• remark #29
    "Bocsáss meg a rövid kommentjeimért, de ha már az óvodánál tartunk ez a sztori pont megállná a helyét a gyermekkori rémtörténetek közt, esetleg egy polcon a Titkok könyve és az UFO-k építették a piramisokat mellett."
    1) Nem a rovidseggel van problemam, hanem azzal, hogy ertelmes vita helyett az X-Aktakkal valo parhuzam szintjen ragadtal le.
    2) A "Nem az ovodaban vagyunk." megjegyzesemre nem vagyok buszke, de megis, annyit csak elertem vele, hogy immaron erdemben is reagalsz az irasomra...
    3) Ahelyett hogy immaron a tenyekre es ervekre helyezned a hagsulyt, a harmadik hozzaszolasod ez amiben kritizalod az altalam felhozott pontokat "X-Aktak", "UFO-k" es hasonlo, az atlagember altal a szemfenyvesztes kategoriaba sorolt dolgokkal valo parhuzammal. Ez erdemi vita helyett pocskondiazas, innen kezdve mar ne haragudj, de nem tudlak komolyan venni. Miert gondolod ugy hogy az erveid onmagukban nem alljak meg a helyuket, miert erzed szukseget annak, hogy feluteskent egy kis sardobalast is megeressz?

    A lakossag gyogyszerezeserol es az ezzel elerni kivant eredmenyrol:

    Dr. Rima Laibow, pszichologus, One Nation Under Siege film 10:12:
    'The New Freedom Commission is a federal program to mandate the bogus screening and compulsory medication of children from infancy through 18 years of age in this country. Through the use of completely inappropriate screening techniques. Any child who deviate from the prescribed feeling and thought pattern that is allowed to them will be compulsorily medicated even over the objections of their parents with dangerous unprooven and untested psychiatric medication to control their thoughts their behaviours and to impede their emotional development. This is a federally mandated program.'

    Ugyanezen film 38:05 (vagy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfAdQrKMZTU)
    'As a psychiatrist I remember very well the condemnation by the American Psychiatric Association of soviet psychiatrists and the Soviet Union for their use of psychiatric techniques and psychiatric medication to controll political dissidents. Sadly, shockingly we in the USA have become those same opressors. We now have a policy as exemplified by the FBI brochure from the phoenix office on counter terrorism which says that people who are "defenders of US Constitution against federal government and the UN" and "make numerous references to US Constitution" should be monitored as potentially murderers and fanatical terrorists by extension should be considered mentally unstable. Under the new Freedom Comission mentally unstable people must be medicated on a compulsory basis with leathal and untested but very profitable psychiatric medications.'

    FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force brosura, azaz a "terrorizmussal gyanusithato" fogalmanak ujradefinialasa:
    Ugyanerrol egy cikk:

    New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, azaz a lakossag, mentalis problemak kiszuresere valo hivatkozassal, a devianciak kiszurese celjabol torteno megfigyelesenek es a kovetendonek eloirt gyogyszeres kerzelesnek a programja:
    'The president's commission (...) recommended comprehensive mental health screening for "consumers of all ages," including preschool children. (...) Schools, wrote the commission, are in a "key position" to screen the 52 million students and 6 million adults who work at the schools. (...) The commission also recommended "Linkage [of screening] with treatment and supports" including "state-of-the-art treatments" using "specific medications for specific conditions." (...) the same "political/pharmaceutical alliance" (...) was behind the recommendations of the New Freedom Commission, which (...) were "poised to consolidate the TMAP [Texas Medication Algorithm Project] effort into a comprehensive national policy to treat mental illness with expensive, patented medications of questionable benefit and deadly side effects, and to force private insurers to pick up more of the tab".'

    A fentiek hattererol es veszelyeirol egy jo cikk:
    'Those who define mental illness and decide who is mentally ill have enormous power. Essentially anyone could be labeled "mentally ill" depending on the definitions chosen.'
    'Labeling people as mentally ill is a way of blaming individuals, parents, and families rather than social service agencies, schools, the economy and financial inequalities, racism, etc.'
    'People who are considered to be marginal or "different" are particularly vulnerable in a program such as mental health screening. Professionals are eager to force them into conventional institutions such as public schools.'

    Mentalis betegsegek megiteleserol altalanossagban:
    'Hogy mit tekintünk betegségnek az koronként és kultúránként változhat. (...) de ha valakinek olyan sajátossága van ami a többségétől eltér és megnehezíti vagy megakadályozza működését az élet különböző területein az segítségre szorul. (...) Vélekedhet valaki úgy,ez nem betegség. De ha megismerjük hogyan hat ki az életre (tanulmányok,társas kapcsolatok,munka) akkor nincs kétség,muszáj kezelni,gyógyszerrel és mellette gyakran más terápiákkal.'

    Alkalmazott gyogyszerek veszelyei "kozismertek", egy pelda:
    http://psychrights.org/Drugs/ AllenJonesTMAPJanuary20.pdf
    '... most of the new drugs have been found to cause serious, even fatal side-effects, particularly in children.'

    Egyelore ennyire volt idom, majd meg valaszolok a tobbi kerdesedre is, ha lesz tobb idom.