• [NST]Cifu
    "You have to accept what I call ‘morphing’ of the operational design to take advantage of what you learned from the [X-33]," Payton said. For NASA’s proposed Crew Return Vehicle, which the VentureStar would theoretically lift to orbit with the ISS crew, "it’s an easier design as far as simple, mechanical integration goes," Payton said."

    Forrás (ez esetben a CRV lett volna a személyzet modulja, amit a Venture Star a hátán vitt volna fel)

    Lockheed Martin plans to build VentureStars that initially carry only cargo
    and begin flights in 2005. Lockheed Martin is designing the VentureStar
    primarily to meet the needs of commercial customers who want to launch
    satellites. However, because much of Lockheed Martin’s VentureStar
    projected revenues will come from servicing the International Space
    Station, the company is exploring design modifications that would enable
    the vehicles to carry four or five crewmembers.


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