Evoluti0N #1334 60 FPS kéne ebben generációban, aztán 120, majd 240. Ha jól gondolom, akkor a PS2 esetében 15 volt. -
#1333 60 fpstől lesz nextgen valami? oké :D -
#1332 Biztos hogy találnék mást, de akkor legalább ebbe nem tudnék belekötni. Next-gen a lófax, az. -
#1331 Vágom, én sem értem mire jó ez a fikázás, unatkoznak. Egy igazi gamernek mindegyik gépből van egy otthon. -
#1330 Aullahnak soha nem tetszik semmi. Legalábbis elsőre :p -
#1329 Nem tudom, de én össze teszem a kezem ha a gépemen stabil 30 fps lesz majd, félek erre nem fog sor kerülni. -
Evoluti0N #1328 Itt egyáltalán nem a 30 FPS-ről van szó, hanem konzolfikázó master race tagokról. Legalábbis Aullah esetében. Ha 60 lenne a frame, nem 30, akkor találni valami mást, amit fikázhatna. Hidd el. -
#1327 Néha igaz zavaró tud lenni, GTA IV és Vnél tapasztaltam.
De igazából szerintem current konzolon nem fog 30 alá esni szóval jó lesz a frém. -
Skyline #1326 Moslékfrém. Még ha stabil is lassú. -
#1325 Persze ha stabil 30. -
#1324 Amúgy mi problémátok van 30fpsel? Tökéletesen játszható. -
#1323 neogaf fórum. Valakitől aki kint volt eventen. -
#1322 El tudod mondani, hogy ez így honnan van? Fordítás miatt kérdem. -
RYO21 #1321 PS4-en fogsz vele játszani? -
#1320 the augmented reality games
#1319 Hát persze :p -
#1318 30fps gigafail -
#1317 na egy utolsó
#1316 If you came to this preview wanting some hard numbers, I can give you those. The game has 39 main missions, 93 side missions which include things like criminal contracts and fixers, 53 investigations which includes things like human traffic missions, missing persons, weapons trade, 192 collectibles across four categories and 6 minigames to partake in. The game runs in full 1080p and 30 frames per second on the PlayStation 4 -
#1315 Néhány részlet
I had to write down everything from about 19 minutes of recorded audio so please excuse me if the English isn't always perfect. Sometimes, the audio is a little distorted because of the many voices at the event so I had to improvise. There's a couple of interesting answers in this interview though, especially the extensive reply he gave to my question about the E3 2012 trailer etc.
Some general tidbits of the gameplay:
- You have your own apartment in the city with a wardrobe, bed etc. It's kinda similar to the buildings you have in GTA games
- When you hack someones phone, you can hack their bank account but you can also steal their car registry information and then you get their car delivered to you.
- When you hack certain NPCs, you'll find out they might suffer from cancer or poverty and that might make it harder to steal their money or their car from a moral aspect.
- There are clothing shops with an extensive amount of different outfits
- Driving feals great in my opinion. Could be they used some experience from Driver.
- Being chased by the cops, opening a metal gate in the distance and then driving through it while already closing it is very cool. When you manage to close it just when the police tries to enter -> pretty damn awesome when you see them getting rammed.
- Same can be said about activating bollards. No greater feeling than seeing cop cars getting pulled into the air because they were driving over bollards and I activated them right at that moment.
- You have ctOS facilities that can be compared to the forts in Assassin's Creed and the outposts from Far Cry 3. You have to collect a security key from a guard so you can enter the server room and hack it. These facilities are being protected by armored guards with guns.
- New way of stealth: You can hack a camera, jump from camera to camera till you find the security guard with the key. Hack into his phone, collect it and then jump from his phone to a different guard on patrol. When that guard enters the server room -> jump from his phone to the computer. You'll then play a small hacking puzzle. When you complete that puzzle, the building is hacked. This means you did the entire thing without doing any physical action with Aiden himself. It's pretty much digital stealth.
- You may also get sidemissions from hacking people, they're pretty dynamic. I found a guy stalking his ex-girlfriend and he was about to hurt her. I traced his location and beat him up before he could do a thing. I also discovered a rich guy who was into hentai and you could challenge him to a drinking game at the bar!
- Controls/movement feels similar to Assassin's Creed, but game itself feels very different and there is definitely more freedom
- You can listen to music everywhere, you can hack other phones for music and you can even hack the music installation in a bar. You can also customize your playlist etc
- You can also order cars through the phone. There's a pretty expansive list, ranging from cheap towncars to luxury sportcars. You unlock them through the story, challenges or by simply buying them.
Something I REALLY liked -> the augmented reality games
- You can fight against aliens in Chicago. Nothing really changes in the city, but these small augmented aliens float around, you get a special augmented reality gun and you have to shoot them down wave after wave.
- You also have Madness, which is basically Watch Dogs meets Carmageddon. I loved this. Chicago turns into some kind of hellish city, all the citizens are flaming zombies and you drive around the city with some kind of post apocalyptic car. You'll get objectives like reaching a certain killstreak, killing x amount of zombies or reaching max speed for several seconds. You have to complete these things with a timer and it gets harder, but you'll also unlock some new powers for the car.
- Another AR game is where giant golden coins appear around Chicago and you have to platform your way to collect them while avoiding large skulls. Again, you have to collecting everything under a certain time and there's awards based on your time.
- You can also control a giant armored spider and wreck havoc around town. I don't remember exactly what the objectives were, but it reminded me about Saints Row where you can drive around a huge armored tank and destroy everything. It's pretty fun.
Also tried some multiplayer races. You can race against 7 other people and EVERYONE can use hacks. So yeah, it can get pretty chaotic but I liked the crazyness of it. Someone hacking the traffic lights and seeing a bus ramming two opponents in front of you is pretty cool. You can also cause a blackout and then the entire city goes dark for a while during the race.
Loading screens were kinda long at times, both singleplayer and MP. Could be this was just the preview version though, but it did bother me at times. -
#1314 Impressions
Ubisoft really took the time to make sure Watch_Dogs would be worthy of the long wait and it shows. With much variety, tons of content and an impressive attention to detail, this is looking very promising to say the least. Is the game as beautiful as what was shown back in 2012? No, but it is nonetheless a very good-looking game which manages to maintain a 30 fps framerate in most circumstances. More importantly, the gameplay mechanics deserve high praises, to the point they even appeal to BlimBlim while he usually doesn't want to have anything to do with games that involve stealth and gunfights. If the review build can confirm all the good we've seen, then we're in for quite a ride! -
#1312 PS4es lesz csak -
RYO21 #1311 Remélem lesz közte PC-s is. -
#1310 30 perc és jönnek a preview meg videók. -
Skyline #1309 Ki hangoztatta, hagyd már abba szerencsétlen.....
//Részemről befetéma... -
#1308 Elég élőnek tűnik a város. :)
#1307 mi lenne ha az off-t befejezné mindenki? -
#1306 Furcsán értelmezed a bűn fogalmát.., -
TomDantes #1305 Mert lopni nem jogos. Ennyi. Azt hiszed te valami különlegesség vagy, akinek jogában áll lopnia? Hát nem. De warezold le, kit érdekel, de hangoztasd hogy neked jogos lopni! Világos?! -
TomDantes #1304 Nem, ilyen bűn nincs. -
Skyline #1303 Ahogyan hivatalosan az is bűn ha valamit nem tudsz visszavinni/nem tudsz továbbadni, amit megveszel. Ennyi. -
Skyline #1302 Miért ne lehetne egy érv?
EU-s jogszabályba ütközik az hogy megveszel egy software-t és nem adhatod el nem adhatod tovább, nem szóltak rá a Valve-ra...
A te logikád alapján teljesen normális az hogy veszek egy autót amit ha megunok, nem kell, nem adhatom el, a nyakamon marad, és ha szar akkor sem vihetem vissza.
Ha fröcsögés helyett picit is figyeltél volna nem warezohuszároznál meg nyomnád a maszlagot, mert leírtam, a nagy címeket megveszem csak tanulva az eddigiekből, MINDIG új accra kreálom. Az más kérdés hogy a "nagy címek" kábé éves szinten mostanra pc-n 4-5 játéknál ne több a többi max 1 végigjátszást (vagy még annyit sem ) ér. -
#1301 Lesz benne valami gagyi multi. A fő hangsúly a singlén van. -
#1300 mindenhol hallottam már a játék nevét.
ez egy multi környezetben játszható dolog lesz vagy egymagad lehet jászani?
ha multis lesz már rendelem is elő:) -
VikingPingvin #1299 Nem érveltem mellette, csak egy helyzetet írtam le, egy szóval sem mondtam, hogy a warez bármennyire is jó lenne. Az meg hogy ki mire költi a pénzét mindenki maga dönti el. -
TomDantes #1298 Ez igaz, de ez akkor se érv a warez mellet. -
#1297 *40%-át -
#1296 A képek 405át kitakarja a Heineken reklámja. :) -
#1295 Arra akart célozni, hogy ha az autót megveszed, az a tied. Ha megveszel egy szoftvert az nem lesz a tied. Használati jogot vásárolsz, de nem fogod soha tulajdonolni, ergo nem adhatod el, nem másolhatod, nem adhatod kölcsön, nem módosíthatod stb, stb.