Stranded Deep
  • Ironman2
    Igen,az egészet átirták a 0.42-ben! Sőt a patchekben jöttek még hozzá hangok!

    - Added new Fuelling System!
    All Vehicles using combustion engines now require fuel to run. A full tank of fuel (4 potatoes) will average 4 trips to an island (there-and-back) for the Boat Motor and 2 trips for the Gyro.

    - Added Fish Flocks!

    - Added Vehicle Engine loot item.
    - Added Vehicle Electrical Part loot item.
    - Added Vehicle Filter Part loot item.
    - Added Vehicle Fuel Part loot item.
    - Added Clay Brick Door building item.
    - Added Clay Brick Steps building item.

    - Added new high quality Sound Effects!
    - Added new Axe sound effects.
    - Added new Knife sound effects.
    - Added new Stone Tool sound effects.
    - Added new Hammer sound effects.
    - Added Footstep sound effects.
    - Added Jump sound effects.
    - Added Land sound effects.
    - Added Climb Ledge sound effects.
    - Added Climb Ladder sound effects.
    - Added Climb Tree sound effects.
    - Added Swim Underwater sound effects.
    - Added Boar Movement sounds.
    - Added Boar Death sounds.
    - Added Boar Damage sounds.
    - Added Snake Attack sounds
    - Added Snake Warning Hiss sounds.
    - Added Crab Movement sounds.
    - Added Crab Attack sounds.
    - Added Shark Movement sounds.
    - Added Shark Attack sounds.
    - Added Squid Movement sounds.
    - Added Squid Attack sounds.
    - Added Eel Movement sounds.
    - Added Eel Attack sounds.
    - Added Smoker Attach meat sounds.
    - Added Campfire Ignite sound.
    - Added Campfire Extinguish sound.
    - Added Campfire Refuel sounds.
    - Added Solar Still Refill sounds.
    - Added Palm Tree Harvest sounds.
    - Added Ficus Tree Harvest sounds.
    - Added Pine Tree Harvest sounds.
    - Added Yucca Harvest sounds.
    - Added Driftwood harvest sounds.
    - Added Boat Motor sounds.
    - Added Ambient Raft sound.

    Added new Sound Effects
    Added new Coconut hit and break sound effects.
    Added new Sail and Sailing sound effects.
    Added new Eating sound effect.
    Added new Drinking sound effect.
    Added new Drinking Medical sound effect.
    Added new Shark movement sound effect.
    Added new dirt Footstep sound effects.
    Added new Seagull flock audio.