• Aradebil2
    egy két érdekeset kigyűjtök,hátha valaki nem akarja végigolvasni az egészet:

    Blizzard wants to ensure players have entertaining skills to use. "Less spam and more depth," says Wilson. The hotbar is important, says Wilson, because it promotes skills over potions. He says his team didn't feel like spamming potions should be a focus here. Also emphasizing easier controls to quickly swap through skills as making the game more action-focused.

    Potions are still in the game, they're just not as core an element. So there's a new health system here. Wilson says he actually tried a Halo-style shield system with regenerative health, but didn't put that in because it encouraged players to leave combat. Didn't want to implement a WoW-style health which encourages players to drink and creates downtime when out of combat. Wilson wants the health system to ensure combat, which is health globes were implemented.

    In cooperative play, when one player picks up a health globe, all players benefit from its restorative effects.

    Some monsters will miss players and get their weapons stuck in the ground. (ez oltás:)))

    Question asked about group size. Wilson wouldn't say anything specific, but did say "once you get more than four or five people onscreen, things get kind of chaotic." Sounds like it'll be around four or five limit. (ajajjjj....)

    Question about inventory size -- Wilson says a lot of improvements are going to be made like with trading and such, but no final inventory size settled upon. No grid inventory being used in this one.

    Még nem tudják hány karaktertípus lesz(akkor miért írnak 5t a hivatalos oldalra?...)

    Wilson says the witch doctor is not the evolved version of Diablo II's necromancer. (lesz még itt hely a necronak:))

    The team wants the game to be able to run on as broad a range of systems as possible. The game will not require DX10 to run. (gyenge gépek powa)