• M2 #168
    "anélkül is megoldhatóak a még a nagy, nemhogy a kis szabályozási gondok"

    Nem oldhatóak meg. Nincs eszköz, aminek olyan gyors a reakcióideje, mint az akkucsomagnak.
    Itt egy gyakorlati példa, amikor 140 ms alatt beavatkozott és megmentette a gridet, mutass már egy erőművet, ami ilyen gyorsan beindul. Képtelenség.


    "On December 14, the Loy Yang coal power plant — one of the largest in Australia — suddenly went offline. In an instant, the grid shed 560 MW of electricity, enough to power 170,000 homes. 600 miles away, the Hornsdale Power Reserve battery system, as the Tesla system is officially known, kicked in within 140 milliseconds. It reacted so quickly, in fact, that the local grid operator was unable to measure the response time accurately. 100 MW of power suddenly surged into the grid, buying valuable time for other power sources to come to the rescue. Utility customers were largely unaware that anything unusual had happened. That’s how good grid batteries work."