Camelot Unchained: 2 milliót kérnek az MMO-ra
Beta 1 Begins Tuesday, July 31st, 2018! -
riviera #104 Végre pörög a fórum :D -
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ -
Ne szórakozz, akkor én kiválasztott vagyok :D -
Csak a kiválasztottak látják a képeket. :/ -
Pacho #100 LINK
Az oldal legalján van:)
De fenn vannak a képek a twitter oldalukon is. -
Ehh szerintem adblock tiltja. :( Pedig kiszedtem a szűrőt. -
riviera #98 Nálam is látszik. -
Pacho #97 Biztos? Most megnéztem másik gépről, másik böngészőről, bejelentkezés nélkül is, de nekem látszik. -
riviera #96 Kicserélték 64 bitesre a szerver kódot és ennek köszönhetően egy zóna mérete 173 km2 lett. A kari meg nem mozog gyorsabban mint a daocban :) és ami a legjobb, hogy a horizonton levő 3 pixeles játékost is látod. Remélem ez a véglegesben is így marad. -
Nem látszik a kép :( -
Pacho #94 Még csak az Alfa teszteknél tartunk, de már ilyen épületeket készítettek a játékosok:
Pacho #93 Azért szóltak előre, hogy alapvetően az engine tesztje zajlik, úgyhogy egy rakat funkció nincs bekapcsolva, és ne lepődjünk meg terrain bugokon meg ilyeneken. -
Zak #92 ja és van collision detection -
Zak #91 Én bizakodó vagyok, jó kis old school taktikázós pvp lesz ebből -
MaRee #90 Hát ez így eddig nem túl biztató, bár nyilván alfa. Csak nem tudom, lesz-e ebből valaha valami is -
Zak #89 Sziasztok! Nyomtam ma kicsit az alfát.
A mai mmokhoz képest rengeteg attribútum van, banes and boonsal pláne. Karigenerálás jó sok idő lesz :) A spellcrafting jelen formájában nekem érthetetlen, kapsz egy bazi táblázatot azt se tudod mi merre hány és egy csomó része nem műxik. A karaktermodellek és animációik vérgáz, egyértelműen kuka de nyilván ez változni fog. Van egy bazi nagy pálya és ott lehet pucéran egymást gyakni anélkül, hogy tudnád milyen fegyo van nálad mert inventory sincs még. Melee mint olyan nekem nem működött de valszeg csak én voltam béna. A combatnak, spelleknek még nincs hangja lehet ezért is olyan nehéz.
Ami a lényeg: castolához meg kell állni, nincs charge, HARD INTERRUPT, a karakterek nem 70 km/h-val futnak és nagyon nagy a látótávolság, a name plate csak nagyon közelről látszik. -
soundsonic #88 Alakul http://www.gamestar.hu/camelot-unchained-alpha-gameplay-video.html
Utoljára szerkesztette: soundsonic, 2015.04.08. 15:42:08 -
Pacho #87 -
soundsonic #86 Van valami hangulata a játéknak mint a war-nak volt? A grafika nem tűnik rossznak a képek alapján, de lehetne dark-osabb :) Nem egy theme park egyenlőre sajna
Utoljára szerkesztette: soundsonic, 2015.01.17. 03:14:39 -
amint játszható én támogatom majd őket.. de jelenleg már annyi szar pénzt költöttem el jövőbeli projektekre, hogy nem aktuális.. -
szerintem még az engine-t finomítják, a stressz teszttől még messze vagyunk. Azt mondták korábban, hogy - a phisics engine egy részet maguk csináljak egy részt licencelni fogják. Mindenképp 1000+ fős harcokra optimalizálva, cserébe aldóznak a külcsínen (pl. nem lesz blood effect) és az audio-n is. Directx 11-es comp hardverre dolgoznak. -
soundsonic #83 Ez ilyen stressz teszt féleség volt, hogy a motor bírja e a sok pléjert egy helyen? Sajnos eddig nem sokat láttam a játékból, csak ezt a két képet meg egy ilyen videót amin sokan csépelik egymást pont ezen a helyszínen. Nekem ez egyenlőre édeskevés :( -
kis ízelítő
Elso infók a viking warrioir class-ról: The Drengr
soundsonic #81 Valami értelmes gémpléj videótok nincs? a youtube-os nagyon nem nagyon győzött meg a sub-ról .. -
megújult rendesen a honlap, most már a készítők is szépen összeszedték a lényeget, nem kell Grab Bag-ből és a Hírekből kivadászni. Ajánlom mindenkinek szíves figyelmébe:
Új fajok, új boons&banes
Pre alfa teszt október 15.-én kezdődik . -
soundsonic #78 Köszike :) -
MaRee #77 Jövő februártól elvileg a támogatóknak már lesz béta, a live game-t még 2015 decemberre mondják, de csúszhat is. Mindegy, legalább nem rohannak. De azért valami kézzelfoghatót jó lenne már látni a játékból. -
próbálom rászánni magam az olvasgatásra és a fordítgatásra, de ebben a melegben nem akaródzik:)
de majd összeszedem az érdekességeket -
soundsonic #75 Na, vmi új infó? -
Remélem a Valkűrök glide-ja nem olyan lesz, mint glidion-ba (aion), mert az rohadt idegesítő volt...hanem olyam mint ami a racial bonusokba van (charge jellegu) -
úgy érzem a Storm Rider-ek közt el fog burjánzani a Star Trek-es karakter név:)
az egyetlen hivatalos (viking) class:
This class can literally scare an opponent to death. Their duality (life and death) makes them complex, and therefore easy to mismanage in battle. Their worldly actions and the pacts that they make with their Divine patron Hel, are clearly etched on their faces and bodies. Magic comes very easily to Helbound but they really shine as healers who like to mix it up in combat. Helbound are likely to be found at the forefront of battle. They tend to recover more quickly from death than the other races; unless Hel has something special in mind for her fallen devotee. -
The Arthurians fajok:
Boring by the standards of our changed world, humans have managed to overcome their “ordinary” status to rise in power alongside the newly born races. While they may not be as fire-resistant as the Dvergr or as swift as the Cait Sith, they have managed to survive and prosper even in the most difficult of times. The powerful leader of the Arthurians is, after all, human. One could argue that the humans of this Realm are more powerful than the humans of our world, yet human they remain.
This race of altered humans are proud to serve as “shock troops” for Arthur, whenever and wherever the need arises. Their culture is largely devoid of humor; they are way too serious for most other Arthurians. They are fearless in battle and are particularly resistant to any spells or abilities that seek to alter their minds. Sacrifice is nothing to them.They will readily lay down their lives for their beloved leader and Realm. Storm Riders embody the phrase, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one”.
While nobody would ever confuse these creature with the cats of our world, they do in fact share a common ancestry. The Veilstorms not only increased their intelligence, they also made the Cait Sith far more powerful then their generally lithe bodies might indicate. They are also blessed with incredibly good memories; making them adept historians. Cait Sith are fiercely unforgiving to those that seek to harm them or their kin. They distrust most of the other races, even humans, yet Arthur holds a special place in their hearts. Any Cait Sith would happily lay down its life for Arthur and those dear to him.
These former stone guardians of places eternal have come to life with a vengeance! Their stone-infused skin makes them more resistant to damage but their unusual skin tends to heal more slowly. There are apocryphal tales about how Gargoyles can be shattered by sound, which may explain their intense desire to understand how sound and music operate in this world.
The St’rm are one of the most enigmatic races of all in Camelot Unchained. Their origins are clouded in rumor and obfuscation but it is prophesied that one day their Becoming tale will be known to all. Their race is organized along matriarchal lines and there are significant gender-based differences. St’rm are elegant and graceful, though not vain, weak or shallow. Their elegance is not limited to their garments, it is in their very steps; to battle is to dance. They believe they have been placed in this world to be champions, and that nothing need stop them from looking good at the same time. -
WTB edit...
+1 The Tuatha Dé Dannan faj:
Arthur’s Stormriders may boast of their sacrifice but they do not hold a candle to that which is made by the Silverhands. These Tuatha De Danann literally and figuratively give up their right arm as a sign of their dedication to their race and to their Realm. When they come of age they undergo a procedure which results in them emerging with a silver arm instead of one of the two arms of flesh they had before the procedure began. Whether their arm is replaced by the silver arm, transformed by it or covered, none can say since nobody has ever seen one of these arms separated from a Silverhand. They truly have a love/hate relationship with The Depths. Every Silverhand lives for the day that they can either destroy that place utterly or find the final resting place of Nuada. Silverhands make great melee type players but their silver arm does also allow them to be great miners. BTW, don’t ever ask a Silverhand if they “need a hand” in jest, you won’t like the reaction. -
The Tuatha Dé Dannan fajok:
These humans are the core race of the Tuatha Dé Dannan. Bigger, stronger and faster than ordinary humans, they represent the strength of a primeval forest. Tuatha are direct descendants of their leader, though they do not lord it over other members of their race (at least not too terribly often). They love battle and are so tied to their forests that they both draw strength and suffer weakness from them. Tuatha are also known to suffer greater harm in certain seasons. Tuatha loathe natural fire and refuse to work with it in any form.
One of the strangest-looking hybrid races in the world of Camelot Unchained, this matriarchal race of the Tuatha Dé Danann are well-suited to any career. While they might not be the strongest fighters, or the most magically gifted of their Realm, their special abilities and their multi-function tail, make them a versatile companion on the field of battle or at the forge.
They are natural born thieves, small and nimble and rather skilled at crafting. Luchorpan are not natural warriors, though their racial abilities make them harder to kill than their enemy may wish. They are extremely agile and quick and over the centuries have developed a number of rather unique special abilities that help them survive in battle. Luchorpan are quite comfortable climbing almost any structure and are right at home in small spaces. There are rumors that these folk can teleport from one place to another if their need is dire.
This race has one of the most tragic origin stories in all the world. Bean Sidhe did not become what they were by a single tragedy. Rather, they were born of the extreme suffering (of mainly women) throughout the lands of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Their command and mastery of sound-based abilities is unmatched within the three Realms and their unique physicality makes them a challenging race in battle but also to command as well. -
Viking fajok:
These men and women love battle, booze and booty! In fact they are a race born and bred for battle. Their joy is raiding other Realms and setting up homesteads in foreign territories. They proudly display the most gruesome trophies of their victories; those and their scars are badges of honor in Viking culture. Any watercraft crewed by Vikings moves more swiftly and they do not suffer major speed penalties while swimming, though they drown as quickly as any other race.
This race must go berserk to reach their full potential, no matter what path they choose. Úlfhéðnar power comes at a price though; they tend to need a longer time to recover from the use of their racial abilities than other races. However, the sight of a horde of Úlfhéðnar coming over a ridge in the throes of their rage has been known to scare off the most powerful of defenders. Let us not forget to mention that their passions can run so high, that they occasionally go boom. There are even rumors that they can self-combust under certain circumstances.
This race has the most tragic backstory of any of the races in Camelot Unchained. They were born out of tremendous suffering though they have risen, literally and figuratively, above it. Valkyrie are harsh dispensers of justice yet they have a merciful streak that runs deeply through their culture. They are the authors of the Valkyric Code, one of the most important documents ever written. Some Valkyrie are capable of flight and even those who cannot truly fly, can glide. Thier wings are however quite a bit more delicate than one might expect. The males of this race tend to be a little less angry than the females but none of them are particularly fun at parties, unless you are looking for some wanton slaughter.
This is a race inspired by everything from the Viking sagas to Tolkien. Dvergr are noble, fun-loving, fierce warriors who love the smell of a good smelting in the morning yet are not particularly greedy. After all, there will always be another mine! Their stone-like skin is more resistant to certain elemental attacks but also has a tendency to shatter under the influence of a perfect storm of damage. As you might expect, they are the best miners in the world and they have some racial abilities that have to be seen to be believed. -
megint egy kis kerdezz felelek...
- lesz open beta, de nem akkora tomegekkel, mintaz mostanaban szokas...foundere+builderek+meghivottak
- lesz csapatmunka lehetoseg a siege weapon kezelesnel (ala daoc)
- Crafterek csapdakat is kepesek lesznek epiteni (hordozhatoekat pedig eladni)
- lesznek easter eggek, mint War-ban wind of chaos es Cotswold