  • OKkultist
    Ez a gyengébb kivitel, van olyan is, aminek félgömb az alja, és olyan precízen van üregesre kialakítva, hogy pontosan egyenesen megáll, és ez is egy darab gránitból van kialakítva. Na azt hogy alkották meg az ősemberek? (hahaha, a gránit elég kemény anyag, és nem tudok róla, hogy titánium, vagy wolfram-karbid marókkal dolgoztak volna)

    (At least one piece is so flawlessly turned that the entire bowl (about 9" in diameter, fully hollowed out including an undercut of the 3in opening in the top) balances perfectly (the top rests horizontally when the bowl is placed on a glass shelf) on a round tipped bottom no bigger than the size and shape of the tip of a hen's egg !)

    Ez sem akármi:

    (This schist disc was discovered at Saqqara. Its purpose is only to be guessed at. It is approximately 30cm in diameter, and is only 1cm thick. It is currently on display in the Cairo museum, and is labelled as an incense container, although there is no evidence to support this. What is certain is that at this early time, stone carving is already a sophisticated skill.)
    Meg ez:

    (This Schist (slate) plate is from the 3rd dynasty. It shows the same folded corners as the disc above from Saqqara. It is currently on display in the Cairo museum.)

    Itt a többi ősember technológia