Stranded Deep
  • Ironman2
    Na megjött a 0.47.2 experimental pár javítással,Unity 2017.4-es motorra való frissitésel,Linux támogatással,és zenei aláfestésekkel.Készül a játék soundtrackje is közben.(mondjuk én ki szoktam kapcsolni azt játékok közben.D)

    Starting from 0.47.00 we’ll be releasing a 64-bit Linux build along with the normal Windows and macOS builds. Support for Linux builds will be limited due to the nature of Linux and the many distros. However, the Linux community is generally a good, helpful and supportive group.
    The new Linux build has been tested working on Ubuntu 18.04 with NVIDIA 390 drivers.

    Have fun :)

    Stay Alive!
    :: Beam Team

    - Fixed Pipi Plant LOD culling distance.
    - Fixed Bush object in map editor.
    - Fixed Sharks Jumping out of the water repeatedly when unable to grab player.
    - Fixed Ambient Soundtracks playing repeatedly.
    - Fixed Seagulls soaring when taking off.
    - Fixed Fish blocking interaction when held.
    - Fixed Map Editor Objects missing textures and meshes.

    - Added new Nighttime Soundtrack.
    - Added new Daytime Soundtrack.
    - Added new Main Menu Soundtrack.
    - Added new Pause Menu Soundtrack.
    - Added new Eel Boss Soundtrack.
    - Added new Shark Boss Soundtrack.
    - Added new Squid Boss Soundtrack.

    - Upgraded Unity version to 2017.4.7f1.
    - Replaced ancient DirectX 9.0 support with OpenGL.