• ximix #36337

    "Kigyulladt egy méregdrága BMW az Auchan parkolójában, átterjedt a tűz 4 másik autóra is, miért égnek ki a BMW-k?"

    Gazdi lehet nem vitte el a visszahívásra ?
    "The fault involves a plug connection from the wiring harness to the blower controller may deteriorate over time which could short circuit or overheat."

    Mondjuk az az igazi, amikor este lerakod a garázsba és arra kelsz, hogy ég a ház.

    "Laura Ohme's San Diego home was destroyed by a fire after her 2014 BMW X5 ignited while she says it was sitting parked and turned off in her garage."

    "Bill Macko lost his car and his home when his 2008 BMW X5 ignited in his garage."

    Utoljára szerkesztette: ximix, 2021.09.07. 10:08:56