Érdekes feladványok, beszélgetések megoldásokról, pályamunkák, pályázati kiírások, határidők
  • ZilogR
    10M USD - ha nem fake, de a Google oldal szerint:


    Prizes will be distributed as follows; all prizes are in USD:

    For each of the 10 categories:

    * 1st prize: $100,000
    * 2nd prize: $50,000
    * 3rd prize: $25,000

    Overall (across all categories)

    * 1st prize: $150,000 (meaning the overall winner will receive $250,000)
    * 2nd prize: $50,000 (meaning the 2nd prize winner will receive up to $150,000)
    * 3rd prize: $25,000 (meaning the 3rd prize winner will receive up to $125,000)

    In addition, attendees of selected developer events will be provided with devices intended for use in developing submissions for ADC 2.

    jahh, már vége van... :(((