Transport Fever

  • Jóózsf István #2346
    Akinek van kedve tesztmódba kapcsolni... Bár ezért szerintem nem érdemes!

    An early version of the upcoming June game update is available for testing on Steam branch "testing":

    Version 28962 (May 19, 2020)
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    Added difficulty selection to load game dialog
    [Modding] Added (per savegame) mod settings feature (wip)
    [Modding] Added user-definable minimum radius to track type (slope still wip)
    [Modding] Added customizable factors for train acceleration/deceleration
    [Modding] Added con feature to add/remove other modules when a module is built
    Improved keyboard shortcuts: now possible to use Shift/Ctrl/Alt
    Improved keyboard shortcuts: show key bindings in tool tips
    Improved keyboard shortcuts: added more commands (construction menu)
    Improved settings menu: show warning in case of duplicate key bindings
    Improved settings menu: added button pointing to "userdata" folder
    Improved vehicle store: show whether reversible or not (vehicle config still wip)
    Improved airport: landing lights module now automatically removes opposite lights
    [Modding] Improved in-game console: cursor, selection, copy/paste, scroll to end
    [Modding] Improved console command prompt auto-completion
    [Modding] Improved scripting interface: new functionality now available under api.*
    [Modding] Improved scripting interface: added utils, resource types, mdl metadata
    [Modding] Improved scripting interface: added argument names for many functions
    [Modding] Improved error handling: show complete file name on error
    [Modding] Improved error handling while building a construction (don't crash)
    Fixed random crash in module mode
    Fixed tree highlighting in module mode
    Fixed Bombardier DHC-8-402PF animation details
    [Modding] Fixed asset categories case-sensitivity issue
    [Modding] Fixed file names cut off in Lua error messages
    [Modding] Fixed user and staging mods not recognized as mod folders (isModPath)
    [Model editor] Fixed track ballast material