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  • ximix #94719
    Sok oldalt lehetne teleírni a háború és annak következményeivel.

    Ami elsőre furcsa volt, hogy a nyugat semmi "Putyin, ácsi beszéljük meg" és a béke felé tereljék a dolgokat, hanem azonnal "küldjük a fegyókat és intézzük a megszorításokat" vonatra pattantak fel.
    Egyrészről érthető, hogy Oroszország meggyengítése az számukra jól jönne, de nyugaton is ürülnek a raktárak azért és az elküldött technikák helyett ripsz- ropsz nem kapnak elő 250 Abramst, tippre évek mire az utcsót is leszállítják, így ez fegyverrel segítség kétélű karddá tud válni és lesz egy határ ami alá nem mennek a segítő országok és onnantól Ukrajna bajban lesz, ha oroszoknál még raktár számra állnak a fegyverek.
    Nem tudom mennyi fegyó lehet oroszoknál, de azt mind láttuk, hogy több évtizedeken át a katonaság volt a fő prioritás az országban, inkább egy tankkal több, mint egy utat kijavítottak volna.

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    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    - damaging it and causing ammo to cook off
    - note that a Czech RPG-75M appears to fail to function correctly
    - location near Velyki Prokhody, Kharkiv Oblast(50.191504, 36.317673)

    Ugyan az a videó
    WarLeaks - Military Blog https://youtu.be/scwCGABmRo4
    "Video from a group of English speaking Ukrainian Foreign Legion fighters operating with the Ukrainian Kranken Group shows the men conducting an ambush on a Russian BTR north of Charkiv.

    The video was filmed with a helmet cam attached to one of the fighters and also with a drone filming the scene from above.

    The men are seen sneaking on to the BTR through nearby woods before engaging the vehicle with anti-tank weapons from a relatively short distance.

    After the ambush the men assumed the vehicle was still active and decided to pull back to avoid further contact.

    The drone video however shows the vehicle pulling back in to the woods aswell for the same reason.

    Another scene of the footage shows it being destroyed then afterwards."

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    Így elsőre nem tűnik termobárikus bombának

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has accused 'Russian Armed Forces of blasting Ukrainian positions with thermobaric warheads' as the MoD calls on NATO to urgently supply them with similar weapons.

    The Ukrainian MoD said the Russians used a TOS-1 multiple rocket launcher to strike at Ukrainian targets near Novomykhailivka in the eastern region of Donetsk Oblast.

    The 30-barrel or 24-barrel multiple rocket launcher, mounted on a T-72 tank chassis, is capable of firing thermobaric warheads, a type of explosive that uses oxygen in the surrounding area to generate a high-temperature blast.

    The MoD also called Russia’s invasion the “largest and most horrific war of the 21st century” and appealed to NATO to supply them with similar Multiple Launch Rocket Systems as a matter of urgency.

    The Ukrainian Defence Ministry said on 26th May: “Russian TOS-1s shelling Ukrainian positions near Novomykhailivka, Donetsk region.

    “This is what the largest and most horrific war of the 21st century looks like. Ukraine is ready to strike back. To do this, we need NATO-style MLRS [Multiple Launch Rocket Systems]. Immediately!”


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    A hk. nem tudom túl élte-e, ( a 3. után még működni látszik), de egy csöppet berágott páncéltörős emberkékre.

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    "Aerial video released on May 18 by a Ukrainian military unit operating in Kharkiv shows Ukrainian troops firing anti-tank weapons at a Russian T-80BVM tank north of Pytomnyk, a town just six miles from the Russian border in Kharkiv Oblast.

    The video shows a Russian battle tank on a rural road with sparks and smoke emanating from its rear right side, indicating it was already damaged. The tank’s gun fires into a field to its east at unknown targets.

    At a T-junction about 1,200 ft (371 meters) up the road, a Ukrainian soldier appears, crouches, and fires a weapon toward the tank.

    The tank swivels around and accelerates toward the junction. The soldier retreats into bushes and the tank fires at him, but misses its target.

    The tank continues forward and, as it passes through the T-junction, comes under fire to its west before exiting the roadway and into bushes and trees lining the road. It turns its gun around to take another shot at the soldier fleeing to the east, but misses again."