Koreai Népi Demokratikus köztársaság(조선민주주의인민공화국 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國)
  • Rundstedt17
    "After the US failed to fulfill the terms in the Agreed Framework by supplying two light-water reactors to the DPRK as compensation for the discontinuing of Korean nuclear power, the DPRK withdrew in October 2002 from the NPT and thus restarted its own energy-producing program, and then started to recycle spent fuel-rods.

    The DPRK has a nuclear deterrence as a life-insurance to protect the motherland. The US, who put the country inside the “Axis of Evil”, and is threatening with a nuclear holocaust pre-emptive strike has created this situation and made this neccessary. The situation is no less serious because the US side has nuclear weapons and other missiles stationed in South Korea.

    The DPRK wants a peaceful solution to the nuclear standoff by having unilateral talks with the US, and that the US side signs a non-aggression treaty. The DPRK is open and ready for a switchover in the hostile policy of the US."