Survarium MMO
  • tutituti
    Jaj jöhetne már,illetve bekerülhetne valaki innen és így bele tudnánk nézni hogy milyen.


  • Loál János #70
  • tutituti

  • tutituti

    Megújult a honlap,végre valahogy kinéz!
  • tutituti
    Új kép
    The new "Chemical Plant" location #4
  • grebber
    Akkor bízom a csodában, hogy bekerülök a tesztbe és megláthatóm milyen lesz!
  • tutituti
    Gondolom van egy rakat fegyvered de emiatt csak minimális és szükséges cuccot fogsz majd cipelni.Ha meghalsz odamennek,"use" gomb lenyomásával meg látják nálad a cuccokat.és kiveszik ami kell.DE! nem biztos hogy ilyen lesz.Erről nem beszéltek még ha jól emlékszem.
  • grebber
    És ha meghalunk a cuccainkkal mi lesz el tudják venni tőlünk?És velünk min lesz visszarak respawnolva mint ha mi sem történt volna?
  • tutituti
    Na hát remélem ez a két lehetőség.
    Szerintem és ahogy a videókból kiderül.Adott egy lepusztult világ amolyan STALKER jellegű(mivel a fejlesztők nagy része onnan van) és vannak frakciók mint tudós,lonely wolf,bandita,ilyen olyan katonai egységek.Ezekhez csatlakozhatsz és tőlük vehetsz fel küldetéseket.Szokásos ölj le ennyit hozd le ezt,öld meg ezt.Aztán ha mákunk van és defiance vagy rift szerűen random háború is lesz.Pl te egy orosz félkatonai szervezetbe csatlakoztál kapsz egy emailt vagy bármit játékon belül hogy július 9.-én ez a csoport és az a csoport egymást támadja.Akkor menni kell és egy helyen ölitek egymást.
    Aztán lehet még olyan hogy valamelyik küldetés olyan nehézre van csinálva eleve hogy több ember kell.Így aki a guildba vagy csapatban van(klán rendszer,stb) az közösen megy be és úgy teljesíti.A végén a zsákmányt elosztva kapják meg.
    Az utolsó videóban beszéltek arról hogy az elején elég kezdetleges dolgaink lesznek így a kezdő területet elhagyni egyenlő a halállal.
    Később jobb cuccok lesznek így tovább lehet haladni.

    Ha benne lesz az is hogy barangolok csak úgy és valaki/valakik meglátnak és levadásznak elveszik a cuccom, az se lesz rossz,mert így kicsit izgalmasabbá teszi az egész küldetésesdit.
  • grebber
    Életbe nem játszottam semmiféle mmoval.Valaki világositson fel hogy ezek miről is szólnak.

    Van a karakterünk és ugyanugy csinálunk küldetéseket mint pl singlebe csak másik emberi taggal csoportokba lehet tömörülni vagy csak szimplán jön valaki és kinyír és elszedi az összes cuccom vagy hogy van ez?
  • Vamp17
    Ha esetleg Valaki kinn lenne:

    PlayIT: MMOUnion programterv!
  • grebber
    Utálom az MMO-kat ,de ez elég tetszetős lehet adok majd neki egy esélyt!
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    LEhet regisztrálni az Alpha tesztre

    Dev Diery:
  • tutituti
    két új kép!
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    Cikk a játékról!
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    Dear Survivors,

    Lately we have been receiving a lot of emails requesting to be part of the Alpha & Beta tests of Survarium. If you do not get a reply please do not take that as a bad sign. We are adding you to the list of applications. There are simply too many emails to respond to each one. Once again thank you all so much for the amazing support! You are the best community a studio could ever have!
  • grebber
    Survarium - nyílt bétateszt az év végén
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    az a baj hogy csak az interjúk vannak semmi látható dolog.
    De azért belinkelem:
  • tutituti
    nagyon remélem hogy így lesz!
  • grebber
    Survarium: from the ashes of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
  • Hexex86 #46
    Nagyon ígéretesnek néz ki!Alig várom!Stalker feeling,játékmenet,mmo-ba ültetve!Tökéletes!
  • zmok
    Jó lesz ez!
  • tutituti
    Pár ingame jelenet is van.(illetve a háttérben is mutogatnak a tájból)
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    2016. Mankind is shaken from inner controversies and problems of overpopulation, ecology, energy and economic crises. Greed and madness of corporations, devaluation, loss of landmarks, disappointment in one’s self and life become social norm.

    Ecological catastrophes lead to terrible consequences. Entire ecosystems die out, ousted by hoards of rats and parasites. Weeds infest the fields, while roads are overgrown by plants to such extremes that one has to chop their way through.

    Governments and military try burning the Forest out, but this only makes it worse. Mould, fungi and mutated greenery have almost instantly captured vast territories. Large cities are cut off by the forest overwoods, while loss of electricity from power plants leads to massive blackouts. Starvation and anarchy consume the cities.

    A large biotechnological organization produces a virus aimed at stopping the forest from spreading. The tests prove successful and the virus is scattered over huge overgrowth territories. Many sigh in relief as it looks like the ever-advancing forest has now been stopped.

    In spring clouds of anomalous pollen cover the cities, causing an epidemic of unknown malady which leads to the human body literally rotting within a day’s time. In 12 months nine-tenths of mankind perishes the world over.

    2026. Cities are destroyed and being captured by the forest. Handfuls of survivors try seeking out safe areas. We are one of them. There are no more countries or borders. Anarchy rules the world. Now everyone is out for themselves.
  • tutituti
    Van egy sanda gyanúm hogy akkor te az elkövetkező pár évben kevesebb játékra fogsz költeni:)
    Jelenleg az MMO-ban van a pénz.
    Bár nem értem mi a baj vele.Van mission is,minden ugyanolyan csak npc-ken kívül még más játékosokat is látsz.
  • cataflam02
    De miért kell mindenből szaros MMO-t csinálni ???
    Ha a Mass Effectből is MMO-t csinálnak tuti többet nem veszek meg játékot... Ez vicc...
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
  • tutituti
    Itt a faq.
    És akinek nincs facebookja
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!
    General questions
    Q: When is the game going to be released?
    A: We plan to launch the game at the end of 2013.
    Q: What does Survarium mean?
    A: Survarium means "survival zone".
    Q: What kind of game is it?
    A: Survarium is a free2play online shooter set in the near future on Earth. The game will be distributed free-of-charge by the Internet. Players will be required to download the game client and install it on their computer.
    Q: Why are you going for the MMO-direction?
    A: This is a more up-to-date game format offering a number of advantages:
    Adding new content and evolving the game has never been easier.
    Piracy protection.
    It enables the developers to establish direct contact with the players, which has a positive result on the game’s development.
    Q: Will the game require constant Internet connection?
    A: Yes. All game activity will be processed on server.
    Q: Will there be singleplayer mode?
    A: No.
    Q: How frequently will you release the Developer diaries?
    A: On a regular basis, as we progress in the development. Approximately once every 2-3 months.
    Q: Where and how will the communication and discussion of game ideas happen?
    A: At the official game web-site. We will launch a portal with description of ideas and voting.At the moment we have the following social media resources available to keep track of the news and communication:Facebook and Twitter, VKontakte, Survarium blog on Tumblr. The official forum is on our plan list, but will most likely appear alongside the game’s main web-site. ^
    Q: Will we see the reputation system? Influenced not only by kills, but also for helping out others in need?
    A: Yes. Reputation will be present in the game.
    Q: Will the in-game weapons be based on the existing prototypes or fictional ones?
    A: The main focus will be on the real prototypes.
    Q: Will there be women in Survarium?
    A: The game will allow you to play both as male or female character.
    Q: Will you be engaging beta-testers or test the game internally only?
    A: Beta test is part of our plans, so we will start enrolling volunteers to participate in beta test at some point later.
    new Q: Will you really be able to accomplish the game within such a short time?
    A: Usually this type of game is released in the marked at the Beta stage. Not the entire range of content that we have planned for years ahead will be implemented within 18 months. These are going to be the primary game modes, a certain set of in-game locations. Furthermore, we plan to extend the game by continuing to develop new modes, improving the player’s capabilities and so on. Besides, we are going to consult with the players on how and in which priority we’ll develop for the project.
    new Q: If I pay for the premium account, then what will be my advantage over the other players?
    A: By paying for the premium account you are going to obtain such things as, for example, sped-up character upgrading, extended statistics, some unique items (which though will not give you an absolute advantage over players with free accounts). The gameplay process is designed in a way to have the player’s skills play decisive role, as opposed to the skills of the character himself.
    new Q: Will there be separate locations for newbies provided?
    A: We’ll introduce an automatic match-making system for players, depending on their current level, i.e. the system will affect not only new players.
    new Q: Which play modes will there be?
    A: Currently we plan three game modes.Team combat – a mode where two teams compete. The game map has several protective device elements scattered randomly around. The players are to collect and bring those to their base within a limited time, before the deadly Storm strikes. The winner is the team which manages to deliver all the elements to their base within the given time. If none of the teams cope with the task, they both lose.Co-Operative playthrough – the player, together with his friends or random players accomplishes strings of separate missions that move the game’s storyline forward. The missions vary from research, convoy escorting to artifact searching, study of anomalies and so on. This said, the difficulty of each subsequent mission is much higher than that of the previous one, while the events of the preceding missions affect those that follow.Free-play mode – the player appears on one of the starting positions on a huge location populated by mutants and infested with anomalies. This mode enables complete freedom of action to the player – he is to decide for himself, who to help in the game, who to attack, whether he wants to be a loner or join a group with other players to survive. The filling of the map is random and depends on the actions of the players, so each playthrough will be unique and unpredictable. The goal in this mode is to survive and reach one of the level exits.
    new Q: What will happen to the player who cheats, kills other players without any reason?
    A: A system of moderation will be introduced on the servers. We also plan to integrate a system similar to 'Karma'. So, in the long run, the unruly player will be combating along with same kind of guys, while an aggressive player, accordingly, - with similarly aggressive ones.

    Q: The basis of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’s atmosphere is the story and setting. What will become of the story? A typical MMO offers practically no story component, which is the concern.
    A: Missions on cooperative playthrough (PVE) will be linked by a deep storyline.
    Q: What’s the basis of the story in Survarium?
    A: The game focuses on a mass- scale ecological catastrophe on Earth, the reasons behind it are vaguely known. Impassable woods advance onto cities from every side, maddened animals and birds attack industrial complexes, military structures, warehouses and power plants. Towns are cut off from each other, there are no water supplies, no electricity, gas and communication is lost. Countries collapse, anarchy spreads throughout the world. Now force dictates who to survive. In the meantime, new species of greenery and animals purposely destroy human civilization. Strange plants and mushrooms grow through concrete and steel. Scientists all over the world haplessly try to cope with the anomaly sprawling across the Earth with terrifying speed.
    Q: Will the storyline have logical ending?
    A: We provide for several story lines, some will end, some will emerge. Our plan is to continuously develop the story. Its branches will develop not instantly, but gradually as the game world and the player’s possibilities evolve.
    Q: Will Survarium events be directly linked with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
    A: No. We have our own story created off our experience and vision of the post-apocalyptic world. Survarium has similar spirit and offers S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-proven elements, such as anomalies, mutants, artifact and recognizable locations. It is an amazing new world, with new meanings, atmosphere and content.
    new Q: Is the completion of the story possible only in the co-op playthrough mode?
    A: The main bits of the story can indeed only be accessed from the co-operative playthrough mode, however in other modes the players will also be able to find information where they will learn something about the game world, history of a certain location etc.

    Q: How far will Survarium continue the traditions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
    A: Survarium will introduce a number of characteristic components, such as survival, anomalies, factions, mutants etc. Yet, all of those elements are going to be new, not as they were in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
    Q: Will there be in-game factions similar to those in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?
    A: Survarium will feature factions similar to the ones you already know from our previous games, but they are going to be new ones.
    Q: How many factions are planned for the game? Will it be possible to join them?
    A: There are nine factions on our plan list. Not all of them will be available to the players.
    Q: Will it be possible to create my own clan in the game?
    A: Yes, you will be able to form your own clan.
    Q: How important will real money be in the game?
    A: Real money will not be vitally important for the game, but will enable some extra features – faster leveling-up process, unique equipment, access to more detailed statistics. All the playthrough-needed content will be available in the game free-of-charge.
    Q: What’s the role of experience points?
    A: Our realistic approach has not changed. The skills of the player will still be more important than the skills of the character.
    Q: How big will the game world be?
    A: Do not expect us to deliver a seamless game world. The game will be session-based with separate locations. The size of individual locations is currently a matter we are researching in game balance.
    Q: Do you plan to make entire continents the ‘Zone’ in Survarium?
    A: According to our game’s story the ecological catastrophe has grasped the entire planet. So there are practically no safe living areas or places remaining. Therefore, part of the game’s locations will be dedicated to Europe, America and Asia. But it is a matter of future implementations…
    Q: What are your plans on locations are at the moment? If they are based on real prototypes, will they preserve their real names in-game too?
    A: We prefer to have our locations based on real prototypes. Where possible, we’ll be preserving their real names too.
    Q: Will there be vehicles in the game?
    A: Currently we do not plan such a feature.
    Q: Will the game have RPG elements?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Is it possible to implement the A-Life system in Survarium?
    A: No.
    new Q: How big will the game arsenal be? Will there be various enhancements provided?
    A: The arsenal will be quite extensive, with a focus on real existing prototypes. Enhancements are planned too.
    new Q: Will the foresight aiming system be available?
    A: Yes.
    new Q: Will there be freedom of player’s actions?
    A: Yes, sure.
    new Q: Will it be possible to change the looks and body of my character at the game’s start?
    A: We would like to implement the in-game character editor, though we are not sure it will appear at the game’s public beta stage. Most likely, we will introduce something basic with the functionality expanded subsequently.
    new Q: Will it be possible to order a real face and stature of the player for his in-game character with real money?
    A: We never thought about such a service. If players would be willing to see this function in the game, we are happy to consider.
    new Q: What kind of status will my character have initially? A newbie, supposedly? Will it be possible to instantly upgrade some of his skills?
    A: At the game start all the characters are novices with their basic skills inherent. In case you’d want to quickly upgrade your character, you can take advantage of the premium account available.
    new Q: Will the character’s backpack work similar to the one in S.T.A.L.K.E.R., in the sense of differing by weight only, or will its volume have its effect too?
    A: We will provide for different backpacks, containers etc., each with its own characteristics. Further details on this will be shared later.
    new Q: Will you enable day and night cycles in-game?
    A: We are considering the possibility of adding such function into the game.
    new Q: Will the gun lock and the bullet shell window be placed on the right side this time?
    A: We’ll do our best :)
    new Q: If the game will provide for ranks, will the Novice’s gun reloading be the same as that for a Living Legend, or will it differ (in sense of speed and dexterity) depending on the rank?
    A: The ranks will be provided indeed. We will highlight all the differences in between them at a later point, stay tuned.
    new Q: Will the protective suits/overalls and clothes be based upon real existing prototypes, as opposed to being pure designer’s creations? Will knee-pads, arm-pads, helmets, gloves, boots etc. be a separate suit option or come along with the suit?
    A: The in-game suits/overalls will generally be based upon their existing prototypes, however do not expect them to match their real-life characteristics in the game – we are not after designing a simulator-type game. The suits will have various enhancements available as options.
    new Q: Will there be a possibility to make your own stash/nook in a certain remote deadly place?
    A: No, because it will not make sense – all your 'loot' will always be with you in your game lobby.
    new Q: Will the in-game factions differ from each other?
    A: Yes, the factions will differ in every way, including their capabilities, tasks, dialogues, so cooperating with different factions in-game will evoke the player’s interest. The player will have freedom of choice accordingly.
    new Q: Where will the game’s action take place?
    A: We are still focused on the ex-USSR locale, but the global catastrophe which forms the basis of the story allows us to, theoretically, implement the locations of Moscow, Berlin, New York or any other place where people continue to survive.
    new Q: Which type of skills can we upgrade on our character?
    A: The player can improve the skills of his character along five: shooting practice (the skills of fire arms handling, aiming, reloading), physical training (speed of movement, weight carried), medical knowledge (handling medicines, stimulators), technical training (skills to handle scanners and various devices, traps, gimmicks), knowledge of new world (improved handling of anomalies, artifact).
    new Q: Will there be special skills provided?
    A: With each level-up the player receives a small passive advantage, but once in several levels he’ll acquire a new perk, such as, for example, increase of sprint time, firing sniper weapons while holding their breath etc.
    new Q: Will there be an in-game currency introduced?
    A: Yes, the player will obtain money and will be able to spend it on purchasing weapons and gear from the factions. But the assortment available will depend on the character’s reputation with each faction.
    new Q: Will there be a system of players’ statistics that displays all the game information?
    A: Yes, sure.
    new Q: Will there be professions that could be learned?
    A: We will enable different skills and options of the character’s leveling. The player will be able to choose what he likes.

    Q: What kind of music will there be in the game?A: Dark Ambient.

    Technical questions
    Q: How long have you been working on the Vostok Engine and how much more work is yet to be done?
    A: The engine has been in production since the beginning of 2012. There is still a lot of work ahead, but we believe in the experience of our programmers’ team.
    Q: How technologically up-to-date will the new engine be?
    A: The engine will be cutting edge technology, including support for DirectX 11.
    Q: What’s the approximate Internet connection speed required to play the game?
    A: We target 64 kbit download and 32 kbit upload speed.
    Q: Do you plan to release the game not only on PC, but on consoles (PS3, Xbox360) too?
    A: Not as of now.

    Q: Will it be possible to create mods based on the game?
    A: Survarium will support modification, but that which does not affect the game balance. For example, changes of the game interface. We are considering the idea of creating an in-game mod browser.
  • tutituti
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  • tutituti
    mehetne a like akinek van facebook oldala mert azt ígérték hogy 10.000 után infóáradat.
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    In-game Képek!