Darksiders 2
  • Goo

    Köszi amit írtál!

    Arra lennék még kíváncsi, hogy a legyőzött ellenfelekből kiszakadó lelkeket láttam youtube-os videónál, még az elején tartok a játéknak. Az egy képesség, vagy csak a játék meghatározó részénél lesz látható? Szerintem ez koronázza meg legjobban a játék hangulatát, az hittem hogy csak az első részben van ilyen, eleinte sajnáltam hogy második résznél ilyet nem látok, egyébként pakkokat és az első részt majd csak jövőhéten veszem meg.

    Possesed fegyvernél ezt találtam angolul, amit lejjebb behivatkoztam. Ezzel kapcsolatban is lenne egy kérdésem ha nem gond, előre is köszi! Possesed fegyvernél képességek alakulása hogyan történik? Meghatározott szabályok szerint? Azért kérdezem mert nekem úgy tünt, hogy véletlenszerűen adagolja a képességeket. Természetesen lenti szöveget majd lefordítom, de gondoltam, hátha tudod ezekre a választ.

    "Priority levels
    #1 - Health -> Wrath -> Strength -> Arcane -> Defense -> Resistance
    #2 - Crit Damage -> Critical Chance -> Execution Chance
    #3 - Elemental Damage
    #4 - Health Per Kill -> Health On Crit -> Wrath On Crit
    #5 - Health Steal -> Wrath Steal"

    E szerint alakulnak képességek? Pl. ha nem volt health-em, akkor healthet kapok első szinten. Ha első szinten volt healthem, akkor a health-ból wrath lesz. Azt tudom hogy öt szintig lehet fejleszteni. A health steal és health per hit ugyanaz. Azt tudom hogy healt per kill azt jelenti hogy health-et kapok ha megölöm az ellenfelet, health on crit amit te is meg én is leírtam. Healt steal-nél nem vagyok tisztába.

    Arcane crit chance és Arcane crit damagage, az azt jelenti, hogy amikor kaszás formában vagyok mennyi az esélye annak hogy ilyen formában kritikus ütést ütök és ennek mekkorra a nagysága.
    Arcane és a Strengh-t hogy kötödik a Harbinger vagy a Necromancer ághoz? Ha jól értem, akkor az Arcane a szellemidéző, a strengh a fizikai sihoz kötödik, és amikor ezeket használom, akkor szintén felvetődik a kritikus ütés eshetősége és annak nagysága. Kritikus ütés ha jól értem azt jelenti, hogy a normál ütésnek kétszeresét jelenti, crit chance ennek a súlyát a crit damage ennek a nagyságát mutatja.
    Melyiket érdemes fejleszteni a harbinger-t (fiziaki sík) vagy a necromancer-t(szellemidéző)? Én mindenekelőtt harvesterer gondoltam, mert anélkül sok esetben nem megy. Skill up-oknál a szint(level)növelésének van értelme?
    Még egy utolsó kérdésem lenne? Annak van jelentősége hogy alacsonyabb szintű fegyvert használok de több a statja (wrath health resistance) mint magasabb szintű fegyvernek? Azért kérdezem mert van olyan fegyverem aminek a szintje (weapon level) csak 7-es, de több stat-tal rendelkezik, míg a nyolcas szintű fegyvernél egy stat sincsen, közönséges (common white) fegyver.
    Tudom sok kérdést tettem föl, nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítségedet és a türelmedet. Még egyszer köszi!

    Üdv. Goo

    Melléklet ign darksiders.wiki ps3trophies.org innét tájékozódom.

    "Possessed Weapon Guide
    Upgrading possessed weapons is a very easy process when you know how it functions. Every possessed weapon can have a maximum of 4 attributes applied to it. Elite weapons always have 3, rares have 2, uncommon 1, and commons have 0. However, possessed weapons will not always have attributes on them when they drop. Sometimes they have one or two, but never more than that. Because of this you must “sacrifice” items to your possessed weapons, in order for them to gain additional attribute properties as well as increase the values of the ones it already has.

    High level, high quality quality items are worth the most experience when sacrificing them. The most valuable item you can sacrifice in terms of pure experience, is a fully upgraded (max level) possessed weapon. The next best thing is an elite scythe and secondary weapon, followed by elite amulets, then elite armor. This trend persists at all rarity tiers.

    When you have sacrificed enough items to fill the experience gauge at the top right corner of the screen, the possessed weapon will level up. When this happens it will let you choose to take on the attribute properties of the items that you fed it, or increase one of the current values. The properties it takes on are in no way random, meaning if you feed a weapon nothing but critical chance and critical damage items, it will only let you choose between critical damage and critical chance as a new attribute. It is also worth noting that each of the skull icons represents one level that has been gained on the weapon. Once all five skulls are filled in you can no longer upgrade that possessed weapon, as it is essentially "maxed out".

    Each time your weapon levels up, the maximum number of attributes you will be able to choose from is 4. So if you feed it 5 different items with a total of 10 different properties, it will choose 4 of those for you to add or increase the value of. To eliminate the chance of this happening it is best to feed it only the attributes you want to add to the weapon when it levels, and nothing else.

    This guide will teach you how to eliminate randomness and ensure that you build a weapon with precisely the attributes that you want. It will also offer you tips and techniques to make the process easier in general.

    Step 1: Choosing the attributes
    Before you begin upgrading your possessed weapon you will want to pick out what attribute properties it will have. For the sake of this guide I will go through an example weapon.

    The example weapon I’ve decided to make will be a pure Necromancer/Reaper build weapon. With this type of build I want to pick out wrath steal, arcane critical damage, arcane critical, and arcane. That is a total of 4 properties that it will have. Now that I know what I want I can move on to the next step.

    Step 2: Collect items that have the properties you want
    In order to successfully build the weapon you want you must first have two things: a possessed weapon and items that already have the attribute properties you want to add to said weapon. You can find the items from chests and monsters, as well as from the vendors. Because Gilt has relatively no use, I suggest purchasing cheap items that have the attributes you want as a last resort. Or, if you have an abundance of cash buy really good items instead, because it will level the item faster. Once you have all of the items you need you can move on to the next step.

    Step 3: Save the game
    Now that you are fully prepared to upgrade your weapon you need to save the game. This is so that if for whatever reason you make a mistake or don’t get the result you want, you can quit out and start over again. No harm done.

    Step 4: Sacrificing the items
    This is a crucial part of upgrading your weapons. The key is to always add the most important attribute to your weapon first, and go in descending order from there—from most valuable, to least. The reason for this is as your weapon levels up the existing attributes will gain additional points. So, to maximize stat gains you will always put the main attribute you want on the weapon first.

    The trick to getting the attribute you want onto your weapon to begin with can be a bit complex. You will want to try your best to sacrifice no more than 4 attributes to it at a time, or make sure the priority levels are correct. That way you will always get to choose from the attribute that you want, 100% of the time.

    What I mean by priority levels is that certain statistics are weighted more than others. So, for example, if you were to put 3 attributes up against another 3 attributes, you could accurately work out what the final 4 would be on an upgrade with perfect accuracy.

    Here are what the priority levels look like for all tiers, as well as within their own tier in descending order:

    Priority levels
    #1 - Health -> Wrath -> Strength -> Arcane -> Defense -> Resistance
    #2 - Crit Damage -> Critical Chance -> Execution Chance
    #3 - Elemental Damage
    #4 - Health Per Kill -> Health On Crit -> Wrath On Crit
    #5 - Health Steal -> Wrath Steal

    Test cases:
    Spoiler! (click here to reveal)

    So if you sacrifice an item that has health/defense/resistance and an item that has shock damage/wrath steal/crit chance, you'll always end up with the following choices to choose from as a new attribute: Crit Chance, Health, Defense, Resistance.

    In addition to the above properties there are also inapplicable properties, which are ones that cannot be applied to a weapon. They are found on armor and amulet pieces. When you attempt to add one such attribute to your weapon it will instead add a completely predetermined, yet different attribute. Below is a list of such attributes as well the property that is added in its place.

    Inapplicable Attributes
    Experience=Arcane on Necromancer items, Strength on Harbringer items.
    Glit Found= Piercing Damage
    Thorns= Arcane on Necromancer items, Strength on Harbringer items.
    Wrath Cost=no attribute

    You can tell if the item is a Harbringer item or Necromancer item its name. For example, if the item has a magic sounding name like Magus, Warlock, or outright Necromancer, it is a necromancer item. If it is something like Slayer, Executioner, or Juggernaut, it will be a Harbringer item.

    To be quite honest it is best to avoid sacrificing armor whenever possible, simply to avoid the chance of an inadvertent stat property appearin"

    "Leveling up

    Darksiders II features an Action-RPG system which enables Death to earn experience from slaying enemies and completing sidequests. The experience bar is located above his health bar so you'll have a full view of his progress towards the next level. For every level up, Death gains one Skill Point. This important point can be used to enhance Death's currently unlocked skills or purchase new ones.

    Death's skill tree is divided in two: Harbinger and Necromancer. (Consult the Skills section for a more in-depth discussion of his skills and skill trees) You must carefully study the skills you want to upgrade or purchase so they can work well with your play style. It is not possible to purchase and level up all skills in one playthrough. In case you decide later on to reset your skills and recover your skill points so you can redistribute them, you must purchase a Respec from Vulgrim. This is quite beneficial if you messed up selecting the skills that you don't use often or if you want to change your Pale Rider's “build”.

    Death's attributes or stats will increase as you level up though some of them can be enhanced further by equipping various gears and weapons. Here's a quick rundown of Death's attributes:

    Health Determines how much damage Death can withstand before losing his soul
    Wrath Displays the amount of wrath Death can use to activate his skills.
    Strength This stat determines the damage Death can inflict using his weapons. The higher the value, the greater the damage.
    Defense This stat determines the damage Death can endure when hit. The higher the value, the lesser the damage he takes when struck.
    Arcane This stat shows how much Arcane damage Death can inflict while in his Reaper form.
    Resistance This determines the damage Death can endure when hit by non-physical attacks such as magical and elemental. The higher the value, the lesser the damage he takes when hit.
    Primary Weapon This shows how much damage Death can inflict with each strike using his scythes.
    Secondary Weapon This shows how much damage Death can inflict with each strike using his current secondary weapon.
    Primary Weapon Damage Per Second This determines the average damage Death's weapon can inflict per second.
    Critical Chance This is the percentage of the chance Death can trigger a critical hit on his enemies. The default value is 3%.
    Critical Damage This shows the percentage multiplier of the damage inflicted when a critical hit is landed. The default value is 100% which means double damage is inflicted per critical hit.
    Health Regen This stat shows how much health Death regenerates per second. Unless he equips a weapon or gear that provides this benefit, the default value will be zero.
    Wrath Regen Same as Health Regen but shows how much wrath Death can regenerate per second. Unless he equips a weapon or gear that provides this benefit, the default value will be zero.
    Arcane Critical Chance This shows the chance of landing an arcane critical damage while in Death's Reaper form. Default value is 3%.
    Arcane Critical Damage This shows the percentage multiplier of the damage inflicted when a critical hit is landed while in Death's Reaper form. The default value is 100% which means double damage is inflicted per critical hit.
    Execution Chance This stat shows the percentage of Death's chance to trigger an execution move against a foe. The default value is 10%, meaning he can execute 1/10 enemies."