#1380 ^^^33333333 -
taciboy #1379 ebből mikor lesz demó? -
FerencFarkase #1378 Megtaláltam ezt a szöveget németül is. Ha jól értelmeztem a pcről itt nincs szó. Az xbox online dolgairól irnak és a fejlesztésekről. Viszont ha igy áthozzák az egészet pcre is ,akkor nagyon jó gém lesz. -
#1377 jah, kb. kevés hasonlót tudnék én is mondani. ha tudnék^^ -
#1376 From Atari Europe:
Dear Test Drive Unlimited player!
We were pleased to get your feedback after the demo 1 was released, and we’ve integrated as many feedbacks as possible in the demo 2 and the game.
We would like to do the same thing now, as soon as the game is released.
This topic is here to get your feedback about the main issues you’ve found, and to give some updates about what’s going on with TDU Xb360.
We will update this post to contain the latest information.
Update: 07/09/06
To customers who pre-ordered the game, please note that Atari is waiting for some final testing of the downloadable content from MICROSOFT. As soon as the functionality has been approved, pre-order customers will be able to unlock their exclusive vehicle in TEST DRIVE UNLIMITED on Xbox 360 from the Xbox Live Marketplace. We expect the issue to be solved by next Monday, September 11, Wednesday, September 13 at the latest. We apologize for the delay but need to ensure smooth functionality.
Update 08/09/06
We have identified the source of the problem which has led to unexpected cars appearing and progression being lost.
In order to resolve this, the E-trade system has been temporarily deactivated. You cannot currently trade vehicles with other players, although you can still sell your vehicles via the direct selling option.
The problem is being dealt with as a priority and we will let you know as soon as the E-trade system is operational again.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused
Update 11/09/06
We would like to thank all the players for playing Test Drive Unlimited and reporting issues.
Atari, Eden and Microsoft are working on a Live product update for TDU which will fix various issues found after release. We are also working on increasing the server capacity, which will improve the performance, reduce the Clubs problems and connection issues (“TDU server unavailable”). This will be done no later than the end of the week.
The main issues reported are as follows:
Problem of progression being lost
The problem occurs when you sell a house which contains a car that you’re trying to sell on the E-trade : this creates an issue and the player’s progression is lost.
In order to resolve this, the E-trade system has been temporarily deactivated. You cannot currently trade vehicles with other players, although you can still sell your vehicles via the direct selling option.
The problem is being dealt with as a priority and we will let you know as soon as the E-trade system is operational again.
Issues with CLUBS
During recent peak hours the demand on the servers reached unforeseen levels, resulting in some invitations for clubs being lost and players being unable to resend them.
We are working on increasing the server limit, as well as fixing this issue with an update. The fix will check for lost invites and allow you to re-invite a player if the invitation was permanently lost.
Connections issues (message « TDU servers unavailable »)
Players may have noticed some "TDU server unavailable" messages during peak periods. This is partly due to the number of simultaneous players growing very quickly in a short time.
We are currently tweaking our server to improve the performances, so connection issues will be greatly reduced. The extension of the server’s capacity will also help to solve these issues.
Problem in Drive-in
The game freezes when the number of custom challenges in a drive-in is above 256. This is fixed. The maximum number of available custom challenges in a drive-in is now set to 255. This is a server based fix.
The Update will increase this limit so that anyone can post a challenge anytime
Difficulty to find Friends
This is partly due to the server becoming saturated during peak hours. It will be much easier to find your friends when the server capacity is increased.
Currently filters work only on the map - they are not properly implemented while driving. This will be fixed in the forthcoming patch and players will then be able to see only their friends in the game if they wish.
There follows some additional guidelines to make playing with friends easier:
How to play with your friends:
1- The first player goes into a less densely populated area as shown on the map, then zooms in to the island. Other people that want to join him then select him from the map. Players will join a session that’s not full in this area, so the chances are high that this will be the first player’s session.
2- As an alternative, the MS game invite is a very powerful tool, and can be used from a multiplayer lobby as follows:
- create a multiplayer private session
- send an invite to your friends
- race as you want in the created session
- if you get bored of the race you're in, you can change for another one and bring the whole party with you (option available once race is over, before restarting another one)
3- Another way to play with friends is to create a club, meet at the club and start play from there.
NOTE : The first Update was released on Monday September 11 which deals with a number of issues, but does not include any of the fixes listed above.
The first Update fixes a small number of gameplay exploits (loopholes). We’ll keep you posted about the second Update.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please continue to send your feedback to Atari and thanks for playing Test Drive Unlimited.
Note from me: please stick to the topic and avoid flooding this thread with spam, unrelated comments, invitations to join clubs etc.
Please note that all European Atari forums will point to this thread.
#1375 Jó a szó tesó.
anno mikor láttam a flatout 1 demóját, vigyorogva szedtem le és haverommal tippelgettük hogy 5 vagy 10 fps lesz-e.. Erre maxon szaladt mint a bolond. -
#1374 jaja, pl Flatout 1,2
mai sz@r optimalizálatlan kiber világunkban ez a sorozat az üdítő kivétel -
#1373 szvsz bőven meg lehetne oldani lájtosabb vasakkal is. okfejtést mellőzném^^ -
#1372 ja,ha az élsimítást,meg a 8 féle efeketet bekapcsolom,akkor kell ilyen gép! :) de ha az ember tud nélkülözni,hogy akkor most nem lesz ilyen olyan cucc,akkor nem kell bevárásolni a kompúter' boltban, szerintem! én nagyon jól megvagyok a mostani géppel,bár biztos eljő' majd az idő,amikor rákényszerülök a bővítésre! -
#1371 fakanál:/ búza pc piac... pedig ehhez se kéne erőmű:/ -
#1370 Igen. Mostanában az ajánlot az a valójában ajánlott minimum... :) -
#1369 Xp megvan meg a RAm azt más nincs :F
2.8- as Intel + 1536MB RAM + Sapphrie Radeon 9600XT...
Újítani kéne... -
#1368 bocs 4200+, hülye vok ma :) -
#1367 ezen talán jól fut medium beállításokkal.. -.-
talán.. -
#1366 megvan, ajánlott:
- Pentium 4 3GHz oder AMD Athlon 64 3200+
- 1024MB/Ram
- ATi Radeon X800 Series oder GeForce 6800 Series
- Windows XP
#1365 pl. 2GB Ram, 7800GTX és két magos 3200+ proci elég hozzá? :)) -
#1364 Valahol itt a fórumban a közelmúltban leírták. -
#1363 jobb ^^ -
#1362 vajon milyen gép kell az élvezéséhez? -
#1361 Frame rate lesz csúnyább nem a graf -.- -
#1360 kár volt megnéznem a sok videót :), nagyon megtetszett. Vajon sokkal csúnyább lesz a graf PC-n? -
#1359 csak jöjjön jöjjön már, demót!! :) -
#1358 Nem semmi egy videó. egy két dolgot megtudtam belőle.pl.: ha egy kicsit is valakinek nekimész ,végigsúrolod már jönnek is a zsaruk.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idj2EUYXdZs&mode=related&search= -
Dj Toto #1357 demo mikorra várható? -
#1356 Huh alig várom ,hogy a Mclarenemmel lökdössem az előzni akaró motorosokat:D -
#1355 Uhh... hát igen:D -
#1354 mondjuk egy demó:D -
#1353 THX
Mostmár ó lenne ha a sok kép meg trailer helyett lenne vmi pikánsabb -
#1352 4 új trailer tölthető innen. -
FerencFarkase #1351 Nameg nfsben annyira sem voltak képessek ,hogy uj engint csináljanak.Szerintem még mindig a 6. rész mocija hajtja az összes részt. Nameg jó ötletek is lesznek benne. Multi részre gondolok -
FerencFarkase #1350 hát ez csak xbox verzió lehet ami átlagos, szerintem pc verni fog igy is. Lámpát lehet kapcsolni ,indexről nem tudok.De ez a gamma végre megtöri az nfs egyeduralmát. -
saba30 #1349 Érdekes, hogy a http://www.gamerankings.com/ -on nem kapott olyan kiemelkedő eredményt, átlagnál azért jobb. -
#1348 hát jaja, nincs is jobb, mikor autópályán egy ferrarival indexelsz balra belsősávban, hogy menjenek előled, utána meg elakadásjelzőzöl neki! :DSDSAS -
#1347 én is nagyon remélem hogy lehet majd -
#1346 hát az 100 hogy nem NFS:Carbon szerűen. -
saba30 #1345 én meg arra lennék kiváncsi, hogy mennyire lehet majd modolni? -
#1344 köszi -
#1343 XD egy rugó... :P -
#1342 Az egy dolog hogy a BOT az indexel, de mi valyon fogunk tudni? -
#1341 a trafficnál én is, de mi is tudunk majd vajon?