    A mostani UCAV-ok többsége azért műxik, mert az az ellenség akire támadnak, nem rendelkezik komoly elektronikai ellentevékenységi eszközökkel.

    A szerbek pl rendesen levadászták nagyrészüket, amikor ezzel támadtak az amcsik.

    "A barát-ellenség felismerés kérdésénél nagyon leragadtál. Senki nem mondta, hogy a mostani harci robotok maguk döntenek arról, kire lőnek, és kire nem. Ezek a robotok akkor tüzelnek még, ha erre utasítást kapnak a kezelőjüktől. D"

    Nem én ragadtam le, az eredeti cikknek ez volt az egyik kulcskérdése!!!!!!!
    "Nevertheless, more complex machines may soon be on the drawing board. A research request issued in August by the Pentagon's Office of Naval Research (ONR) shows that military robots are one day going to be asked to make some important decisions on their own. The ONR wants to engineer mobile robots to "understand cooperative and uncooperative" people, and inform their operator if they seem a threat. It hopes to do this using artificial intelligence software fed with data from a "remote physiological stress monitoring" system, and by using speech, face and gesture recognition. From this it would draw inferences about the threat that person poses.

    It's a prospect that is causing some concern. "It is ethically problematic to use software that may work in lab conditions but not under a whole range of extreme conditions, such as when you suspect someone might be a suicide bomber," says Kirsten Dautenhahn, an AI expert at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK.

    Lucy Suchman, an expert in human-computer interaction at Lancaster University, UK, is even more critical: "This plan is just ridiculous. It involves the worst kind of simplistic profiling. It's a fantasy on the part of technology enthusiasts within the Pentagon." Quinn, however, disagrees. The ONR is not known for wasting research dollars, he says, and what it funds usually happens � even if it is 10 years away. "Recognition technology is progressing fast. I think it will separate the wheat from the chaff," he predicts. "