#4748 INZAGHI: ‘Feel like my legs are strong’
MILAN - Filippo Inzaghi spoke in an interview on the Milan Channel yesterday: ‘I am doing well physically and training more now than I did in the season when I had my operation. For me it’s really important to train continuously and I have been. Right now I am happier about my condition than my goals, even though yesterday was magical. With every shot on the goal, I scored. Reggino was the first time since Ascoli that I started and played the whole 90 minutes. I also played well and scored in Ascoli. I have a lot of energy in my legs and when I feel like this then I can make things happen, just like I did in the final with Treviso at the San Siro.’ He then added about his second goal in Reggio: ‘It was a great move. Kakà did a good fake and Gilardino took advantage of it. I knew that he was further ahead and because of this I tried to stay back in my position in the penalty area. It really turned out well. For a striker it is important to feel strength in his legs and this is exactly the reason that I was able to perform.'
INZAGHI: ‘I feel at home with Milan’
MILAN - Pippo continued: ‘My team-mates did really well against Reggina. They served me up some great balls. I have always liked the rhombus formation with two strikers, I do well like this. But, this is a team where all the strikers have their chance to shine and with talent like this why not play with two strikers? Gilardino is doing really well. He doesn’t need any advice from me. We talk to each other so that we know what to do when a cross comes our way. Usually we lineup close to each other so that it is difficult for the defenders to cover the whole area when we open up. We created a lot of scoring opportunities in Reggio.’ He added: ‘You always have to keep your eye on the prize and work to overcome any difficulty. I am doing well now and I want to thank Milan for always making me feel important. I am happy to stay with Milan because this is where I feel at home. I have fun with this team. Now we have to think about preparing to the best of our ability the important game on Saturday. I still believe that we have hope for the league. Then the match against Bayern will be very difficult, but I think that Milan will be ready to face them.’
INZAGHI: ‘Bayern are a tough team’
MILAN – Pippo finished by speaking about Bayern: ‘I hope that Milan will play a good game because Bayern are a tough team. The World Cup? I hope that we will make it there. I must continue to perform as I have been and try to take advantage of the opportunities that I am given. Right now I am thinking about Milan and trying to be as ready and dangerous as I can be for this team.’ -
#4747 igaz! -
#4746 jaja bár ha nem akkor cicinho és kész -
#4745 azért a vb-ig jo lenne ha felépülne -
#4744 hát sztem nem nagyon fog ebben a szezonban már játszani -
#4743 -
#4742 Az AC Milan illetékesei bejelentették, hogy az MRI vizsgálatok szerint részleges térdszalag-szakadása van a csapat veterán védőjének, Marcos Cafunak. Miután más specialistákkal is konzultáltak, a klub orvosai úgy döntöttek, hogy a játékosnak napokon belül egy atroszkópiás műtéten kell átesnie. A beavatkozásra Brazíliában kerül sor, amelyen ott lesz Massimilano Sala is.
Forrás: acmilan.com
#4741 [nemtudta] -
#4740 na offstop :)
[gömbrágó van kékbe zöldbe pirosba fehérbe] -
#4739 nah vagyok hol is tartottunk?milyen izű a gumirágó? :ooo köv forduló otthon Cagliari meg kell hogy legyen azért hogy ne csak off legyen! :) -
#4738 Na mijeza offoslás Milánosok?,Egyébként Cagliarit verjük...Egyébként egy lol kérdés!MIjaza szvsz?:D -
#4737 hát lehet na flém off
[rágó téma mehet tovább :DDD] -
#4736 :DDDDd basznám :) bár lehet nem a Milan Fan Club topikban kéne ezt beszélni!bár te vagy a házigazda :) -
#4735 nem tom de nagy gumizik :DDDDDDDDDDD -
#4734 lál :DDDddddd jo teste van a csajnak? :P -
#4733 -
#4732 de ha megdobsz pár gömbrágoval az is megfelel! :ooooo -
#4731 lehetséges :DDDDDDDDDdd -
#4730 és én vagyok a forrás? :DDDDDD -
#4729 :DDDDDDDDDdddd nincs rá pénzem előbb szerválni kell! :) -
#4728 gömbrágós tudakozó :DDDDDDDDDDD -
#4727 mindegy tok angolul tehát nekem nem gond azé vagyok hogy segitsek :) -
#4726 Ja jól van, pm-re azt hittem hogy más :)
A pm-ről azt hittem amúgy du.-t jelent... végülis.. -
#4725 este 8:30 a pm estét jelent!magyarul 20:30 szombat -
#4724 Vagy ez lenne a 8:30? :) -
#4723 Ácsi, ez a meccs mikor lesz? -
#4721 közben meg 5 gömbrágót akarok -
#4720 kess van csak há egy gömbrágót nem tudsz belőle venni -
#4719 nincs átverés kocsog megy a telefon körbe a sport tvknek hogy nincs több Milan meccs me nincs kess! -
#4718 ok akkor veszek patront meg A/4-es lapot...1 lapra rányomok 5 dbd-ot oszt kész
#4717 heti 500ft 1 évig elég :P -
#4716 mennyi? :) -
#4715 azt nem modntam hogy ingyen -
#4714 ez nálad igy megy?akkor legyen má meleg :) -
#4713 :DDDD -
#4712 Holnapra milyen időjárást kérsz? :) -
#4711 elintéztem neked :) -