Egosoft X4
  • Jóózsf István #4136
    Version 3.30 Beta 3 (404958) - 2020-07-09 (30MB)

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    [Beta 3] Added possibility to assign managers and ship traders to stations using Crew Transfer context menu (new feature in 3.30).
    [Beta 3] Fixed guidance wrongly jumping back from docking to scanning when creating new Signal Leaks on coffin ship in Split story mission To the Other Side.
    [Beta 3] Fixed ships armed only with missile launchers sometimes not firing when attacking capital ships or stations.
    [Beta 3] Fixed ships incorrectly staying assigned to docks, blocking them forever.
    [Beta 3] Fixed pilots unable to control their ship after being promoted in certain cases.
    [Beta 3] Fixed player looking at floor when speaking to crewman in back of current ship.
    [Beta 3] Fixed inability to use spacesuit hatch after crew transfer pod arrived.
    [Beta 3] Fixed not being able to scan data leaks on ships or data vaults (problem introduced in 3.30).
    [Beta 3] Fixed drones not being placed into unit storage after collection (problem introduced in 3.30).
    [Beta 3] Fixed pilots arriving by pod sitting down too early and being in broken state if player leaves chair (problem introduced in 3.30).
    [Beta 3] Fixed being able to assign marines that are being transferred to a boarding operation (problem introduced in 3.30).
    [Beta 3] Fixed cases of transferred crew never arriving at their destination (new feature in 3.30)
    [Beta 3] Fixed subordinate and docked ship categories ignoring Object List and Property Owned sort settings.
    [Beta 3] Fixed undo step not being added when adding new modules in station editor.
    [Beta 3] Fixed button hints not being displayed for buttons on secondary controller or joystick.
    [Beta 3] Fixed UI animations sometimes appearing to be running at very low FPS.
    [Beta 3] Fixed ships stopping as if hitting something very massive when colliding with XS laser towers.
    [Beta 3] Fixed getting stuck in transporter room on Jaguar.
    [Beta 3] Fixed several causes of crashes.