  • MerlinW
    Mert ez egy játék. A tüzes kard meg, meg mérgező tőr, meg a speciális képességek, eagle vision, stb nem zavarnak?:) Ha meg csak 1 fajta rövidkard lenne a játékban, az lenne a baj :) És most nem a játékot védem, lehet velem van a baj, de baromira nem értem a nosense problémáitokat :)

    - Csúnya a játék - nem tudom ti mit néztek:)
    - Kard téma kibeszélve
    - Nem változott semmit a játék - az a csaknem 40 új mechanika és újítás nem számít, hiszen már megjelenés előtt lehúzzuk a játékot :)

    Én itt is hagylak titeket, főjetek a levetekben:)

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    Settlements, building, upgrading.


    The environment and world feels much more dynamic compared to the previous two games.

    They finally fixed the one arm horse riding animation.

    Ambient Music is much more frequent and they sound as awesome as we expected it to be.

    Dodging costs stamina. No more spamming of dodges and big focus on parries.

    Refined visuals in the animus pulse/eagle pulse.

    New addition of Cinematic Camera during auto travel.

    Foliage looks way more dense and grass textures have certainly received upgrades.

    We hear some background NPCs conversations during the auto-travel, this possibly hints at dynamic events similar to rdr2.

    Don't want to mention the sound tracks again and again but the Einar Selvik voiced song playing during the assault sounds great.

    Enemies feel less spongy and the ttk is much lesser than prevoius two games.

    Such a horrid game-play showcase. The one playing this game is a very bad at it.Hence i cant judge the combat based on this specific game-play.

    Finishers with dismemberments.

    Any NPC dropped weapons can be picked up and thrown.

    Shields do break.Finally.

    NPCs drop trinkets too.

    Possible Lighting change. Night game-play looks much more immersive than previous two iterations.

    Insta-kill after perfect parry on fodder enemies? Game says this as stun-attack.

    The Conversation with the castle boss: Eivor is a different kind of viking in a sense that he/she wants to befriend the saxons and not rule over them as Eivor rescues the king of East Anglia.

    Skill Tree/Skill graph looks much more vast than any other previous AC games.(Skyrim-esque)

    Visual customization identical to odyssey is present.

    Every item can be upgraded upto 10 times(item rarity factor tho)

    Power Level replaces levelling system which is possibly similar but more deeper than God of War.

    New gear system which include various categories of stats.

    New weapon stat system which include: Attack , Speed , Impact, Critical percent.

    New gear stat system which include : Armour , Evasion, Weight .

    Fall Damage is back.

    There is now a Skill and Abilities tabs on the menu. We only see the Skills tab, which have passive stats increase and passive skills, which do not require adrenaline (like the stomp or the stun attack).

    The Skill tree and Loot were divided by 3 types: Bear (Red), Raven (Yellow) and Wolf (Blue). The gear is now colored based on one of these. Putting points on one of the branches will make their respective gear type stronger.

    Each time you spend a point on the Skills tree, you get a point in your "Power" rate. Regions have now reccomended "Power" numbers. The player was in a region with 55 as the suggested power.

    Regions seems to have 3 meters that fill up to show your progress in them: Wealth, Mysteries and Secrets.

    The Animus Pulse/Revelations Skill is back and seems to highlight enemies in red (the wolves at the beggining). It also spots plants that you can eat to recover health.

    About health, it seems like the number inside the heart shows how many "healing itens" (rations?) you have.

    You have an option to crouch while in your horse. I assume it is a stealth position while riding around, like in MGSV (but that is just my guess).

    Some houses may be entered, in the 2 villages that Eivor passes it is possible to see an interaction sign on the doors.

    The eagle pulse reveals enemy weak points. The boss Rued’s left foot was a weak point. You can see it glowing orange at a brief moment.

    Tutorials is present with Dpad down button. This either means that brotherhood or revelations-esque tutorials are back or its just the tutorial for each menu tab. (Pointed out by /u/tarund2302 )

    Utoljára szerkesztette: MerlinW, 2020.11.09. 22:18:52