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    black-desert.com faq:

    Black Desert FAQ
    How long has the project been in development?

    Black Desert has been in development since September 2010.

    How does the combat System work?

    Black Desert will be an MMORPG action game that uses WASD keys, mouse controls or combination of both, for example:Left click: normal attack (eg. fighter swings his/her sword)

    Right click: auxillary attack (eg. fighter attacks with shield)

    W+L-click: thrust attack

    S+L-click: charge attack

    There will also be a hotbar to put skills, but Pearl Abyss has expressed the desire to offer a greater variety in combat beyond hotbars. In Black Desert, the timing of attacking, dodging, and blocking are extremely important. Pearl Abyss has developed the game so that players must have quick reactions to their enemies and play in a real-time manner.

    How many races will be available?
    There are 3 confirmed Races so far. Humans, Elves and Giants.

    How many classes will be available?
    There are eight confirmed classes at this point. Fighter, Predator, Blader, Tamer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Valkyrie, and Ranger.

    How many factions will be available?
    Black Desert has two factions: The Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia

    Will the faction matter?
    The Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia are different in climate, environment and culture. The two factions are in an endless war, but this is for story purposes. Players do not choose factions during character creation.

    Does each class have a party role?
    Actually, yes. But there will be no healing class in game.

    Will the classes be gender-locked?
    The classes will have balanced counterparts for each gender. They may vary in skills, but the concept for each class is the same.

    What type of mounts will Black Desert include? Will there be flying mounts?
    Thus far, we have seen different types of horses, elephants and tamed dogs as mounts. Pearl Abyss has stated that flying mounts will most likely not be implemented into the game.

    What is a sandbox game?

    Sandbox is a style of game in which minimal limitations are placed on the gamer, allowing the player to roam and shape the world at will. In contrast to a progression style game, a sandbox game emphasizes freedom and the task of what to do first is left entirely up to the player. Instead of featuring segmented areas or numbered levels, the player has access to the entire world from start to finish.

    What’s the maximum level a player can achieve?
    There is no level capacity, but once a player reaches level 50 they may find it very difficult to gain additional levels.

    How does the leveling work?
    Rather than gaining experience points from quests like most MMORPGs, experience comes primarily from killing monsters. Quests give separate beneficial rewards.

    How does the mount system work?
    On your mount, speed is greatly increased. You are able to jump and roam the area freely. Mounted combat is in place, meaning you don’t have to get off your trusty steed to defeat enemies!

    Are there dungeons in Black Desert?
    Yes. Black Desert will provide open world dungeons. Open world dungeons do not require any loading times.

    Can you swim?
    Yes, you will be able to swin.

    Can you do PvP in the open world?
    Yes. You will be able to kill other players in the open world, as well as disable it if it doesn’t suit you.

    What are castle sieges?
    You will be able to attack other guilds’ castles by bombarding the gates or using ladders to scale the castle wall. On the defending side, you must destroy enemy artillery and prevent players from invading.

    What are the advantages of owning a castle?
    Players who own homes must pay taxes to the guild who owns the castle of that area, bringing in a lot of income for large guilds.

    How many castles are there so far?
    Your guild can capture up to 4 castles at the moment.

    Can you farm materials?
    Yes, Black Desert will feature a typical MMORPG farming system.

    Can you improve your relationships to NPCs?
    Building relationships with NPCs is a crucial part of Black Desert. An NPC may require you to kill a mob or help with a task to gain favor with them. In turn, they can grant you access to dungeons or give you beneficial items.

    When will this game launch?
    There is no release date yet. Most likely 2014 in Korea and 2015 in EU/NA.

    Will there be a Beta?
    The third korean Beta will start this Summer. There is no information about the western Beta yet.

    What game engine does Black Desert use?
    Black Desert is using its very own game engine.

    What are the PC requirements to run Black Desert?
    There is no information about the requirements yet, but you should use a Mid-High End System to be able to run Black Desert.

    Who will publish Black Desert in Europe/North-America?

    Daum will publish the Game in the west.