• Beers
    Tegnap ment!
  • Beers
    Meguntad a bf2-t?
    Stingerezzél ott ;)!
  • datango
    jaja ! vki ha tud indicson ma egy jo magyar servert es nyomjuk mint a regi szep idoben...!
  • schrank
    én most újrarakom a DCfinalt és mindenkit lesztingerezek a ...cibe B+
  • DannyL
    beléd is
  • Beers
  • TS Zolly
    Ááááá, talán majd máskor.
  • Beers
    Ma délután DC ???
  • datango
    igazad van !
  • Beers
    Majd helyettesítelek ;) !
  • spitfire
    Sajnos a jövő héten nem leszek,de utánna
  • datango
    kéne egy jó régi magyar server desert combatba, nem? és akkor mindenki nyomná mint a régi szép időkben...! :)
  • TS Zolly
    német szerver valamilyen siu vagy mija tököm.


    Ha ase-ba látsz minket, gyere fel ts-re is. Zuzzuk öket. Utgn is még üzi az ipart rendesen.
  • DannyL
    Hol szoktatok játszani?
  • TS Zolly
  • Beers
  • TS Zolly
  • Beers
  • TS Zolly
    Nembaj. Mi ott vagyunk bibi. Gazella, lost volmos, el a láma.
  • Beers
    Ma sem tudok menni !
  • TS Zolly
  • Murry
    Mostanában (4 napja) minden este DC-zünk, és zúzzuk a sok láma külhonit.
    Szóval ha van kedvetek gyertek fel esténként a TS-ünkre, és alázzunk együtt.
  • TS Zolly
  • Beers
    Én tegnap :)!
  • tsabi
    F7-F7 az go?régen játszottam már.:(
  • TS Zolly
    Na akkor uraim! F7-F7!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beers
    Az eredeti itt megtekinthető!

    BFRecRoom.com: In past news updates, you have mentioned that Desert Conflict will be the "Desert Combat" of BF2. Desert Combat was a radical change from regular BF42. How will Desert Conflict differ from the current BF2?

    Yithian (Code Team Lead): Weapon accuracy will be reintroduced to the game as well as much of the Desert Combat Physics concerning vehicles.

    Silversound (Coder): While the changes are significant between the game engines, we are striving to make them as close to DCbt as possible.

    BFRecRoom.com: I understand that you will be bringing us back to the sandbox of Iraq. Your recent video of 73 Hastings was really a nice treat. What other "familiar" maps can we expect to see?

    Nikko (Lead Mapper): Gazzala, El Alamein, and a map similar to Lost Village. There a few others that are possibilities but are not currently in the works.

    BFrecRoom.com: How many maps do you expect to have in your first release?

    Nikko: At least three custom plus Mods of the BF2 maps.

    BFRecRoom.com: Will you have your own original content maps too?

    Nikko: There is a possibility of one custom map in the first release.

    BFRecRoom.com: You have displayed some really nice renders of your helos. Speaking of such, can you describe how your helos will handle compared to the original Desert Combat models -vs- the current BF2 models? Will the auto hover "feature" be in your mod?

    Yithian: Since the new Game Engine has different Physics capabilities, the aircraft cannot be exact or in some ways, even close, to BF42's engine. The Helo's are the best example. The drag caused by the rotor just being attached to the model severely limits the drop of all Helo's. The reverse throttle can be used but serious issues result from it. To the average player, there would be no immediate difference.

    To those of us that play all the time in one, it will become very evident in the first few flights. We currently have no plans of a reversible engine on any Helo. No, there will be no AutoHover in DCon.

    BFRecRoom.com: You teased us with some very nice renders of the A10 Warthog. So many that enjoyed BF42 Desert Combat grew to fear the sound of an approaching A10.. Can we expect the same in Desert Conflict?

    Yithian: Be affraid, be very affraid.

    Silversound: We know the A-10 is incredibly important tp Desert Combat Players, and like the Helo's, we are putting plenty of effort into getting it to be a considerable weapon.

    BFRecRoom.com: On the weapons front, will you be bringing back user operated artillery such as the SCUD or will you continue with the Commander only option that is in BF2?

    Yithian: As it stands on the commander, we will try and have one for coordination of team efforts, but he will not have the impact in the game as he does in BF2. He will not have control of the artillery unless he mans one personally.

    BFRecRoom.com: And speaking of commander, do you have any special surprises for the commander mode?

    Yithian: None yet. Other than the loss of much of his abilities. He will still have his communications with Squad Leaders but we don't want him to have the Scan or UAV.

    BFRecRoom.com: What armies will be represented in your first release? Will more be added in the future?

    Yithian: We are going to try and change the teams to just Coalition and Opposition. It is a healthy project, and luckily, there will be an official tutorial on it soon.

    BFRecRoom.com: So many BF forums complain about the "bunny hopping" in BF2. This was not really seen on BF42's Desert Combat. Is that something you will be able to address in Desert Conflict?

    Yithian: The BF2 jump has a nice effect on the sprint bar. It can deplete the Bar rather quickly. The issue is that the lack of a sprint bar does not hinder Jumping in any way. We are experimenting with just adjusting the Jump height to keep it high enough to still clear short walls as well as to limit the number of jumps allowed per minute.

    BFRecRoom.com: Even though your Mod's name has "Desert" in it, many have wondered "what happened to the naval battles?" Any hopes of having any in Desert Conflict?

    Yithian: It is low on the list. It has been scheduled for a later release.

    BFRecRoom.com: Many players have no idea of the hard work involved behind the scenes of making a good quality mod like your team is making. How many people, hours do you have working on Desert Conflict to this date?

    Yithian: This is all volunteer work. None of us get paid, and many of us are students. We all have lives away from the game and the Mod. The team is 24 persons (not including testers) and spans nearly the entire globe. Besides the issues of time willing to spend on the Mod, there are issues with team members just having the opportunity of communicating with each other.

    The big thing to reflect on is not quantity but quality. I don’t want to have anyone push the Code team on any aspect.

    I am not satisfied until I know that I have done my best. And everyone here is dedicated to the same Goal of being the best, and setting the standard for all other Mods to match or surpass.

    There is still much work to do for the first release. And that release will be the shocker for the community. It will be the current example of how close to Desert Combat we can be.

    Please have faith and allow us time. Don't expect too much as we are teaching ourselves most of all that we can and can't do.
  • Lekai
    köszi megyek nézem őket
  • geri15
    DC serverlist [powered by BF.hu]
  • Lekai
    üdv mindenkinek

    tud valaki magyar szerver cimeket adni ???
  • TS Zolly
    Ezen az oldalon még marihonalját is lehet letölteni legálisan? Pfuj rohadt liberálisok!
  • Lekai
    probálom köszi
  • Beers
    Talán innen menni fog!
  • Lekai
    üdv mindenkinek

    tudtok olyan helyet ahonnét a DesertCombat 0.7 full installját le lehetne huzni ???

    a http://bfhelp.try.hu-ról mindig hibásan jön le
  • TS Zolly
  • Beers
    Újra aktívak vagyunk?
  • TS Zolly
    Asszem meg lehet oldani, de a PB nem szereti.
  • Axl Rose
    Nem tudtok róla, hogy be lehetne tenni különböző skineket a játékba ?
    Hogy hogy nézzenek ki, milyen színű legyen pl. a haja egy muksónak ?
  • Nem3sis At Work
    thx mindenkinek!
  • Beers
    Jaja ;) !