• Dzsiti999
    Keanu Reeves fogja játszani a Herceget...

    Jordan Mechner wrote:
    "We chose Keanu because he looked almost exactly like the Prince I originally wanted in the movie. Plus, he is already buffed up from his Matrix time, so that'll be cheaper for our Martial Arts instruction team.

    That's right: MARTIAL ARTS.
    Not only will Keanu write the Prince's dialogue himself, in the way that he sees fit, there will also be slow-motion wire-fu battles, plus the half-naked ladies we saw in the rather excellent Warrior Within.

    I always liked that game better, especially since that was the game I had the most influence on. Sadly, the Sands of Time was too kiddy, so we needed to inject at least SOME of the more Mature Warrior Within atmosphere in it to make an eventual sequel possible.

    I'm thinking about replacing the Prince with Harrison Ford or either Morgan Freeman in the next movie.

    Why, you ask?
    They both have years and years of being hunted behind them, unlike Keanu, who just had a really, really sucky haircut.

    Hope to have answered some of your questions with this e-mail!

    Kind Regards,
    Jordan Balthasar Edwin Mechnerwinkel."