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Aktív magyar szerverek:(katt ide!)
A szerverek infói bizonyos időnként frissülnek,nem mindig az aktuális állapotot mutatják!! Több részletért katt a képekre!
Szerver hozzáadása játékhoz:steam/nézet menüben megkeresni a szerverek választást,a kedvencek menüben lehet hozzáadni a szerver IP-ét,és a port-ot is,majd úgy már benne lesz a játékban a kedvenceknél! (nem mindegyik szervernél,van amelyiket csak steamból lehet indítani,ugyanott a kedvenceknél van a csatlakozás)
F.A.Q (akinek akadozik a játék)

..Akinek gyenge gépe van,vagy laggol a játéka,az válassza a launch menüben a directx10 low end graphics beállítást!
Vagy akinek még kevesebb memóriája van,az az extremely low memory-val inditsa a játékot!
SINGLEPLAYERT lehet indítani a HOST/LOCAL menüpontban,bal oldalt alul van a PLAY SINGLEPLAYER gomb!
Aki nem hajlandó rá egy vagyont fizetni,és mégis játszani akar vele,annak ajánlom az Xbox Game Pass alkalmazás letöltését,és befizetni 2 hónapra 600 ft-ot,mert így tudtok vele játszani.További hónapok,havi 4200 ft. (az alap pályával természetesen,azt nemtudom hogy a többi ingyenes pályát leszedi-e vajon)

  • Ironman2
    Current Version:

    * Minor hotfix increases the number of structures allowed within a radius from 800 to 1400. May increase it further in subsequent builds as we scale perf up.


    * Fixed two black screen cases: one was a sky lockup, the other had to do with your character getting ragdoll-teleported upon leaving the game into infinity Z position and staying there forever, preventing you from ever re-entering that server. Now you'll get teleported back to ground IF that ever happens (and it shouldn't again in any case).

    * Added a -nomansky launch argument for the game to launch without the sky system and fallback to a simple sky (which also currently makes the water turn green). Just in case anyone gets driver crashes non-stop until we have those resolved, please try that out.

    * Reduced rate of food consumption by 33%

    * Fixed Ptero throwing its rider off when it runs out of Stamina. It is supposed to force-land in that case, which it now does correctly :)

    * Megalodon saddle is now properly craftable on your player character. If you already have unlocked the Engram, you may need to respawn (die and respawn) your Survivor once to get it alas. (Fast Travel will also work)

    * Made dinos not look at the people who are riding them :-D

    * Improved the look of the Obelisks at night-time. Made the Moon bigger, because yeah. Fixed Carnotaurus rider offset.

    * Modified how some vfx draw calls are sorted for a slight perf gain.

    Note: This Client/Server build is compatible with all 171.x servers (except 171.0), but if you want the changes to Food consumption and Ptero landing and Megalodon saddle, you need to update your server to 171.3!

    Fixed (or rather, avoided) a negative delta time issue with AMD CPU's

    Made Tamed dinos not look at you unless you're pretty close nearby.
    Improved the loading screen process to cover the entirely load reasonably smoothly, also speeds up loading.

    Fixed a wrong INI file that would negatively impact framerate.

    Fixed a missing map file. Please ensure your servers are running 171.10 to avoid incompatibility.

    Old Patch Notes (171.0): http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038674193312/
    Legutóbb szerkesztette: Drake; 5 órája