse combat environments executed in lush detail with a wide range of weather conditions.
-Over 12000 very detailed and blue-print precise vehicles, chosen from among proven classics in actual use in armed forces around the globe.
-Use immersive voice control to command your gunner and wingman.
Továbbá van ott egy megjelenés, mégpedig 2007 márciusa... Ehez képest pár béta képtől és egy szerény trailer videóhoz képest nem sokat láthattunk... -
#87 Úristen vége a világnak... -
#86 Tokre nincs kedvem...amugy is..nem en muveltem..szoljonaz aki csinalta...es akinek fontos az EECH1. -
#85 Ezért nyitottam:) szoljál moderátornak, hogy törölhetők a HSZ-ek vagy helyezzék át őket. -
#84 En tudom hogy nem volt...de szoltam is hogy nyitni kell neki 1-et. Mert 1-2 off elmegy EECH1 ugyben..de bazz lassan 100 hsz van ebbol csak! -
#83 Mivel eddig nem volt így ime:
Enemy Engaged topic -
#82 Bazki azert siman osszehoztok 100 offtopic hozzaszolast! Mi a francert nem nyittok egy topicot neki?! Mert ennek a benazasnak aztan sok koze van az EECH2-hoz! Most majd jonnek az emberek aztan nezhetjuk a kerdeskeet hogy ez megjeleneeent mar?! meg a tobbi epuletes kerdest mert ti teleszemeltetek a topicjat egy olyan jateknak ami meg meg se jelent! -
#81 -
#80 Mail -
#79 hát ez kész, van vmi ebbe a common mappámba?
#78 Razorworks\common\data
Jaja ezek át vannak írva, akkor megint rossz térképet néztem :) -
#77 Így mindjárt más :)
#76 Ahhoz ,hogy ilyen legyen a talaj ezeket mind írd át 0-ról egyre az eech.ini-ben: