Neumann János, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein
  • ultron9
    " hogy cooper-párok adják a foton tömegét."
    "Photons inside superconductors do develop a nonzero effective rest mass; as a result, electromagnetic forces become short-range inside superconductors."
    "Higgs explains at the outset that the phenomenon of a gauge boson acquiring a mass via sym-metry breaking “is just the relativistic analog of the plasmon phenomenon to which Anderson hasdrawn attention: that the scalar zero-mass excitations of a superconducting neutral Fermi gas be-come longitudinal plasmon modes of finite mass when the gas is charged"

    "the symmetry is spontaneously broken by condensation, and the W and Z bosons acquire masses. "

    "The Higgs mechanism occurs whenever a charged field has a vacuum expectation value. In the nonrelativistic context, this is the Landau model of a charged Bose–Einstein condensate, also known as a superconductor. "

    semmi gond, humanoid...lool